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Everything posted by sugardad

  1. katebaste amesa to neo theme changer (ekdosh 4) o opoios parexei FULL pleon yposthrhxh gia themes me multiple xtra screen opws info, warnings, start menu background ktl epishs psaxte apo modaco na breite to neo theme MSN to opoio ylopoiei to olokainourio rjvhtml plugin TROMERO! epishs ananew8hke to oxios hibernate se ekdosh 1.30 mikrotero footprint sth mnhmh k pollan eparkestero mem defrag! c ya soon!
  2. highland pragmati Isxyei! Amerikh pantws ekane ntempouto!
  3. Htan mia hliolousth hmera sta mesa tou Iounh tou 1997 molis apofoitousa apo to lykeio ws programmer molis eixa anakalypsei to unix k to linux akomh ephza me ta win95B k dokimaza thn Win98beta ta MP3 htan hdh to ayrio alla player swsto DEN eixame... la8os! ekeinh thn hmera katebasa k etrexa ton Winamp 1.0! http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/winamp.jpg Ayto htan to prwto Logo tou WinaMP remember? http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/nullsoft.jpg k afto to prwto logo ths palai pote NullSoft Gia thn Istoria: Justing Frankel: Design. Coding (Founder of Nullsoft) Tom Pepper: ArtWork and Design Dmitry Boldyrev: ArtWork and Design (Founder of NullSoft) Tomislav Uzelac: Amp Decoding Engine (Amp Decoding Engine v0.74 tromero paidi) Timur Kunayev: Debugging, Bug Tracking David Airmet: NullSoft Logo
  4. xmmm lan8aneis ligo, ginotan k ginetai...... apo ton fakelo i386 winnt32.exe Win based installation winnt.exe DOS based Installation to boot image pou fortwnei to cd einai mia kommenh ekdosh tou dos se protected mode to opoio xrhsimopoiei san command kernel k intepreter to setup twn windows try it ;)
  5. Official M$ Way Dhmiourgeiste ena fakelo me onoma xpsp1_int amesws meta allo ena me onoma pro balte ton pro mesa sto xpsp1_int antigrapste to xpsp2.exe apo to cd pou exete h an to exete katebasei apo to web sto disko sas c:\ balte to original cd twn winblows sto cd-rom kai antigrapste OLA ta arxeia sto proanafer8en fakelaki PRO twra bgeite se command window (start, run, cmd) phgainte sto root tou c: sto command prompt grafte c:, cd\ twra kante integrate to sp2 sto paketo sas xpsp2 /f /integrate:c:\xpsp1_int\pro ayto! twra guide gia na dhmiourghsete bootable cd/DVD me to neo SP exw kanei post shmera se allo thread
  6. Ti akribws 8eleis na kaneis? To boot pou les einai entelws geniko.... boot se ti? boot giati? Boot to DOS h XP Setup? Anaforika ean mporw na se boh8hsw 8a sou proteina ta exhs. 1. Boot CD/DVD with WinXP setup (2 Disks (1xPaneuro, 1xGreek)) Afou exeis kanei update ta setup twn XP (integrate me to SP2) pisteyw pws ston fakelo PRO, DEN exeis alloiwsei thn domh twn katalogwn ths mhtras (source CD) otan ta antegrapses me skopo to upgrade. exontas san bash afto proxwrame... Trexe to ISOBuster Pro k exe to CD twn winblows mesa sto drive kane extract apo to boot sector tou cd to .img arxeio sto desktop sou Ekkinhse to nero, epelexe DVD Boot, bale san source to arxeio po ekanes extract (nai to NERO leei gia .IMA