ahill2 Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 Στο φυλλάδιο πάντως που αναφέρεται σε ΟΛΑ τα καταστήματα, έχει με 299 ευρώ τα 30GB και με 399 ευρώ τα 60GB. Μάλιστα δίνει κωδικούς για το προϊόν και για τα 2 χρώματα (μαύρο και άσπρο). Το περίεργο είναι ότι σε ένα κατάστημα που ρώτησα δεν είχαν ιδέα για το νέο iPod... :confused: @ ahill2: Τι εννοείς με αυτό που έχω τονίσει με bold; Το 60άρι υπάρχει σε μαύρο στο Mall; Κι αν είναι παραεισαγωγή, τι πειράζει; Δε σε καλύπτει ο Κωτσόβολος με εγγύηση; Δεν πειράζει απο την στιγμή που η apple έχει δώσει το οκ σημαίνει ότι έχει περάσει τα τεστ πάντως μαύρο δεν υπάρχει ούτε για δείγμα.Μόνο σε ipod nano έχει μαύρο,η τιμή είναι 294 και 392 στο κατάστημα. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
furious_angel Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 να κανω 2 ερωτησεις? 1)δεν βλεπω φορτιστη στο πακετο αρα υποθετω πρεπει να αγορασω>ποσο παει το μαλι?? 2)δεν βλεπω ουτε καποια θηκη για προστασια της οθονη που τοσο εχω ακουσει.υπαρχει καταρχην η θα παει η γρατσουνια συνεφο??? Παράθεση http://www.myphone.gr/mp1/support/myphoneuser.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
stereo Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 να κανω 2 ερωτησεις? 1)δεν βλεπω φορτιστη στο πακετο αρα υποθετω πρεπει να αγορασω>ποσο παει το μαλι?? 2)δεν βλεπω ουτε καποια θηκη για προστασια της οθονη που τοσο εχω ακουσει.υπαρχει καταρχην η θα παει η γρατσουνια συνεφο??? 1) 32 Ευρώ (να ένας). Αλλά φορτίζει και από τον υπολογιστή με το καλώδιο που σου δίνουν (το οποίο συνδέεται και στον πιό πάνω φορτιστή) 2) τα μεγάλα έχουν. τα nano δεν έχουν (αν και όσα κυκλοφορούν πλέον στο εξωτερικό έχουν, τι γίνεται εδώ δεν το γνωρίζω) Παράθεση http://imagegen.last.fm/Silver3rows/recenttracks/stereo-d.gif http://mon.otonous.info Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
furious_angel Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 1) 32 Ευρώ (να ένας). Αλλά φορτίζει και από τον υπολογιστή με το καλώδιο που σου δίνουν (το οποίο συνδέεται και στον πιό πάνω φορτιστή) 2) τα μεγάλα έχουν. τα nano δεν έχουν (αν και όσα κυκλοφορούν πλέον στο εξωτερικό έχουν, τι γίνεται εδώ δεν το γνωρίζω) thanks για τα info.δηλαδη δεν υπαρχει κατι για να το προστατευσω...? Παράθεση http://www.myphone.gr/mp1/support/myphoneuser.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
ahill2 Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 thanks για τα info.δηλαδη δεν υπαρχει κατι για να το προστατευσω...? Εχει μια θήκη μέσα στο πακέτο που κάνει για λίγο καιρό μέχρι να πάρεις μια καλή θήκη ,αλλά δεν έχω δεί καμία θήκη ακόμα ελλάδα. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Flamenerve Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 Δεν πειράζει απο την στιγμή που η apple έχει δώσει το οκ σημαίνει ότι έχει περάσει τα τεστ πάντως μαύρο δεν υπάρχει ούτε για δείγμα. Χμμ, ακόμα δεν κατάλαβα τι εννοείς... :p Τα iPod του Κωτσόβολου είναι εισαγωγή από κάποια χώρα του εξωτερικού (π.χ. Γαλλία) ή προέρχονται από διαφορετικό εργοστάσιο από αυτά που φέρνει η Rainbow; (π.χ. η εισαγωγή της Rainbow είναι made in USA, του Κωτσόβολου made in China; ) Μέσα στην εβδομάδα θα χτυπήσω το 60άρι, μη χτυπάω και το κεφάλι μου μετά επειδή γλίτωσα 70 ευρώ, αλλά έχασα σε ποιότητα κατασκευής... :( Btw, το είδα σήμερα στο Media Markt και είναι πάρα πολύ ωραίο!!! Το 30GB πανάλαφρο και υπερβολικά λεπτό, το 60GB λίγο βαρύτερο και παχύτερο, αλλά και πάλι πολύ μικρό κι ελαφρύ σε σχέση με τα περισσότερα MP3 players με HD (προηγούμενης γενιάς τουλάχιστον)! :X Επίσης το άσπρο χρώμα είναι ωραίο πάνω στο νέο iPod, οπότε σκέφτομαι να το πάρω σε άσπρο, καθώς έχει και το πλεονέκτημα ότι δε φαίνονται οι δαχτυλιές (όσοι έχουν PSP θα με καταλάβουν... ;)). Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
stereo Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 Όλα τα iPod είναι designed by apple in california (αλλά made in... αλλού!). Προφανώς εννοούσε ότι αφού είναι προϊόν Apple, όποιος και να το φέρει, μια χαρά θα είναι. Έτσι κι αλλιώς και η rainbow μη νομίζεις ότι τους κάνει κάτι ιδιαίτερο. Πόσο το είχε το Media Markt btw? Παράθεση http://imagegen.last.fm/Silver3rows/recenttracks/stereo-d.gif http://mon.otonous.info Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Flamenerve Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 Πόσο το είχε το Media Markt btw? 465 ευρώ το άσπρο 60άρι και το άσπρο 30άρι γύρω στα 350, δε θυμάμαι ακριβώς... :O Πάντως κι εκεί είχε σε μαύρο μόνο το Nano. Όλα τα iPod είναι designed by apple in california (αλλά made in... αλλού!). Είναι όλα όμως made σε ένα εργοστάσιο; Ή τα x εκεί, τα y αλλού; Αυτό με καίει... :( Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Muck Smith Δημ. November 28, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 28, 2005 Δεν γνωρίζω το συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο, αλλά δοκίμασε το κολπάκι να το βάλεις σε άλλη θύρα usb. Επίσης αν χρησιμοποείς καλώδιο προέκτασης usb, αφαίρεσέ το και βάλτο κατευθείαν στη θύρα. Παράθεση τα καλύτερα είναι... δίπλα σας πρώην συντονιστής συζητήσεων στα fora Windows Phone και Digital Gadgets[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
ariadgr Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Δεν υπάρχουν iPods Α' και Β' διαλογής, ανάλογα με το αν τα φέρνει η Rainbow η όχι :lol: :!: Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
ahill2 Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Όλα τα iPod είναι designed by apple in california (αλλά made in... αλλού!). Προφανώς εννοούσε ότι αφού είναι προϊόν Apple, όποιος και να το φέρει, μια χαρά θα είναι. Έτσι κι αλλιώς και η rainbow μη νομίζεις ότι τους κάνει κάτι ιδιαίτερο. Πόσο το είχε το Media Markt btw? Το mediamarkt 339 kai 475 ,o κωτσόβολος στο νέο εμπορικό και μόνο εκεί το ξαναλέω τα έχει 294 και 392 αντίστοιχα μέχρι τις 3/12 απο εκεί και πέρα όλα τα ipod περνάνε έλεγχο κατασκευής απο την apple οπότε ακόμα και made in tibuktu να είναι παραμένει ipod απλά είπα οτι είναι μάλλον δικιά τους εισαγωγή γιατί κανονικά κανείς(απο τα καταστήματα) δεν ξέρει σε ποιό εργοστάσιο τις apple είναι φτιαγμένο το ipod ή οποιοδήποτε hardware. Μην περιμένεις μια βδομάδα γιατί θα δώσεις 83 ευρό παραπάνω μιας και όλοι το 60άρι το δίνουν 475 ευρο. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
