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Everything posted by sugardad

  1. Oi tainies pou prospa8eis na anaparageis sigoura exoun stream DOLBY 5.1 h apla exoun STREAM se DOLBY 2, 2.1 an einai etsi tote prospa8eis na kaneis to akator8wto.... na paixeis Dikanalo (stereofwniko) DOLBY hxo se 5.1 den ginetai... Otan h tainia einai sto disko akomh k 2,2.1 na einai ta 5.1 sou paizoun se stereo mode xwrizomena aytomata L k R channell an pragmati prospa8eis na paixeis tainia pou einai 5.1 k den akous hxo dokimase na apegkatasthseis ta dvd players epanegkatasthse to power dvd k kane test pi8anon kapoios driver na diegrafh h na egine overwrite apo to power h win dvd Proswpika me NForce3 chipset k AMD64 me thn onboard epishs NVIDIA karta based se AC'97 8Channel codec ths RealTec (ALC850) k tous whacked old school dolby drivers ths nvidia (oi neoi den exoun Dolby) akouw 5.1 k 7.1 8aumasia...
  2. sto adrenaline vault apo to '97 eimai kollhmenos ekei http://www.avault.com oti paixnidi kykloforei 8a breis trainer, walkthrough ktl mono ellhnika den exei...
  3. ATHLON XP h XP64 me kleista matia (exoun k thn texnologia AMD PowerNow! k AMD Cool N' Quiet) To Cool and Quiet epitygxanei Cool: otan den xreiazetai to 100% ths epexergastikhs isxys o epexergasths aftomata kanei throttling k katebazei taxythta ish me ayth pou pragmatika xreiazesai, apotelesma mikrotero stress ston epexergasth, xamhloterh 8ermokrasia, xamhloterh katanalwsh se reyma Quiet: bash tou parapanw ta anemhsthrakia den douleyoun toso syxna k etsi me ena eidous software cooler epityxanetai k megalyterh aytonomia (CPU power low, no nedd to power the coolant system) alla k kalyterh 8emoapagwgh... Apo pleyras tou antipalou deous INTeL dld P4 gia epidoseis Centrino gia autonomia OMWS den einai tragiko na leitourgei to anemisthraki alla oute k na akougetai k ligaki den einai da k kana turbo apo boeing! :p Enas Aspire ACER me AMD 64 den exei pleon parapanw apo 1300Euro... k ferei k DVD recorder k axiozhleyth karta grafikwn... to laptop einai prwtista ergaleio on the move k oxi forhth konsola gaming.
  4. oi TFT o8ones den ephrreazontai apo tis aktinobolies twn kinhtwn, dhladh den emfanizoun oute tremopaigmata oute kan fainetai o tetragwnikos palmos otan ayto lambanei klhsh h mnm h o,ti allo pi8anon eitai ftaiei h o8onh (ouch!) eitai exeis epilexei refresh rate megalytero twn 60Hz (syxno problem) eitai kati paizei me thn karta grafikwn (spanio) eitai opws proanafer8hke kati paizei me to trofodotiko sou....
  5. Oles oi kartes arxhs genomenhs apo AGP 2.0 pou feroun thn akida gia differential voltage einai apolytws symbates k den yparxei endexomeno toso katastrofhs ths kartas oso k ths mainboard!!!! Ean h mobo sou einai AGP 4,0 HDH yposthrizei ayto apla h karta pros agora 8a leitourghsei downgraded se 4.0 anti 8.0 speed
  6. Einai poly pi8anon h syskeyh pou exeis gia ton exwteriko sklhro disko na mhn plhrei tis proypo8eseis gia tous proprietary drivers toso twn XPSP1 oso k twn XPSP2 des ean to exwteriko perifereiako sou exei CD/Disketa egkatastashs drivers. to USB Hub pote den einai lysh, akomh k an to HuB einai trofodotoumeno apo metasxhmatisth, Den 8a tolmhsw kan na anfer8w sta autotrofodotoumena hub pou einai apla kataptysta, h lysh gia High Speed USB se ypologisth me USB 1.1 einai h agora PCI kartas Hi Speed USB pou exasfalizei apolyth symbatothta. To exwterika proprietary Mass Storage Devices einai symbata toso me XPHOME oso k me XPPRO, sigourepsou ka8e fora pws exeis HDH energopoihmeno to exwteriko device (na einai sto reyma k o diakopths trofodosias sto on) k meta na to syndeseis sto PC sou Ta Hi Speed USB devices leitourgoun k se USB 1.1 8yres mono pou SERNONTAI ean prokeitai gia sklhrous diskous. Esy aneferes pws oi 8yres sou 1.1 USB ton blepoun kanonika, ara your solution lies sthn agora kartas PCI USB 2.0 (Hi Speed USB)
  7. Hello! Xronia Polla! Giati Den post-arete ta LiNKS sas edw pou HDH yparxei idiou endiaferontos thread k dhmiourgeite kapoio allo? 8a mperdeutoume sto telos me ta polla threads idiou xarakthra, nai?
