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Everything posted by geomiii3

  1. pantos genikotera ap'oti katalava....ta pragmata dne 8a einia toso xeirotera oso ta ypologizun..h telospanton se toso akraies aktastaseis!!!...to mono pu mporme na pume pantos sta sigura einai oti axizei ena bravo sthn politeia pu tulaxiston prospa8ei(opos mporei) na drasei protou ginei to meglao kako k psiloorganonetai!!! ;-)
  2. pu to eides auto file mu???den exo akusei kati tetoio!!!!!...ean 8es pare8ese pigh...pantos ego pu milao poly pantos den exo pratirisei trela 'problimata kapsimatos' egefalou!...pantos genikotera nomizo oti den prepei na einai toso poly..
  3. kalimera k kalh week k apo mena paides!!! @vsk: poly omorfo to Glycine su file...lito k aperito!!!!....h piso diafanh kasa tu einai ola ta lefta!...kaloforeto;-)
  4. Ένας τύπος βλέπει την γυναίκα του να φοράει ένα δαχτυλίδι με ένα > τεράστιο διαμάντι,το οποίο είναι και πανάκριβο, και την ρωτάει: > - Ρε γυναίκα που το βρήκες αυτό το δαχτυλίδι? Αυτό κάνει μια περιουσία... > - Που να σου τα λέω άντρα μου. Εχθές που είχα πάει για καφέ με την > φίλη μου την Μαρία, πάω στην τουαλέτα της καφετέριας που καθόμασταν > και τι βλέπω..! Μέσα στον νιπτήρα ήταν αυτό το πανέμορφο δαχτυλίδι! > Κοιτάζω τριγύρω, δεν βλέπω κανέναν και το πήρα!!! > > Περνάνε μερικές μέρες και ο τύπος βλέπει την γυναίκα του που γυρνούσε > από την βόλτα, να φοράει μια πανάκριβη γούνα. > - Τι είναι αυτό ρε γυναίκα ? Που την βρήκες αυτή τη γούνα? > - Aσε άντρα μου που να στα λέω. Κάνανε λάθος στην γκαρνταρόμπα του > μαγαζιού που καθόμασταν με την φίλη μου και αντί για το παλτό μου, μου > έδωσαν αυτή τη γούνα. Χαζή είμαι κι εγώ? Την πήρα και εξαφανίστηκα! > - Τι να σου πω ρε γυναίκα... Είσαι πολύ τυχερή. Της απαντάει ο άντρας > της. Εγώ ένα σώβρακο βρήκα στο κρεβάτι μας και αυτό μου είναι μικρό...
  5. eisai arxontas man!!!euxaristo poly..8a koitaxo na enhmero8o!!!:lol:
  6. xalara..edo exun kanei autpo to 'trik' toses k toses etiariews k malista mikroterou belhnekous apthn coca cola...autoi 8a kolisun?!?!?!?!asopsete ta fthna ergatika....pantos mporo na po me tosa pu exo diavasei edo -k eixa genikotera akusei- gia thn coca cola 8a skefto arketa gia to pion ths!!!!!!...alla h atimi ama einai poly krya k me polla pagakia k lemoni ante na antista8eis!!!!!!...eidika gia pepsi twist einai dyskolo poly!!!! alla prepei..
  7. Xana-anoixameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!ante na dume!!!!!;-) Geia su gerolyke!!!!!!!8a symfoniso apolyta mazi su.....ante tora ta kefalia mesa k as epistrepsume pali sta rologia!;-)
  8. @snik: kalo!!!!odeio..k malista sthn nea smyrnh h enlogo kafeteria etsi gia tamatia tu kosmou
  9. Disgusting 2 gays met on a Blind Date, in a Park in the midlle of the night, and its pitch dark. They hug, kiss, have sex, and then they Talk: "I love you" "I love you too" "You are wonderful" "So are you" "Let's meet again?" "Yes, every day" "I live in London" "Me too" "In Bond Street" "Fantastic, me too" "Number 150" ".... That’s not possible..... Me too..." - "Peter?" - "DAD??????"
  10. poly exypno to tmhma marketiking ths ERt...autoi thn stigmh 8elontas k mh einai apta pio hot prosopa ths thleorashs k nea k psilofreska..opou o kosmos zhtaei auto to kati-to diaforetiko!;-) Welldone sthn ERT!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. k pios su eipe esena oti dne exo thn idia hlikia me thn giagia su!??!?!;-) pantos mhn xechans oti logika etsai opos to les h karta auth pu exeis einai mono gia foitites....kati to opioo eimun prin arketa mallon xronia 8a elega!... tora oso anafora to pos thn xrisimopoieis einia megalo 8ema kubentas k sigura opos se ola ta pragmata xreiazetai ena metro!!!!...pantos k thn elaxisth dosh na vazeis ton mhna mhn nomizeis oti dne su vazun toko..apla se boh8aei na spaseis ena megalo poso se doseis...tora ama su kastei k tpt atokos diakanonismos einai mia xara!!!:D ..basika ego thn 8elo opos su eipa gia taxidia sto exoteriko k 8eoro koroidia na plhrono 100e(akusa k auto to noumero apo mia kalh trapeza gia mia karta!) to xrono gia na exom mia karta pu den xrhsimopoio sxedon ka8ololu
  12. kalipsera se olous..mias k einai polles oi selides k dne prolavaino na tis diavaso oles: genikotera eimai kata ton karton giati paizei meglah apateonia meses akres.... alla kamia fora...eidika otan taxideueis exoteriko ktl..kalo 8a einai na exeis mia mazi su gia ora anaghs!!!!! yparxei kamia karta xoris syndromh eforou zohs?!!?!!1!!?! euxaristo poly!;-)
  13. asopsete h timi file mu....pantos afu sto eipan k oi idioi oti dne8a eprepe na einia e-branded dosto piso!!!!tulaxisotn na glytoseis auto ton ponokefalo...tora gia thn eggyhsh...dne mporei malakies ths samsung!!!dhl. dne exei paneuropaiki eggyhsh!!!!!?!?!?!?!ymarton...etsi tote se anagazun na to agorazeis mono apo Ellada!!!...dne xero ti an po.....kati dne mu kolaei...
