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[Symbian^3] Ανακοινώσεις / Προτάσεις εφαρμογών


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SPP SlideUnlock Pro Edition v3.0.1 FOR S^3 AND S50v5 WITH ADDITIONAL SKINS


παιδια δεν ξερω αν ειπώθηκε πριν απίστευτη εφαρμογη...με ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ...

Δεν κλειδωνει απλα το κινητο εμφανιζει κατω στην οθονη ενα σημαδακι(στην καθε οθονη) που πατώντας το κλειδωνει η συσκευη χωρις να χρησιμοποιήσεις τιποτα αλλο...(ξεχαστε το εργαλείο κλειδώματος απο τα δεξια μια και καλη...;) )


Nokia Beta Labs Social v1.03(189) S^3 SymbianOS9.5 Signed {Based On Facebook/Twitter}


Whats new with Social 1.3?

Contacts improvement:

- Status update directly in Contact Card

- Linked contact indicator in Friends List


Share improvements:

- Add caption when sharing photos from camera

- Removing photo upload compression > high resolution picture upload


Facebook/Twitter enhancements:

- Retweet

- View followers list


το εβαλα σημερα...επιτελους μου δουλεψαν τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα μετα απο πολυ καιρο..και φαινεται να λύθηκαν και τα γνωστα προβληματα με τα κολλήματα της προηγουμενης εκδοσης κτλ κτλ κτλ...


SBSH PocketLock v1.03 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed


παιδια Α Π Ι Σ Τ Ε Υ Τ Η εφαρμογη...επισης...

κλειδωνει το κινητο με το που το βαζετε στην τζεπη...:):):)

και οταν το βγαζετε ξεκλειδώνει αυτοματα....

το δοκιμασα και αυτο θα παθετε πλακα....


ολα στα γνωστα μαγαζακια.....;)

πραγματικα οι εφαρμογες αυτες αλλαζουν το κινητο τελειως....

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το γνωστο CameraPro N8 1.1.0 signed σε νεο update σημαντικα καλυτερο απο πριν.


fred οτι προτεινεις ειναι πολυ καλο το επιβεβαιωνω και τα εχω δοκιμασει. προσπαθω να βαλω και τα skins του slideunlock τα οποι ειναι παρα πολλα

Edited by kaivlorapanos
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επιτελους youtube downloader που δουλευει!! και σε 720p :D

απο picobrothers φυσικα..


Download YouTube videos to your mobile phone with this handy little application. Support resolutions from 240p up to 720p HD quality (if available) The videos are stored in your video folder and you can at any time enjoy the high quality videos off line or project them onto a TV, thanks to the Nokia HDMI and TV-out.




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Intellsys HDRPhotoCamera v.2.00(6) S^3 signed


Create amazing High Dynamic Range images with HDR Photo Camera. The application captures three successive frames at different exposure levels (bracketing). Then it uses the exposure fusion technique to select relevant elements and combine these frames resulting in an HDR image. Designed for Nokia N8, the application works also with other devices, but resulting HDR has low resolution. Still the bracketing functionality can always be used and high-res images fused later on a desktop PC.


καποιοι το ζητουσαν με τρελα. οριστε λοιπον τα μαγαζια ανοιξαν. δουλευει τελεια και δεν δημιουργει καποιο θεμα. τσεκαρισμενο


και το καλυτερο βοηθημα για ψωνια με διαφορα απο το δευτερο


Tarasov Shopper v1.01 S60v3 FP2 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x UnSigned


Shopper 1.0.1

Flexible shopping lists and expenses management tool for your Nokia!


Flexible shopping lists and expenses management tool. Shopper will help you create shopping lists using wide range of predefined and custom goods. Application finance statistics let you track expenses on different types of products that you buy every day, week or month.


Predefined categorized products catalog and other application functionalities provide you with significant time economy on planning and shopping itself. You can add custom goods with defined price, quantity and other parameters which make your planning process fast and easy. Use shopping lists and financial stats to discover new ways to decrease your time lost and expenses!


Main Features:


* Create as many shopping lists as you want .. ;)

* Use templates, send shopping lists to your spouse in SMS or export shopping lists to calendar

* Use predefined goods catalog to make shopping list creation fast and easy

* Shopping lists exploring while you do shopping is like a breathe

* Use Shopper financial statistics to discover how much money you spend on different type of foods

* Enjoy easy and effective planning and shopping!