  8. Xronia mas Polla!!! Ka8e prosdokia sas dikh mou eyxh! Na xairomaste thn ka8e stigmh tou neou etous pou mas xhmerwse me ateleiwth zwntania, trella, xamogelo, peritrygirysmenoi apo agaph k ygeia giati opws k na exei ka8e stigmh den einai stigmh milco! :p XRONIA POLLA
  9. koitaxe apla to bluetooth pou 8es na yposthrizei Headset profile apo 'kei k ystera eisai A' OK!
  10. Milwntas gia xristougenna (xexexexexex) >:-] katebaste ayto kante extract to arxeio k metonomaste to se arxeio.scr sth synexeia metaferete to arxeio sto storage card k sto fakelo opou k exete to pocket candy, afou to enapo8esete ekkinhste to pocket candy k epilexte to neo sas xristougenniatiko screen saver! nice one?
  11. XPONIA POLLA!!! 8elw na para8esw mia entypwsh pou apokomisa apo to 8080 mou k 8elw na ma8w an ontws isxyei h eimai h exairesh.... Prosfgata agorasa ena BT HeadSet ths Logitech symbato me BTv1.2 to opoio k synergazetai APSOGA me to en logw smartie To "problhma" pou antimetwpisa htan pws DEN eixe thn anamenomenh apokrish hxou, dhladh o hxos pou ekpempetai mesw BT apo to 8080 einai sxetika xamhlos se entash.... Sth synexeia ekana 2 tests gia na diapistwsw an einai ftaiximo tou headset 1. Nokia 3650 k 2. SE P800 Dystyxws diapistwsa pws afto den isxyei me ta en logw montela, mias k o hxos pou ekpempetai einai pragmatika POLY dynatos! Isxyei afto me ta dika sas ta smartie / headsets? Exete diapistwsei kati analogo? Epishs 8a h8ela na epishmanw pws sto tomea ayto h NOKIA (dystyxws h eytyxws) einai kapoia bhmata mprosta mias k ta kinhta ths einai (ap'oti diafainetai) full audio gateway, gegonos pou epitrepei sto headset pou 8a synde8ei mesw BT me to kinhto, na tou ekpempei ton oiondhpote hxo se ayto k mono se ayto, xwris na "enoxlei" tous trigyrw! Pragma to opoio k de synanthsa oute sto Qtek oute sto SE..
  12. koita o food mia fora k ena kairo eixe bgalei ena executable pou allaze genika ta eikonidia twn win k meta apo afto ebgale to idio programma afhnontas allous na ftiaxoun modules pou na kanoun thn idia douleia an se endiaferei afto psakse some more to site tou food alliws h lysh einai monodromos giati 8es na allaxeis resources me dika sou plhres customization dld....
  13. an to diskaki einai sxediasmeno gia high-speed recording (profanws einai) to programma DEN se afhnei na to grapseis se xamhloterh taxythta mias k h entash ths aktinas einai toso dynath wste sto en logo diskaki mono kako mporei na kanei para eggrafh....... problhma 8a htan na mhn se afhne sta 8x tote afto shmainei asymbatothta mesou me to dvd-r sou kalo 8a einai na koitaxeis h na rwthseis gia lista me proteinomenes markes......
  14. HellasVagabond symfwnw apolyta an kai polla plhktrologia DYSTYXWS lene pws einai symbata me ayto to protypo PC98 Power ON mono se mia dyo markes eida sobarh ylopoihsh k pio sygkekrimena sthn trust k sta plhktrologia ayths.
  15. pisteyw pws me enan resource manager mporeis na kaneis aneta th douleia afth etsi ka8'ayto ton tropo egw allaza ta system eikonidia apo executables.... kane ena search sto google yparxoun polloi free
  16. sugardad

    nero & mda

    katebase to alcohol 120% h tainia profanws exei ginei backup me alcohol to opoio k dhmiourgei mds k mda arxeia
  17. Mporeis na dokimaseis afto.....
  18. Egw empisteyomai tis lyseis pou prosferei h sony k sygkekrimena ths seiras X exoun poly kalo yposysthma grafikwn, poly zwntana xrwmata k plh8wra leitourgiwn k customization.... den me poly en8ousiazoun oi lyseis ths LG an k apo eggyhsh skizoun me to zero pixel.... alles poiotikes k dokimasmenes synama lyseis einai aftes ths EIZO, ACER, SIEMENS
  19. Mporeis k para mporeis se 2-3 meres gyrnaw pisw 8a sou steilw programma! exw ena aparxaiwmeno 266MMX me 60Giga an k to bios apo sfalma den to yposhrizei yparxoun polloi tropoi na to parakampseis.... en anamonh loipon........