alla k ta .IMG einai to idio format) sth synexeia des to pedio EMULATION frontise na leei NO EMULATION des to pedio Number of Loaded Sectors ayto prepei na einai 4 kane create Peta mesa sto root tou project sou kyriolektika OLA ta periexomena tou updated fakelou XP setup Eng h Ell pou dhmiourghses ftiaxe ena xtra fakelo gia to office k peta mesa ta arxeia apo to cd tou. PROSEXE! afou baleis ola ta arxeia sto project kane k pali properties sto neo project epelexe to prwto prwto eikonidio pou exei sxhma CD/DVD kai pata ALT+ENTER SIGOUREPSOU pws to nero exei krathsei tis epiloges sou, giati exei bug se ayto ton tomea kai DEN tis swzei panta, afou dior8wseis ta tyxon la8h kane ok pata to Burn k eisai Air Ready! afto 8a prepei na to kaneis 2 fores, mia gia thn ellhnikh ekdoxh k mia gia thn agglikh..... 2. Boot DVD with pure M$-DOS for multiple setup. edw isxyei oti isxye pio panw ALLA! 8a prepei na ftiaxeis mia disketa me DOS h opoia 8a periexei k 8a fortwnei: 8a fortwnei: HIMEM.SYS (enallaktika k emm386.exe me nobase option) dos driver gia to CD/DVD MSCDEX.exe gia na dinei drive letter kai na kanei ISO/High Sierra 9660 intepretation se DOS k to smartdrive.exe gia taxythta kata th metafora dedomenwn periexei loipon: To DOS (MSDOS.SYS, IO.SYS, COMMAND.COM) HIMEM.SYS EMM386.EXE(oxi ypoxrewtika) CDDRIVER.SYS MSCDEX.EXE SMARTDRIVE.EXE afou kaneis afth th disketa bres ena programma opws to winimage h to HD tou dos kai kane thn disketa ayth image (.img/.ima arxeio) sth synexeia ekkineis to nero, epilegeis DVD BOOT epilegeis to arxeio (.ima/.img) emulation mode Floppy 1.44 sectors to load 1(enan) h 2(dyo) den 8ymamai kala (paei kairos) (an exeis RAM h RW disks kane ena dokimastiko gia na mhn kais adika) kaneis create loipon to project ftiaxe ena fakelo gia ka8e distro eng h GR kai allo ena gia to office Frontise oi fakeloi na exoun 8 grammata gia ID p.x. XP English PRO Installation -----> XP_ENG XP Greek PRO Installation -----> XP_GRE Office Installation -----> OFFICE (to office DEN kanei setup apo DOS mono apo Winblows) peta mesa sta folder pou dhmiourghses ta arxeia mhn xexaseis thn pio panw yposhmeiwsh na elegxeis tis ry8miseis tou boot CD\DVD prin to BURN afou oloklhrwseis to check k oi ry8miseis einai OK kane burn! Otan to CD\DVD afto bootarei 8a se bgalei se pure dos mode me CD\DVD support apo ekei mpes se opoio fakelo 8es px gia agglika xp ypo8etiko onoma monadas CD/DVD to D: ypo8etiko onoma fakelou XP english XP_ENG (opou <-| enoeitai to enter) D: <-| cd xp_eng <-| cd i386 <-| winnt <-| Trexontas to winnt ekkineis to setup apo dos mode... ayta..... elpizw na se boh8hsa me ayto to guide