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Different Tack – Symbian Twitter App – Free for limited time




Υ.Γ. Τώρα διάβασα την είδηση, ελπίζω να είναι ακόμα δωρεάν.

iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Black iOS 10.3.1

MacBook Pro 13" macOS Sierra 10.12.4

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  Teo010 said:
Kasvopus – New Facebook app for N900 and Symbian^3 devices



Τελικα δεν δουλευει...:(

Βγηκε η εκδοση Kasvopus v0.09(5) S^3 Qt που δουλευει κανονικα.

Καλο, γρηγορο αλλα και παλι εχει μερικες ελλειψεις, δεν βρισκω την αποσυνδεση λογαριασμου.

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παιδια κατεβαστε το vHOME απο το ovi store...

θα παθετε ΠΛΑΚΑ....!!!


με αρχικη οθονη ενα ρολοι σαν τα desire με τον καιρο με την επιλογη να κανεις φακελους και να βαλεις μεσα οτι εφαρμογη θελεις με πανω απο 6 αρχικες οθονες που αλλαζουν παρα πολυ γρηγορα και το βασικοτερο με ελαχιστη καταναλωση ram:D

πριν απο λιγο την δοκιμασα και κόλλησα ασχημα....

οτι καλυτερο εχω δει μεχρι τωρα...

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Nokia Beta Labs Sleeping Screen v0.50(1) S^3 SymbianOS9.5 Signed {Light In Darkness!}


Nokia Sleeping Screen makes your phone stand out from the crowd by painting beautifully crafted images on the sleeping screen. It is not only about aesthetics - Nokia Sleeping Screen is highly useful, too. With just a glimpse you’ll be able to see missed calls, unread text messages, and reminders presented with clear icons and animations.


Nokia Sleeping Screen gives you an enjoyable view to sleeping phone while it maintains the battery operating time of your phone.



Available for Symbian^3 phones, such as C6-01, C7-00, N8-00, and E7-00. Nokia Sleeping Screen has been verified on latest S^3 SW versions and is known to work with the latest Qt versions 4.6.4 and 4.7.2.


Nokia Sleeping Screen is a product of Nokia Research Center.


Happy tuning!



- Personalization by selecting the appearance of the phone.

- Time & date always visible with a glimpse of the phone.

- Rich visual notifications of missed calls, sms, and calendar events.

- Night clock mode setting to dim the appearance for night period.

- Very clear battery charging indication with animation.

- Low power consumption, descreased even further by turning screen off when phone is covered, for example in a bag or your pocket


Known issues:

- Torch-light feature doesn't work when Nokia Sleeping Screen is active.



- Select Nokia Sleeping Screen from Settings >> Themes >> Screen saver menu

- Choose your favourite screen saver look from Nokia Sleeping Screen settings view

- Tap the night clock -thumbnail to activate/deactivate night clock and to set the time period when the night clock -mode is automatically turned on

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Kι αλλο update στο CameraPro v1.01(1) S^3 :)


* location of the camera is now stored in the EXIF (for JPEG)

* 5-HR bracketing

* icons for various modes

* Information about the picture on the display (resolution, quality, mode, ...)

* number of remaining shots / sec is now displayed for bracketing / Single Shot και προσθεσαν και update μεσα απ την εφαρμογη...

Τη περασα δουλευει αψογα σε μενα.

Edited by bikos68
Jason the Greek
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The Nokia Ovi Chat app (v 3.1) is now available for all Symbian^3 devices over Ovi Store. Now you can IM with your friends on Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, MySpace IM and Ovi Chat —all from a single application on your Symbian^3 phone.


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αν δεν εχει αναφερθει: Dukto R4 by ovi


file transfer between phone and pc via wifi



phones' list: alcatel 311, SE t310, SE z600, SE k700i, Samsung zv30, nokia 6290, samsung g600, SE k770i, LG arena, Nokia 5800, nokia N82, nokia E72, htc hero, nokia N8, SE Xperia Neo V, Nokia N9, SE Xperia Mini, LG 4x HD, Blackberry Z10, Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia 101, Samsung Galaxy S4 mini LTE, LG G2, Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Galaxy S9+, Xiaomi Mi 10 5G, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra

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Nokia Drop


Αρκετά ενδιαφέρουσα εφαρμογή,φαίνεται να δουλεύει απροβλημάτιστα στο N8,το ίδιο και η επέκταση στον Chrome .:)




Ένας καλός φίλος από τα παλιά(οι πιο παλιοί:p θα θυμούνται σίγουρα τις αρετές του)

Υ.Γ. Τις συνήθειες πάντως με το διπλό tap δεν τις έχει αφήσει πίσω.:(



Υ.Γ.2 Ειδικά για προ X-plore εποχή;)

Edited by impreza_sti


The only time I'm easy's when I'm Killed by death.

