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Δε νομιζω οτι η κοιλια που εκανε η σειρα στα μεσα της 2ης οφειλεται στο ρομαντσο και το ερωτικο στοιχειο.Αλλοι ηταν οι λογοι,πιο σοβαροι και καμια σχεση με αυτο...Εκτος απο αυτο βλεπω να λενε οτι θελουν να το κανουν πιο action/adventure απο περσι,και ταυτοχρονα φετος δεν θα ειναι τοσο εντονο οπως περσι.Πως θα το καταφερουν αυτο δεν εχω καταλαβει ακομα :p

Τελος παντων εγω περιμενω με αγωνια οπως παντα!



Υ.Γ1) Προτιμω Kate-Sawyer....ταιριαζουν περισσοτερο σαν χαρακτηρες,σιγα μην παρει τον φλουφλη το Κατερινιω...

Υ.Γ2) Το πιο σημαντικο απο τα spoilers αυτα ειναι τα "daddy issues"....

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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SEASON 3 Highlights

"Lost" co-creator/executive producer Damon Lindelof, executive producers Bryan Burk and Carlton Cuse, and stars Jorge Garcia (Hugo) and Daniel Dae Kim (Jin) attended the San Diego Comic-Con today and talked about the upcoming season three starting on October 4. The presentation was briefly interrupted by a planned protestor, a Rachel Blake, who yelled at them for supporting the Hanso Foundation and told people to go to HansoExposed.com.


Here are the highlights of what they said!





- Season three will have a vastly different feeling, but at the same time reembrace the roots of the series.


- Season three will focus more on adventure.


- The first six episodes in the fall will be like a mini-series and focuses on the captivity story of Jack, Kate and Sawyer.


- We'll learn more about The Others and Alex's story.


- An event will happen mid-season that will blow people away!


- J.J. Abrams will co-write the first episode which is titled "The Tale of Two Cities." He'll also direct the seventh episode, which is the first episode of the second half of the third season (early next year).


- They are going to reveal what happened to Locke, Desmond and Echo.


- They are adding new regular characters, which they are casting for now.


- You'll see more scenes from the outside world (taking place at the same time they are on the island).


- Desmond and Penny's relationship forms a new seed for a new element in the series.


- Libby will be back to fill in the gaps.


- Within the first few episodes Kate "gets with someone".


- They are going to explain the medical miracles.


- They debunked the rumor that the monster is a cloud nanobot.


- The hyroglypics on the countdown clock are signs of the underworld.


- They have 4 to 5 seasons planned out, and they knew the beginning and ending from the start. Going beyond 5 seasons would be stretching it, they said.


- If they introduce a question on the show, they already know the answer.


- They do look at fans' reactions and that does affect how they do things on the show.


- They showed a promo for the 13 "Lost" diaries that will be on Verizon, which featured Hugo finding a camera and interviewing people on the island.


- A "Lost" game from Ubisoft is coming next year which features a new story.


- On the season two DVD, you can expect one feature which has all of Sawyer's famous lines!




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Βρε Demis θα σε μαλώσω βάλε κανά σποιλεράκι όπως και πιο πριν :) αν και ότι λέμε όλοι περίπου πάνω κάτω είναι το ίδιο.

Μαρέσει ο τίτλος του 3x01...άντε αργεί ο Οκτώβριος???

Εφόσον θα αρχίσουν γυρίσματα αρχές Αυγούστου πρέπει κάπου εκεί να έχουμε και τα πρώτα Season 3 Promos..γμτ θα λείπω διακοπές.

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....The presentation was briefly interrupted by a planned protestor, a Rachel Blake, who yelled at them for supporting the Hanso Foundation and told people to go to HansoExposed.com.


Ειλικρινά πιστεύω πως αυτό είναι για μένα το highlight...είναι δυνατόν απο μια τηλεοπτική σειρά να δημιουργείται όλη αυτή η μυθολογία για ένα ίδρυμα που καν δεν υπάρχει? Αν ήμουνα στο συνέδριο και πετύχαινα την εμφάνιση αυτή θα τα είχα κάνει πάνω μου....

Μαρέσει η σειρά μαμώτο...

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Αποκλειστική ανταπόκριση απο το Comic Con και έχω κατά λέξη τι είπε ο Carlton, Jorge κλπ κλπ...


Question: When do we get to see an underwater hatch?

Carlton: I didn't know we had an underground hatch! There are always possibilities, the cable going under water and the shark, etc, so we do have a plan.

Question: Jorge, you're my favorite, can we please have a hug?

Jorge: No. Alright fine, come on up.

Question: Will Libby be back?

Damon: Definately, she will be appearing in various flashbacks just like Christian Shepard.

Question: You guys say that you have this all planned out, but you were originally going to kill Jack off. So that obviously changed the plot of the show since he kind of is a big character.

Damon: It took over 11 weeks to go from the initial outline to the filming of the pilot. We had a basic outline, but we didn't even think about that since we hadn't got all the characters in yet and the actor's casted, so once we got everything squared away and we knew Jack would live, we then began to think, "So what will happen in the finale of the show?"


Question: What about the LOST movie?

Damon: It's always been something that we have dreamed of doing- 5 seasons and a film for the finale, but with ABC and our contracts, we don't know what will happen. We plan on doing at least 4 seasons for LOST, hopefully 5, but it's up to ABC. We will not do more than that, we want to end the show then, but if ABC want's to continue the show, they can do as they wish but Carlton and I won't be involved- and that doesn't mean we want to abandon our writing team and our fans...

Daniel Dae Kim: And your actors...