  7. Hello apo xania! (for now) Oute egw exw na anferw kati paromoio...... Afta pou antimetwpizw einai liiigo tragelafika.... 1. An afhsete na baraei alyphta to alarm tou kinhtou, 8a deite pws yper8ermenetai! Emena eftase tous 41C!!!! 2. Twra teleytaia otan to exw kleidwmeno enw mou anabosbhnei to led endeixhs shmatos, h o8onh paramenei pagera adiaforh stis orexeis mou kai to kinhto den deixnei kanena shmadi apokrishs h lysh einai na afairesw thn mpataria (DaMN!) parolo pou kai kleinw o,ti trexei k kanw mem defrag (oxios hibernate) (exw synh8ws apo 10,054KB~10MB ews 6,667KB~6MB sth xeiroterh) 3. H Mpataria poso kairo xreiazetai mexri na xediplwsei oles tis aretes ths giati mou krata molis k meta bias 2 meres.... #$^%@%!@#!*% Ean de allaxw kai kamia 5aria themes steilw k 2-3 arxeia mesw BT, milhsw katitis parapanw (30min synolo), steilw kai kamia 10aria mnm thn mera den thn bgazw :(
  8. Geia sou syn-onomate! Uparxoun polles efarmoges k polla shortcuts sta opoia mporeis na xrhsimopoihseis ta .ico ayta. Ta .ico en arxh, ta dhmiourghsa giati DEN eixa kapoio axiologo eikonidio gia na antikatasthsw ta proepilegmena kapoiwn efarmogwn px sto sprite backup to ex onomatisei QTeK Backup k ebala eikonidio tou 8080 Enw sto folder pou to exw kanei STASH me programmata exw balei to 2o eikonidio.... Eimai sigouros pws oxi oloi 8a to broun xrhsimo h aparaiththo... Alla aytoi pou areskontai sto customizing twn windows k ths epifaneias ergasias k einai katoxoi tou QT808 ayta ta dyo .ico einai must have :p http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/qt8080.jpg http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/qt8080_2.jpg
  9. An enoeis dia ths DarkSide young SkyWalker, oxi den einai toso apla... Dedomenou oti milame gia mia platforma se nearh hlikia pou twra xediplwnei tis xares ths... An enoeis mesw ths Pefwtismenh$$$ odou Ameeeeeee apo strip pockers mexri de kserw k gw ti.... :D :) Sigoura yparxoun kapoia freeware exoume omws dromo k ekei dhl. to na exw ena exwghino kai na phgainei me to joy panw katw k mpam mpam, BANG! you're dead, na skotwnei teratakia de to briskw ka8olou fun, perissotera ekane to commander keen to '94 :p Bebaia poly kalh fash einai ta emulators! an goustareis Gameboy (WooHoooo!) 8a ksetrella8eis! Me thn eleysh twn MPX220, C500 ktl pisteyw pws 8a endynamw8ei akomh pio poly to kinhma twn smartphones k 8a blepoume/doume ayth th xronia olo k perissotera "paixnidakia" gia na gemizoume eyxarista tis wres sto grafeio, th toualeta, to dwmatio anamonhs, skopia ktl :D :D :D
  10. Egw en anti8esh, energopoio ton switcher den xanw ta ports mou... To programma ka8e fora pou kapoia syskeyh mou zhta Serial, DUN, FAX, LAN ktl acess ths dinw grant (enoeitai pws apo prin einai authorized) k ola fine :) Mpes sto site ths etairias sou na psaxeis, alliws kouragio syntoma pisteyw 8a ginei kapoio neo release. Egw ayton ton adapter ton agorasa mesw ebay (opws panta :p ) einai symbatos me ola mou ta kinhta (UIQ, 60 Series, Smartphone) k timatai synh8ws molis 20eur thn stigmh pou edw oi times psilosfazoun :o kai einai made in USA. Gia to alh8es... http://www.windigosys.com/images/logo_windigo.gif http://www.windigosys.com/images/product_usbdongle.jpg
  11. Ontws yparxei problhma me ta BT drivers k Interface ths M$ me ylopoihseis tritwn kataskeyastwn. K emena h Windigo Systems mou esteile mail pro hmerwn pws ebgale kainouria ekdosh software gia SP2 *mono* parea me ena driver/interface switcher. eidika gi'ayto to problhma.....