furious_angel Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 παιδια το πλαισιο εφερε και νανο στα 4giga με 239 ευρω. http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Catalog_Id=15&Secton_id=4443699&Product_Id=296751 Παράθεση http://www.myphone.gr/mp1/support/myphoneuser.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
stereo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Τι έγινε ένα ένα τα προσθέτουν; Κάθε F5 και νέο iPod? Τώρα λέει ότι έχει ΚΑΙ άσπρο ΚΑΙ μαύρο, και 30άρι και 60άρι, 299 και 399 τελική αντίστοιχα!!! http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296779&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296788&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296795&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296806&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 *runs to Plaisio* update: *τηλέφωνο σε Πλαίσιο Καλλιθέας* Ο διάλογος μεταφέρεται αυτούσιος: - 'Γεια σας μήπως έχετε τα νέα iPod των 30 γίγα;' - 'Ναι φυσικά και έχουμε, σήμερα μας ήρθαν τα νέα iPod της Sony' - 'Ναι, της Apple είναι τα iPod, σας ήρθαν της Αpple;' - 'Βγάζει και η Apple iPod;' - 'Ναι, βασικά μόνο αυτή' - 'Να σας πω, μας ήρθαν της Sony και μια άλλη μάρκα από Α' - 'Μπορείτε να δείτε παρακαλώ;' .... *ιδρώτας* ... - 'Ναι ναι ήρθαν, είναι τα iPod της Acer' - 'Της APPLE ήρθε τίποτα;' - 'Όχι, μόνο όσα σας είπα' - 'Ευχαριστώ πολύ' Παράθεση http://imagegen.last.fm/Silver3rows/recenttracks/stereo-d.gif http://mon.otonous.info Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Guest valeria Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Τι έγινε ένα ένα τα προσθέτουν; Κάθε F5 και νέο iPod? Τώρα λέει ότι έχει ΚΑΙ άσπρο ΚΑΙ μαύρο, και 30άρι και 60άρι, 299 και 399 τελική αντίστοιχα!!! http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296779&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296788&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296795&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296806&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 Να'σαι καλά για το post,χάρη σε σένα είδα ότι φέρανε επιτέλους τις θήκες για το nano!!! :up: Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Muck Smith Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 .... *τηλέφωνο σε Πλαίσιο Καλλιθέας* Ο διάλογος μεταφέρεται αυτούσιος: - 'Γεια σας μήπως έχετε τα νέα iPod των 30 γίγα;' - 'Ναι φυσικά και έχουμε, σήμερα μας ήρθαν τα νέα iPod της Sony' - 'Ναι, της Apple είναι τα iPod, σας ήρθαν της Αpple;' - 'Βγάζει και η Apple iPod;' - 'Ναι, βασικά μόνο αυτή' - 'Να σας πω, μας ήρθαν της Sony και μια άλλη μάρκα από Α' - 'Μπορείτε να δείτε παρακαλώ;' .... *ιδρώτας* ... - 'Ναι ναι ήρθαν, είναι τα iPod της Acer' - 'Της APPLE ήρθε τίποτα;' - 'Όχι, μόνο όσα σας είπα' - 'Ευχαριστώ πολύ' Κ-Ο-Ρ-Υ-Φ-Α-Ι-Ο :lol: μου έφτιαξες την ημέρα :lol: Παράθεση τα καλύτερα είναι... δίπλα σας πρώην συντονιστής συζητήσεων στα fora Windows Phone και Digital Gadgets[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Επισκέπτης Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Τι έγινε ένα ένα τα προσθέτουν; Κάθε F5 και νέο iPod? Τώρα λέει ότι έχει ΚΑΙ άσπρο ΚΑΙ μαύρο, και 30άρι και 60άρι, 299 και 399 τελική αντίστοιχα!!! http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296779&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296788&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296795&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 http://www.plaisio.gr/IWCatProductPage.process?Section_Id=4443699&Nav_Section_Id=779&Catalog_Id=15&Product_Id=296806&Merchant_Id=1&sts_cid=3 *runs to Plaisio* update: *τηλέφωνο σε Πλαίσιο Καλλιθέας* Ο διάλογος μεταφέρεται αυτούσιος: - 'Γεια σας μήπως έχετε τα νέα iPod των 30 γίγα;' - 'Ναι φυσικά και έχουμε, σήμερα μας ήρθαν τα νέα iPod της Sony' - 'Ναι, της Apple είναι τα iPod, σας ήρθαν της Αpple;' - 'Βγάζει και η Apple iPod;' - 'Ναι, βασικά μόνο αυτή' - 'Να σας πω, μας ήρθαν της Sony και μια άλλη μάρκα από Α' - 'Μπορείτε να δείτε παρακαλώ;' .... *ιδρώτας* ... - 'Ναι ναι ήρθαν, είναι τα iPod της Acer' - 'Της APPLE ήρθε τίποτα;' - 'Όχι, μόνο όσα σας είπα' - 'Ευχαριστώ πολύ' LOL! :lol: Profanws h lexi iPod kathierwthike gia na perigrafei ola ta mp3 players! Opws palia legane Sportex ola ta athlitika paputsia! :worry: :blink: Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
stereo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 ...κανονικά κανείς(απο τα καταστήματα) δεν ξέρει σε ποιό εργοστάσιο τις apple είναι φτιαγμένο το ipod ή οποιοδήποτε hardware... Πολύ σωστά. Είναι γνωστό άλλωστε ότι τα εργοστάσια της Apple που φτιάχνουν iPods βρίσκονται όλα στην άπω Ανατολή. Οπότε απ'όπου και να το πάρεις το ίδιο είναι. Επίσης να πούμε ότι όλα τα νέα iPods (nano και 5G) έχουν Ελληνικά μενού από το εργοστάσιο, δεν τα βάζουν μετά εδώ. Παράθεση http://imagegen.last.fm/Silver3rows/recenttracks/stereo-d.gif http://mon.otonous.info Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
VeCo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Λοιπόν, λόγω και της μείωσης των τιμών των iPod, αποφάσισα να προχωρήσω στην αγορά του μοντέλου των 30GB. Οι τιμές που έχω βρει είναι: 299 στο Πλαίσιο, shop21 359, 359 επίσης και στον Παπασωτηρίου. Δεν έχω βρει ακόμη τιμές για Κωτσόβολο, Media Markt, FNAC. Όποιος μπορεί να βοηθήσει, τον ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων. Υ.Γ. Γιατί τόσο χαμηλή αυτονομία; :( Παράθεση This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England... William Shakespeare: King Richard II Act 2, Sc 1 London is a state of mind Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