Damon: Haha, true- we don't want to hurt anybody, but we don't want to see our show become THAT, a show run long over it's lifespan.

Question: Jorge, I have a question: Will Hurley be getting any luck anytime soon?

Jorge: I hope so!

Damon: We don't know what we're going to do.

Jorge: At least let me find... a 4-leaf clover or something!


Me: In Season 3 he better find a 4-leaf clover as an inside joke.


Question: How could Michael and Walt leave Vincent?!

Carlton: Because if Vincent left we'd never get our Vincent flashback!


*Question about Eko*

Carlton: We're actually going to get our Jesus Stick flashback.

Damon: Yeah, it'll be when it was a tiny baby acorn.


Big Time Spoiler


Damon: We've got something planned for the mid-season, and it's going to blow you away. We literally cannot wait for it, and yeah, there will be people who are going to say "we jumped the shark" or something, but you know what? That's what makes a show interesting, and we hope you all enjoy it.










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Προτιμω Kate-Sawyer....ταιριαζουν περισσοτερο σαν χαρακτηρες,σιγα μην παρει τον φλουφλη το Κατερινιω...


Δηλαδή είσαι "a Skate fan" και όχι "a Jate fan" ε;

Εγώ πάλι είμαι "Jawyer fan" χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα.

Δείτε και μόνοι σας --> Brokeback Island

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Δηλαδή είσαι "a Skate fan" και όχι "a Jate fan" ε;

Εγώ πάλι είμαι "Jawyer fan" χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα.

Δείτε και μόνοι σας --> Brokeback Island


This island is making us gay. Except Jack, he was always gay. :lol: :lol: :lol:

To youtube είναι γεμάτο από Jawyer videos και είναι το ένα καλύτερο από τ' άλλο: Lostback Mountain

Once you try Jack, you never go back! :p


-Candygram, my foot. You get out of here before I call the police. You're the shark, and you know it.

-Wait. I-I'm only a dolphin, ma'am.

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Την Τρίτη το βράδυ τελειώνει! Φαντάζομαι χαρές που θα κάνουν οι υπέυθυνοι της ΝΕΤ. :rocket:


"To Be or Not to Be a Snarf"?

That's the real question!

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Την Τρίτη το βράδυ τελειώνει! Φαντάζομαι χαρές που θα κάνουν οι υπέυθυνοι της ΝΕΤ. :rocket:

Το τελευταίο θα το δείξουν διπλό όπως είναι ή σε ξεχωριστά επεισόδια?

patch για ελληνικούς υπότιτλους σε: Monkey Island 1 (Special Edition & VGA CD Beta II), Indiana Jones 3 και LOOM, Grim Fandango
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Egw nomizw....oti teleiwnei tin tetarti... siga min diksoun to teleftaio episodeio se 2 wres...tha to kopsoun fisika.... siga min baloun gia 2(!) wres LOST....pou eimaste re paidia?:p :lol: NET einai den einai da kai ABC...h kana Fox h WB
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Λάθος! Τελικά την Πέμπτη το βράδυ θα τελειώσει ο 1ος κύκλος κι όχι την Τρίτη! Μάλλον σε ξεχωριστά επεισόδια θα το δείξουν, stroggoff.


"To Be or Not to Be a Snarf"?

That's the real question!

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Μάλλον σήμερα δεν θα δείξει επεισόδειο καθώς θα υπάρξει έκτακτη εκπομπή με τη (διευθύvουσα σύμβουλο του ΕΡΤ World,πλέον) Μ. Χούκλη (μλιάχ)

Το νέο μουσικό blog είναι εδώ!Αφιερώματα,επιλεγμένα mp3s...


"It's better to burn out than fade away"

N. Young

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Τι ειναι το ΕΡΤWorld?

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Εμ.... ο κοσμός της ΕΡΤ ίσως; :p

Στοιχεία ζητήσαμε, όχι μετάφραση:p :lol:

Ας μη το κρύβουμε.

Διψάμε για ουρανό!

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To ERT World (κατα το ΒΒC World) είναι η μετεξέλιξη του ERT SAT

Το νέο μουσικό blog είναι εδώ!Αφιερώματα,επιλεγμένα mp3s...


"It's better to burn out than fade away"

N. Young

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To ERT World (κατα το ΒΒC World) είναι η μετεξέλιξη του ERT SAT

Α. Τώρα ξέρουμε. Δηλαδή μετονομάστηκε η ERT SAT σε ERT World ή απλά δημιουργήθηκε νέα συχνότητα;

Ας μη το κρύβουμε.

Διψάμε για ουρανό!

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Εχθες παντως το επαιξε στις 23:00 αντι στις 22:00 και μαλιστα χωρις καμια ενημερωση....

Σημερα δηλαδη δεν ειχε επεισοδιο?

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Βρε πουλάκι μου, είπαμε ότι η ελπίδα πεθαίνει πάντα τελευταία αλλά η δικιά σου έχει γίνει σαν τον Mumm-Ra! Άστην επιτέλους να αναπαυθεί..... :lol:


Α, τώρα που το θυμήθηκα! Το απόγευμα κατά τις 8:30 είδα διαφημιστικό του LOST (εννοείται με season2 spoilers) και έλεγε "Κάθε μέρα στις 10". Χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα Να τους πάρουμε τηλέφωνο να τους πούμε ότι σήμερα δεν έχει, να μην στήνονται άδικα μπροστά στην τηλεόραση!

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Τι λέτε ωρέ; Το έβαλε κανονικά το επεισόδιο (με καθυστέρηση βέβαια)
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