  12. Diabazw k diabazw k diabazw olous aftous tous mhnes gia tetoia 8emata k siwpw alla de mporw 8a to pw...... Pragmatika h einai ligoi aytoi pou xrhsimopoioun to ANYDVD parea me to CLONEDVD2/clonedvd h apla de to exete dokimasei... To anydvd trexei transparently ENTELWS kanei demacrovision on the fly afairei kleides prostasias on the fly afairei region restricted features on the fly afairei region area protection (1,2,3,4) on the fly afairei prohibited user operations on the fly k parea me to clonedvd2 einai to dynamic duo bazw to diskaki epilegw menus, typo hxou, glwsses ypotitlwn k record! xronos 30 min on the fly.... kanw tpt la8os h xanw se kati pou de mou prosferei kapoio allo programma oute decode xreiazetai na kanw, oute resample oute tpt 1.bazw diskaki, 2.epilegw features, 3.pataw record afta ta tria nothin' more nothin' less :o
  13. Stis 61 selides aftou tou thread mporeite na breite sxedon apanta! rom mporeite na breite mesw search sto google k sto site ths modaco....
  14. An exei sticker antiproswpwias panw tou P.X Infowin Tote ksereis pou na pas ;) alliws pairne thl antiproswpeies na tous peis to serial (ena leyko sticker panw sto mobo) na doun an to exoun sth bash tous an nai trexa!
  15. PuNK RuLeZ!!! An eixe pe8anei to POK/Punk/Metal/Alternative/Darkwave To kalokairi ston ALICE den 8a patouse psyxh Oute ston tragoudisth twn Jethro Tull Oute stous DOORS Oute thn anoixh stous Misfits parea me ton Marky Ramone k ayta einai endeiktika paradeigmata........ Ton persino xeimwna GaGaRiN exeis kata nou ti paizotan? Astyplaz, And also the trees, south of no north, siouxee and the banshees Fash eixe to afierwma stous RaMoNeS parea me cult videos ths tinas spathi LoooooooooL P-A-N-i-K-o-S AKOMH den mporw na xexasw thn kosmosyrroh ston Manu Chao to kalokairi tou 2002 ston Peiraia Filaraki mou einai to palikari pou to exei, syxnazw poly ekei ;) To Whom It may Concern! 24 (Κυρ) ΣΗΜΕΡΑ Βασίλης Παπακωνσταντίνου Οξυγόνο Live Οξυγόνο Live Βούρβαχη & Κορυζή 4, Νέος Κόσμος Τηλ: 210/9240740 26 (Τρί) Υπόγεια Ρεύματα Το Μπαράκι του Βασίλη - http://www.tobaraki.gr 28 (Πεμ) Rotting Christ Romeo Club 30 (Σαβ) ANNE CLARK+ DAVID HARROW Gagarin 205 31 (Κυρ) SAXON Gagarin 205 5 NOE (Παρ) TUXEDOMOON Gagarin 205 NO TEARS FOR THE CREATURES OF THE NIGHT (kick aSSSSSSSSSS) 12 (Νοε) ΤΙΜ ΒΟΟΤΗ (James Still Rulez) Gagarin 205 Mad Caddies 3/11 στο An Club PuNK/SKa (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) 4 (Σαβ) ΔΕΚ NICK CAVE Κλειστό Γήπεδο Ελληνικού 13/11/2004 ΕΝΔΕΛΕΧΕΙΑ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΣΚΗΝΗ "ΣΤΟΝ ΑΕΡΑ" ΠΕΤΡΟΥΠΟΛΗ @ 23.00 19/11/2004 ΘΕΟΔΟΣΙΑ ΤΣΑΤΣΟΥ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΣΚΗΝΗ "ΣΤΟΝ ΑΕΡΑ" ΠΕΤΡΟΥΠΟΛΗ @ 23.00 17-18-19/12/2004 ΔΙΑΦΑΝΑ ΚΡΙΝΑ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΣΚΗΝΗ "ΣΤΟΝ ΑΕΡΑ" ΠΕΤΡΟΥΠΟΛΗ @ 23.00 Κ αυτά είναι μόνο μερικά..........