stereo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Λοιπόν, λόγω και της μείωσης των τιμών των iPod, αποφάσισα να προχωρήσω στην αγορά του μοντέλου των 30GB. Οι τιμές που έχω βρει είναι: 299 στο Πλαίσιο, shop21 359, 359 επίσης και στον Παπασωτηρίου. Δεν έχω βρει ακόμη τιμές για Κωτσόβολο, Media Markt, FNAC. Όποιος μπορεί να βοηθήσει, τον ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων. Υ.Γ. Γιατί τόσο χαμηλή αυτονομία; :( Για τιμές διάβασε τα προηγούμενα posts και θα δεις. Βασικά μόνο το Πλαίσιο και ο Κωτσόβολος στο The Mall το είχαν κάτω από 300 τελική. Αυτονομία: είναι χαμηλή για συνεχόμενο playback video, είναι μια χαρά IMHO για οτιδήποτε άλλο. Παράθεση http://imagegen.last.fm/Silver3rows/recenttracks/stereo-d.gif http://mon.otonous.info Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
VeCo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Αυτονομία: είναι χαμηλή για συνεχόμενο playback video, είναι μια χαρά IMHO για οτιδήποτε άλλο. Συγνώμη, οι 14 ώρες είναι για playback video; Θέλω να πω, σε mp3 playback, είναι μεγαλύτερη η αυτονομία; Παράθεση This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England... William Shakespeare: King Richard II Act 2, Sc 1 London is a state of mind Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
stereo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Συγνώμη, οι 14 ώρες είναι για playback video; Θέλω να πω, σε mp3 playback, είναι μεγαλύτερη η αυτονομία; 14 ώρες για μουσική (αν και αυξάνονται ελαφρά αν δεν το ενοχλείς συνέχεια - και αντίστοιχα μειώνονται ελαφρά αν το ενοχλείς. Αυτό συμβαίνει επειδή διαβάζει τα επόμενα 25 λεπτά μουσικής για να τα βάλει στη μνήμη του για skip protection και για να μη λειτουργεί συνεχώς ο δίσκος) 3 ώρες για φωτογραφίες με μουσική μαζί 2 ώρες για video Αυτά για το 30άρι, για το 60άρι είναι αντίστοιχα 20, 4 και 3 ώρες Παράθεση http://imagegen.last.fm/Silver3rows/recenttracks/stereo-d.gif http://mon.otonous.info Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
VeCo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 14 ώρες για μουσική (αν και αυξάνονται ελαφρά αν δεν το ενοχλείς συνέχεια - και αντίστοιχα μειώνονται ελαφρά αν το ενοχλείς. Αυτό συμβαίνει επειδή διαβάζει τα επόμενα 25 λεπτά μουσικής για να τα βάλει στη μνήμη του για skip protection και για να μη λειτουργεί συνεχώς ο δίσκος) 3 ώρες για φωτογραφίες με μουσική μαζί 2 ώρες για video Αυτά για το 30άρι, για το 60άρι είναι αντίστοιχα 20, 4 και 3 ώρες Δηλαδή την καλύτερη αυτονομία όλων των iPod την έχει το 60άρι... Παράθεση This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England... William Shakespeare: King Richard II Act 2, Sc 1 London is a state of mind Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
stereo Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 Ναι γιατί το 60άρι έχει μεγαλύτερη μπαταρία. Παράθεση http://imagegen.last.fm/Silver3rows/recenttracks/stereo-d.gif http://mon.otonous.info Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
nikosxeng3 Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 IPOD 1/2 @ 42 € Universal Dock carries the same A/V mini jack to RCA, rear S-Video, data, and audio output ports, but includes two new features. First is an infrared port on the dock’s front, for use with the optional infrared remote controller, Apple Remote. Five adapter plates for 3G, 4G, and mini iPods included, while 5Gs and future iPods come with their own adapters. @19 € remote control @19 € AV Cable for show on TV @19 € Griffin iTalk microphone @33,3 € iPod USB PowerAdapter (USB 1.1 maybe CAN 'T CHARGE) < - - @ 23 € Apple AV cable @ 29 € Camera Connector like previous iPods, can import digital photos directly from a camera or card reader. Since FireWire has been dropped, the Belkin Media Reader does not work, leaving Apple's Camera Connector. We assumed this was a glorified Dock-to-USB adapter, but it's not: as soon as we plug it in, iPod wakes from sleep and goes to the Photo Import screen. The screen displays "Connecting" for a few seconds, then "no card inserted" until we connect a camera or USB card reader. @ ? € QT Pro 7.03 ƒFIRST TIME CONNECTED ASK FOR TRANSFER SONGS AUTOMATIC? - - - SAY NO - - - ƒmyst be enabled as an external disk ƒalways FIRST EJECT then disconnect In the Box -iPod -Earbud headphones -USB 2.0 cable -Dock adapter for use with Universal Dock -Case -Quick Start guide -Features guide -CD with iT 6.01 for Mac and Windows (System requirements: Win2000 SP4 or WinXP SP2; Mac OS X 10.3.9) -2 Apple stickers >Updated: 12/10/05 >Click Wheel 38.10 mm >sound quality excellent. Music is clear,with very solid bass and crisp highs >show title artist album 26 characters >syncs with Outlook(Win) / Outlook Express(Win) / iCal(Mac) >MK6008GAL Toshiba 60GB 1.8" HDD >PP5021 PortalPlayer Decoder/SoC >BC M2722 Broadcom Video decoder/processor >K4S56163PF Samsung SDRAM 256 MB >64 MB of Samsung (534K9WAG08U1M) SDRAM >WM8758 Wolfson Microelectronics Audio codec >LTC4066 Linear USB Power Manager/ Li-Ion Battery charger >LM34910SD National Step Down Switching Regulator >TEA1211 Philips DC/DC converter with I 2C Interface >SST39WF800A Silicon Storage Technology Parallel Flash - 8MB >PCF50607 Philips Power Management Unit >CY8C21 Cypress PSoC Mixed Signal Controller - Touch Pad >magic transfer rate 3,5-10,9 MB/sec (USB 2.0) >The LCD is now covered by a hard, clear resin instead of the plastic LCD cover of previous models. This will prevent LCD damage and makes for a clearer looking screen >Repeat one or all >9 lines of text >on-screen lyric display is supported, and the text is more readable than before >the screen looks best when its about 30 cm from eyes - in my case about the same distance as reading material. >out-of-the-box formatted as FAT32 (Win) >There 20 preset listening modes, so we think most users won't miss a customizable equalizer.The bass booster provides enough extra depth for thundering bass such as that found insome electronic music,though we