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iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Black iOS 10.3.1

MacBook Pro 13" macOS Sierra 10.12.4

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Arise Joyeye FX v2.00(241) S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned






* Your mobile phone camera become a LOMO style camera, and take some fun photos, such as 4-lens action sampler;

* You to preview the photos with some fun filters on camera display before shooting, e.g., Color(E2C, W/B, Retro), Distort(Mirror), Stylize(Scanline), Frame(Angel, Rock, Polariod);

* You apply filters on the photos you took before. There are several filter categories, e.g. Color, Distort, Stylize and Frame, etc.

* You to share the photos processed by Joyeye Lite to joyeye.com;

* You to write micro-blog to joyeye.com and sync to more mobile SNS communities, if you want, such as Twitter






This keeps the fast shot experience.


Shot mode change: mode change between normal shot and LOMO style of Action

Sampler shot.

-Hardware support for shot

-Under shot mode, the function of middle key on keyboard.



Four kinds of “shot modes” with different experience: Normal, Same Sampler, Action Sampler and Multiple Action Sampler.


πολυ καλο προγραμμα για εφε της καμερας

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αντιστοιχο του instagram για Symbian


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Force Control Widget S^3 SymbianOS^3Un Signed


Comes with five different themes as well with transparent background.


Here is excellent widget to homescreen which can toggle following setting via single tap on the homescreen:

* Light control (25%, 50% and 100%)

* Acceleration sensor ON/OFF

* Bluetooth ON/OFF'

* WLAN scanning ON/OFF

* Profile switch (Silent, Pager and General)


με το πατημα ενος κουμπιου ελεγχεις 5 πολυ σημαντικες λειτουργιες. απλα τελειο. στοπρωτο θεμα στην αρχικη οθονη δεν μου εβγαλε τα εικονιδια. το καλυτερο το 4ο


http://store.ovi.com/content/101025?clickSource=search υπαρχει και στο ovi με 1,23

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Τα μηνύματα που αφορούσαν απορίες και ερωτήσεις σχετικά με εφαρμογές μεταφέρθηκαν στο θέμα [ΕΠΙΣΗΜΟ] Απορίες / Ερωτήσεις / Προβλήματα για εφαρμογές Symbian^3.



Καλημέρα :cool:

iPhone 7 Plus 128GB Black iOS 10.3.1

MacBook Pro 13" macOS Sierra 10.12.4

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Symbsoft SymbRecorder Pro v5.00(0) S60v3 S69v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed




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SymbRecorder 5.0.0


The most powerful call recorder & voice recorder in the market, BEEP FREE .Recorded amr/wav clips are PERFECT without audio gaps!


SymbRecorder 5.0.0 Features


Totally new business level voice recorder! Phone call recording automatically or manually, BEEP FREE!

Voice memo recording, make your phone as a dictaphone. Most advanced beep suppression technique,


3 Beep Suppression


Mode1 - Perfect quality in amr/wav format with no audio gaps, the device side will hear a beep but the other side will NOT, for newer cellphones.

Mode2 - Perfect quality in amr/wav format with no audio gaps, both sides will NOT hear the beep, profile will be changed before recording and recovered after recording automatically, for older cellphones.

Mode3 - With some loss of audio (This is tunable, so it can usually be improved) in amr format, both sides will NOT hear the beep, for all cellphones.