  14. xmmmmm/.....malista...na tus to stieleis piso man ean k efoson den to egrafan sthn selida tus oti einia e-plus!...alh8eia to eixes aprie trelh diafora timis?!?!?!?!8ela na po ean axizei ton kopo as pume!
  15. Γυρνάει μία κοπέλα από το ραντεβού της, τελείως καταπτοημένη. - Τι έχεις; ρωτά η μητέρα της. Χωρίσατε; - Όχι, αντίθετα! Ο Μιχάλης μου ζήτησε να τον παντρευτώ! - Και γιατί στενοχωριέσαι; - Γιατί μου είπε επίσης ότι είναι άθεος. Μαμά, δεν πιστεύει καν ότι υπάρχει Κόλαση!!! - Παντρέψου τον. Και μην φοβάσαι, θα του δείξουμε πόσο άδικο έχει!!
  16. den xero ti na su po...etsi mu to edosan...mporei k na exeis dikio..k distixos dne exo ton xrono na katso na to psaxno gia na to diastauroso!;-)
  17. fainetai timio kinitaki k se poly kalh timi..akolou8ei grammes razor k deixnei omorfo k delicato!!! tora apo kei k pera ena to exie kapoios 8a 8elame na mas pei merikes leptomeries parapano.... poso krataei h bataria ktl...menu ean einia argo...ktl
  18. Did God create everything that exists? Does evil exist? Did God create evil? A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning challenged his students with this question. "Did God create everything that exists?" A student bravely replied, "Yes he did!" "God created everything?" The professor asked. "Yes sir, he certainly did," the student replied. The professor answered, "If God created everything; then God created evil. And, since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are, then we can assume God is evil." The student became quiet and did not respond to the professor's hypothetical definition.. The professor, quite pleased with himself, boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth. Another student raised his hand and said, "May I ask you a question, professor?" "Of course", replied the professor. The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?" "What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The other students snickered at the young man's question.The young man replied, "In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Everybody or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 F) is the total absence of heat; and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat." The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?" The professor responded, "Of course it does." The student replied, "Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact, we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present." Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course, as I have already said. We see it everyday. It is in the daily examples of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil. To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when there is no light." The professor sat down. The young man's name -- Albert Einstein A true story.
  19. Ένας τυφλός μπαίνει κατά λάθος σε ένα bar για γυναίκες. Κάθεται και νομίζοντας ότι μιλάει στο barman λέει: - "Φίλε, να σου πω το τελευταίο ανέκδοτο για ξανθιές;" Τον ακούει μια γυναίκα που καθόταν πιο δίπλα και του λέει: - "Φίλε, πριν πεις το ανέκδοτο πρέπει να σου πω 5 πράγματα: 1) η barwoman είναι ξανθιά, 2) η σερβιτόρα είναι ξανθιά, 3) η κοπέλα που κάθεται αριστερά σου έχει ύψος 1.90, είναι ξανθιά και έχει μαύρη ζώνη στο καράτε, 4) η κοπέλα που κάθεται δεξιά σου είναι ξανθιά και μόλις προχθές αποφυλακίστηκε για φόνο και... 5) ...κι εγώ είμαι ξανθιά... Λοιπόν, θέλεις να πεις ακόμη το ανέκδοτό σου;" Και της απαντάει ο τυφλός: - "Ε, άστο...άμα είναι να το εξηγώ 5 φορές..."
  20. euxaristo poly Redcon..ontos poly endiaferon akugetai..pao na to psaxo ligo!!!:cool:
  21. ta doxa den ta hxera..mexzri pu ta anaferes gia na eimai eilikrinis...tora gia an les esy doxa...kati 8a xereis!!!!!!:cool:
  22. to oris pu eixe postarei merikes selides piso o georgehh einai sta 1350e..mia xara timi...alla dne xero gia thn kasa pu ap'oti antilambanomai 8eleis poly megalh...
  23. etsi etsi...ante tora na valoume stoxo kana navitimer!!!!...na dume...oxi tpt allo gia na eimaste ok k me thn lista tu Schidler/filou Dimatha!:)
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