heard significant harmonic distortion on the low end that noticeably altered the music. But the so to choose from depending on the genre of music you listening too >10,4 x 6,1 x 1,4 εκ >157 g >Rate songs (1 to 5 stars) >hold button to lock the Click Wheel >world clocks two time zones(the clocks turn black when it is night time in that particular locale while remaining white during the daytime in another locale) You can also set alarms in various time zones , set the clocks to change at Daylight Saving Time (or not, if you're into that sort of thing) and sleep timers in different cities, displays the time in analog ordigital >Stopwatch (saves your stopwatch stats for multiple sessions , even after you exit the stopwatch) it can record lap times as well,and then saves them a long with a date and time stamp. When you go back and view your recorded times, it also shows you-your shortest, longest, and average lapin addition to your total time and individual lap times >You can't add videos to On-the-Go playlists, though. A subtle but wonderful change it took a while to notice : the new iPod remembers where you previously were in the menu hierarchy. Previous iPods did, as well, but only one level back. If you were in a specific playlist, then backed out to the top menu, iPod would remember your location inside the Playlist, but if you went into another menu branch, it would forget your location. The 5G iPod remembers your location in each branch. >Noise Defect: Gone. In the first ofthree key audio improvements we’ve noted, the 4G iPod’s infamous hard drive and static noise audiodefect is now gone in 5G. Initially obvious in black-and-white 4G iPods, the noise had become hard to notice in color4G iPods unless using high-end headphones. Now, even using $900 Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pros, the noise isn’t there >movies created in iMovie are supported as well.. >Bass Performance: Improved. The second ofthree key audio improvements is thatthe 5G’s bass response has definitely improved over the color4G. Audiophiles have previously lamented a lackof“bass power” in earlier iPods, as well as readily apparentdistortion when the iPod’s “Bass Booster” equalizer is turned on. In testing with a collection of lossless tracks andthe UE-10 Pros, small but noticeable enhancements ofthe bass are definitely apparent, giving tracks an inoffensively warmersound. With Bass Booster turned on, distortion is not absent in the 5G, but is definitely lower, and has a smoother, less mechanical edge >Piano Solos: Clean. The third ofthree key audio improvements is what appearsto be a completefixfora “piano solo distortion” issue in 4G iPods recently identified by iLounge readers. Previously, in certain tracks, distortion (a light sizzling) could be heard around the silent edges of piano notes. Comparativetesting with one ofthe sample identified pianotracks ("Bladiator") shows that the distortion has been completely eliminated >equalizer (off/ Songs retain their settings) >ID3 tags >Music can besorted by playlists, artist,albums,songs and genres >On the Go playlists >Album art is displayed next to the track information >screen lock >photos JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PSD (only for MAC) and PNG >32MB Samsung SDRAM >262k color, 320x240 2.5" backlight >οριζοντια οθονη.. >Battery life (20 hrs music /4 hrs slideshows & music / 3 hrs 23 min video) and Charges on USB >Dock connector, stereo minijack, composite video and audio through minijack >USB 2.0 Mass Storage Device Brick (Breakout), Parachute, Solitaire,and Music Quiz,the latter of which is my favorite. Arandom clip ofasong is played, and you have to quickly guess which song it is before the time runs out >the faster you spin the wheel, the faster the song list scrolls >calendar, contacts, & memos >Text αρχεια ανοιγουμε... >Windows XP SP2, MacOS 10.4.x >Audio formats : 20Hz to 20,000Hz, AAC (M4A, M4B, M4P / 16 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iT Music Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3 and 4), Apple Lossless , AIFF. podcasts and WAV >because screen it’s extremely bright and very sharp, it looks bigger than it is >In additionto appearing in your Videos library, music videos appearas songs in your audio music library, and play back there in audio-only form. They’re indicated with video icons. Clicking through with the center button gives you a single still image fromthe video (generated by iT), not the full video. you can watch the video, or play justthe song fromthe video. Which is nice because you can add the song to your On-The-Go playlist for example. >To set iTunes to let you manage songs on iPod manually: 1 Open iTunes and select iPod in the Source list. 2 Click the Options button and click Music. 3 Select "Manually manage songs and playlists." Note:When you manage songs yourself,you must manually eject your iPod from iTunes before you can disconnect it. >Video FPS: Over 30fps is Possible. Video playbackappears not to be capped at 30fps (frames per second) as suggested bythe new iPod’s technical specifications - rather, the iPod’s limitations appearto be bitrate and bandwidth. We were surprisedto discover that QT Pro 7.03 hadtaken a 50fps original video and created an “iPod ready” 46fps video from it. The video then played back on the iPod at something equal or close to 46fps certainly higher than 30fps. How? It was formatted for 320x180 rather than the iPod’s 320x240, 30fps maximum, and QT Pro 7.03 Protookadvantage of its extra capacity fora higher framerate >320 Is Better Than 480 - on iPod’s Screen. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, videos in 320-pixel MPEG-4 formatare noticeably superiorto ones created in 480-pixel MPEG-4 formatwhen viewed on the iPod’s screen. Because the screen doesn’t havethe pixels to display all the detail ofthe 480 version, the iPod scales it down, creating a slightly softer image in the process, and onethat is not as smooth in framerate, either. The 320-pixel versions lookcrisper becausethey have been optimized on a per-pixel basis forthe iPod, and smoother because the iPod’s processordoesn’t have to waste power andtime resizing every frame >new photo transition effects do in fact include realtime 3-D. Cube effects, derived from iPhoto forthe Mac, are simple but do look nice. Pageflip looks even better >The case of the device is nice and attractive, to be sure, but I've never really had any issues with the thicker 40GB model I carry almost every day >Hard Drive and Power Management. Even morethan in the past, the iPod’s hard drive appearsto be very aggressively trying to managepower consumption byturning on and off only as absolutely necessary. You’ll hear physical clicks when this happens, as with earlier iPods, but not in the headphones. It’s unknown what impact, if any, this will have on the drive’s longevity, or whether Apple worked with its hard drive supplier to anticipate this, as constant running ofolder iPods’ hard drives was said to be an easy way to burn them out. On a side note, video playbackfromthe hard disk is not instantaneous: it takes around 5 seconds fromthe initial click of your button to start a clip playing >Shows include no commercials. You can play back the episodes as often as you like, on up to five computers or an unlimited number of iPods >The iPod’s Screen: Comparatively More Detailed than Many Screens. Thanks to ourown Jerrod Hofferth, we have a preliminary DPI table comparingthe 5G iPod’s screen DPI (dots per inch) to that of other iPods and noteworthy devices. Why does this matter? It explains why the iPod’s screen looks so detailed by comparisonwith most other devices you’re accustomed to using. The higher the DPI number, the more detail is packed into every inch of screen size. Apple Cinema Display 20”: 99.05dpi (20” screen) Apple Cinema Display 30”: 101.6dpi (29.7” screen) Original Black and White iPods (1G-4G): 102.4 dpi (2” screen) Apple iPod mini: 105.7 (1.67” screen) Sony PlayStation Portable: 128dpi (4.3” screen) iPod photo/color/4G: 141 dpi (2” screen) iPod nano: 147 dpi (1.5” screen) iPod 5G: 160 dpi (2.5” screen) Creative Vision: 216dpi (3.7” screen) Is detail reallythat important? Depends on your perspective, and other factorsare important, too. For example, we feel pretty certain that the iPod’s smaller, lower-resolution screen will be liked by more people than the Zen’s bigger, higher-detail screen because of viewing angle alone. >plays .m4v (Apple's DRM-protected video content) >Videos look surprisinglygood on the screen, which is very clear, well-lit, and easily viewed from literally any angle. It is a majorcontrast with the screen on Creative’s Zen Vision, which looks badfrom any angle except straight on, and has an odd reflective, shimmering quality even when viewed properly >The optional video widescreen mode actually works, ifvideos have been formatted properly. Ourgallery will contain shots ofthe same movie playing in widescreen and non-widescreen modes. In one, thefull screen is used with cropping, in the other, black barsappearon screen. The video is regrettably small in widescreen mode, but still very viewable >Gap lengths: wav - 0.002 Flac - 0.044 WMA - 0.061 mp3 - 0.098 ogg - 0.689 >The case that comes with each 5G iPod is thin neoprene, very similarto the iPod nano armband. It’s gray on the outside, white on the inside, regardless ofthe colorof iPod you buy. An iPod fits inside completely >You’ll be surprised bythe thinness and lightness of the new iPods. Both models (30GB and 60GB) are thinner and lighter than the past color 20GB iPod, and they cannot supportthemselves standing up on their bottom edges >I did some test encodes with Handbrake and FFmpegX and following the guidelines above resulted in perfectly playable video files >So far, our black unit is not showing scratches. We’re surprised. Nor is ourwhite one. But give it a couple of days > Improved audio playback. If this can be verified it is the single biggest reason for me to want a fifth gen iPod. I only put complete albums on my iPod and I never rip anything below 192kbps. Even at that bit rate I can hear the compression and the weak bass response of the iPod hardware. The prospect of getting a step closer to actual audiophile quality sound is very attractive. Unless and until capacity goes up to the point that I can store 1000 albums or so in Apple Loss-less format I'm content to upgrade periodically to get better sound quality. > Improved battery life. At 20 hours of audio playback the iPod fifth gen is getting closer to a usable timeframe. I don't listen to the iPod for 20 hours at a time but I do get in at least three or four hours a day (either via head phones or through my stereo) and that means frequent charging. If I don't pay close attention to my battery meter I can easily find myself far from the charging station and a dead battery. Not cool. The 20 hour life-span will minimize that situation. >You can also scrub through video, though not in real time; you scroll through a progress bar, and the video jumps to the point where you stop scrolling. > The return of the lucite slab. Personally, I think that the sharp edged lucite slab front of the original iPod was its most attractive design element. It looked unique, elegant and solid. The rounded corners of the later iPods never appealed to me. It made the iPod look cheaper and lumpier. The sharp edges of the lucite slab in the original iPod made the face look flatter and cleaner. I'm a graphic artist so industrial design is important to me. I like the design of the fifth generation iPod more than the fourth. > Larger screen. I've never owned a color iPod, mainly because I saw no advantage to having a colored interface. I'm not much into using the iPod as a game platform, a contact manager, a calendar or a clock. I use the screen