Support all of the following phones:


Symbian^3 (Currently may beep

on both sides, we're working on

an update) Nokia C6-01 / C7-00 / E7-00 /N8-00


για ολους οσους ζητανε ηχογραφηση χωρις μπιπ - δεν την εχω δοκιμασει

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νεα έκδοση opera Mobile v11.00(1444/1448)

΄΄η ΑΕΚ είναι κυρίως ιδέα. Και αι ιδέαι δεν αποθνήσκουν΄΄


member since: September 2003

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MiniBrowser Mobile v1.00 S^3 SymbianOS9.5 Signed


MiniBrowser Mobile is a fast and easy to use web browser. Strong built-in advertisement blocker will save internet traffic and time for loading pages. You can search and translate with Google, search in Wikipedia directly from url address bar.


Version History:

- v1.0: Supports also tabs, bookmarks and auto-fill forms.


νεος πολυ καλος δοκιμαστε τον

BLStream ColorizIt v1.01(4) Unsigned

Add some creativity to your photos! Make them black and white, and just bring the color back for some important fragments. Highlight what is important to you! Colorful people in the grey landscape, or maybe little vivid, colorful flower in the vast grey forest? Surprise yourself! New version available (1.1.4)! Features Facebook and Flickr photo sharing functionality, automatic photo save and improved stability.



καλιτεχνικα πραγματα

HaraldMeyer Fast Motion v1.00(6) S^3 Unsigned



Updated: 09-02-2011 (added zooming support) FastMotion lets you take time-lapse (stop motion, fast motion) videos with your phone's camera. Exposure, focus, white balance, and flash can be set during runtime. Frames are stored individually (jpg,png,bmp) and as a time-lapse movie (mp4) with up to Full HD format and fully customizable framerate and resolution.



ολα καλα προγραμματακια τα εχω ηδη τσεκαρει και παιζουν μια χαρα δεν χρειαζονται νεες qt

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το ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΟ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑΚΙ που εχω βαλει τελευταια. απλα καταπληκτικο

Project Box Pocketbooth v1.00(3) Unsigned


Pocketbooth perfectly replicates the intimacy, spontaneity, and hilarity of a traditional photobooth. Take it to your next party and watch as your friends strike a pose. Meticulously designed to emulate the experience of a 1950s-era Model 11 Photobooth, Pocketbooth is as beautiful to look at as it is fun to use. The interface makes taking self-portraits a snap - even if you're using the rear-facing camera.


βγαζει φωτο οπως οι παλιοι φωτογραφικοι θαλαμοι με 4 καρε και διαφορα εφε. μου αρεσει παρα πολυ ελπιζω και σε εσας




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επιτελους το πρωτο livescoring προγραμματακι απο ovistore δωρεαν για ν8. το εβαλα και δουλευει πολυ καλα




Keep an eye on all the current sports scores live on your mobile. Featuring: Football, Baseball, Hockey, Tennis, Basketball, Soccer.

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TuneIn Radio v1.00 S^3 SymbianOS9.5 Signed


Listen live to your favorite radio stations, DJs and programs and find new ones on local, global and Internet radio. Find your faves with over 40,000 channels of music, sports, news, podcasts and national networks like NPR and SWR. TuneIn for Android is powered by RadioTime.


Local and Global Radio, at Your Fingertips:

With TuneIn Radio Mobile, your Android device is your portable radio. Take your local stations and programs with you wherever you go. Listen to Pearl Jam on KROQ while working out; listen to This American Life on NPR while on a road trip. Whether you're at the gym or driving across the country, you'll never lose reception.


New: Artist, Album and Song Search:

Search for your favorite hometown radio station, or discover new favorites by searching for an artist or song that you love and see which radio stations around the world are playing that song right now!


Over 50,000 FM & AM Radio Stations:

TuneIn Radio has the largest selection of stations available today. From NPR to The BBC, KEXP to KROQ, you'll quickly find your old favorites and discover new ones.



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Restart & Shutdown v1.0.1 S ^ 3 SymbianOS9.5

Παιδια πολυ καλη κ απλη εφαρμογη.Κανει επανεκινηση της συσκευης με ενα απλο πατημα του εικονιδιου! Ειναι ομως ανυπογραφη σε γνωστο μ.......

Εικόνα εκτός Όρων Πρόσβασης και Χρήσης.


"Δυστυχώς επτωχεύσαμεν!!!"

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το ειχατε ζητησει αρκετοι και επιτελους νατο


Teknolog CoverUp v1.01(0) Unsigned

CoverUp finds and adds album art to music in your Symbian phone. After you copy your MP3s to your phone, run CoverUp to automatically find and download high quality album art pictures that will instantly show up in the music player.


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