  20. edw k xronia xrhsimopoiw ton icon packager exw ftiaxei ena paketaki loukoumio exw kanei ta xp agnwrista........ gia ton IE den asxoloumai mias k xrhsimopoiw mozilla k firefox http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/sugardad.png
  21. Hello friend! Me xenizei ligo oti h o8onh sou na se bazei me 2 sec diafora h akomh k na sou ka8ysterei to systhma, mias k o epexergasths tou yposysthmatos grafikwn ths o8onhs sou, pragma gia ton opoio k ginetai to olo zhthma exei responce sto refresh twn pixel 12ms (edw isws na kaneis k liiigo la8ws, isws ki egw giati nomizw pws to responce sou einai 16ms oxi 12) epishs gi'aytous pou den katalabainoun gia ti pragma milame k ti einai to responce time dinw pio katw ton orismo Response Time Response Time is an attribute that applies to LCD monitors. It translates to the amount of time it takes for a liquid crystal cell to go from active (black) to inactive (white) and back to active (black) again. It is measured in milliseconds or (ms). Lower numbers mean faster transitions (eg. 16 ms is faster than 25 ms.) and therefore less visible image artifacts. etsi loipon epanalambanw pws DEN pisteyw pws h o8onh sou exei na kanei tpt me to oti argeis ligo mias toso h o8onh sou oso k to yposysthma grafikwn sou se kamia periptwsh den ephrreazoun toso synolika oso k merika thn apodosh tou systhmatos sou, kapoio allo problhma mallon exeis
  22. alex_gr o windows moviemaker den ekane afto pou h8eles? exw forwsei k-y-r-i-o-l-e-k-t-i-k-a to kinhto me video-clips htan mpeg k ta ekana mesw tou windows movie maker 2.1 se wmv k apo 30MB eginan panw katw apo 3 ews 6meg poly smooth kinhsh k arketa kalh poiothta toso se hxo oso k se eikona..... endeiktika to chop shuey apo soad american idiot apo green day poison - alice cooper ktl exw phxei sta video clip!!! aaaaaaaaa, kante ena check sto airfagev sthn enothta ringtones exei kati wav loukoumia!
  23. File mou xilia sygnwmh gia thn argoporia.... Logika DEN prepei na ey8ynetai to programma gi'ayto pou perigrafeis mias k polla alla programmata paramenoun sth mnhmh k trexoun sto background opws k ayto, omws h katanalwsh einai mhdamhnh Egw proswpika prin aposteilw to sxolio mou gia to en logw utility to dokimasa treis meres prin...... Epishs exw kati monimo k mh anastrepsimo argw syxna k xypnw POLY dyskola fantasou pws bazw 4 kinhta k ena xypnhthri gia na thn akousw to prwi :p ayto to programma me ebgale apo ton kopo twn 4 xypnhthriwn mias k ebala 4 xypnhthria taytoxrona, to ena meta to allo (to analogiko xypnhthri einai still must)....... Afto omws pou mporw na sou pw meta megisths sigourias einai pws apo th stigmh pou to xypnhthri 8a kanei go off h katanalwsh ayxanetai AGRIA eitai ayto einai to default eitai einai to en logw utility, opws epishs k h 8ermokrasia tou kinhtou :wacko: Mou exei adeiasei pollostes fores h mpataria epeidh DEN ekana dismiss to xypnhthri alla to afhsa na xtypa synexeia!! [DuH!]
  24. Kapoioi edw zhthsan alarm gia to smarty mas brhka loipon kati poly kalytero einai multiple alarm einai program execution scheduler einai ahdiastika parametropoihsimo kai fysika.... DWREAN! katebaste to apo edw more 2 come soon!
  25. hello still from chania Kathgoriopoihsh k ftiaximo programs tou start menu 911 h apanthsh gia na ftiaxeis to start menu einai sxetika aplh kane deksi klik sto ms activesync taskbar icon epelexe explore apo to storage folder mpes sto windows mpes sto folder start menu apo ekei mporeis na ftiaxeis nea folder na metakinhseis eikonidia se folder kai na kathgoriopoihseis pio apotelesmatika etsi tis efarmoges sou prosexe omws giati oxi oles to yposthrizoun afto, sthn pleiopshfia tous omws den 8a synanthseis kanena problhma :)
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