to select songs and playlists and to browse my library. Adding color to that activity is pleasant but not necessary. However, the small iPod screen can be very limiting when browsing certain albums and artists. having a wider screen means being able to fit more characters on screen, making browsing the library and playlists easier. That's a big positive. >Apple provides some content at the iT Music Store, including 2,000 music videos, multiple episodes of five TV shows, six Pixar animated shorts, and plenty of free video podcasts > Larger screen part II. I'm a photographer and I like to be able to share my latest images with my friends. The iPod Photo was a cool idea and I was somewhat envious of my friends who bought them but the screen was just a tad too small for my taste. This larger, higher resolution screen should be just the thing for me to use when showing off my latest hundred or so images. > Loss of the top port. Okay, I know a lot of people are up in arms about this one but I think it's a benefit. For one thing, using a wired remote on the iPod is a little silly. Even the full sized iPod is so small that adding a remote is a minor convenience at best. When it comes to the smaller iPods a wired remote is redundant in the extreme. By removing the top port Apple forces all third party accessory makers to standardize their interaction with the iPod. Everything fits on the bottom. I like the consistency of that approach. And as far as remotes go, I want a living room remote more than a wired remote and Apple has addressed that very thing with the universal dock and remote (though it's a drag that these cost an additional $70 to add to the iPod system). > Larger capacity. Goes without saying that larger capacity drives are always a good thing. I'd buy a 200 gig iPod if I could. I was hoping for an 80 gig fifth gen (that'll show up in six months no doubt) but I'm ready for a larger drive and 60 gigs is good enough for now. >For the new video content, there is a new "Videos" menu available on the iPod, and under that are options for "Video playlists," "Music Videos," "Movies," "TV Shows," and "Video Podcasts." Items like "TV Shows" don't appear until you've bought one from the iTMS and updated your iPod with it. Within those, they act exactly how you'd expect. Apple has made the interface for playing movies extremely similar to playing music. Click the middle wheel once and you control the volume with the scroll wheel. Click it again and you're scrubbing through the video >First of all, the video is crisp, clear and detailed. I was honestly surprised at the quality of theTV shows I had downloaded, although videophiles will be disappointed that the widescreen versions of these episodes have been cropped for the 4:3 iPod display. Reading the cast names that run by at the beginning of the episode was easily done and so I can only assume that watching videos with subtitles, i.e., Anime, can be done without much eye strain >I did notice that seeking to different points in the video were a little less responsive than I'd like, but it wasn't more than 1 or 2 seconds, and I'm not one to complain about a portable device being slightly less responsive than a personal computer >One of the nicer features—and one that I didn't expect—is that ifyou quit playing a video somewhere in the middle, the iPod will bookmark the video and remember where you left off when you pull it up later >It reaches an uncomfortable volume, and this would suggest that is "uncapped" unlike many older iPods, which had their volume limited. >full charge takes just 5 hours (at no transfer music), 80% at 3 hrs >sleep timer >15000 songs >25000 photos (Thumbs/Slideshow) It can do slideshows with music, customizable slide times, and several different transitions. >150 hours of video >Voice recording settings: Low (22.05 KHz, mono) and High (44.1 Khz, stereo) WAV via dock connector this will require a third-party adapter or microphone with a dock connector, but the feature has been in demand for quite some time and vastly improves upon the previous version's weak 8-kHz sample rate. Recordings you make are accessible two ways: An auto-sync feature in iT grabs them from your iPod and puts them right into your iT library, restriction-free; the files are also stored in an unhidden folder on the iPod, so you can access them in disk mode as well—which could be very handy for offloading on to a device that has a USB host port or a PC that doesn't have iT on it. >iPod Video's line-out volume is low compared to a typical stereo receiver's line-level output. It exhibits no clipping or static when turned up to maximum volume, unlike some previous iPods, so you can turn up iPod all the way when connecting to your home or car stereo >viewable on angles other than “straight on,” >Earbud style headphones with 18 mm drivers using Neodymium transducer magnets Frequency response: 20Hz to 20,000Hz Impedance: 32ohms >Video support H.264 (QT Pro 7.03) video: up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240,30 frames persec., Base line Profile upto Level 1.3 with AAC-LCup to 160 Kbps,48 Khz,stereo audio in .m4v,.mp4 and .mov file formats MPEG-4 video: up to 2.5 mbps, 480 x480,30 frames persec., Simple Profile with AAC-LCup to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v,.mp4 and .mov file formats >running at 30 fps (TV-quality) >TV output on and off >change between NTSC and PAL >flip between widescreen and standard display modes. >Podcasts free radio shows which you can subscribe to and listen at any time with your iPod >notes(.txt), HTML in notes >usability >The stainless steel back and polymer front don’t flex >reset the iPod by pressing 6 seconds Select and Menu button (after toggling the hold button) until Apple logo appears >blue-white LED backlight >scrolls track titles in theNow Playing screen >μενου ολα ελληνικα! Ελληνικα και στα ID3 Tags..!!! >menu customized >podcasts/shows/episodes/chapters >the back of the iPod is. It doubles as a handy mirror-on-the-go >libraries-of Movies, Music Videos, TV Shows. Free at least, for now movie trailers and Video Podcasts. >But the aesthetics of music playback have improved. Albumart is now more detailed and largerthan before, and the ever-increasing list of potential types of audio content fits easily on the new iPod’s 9-linetext display. >USB through Dockconnector; composite video with AV cable (sold separately) and audio through headphone jack o rline out on the iPod Universal Dock (sold separately) >Photos are now larger, more detailed, and benefit from an increased numberofthumbnailson screen at once now 30, up from 25 on the color4G iPod. In a less obvious addition, slideshows can now take advantage of 3-D transition effects - cube, pageflip, andtwirls amongthem - making the iPod experience even closer to a Mac OS X photo slideshow experience, too. >Overall, this is a great iPod. Get one. Get one now. I'm actually revising my last month's proclamation of the iPod nano as the best iPod ever. The 5th generation is the best iPod ever now. I'm selling my 4G and my nano. I'll have another more detailed review after I've run this thing through the full gamut this week. >Also, the little "case" that is included is actually pretty nice. Before getting mine, I thought, "That's just a piece of crap sleeve, not a real case!" However, after using it for a bit, it's nice. You can slide the screen out of the case and watch your shows. The sleeve is thin enough that you can still manage to control the iPod with ease while watching in this manner, and it keeps the iPod clean and polished. The cloth is soft on the inside and works well as a chamois cloth for cleaning off that beautiful little screen. >Its second new feature is a variable line output. Apple reps erred lasttime andtold us that the na.no’s Dockwould include thatfeature, but it turned out to be exclusive to the Universal Dock. As a result, the Universal Dockwill default at its highest volume level - equivalent to a line-out - then dampenthe volumeto lower levels if you usethe iPod or the Apple Remote. Incidentally, the remote is nice, simple, and small, like an iPod shuffle but larger, and with a “menu” button in additionto volume and track controls. >Easter Eggs. Hidden at the bottom ofthe iPod’s Legal screen is a tiny icon of a snowman. Apple reps tell us that it’s an insider reference to one ofthe iPod development teams, which wanted to leave its marksomeplace on the iPod. That’s where it is 23/11/05 Παράθεση Creek A50i R | Huawei P20 | KLH Model Six | MacBook Air 13 2014 & MB397G/A | MacBook Pro 13 Late 2013 | Onkyo C-7030 | Pioneer BDP-320 | SONY KDL-22EX550 | QED XT Evolution Μετά από χρόνια... Εκεί που δεν το περίμενες, αλλά το έλπιζες... Και προσπαθούσες συνέβη... Ναι ήμουν κάτω από την μπάρα των FM στην Ευρώπη... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
nikosxeng3 Δημ. November 29, 2005 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 29, 2005 IPOD 2/2 >iPod Updater 2005-10-12 includes: iPod Software 1.0 for iPod with video >Upgradable firmware enables support for future audio formats and video formats >It's lively, and it never skips frames. Plus, dark areas of video content (at least in H.264) are a rich black, you get instant playback after a pause, and viewing angles are decent > I came across these directions @ tuaw if you 5G iPod is acting a little shluggish, here's a fix. I didn't think mine was, but faster is always better to I tried it out. 1) Plug your iPod into your computer and open iT Preferences. 2) In the iPod section of the preferences, turn off the "Album Art" option. 3) Disconnect your iPod and reconnect it to update the iPod. 4) Now go back to the Preferences and re-enable the "Album Art" option. 5) You'll see iT begin to optimize the album art related to your songs. This could take several minutes depending on how much album art you have in your iT database. When you're all done, the 5G iPod's interface should be nice and snappy again. I tried this out, and it does speed up the new iPod >why I love this iPod. 1. It's beautiful, & unbelievably thin. 2. It's got a big, bright screen 3. It finally plays video 4. It's an iPod >thinner, lighter, and sexier >superflat face >baby-soft to the touch >incompatible video files won't even get transferred to the device >simple, powerful, usable and beautiful >Εγγυηση 1 χρονο >use Anapod Windows 98/ME Support Getting Windows to Recognize Your iPod as a Drive Letter All Anapod Explorer needs to communicate with your iPod is for Windows to recognize it as a drive letter under My Computer. In order for this to happen, Windows needs what is called a mass storage USB driver. Windows 98: Windows 98 does not include an appropriate driver. You download one here. Simply download and run it, which will place the driver files on your computer. However, the driver is not not fully installed yet. When you plug in your iPod, Windows will ask where to find the driver files. Specify the folder where the driver installer placed its files. The default location is "C:\Program Files\iPod". . Formatting and Initializing Your iPod's Drive for iPod Use Once your iPod is recognized as a drive letter, you may still need to format and intialize it's drive for iPod use. If your iPod has been previously used on a Windows 2000 or XP computer, it may already be formatted and initialized. At this point, you can try connecting to your iPod in Anapod. If it works, you are done with this page and ready to go. If Anapod complains that it could not find your iPod, then you probably need to format and initialize the drive. Normally you could do this with the Apple Updater utility, but because it does not run on Windows 98/ME, we provide an alternative called Anapod Reinitializer that runs on all versions of Windows. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a brand new iPod that has never been connected to a computer before, Anapod Reinitializer may not, on its own, be able to fully set up your iPod. If you run the Reinitializer on a brand-new iPod and the iPod shows a folder-with-exclamation-point icon when you unplug it from the computer, that means it is not fully set up. You will need to find a friend with a Windows 2000 or Windows XP computer where you can run the Apple Updater at least once to get your iPod configured for the first time. Thereafter, you should be able to use both Anapod Reinitializer and Anapod Explorer to enjoy your iPod on Windows 98 and ME. After you download and install Anapod Reinitializer, run it, and select the drive letter of your iPod. You can then format and initialize it. Once that is complete, Anapod Explorer should be able to connect to your iPod and begin loading music. Please note that the format and initialization process necessarily removes all existing content from your iPod, if there was any. \|/no image pan and zoom capabilities \|/is not very resistant to is bending damage \|/no aluminum cased \|/doesn't support syncing via FireWire \|/a user-customizable EQ \|/ I'd also like to see cross-fading between tracks, gapless playback, bookmarking (of regular audio files), and the ability to delete music from within the player's GUI \|/Dock Adapter (mysterious) use it only with future assecories.. \|/earbuds included with the Ipod look, feel and sound cheap \|/The back of the the player sports a mirror-like finish that is quite a fingerprint magnet. \|/Transfers are slow for those whose computers lack USB 2.0 connectors \|/Working with On-The-Go playlists on the iPod was quite unpleasant. For one, if browsing by artist, and the submenu contains more than one song, it will add all the songs to the playlist even if you only select one. In fact, even if you don't use this feature and try to playback only one song from an artist, it adds all the rest of them to the queue as well. \|/Also, unlike the excellent Rio Karma, I could not add songs to the On-The-Go playlist while actually listening to a song. This is bad, and I sure hope they do work on this and possibly even release a firmware upgrade to fix \|/Click wheel and buttons on the iPod are not backlit \|/text-based interface for videos \|/no replaceable batteries \|/Apple’s digital rights management software. Fairplay permits you to transfer the videos to five devices, but notto burnthem on CDs or DVDs. In two words, that sucks. Given a choice between a $38.99 box set of DVDsfromAmazon or a $34.99 download of low-resolution, unburnablevideo clips, we’d take the DVDs any day of the week. Getting them on to the iPod might not be easy, but frankly, ifwe’re going to cough up that sort of cash forTV shows, we want better quality and better usage rights than that \|/Because-Apple has chosen to use a very low resolution - 320x240 - to encode videos, they display significantchunkiness and artifacting on a big screen. In other words, it’s hard to keep your eyes off the blocks that keep on appearing in the video, and Apple did not introduce a way for the iMac to send videos to a television. \|/coming the 80 GB soon.. \|/coming soon the real iPod Video (3" 384x240, new case).. \|/no Jukebox mode, which would allow the adding of tunes to the "Jukebox playlist" with a single click of the select button. \|/Lack of traditionally included accessories (dock,remote,wall charger,AV cables) \|/Low video output resolution for the videophiles \|/Is incompatible with some older accessories \|/I substitute my preferred SHURE earphones for the buds that Apple supplies \|/No Firewire support Included case has no belt clip, looks like a bad summercamp project. \|/ Smaller click wheel. In practice this is not an issue. I've played with the Nano and the little click wheel works just fine. What I don't like about the smaller click wheel on the fifth gen is that it makes the face of the unit look less balanced. I liked the fact that the click wheel on the fourth gen models was exactly the same width as the screen. Of course, there's no way that Apple could have done this with the fifth gen since that would require making it bigger. By making it smaller they buy more space inside the iPod, which is a good thing. Clearly the wheel had to get smaller in order to accommodate the revised guts of the pod. So be it. \|/ Loss of the port on the top. Yes, I listed this one in pros but it's also clearly a con in that it means replacing my iTrip. Probably not a big deal though since the iTrip is a dicy performer at best anyway. \|/ The ever decreasing number of accessories that come with iPod. The original iPod came with a dock, a power brick, cables, a case, port covers, a remote, head phones and more. With each iteration Apple strips out more and more accessories. They claim that the iPod costs the same now but you get more. Not true. You get a better iPod but you don't get any of the cool extras that made the purchase such a good deal. Thankfully, having owned several iPods, I have most of the accessories I need. \|/You can't (because of copy restrictions) burn video to a CD or DVD \|/no on-the-fly calendar editing \|/not the ability to delete files directly on the device \|/Upon selecting a video to play, you will notice a 3-second delay \|/you need to hold it in your hand, which can get uncomfortable after a while \|/Furthermore, even thoughthe new iPod is really a miniaturetv, there is no wayto adjust the brightness or the contrast ofthe screen 23/11/05 Παράθεση Creek A50i R | Huawei P20 | KLH Model Six | MacBook Air 13 2014 & MB397G/A | MacBook Pro 13 Late 2013 | Onkyo C-7030 | Pioneer BDP-320 | SONY KDL-22EX550 | QED XT Evolution Μετά από χρόνια... Εκεί που δεν το περίμενες, αλλά το έλπιζες... Και προσπαθούσες συνέβη... Ναι ήμουν κάτω από την μπάρα των FM στην Ευρώπη... 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