  16. Star sailor meta to teleytaio kommati paizoune se........ grhgoriano styl napw to coming down k meta skane sta gelia System Of a Down meta to aerials akolou8ei mia pio cult ethnic ektelesh Pennywise sto CD Full Circle pou einai afierwmeno se ena melos tou sygkrothmatos (Jason Mathew Thirsk) meta to Bro Hymn Tribute (to kommati kicks ass) akolou8ei mia pio mellow ekdosh arketwn dekadwn leptwn se piano h idia ektelesh epanemfanizetai sto intro twn Pennywise sto CD Pennywise Live @ Keynote Club Ayta pros to parwn
  17. Ton kourea k tous xeiroterous pelates tou tous exei akousei kaneis? ebgale ena cd to 99 k xa8hke xaaxaaxaxaxxa Htan kalos omws, ekane diaskeyh ena komati apo jethro tull k to onomase h mikroula tzenh.
  18. exxxmmm den 8elw na fanw lame h kati tetoio opoios exei to programma gia na allazei ta eikonidia 8a mporouse na mou to aposteilei? sugardad78@gmail.com eyxaristw! :))
  19. Egw 8a sou proteina ATI an kai ta exoun kalypsei ola ta paidia k edw alla k se alla thread, h teleytaia lexh einai dikh sou.... May the ATI force be with you, young skywalker!
  20. mou aresei pou sto review tou, tou ekanan thn erwthsh ti akribws enoei me thn ekfrash ayth.. LoooooooooooooL! Exei den exei kalh kamera gia emena ena k to ayto einai to kinhto ayto einai ergaleio (giati ayto einai) h kamera erxetai deyterh mou arkei na traba fwto pou na fainontai. k ap'oti katalabainw etsi opws ektylisetai to prama opoios 8elei omorfo kompso ergaleio MPX-220 opoios 8elei ergaleio me kamerakla( :D ) SPV-C500 panta gyrw apo M$ powered....
  21. aaaxxxxxxx, pou eisai Capital, akous Giwrgo anamenoume Come Back..... Stis 3 dwro h mia.... LoL :p Kanw synexeia zapp se aytes tis 3 syxnothtes k den mporw na tis ksexwrisw pleon... ReD 96.3 k RoCK 96.9 Galaxy 92.0 ifrit egw diafwnw den exei k poly sxesh me ayto pou kserame to 99.... de lew pws DEN einai kalos alla exei xasei.....
  22. Eimai liiiiigo blakas sthn arxh katalaba pws eixes problem me to montem k den ebriskes tous katallhlous driver logw tou oti htan MoTo La8os oiktro.......... To problhma ayto to antimetwpisa polles fores k allh mia prin mia bdomada :( Ksafnika ginetai drop h grammh enw to eikonidio tou status paramenei energo k kollhmeno, ti disconnect ti deksi klik k disconnect tpt ayto ekei, mexri pou kapoia stigmh arneitai pleon k na "anoiksei" na mou deiksei to status k monh lysh restart $#^#^@#%@%#@ :( Elpizw na einai to idio me ayto pou pernas....... Sthn xeiroterh ta spyware exoun kanei k g@mw tis douleies k mallon pas gia re-install ta winblows.... :o .....Sth Kalyterh 1.Katebazeis amesa to AD-Aware k ton Mozilla Sou lew ton mozilla giati ama katebases kanena parakseniariko spyware kiss bye bye ton IE, kollaei me thn mpala gia ta kala :( 2.Trexe to ad-aware k elegxe an h bash dedom anagnwrishs spyware einai ananewmenh an oxi tote kane update! ....kaneis (re-)*install ton mozilla *An ton eixes ton mozilla xere pws otan kaneis re-install exei thn tash ta plug-ins pou katebainoun k ta swzei sth cache tou/plugin folder na ta sbhnei ola :)
  23. Logika ena xrono, Pas me thn apodeixh agoras sto magazi pou thn agorases thn stelnoun sta ergasthria tous, kanoun test an de leitourgei swsta RMA k pisw sthn antiproswpeia, an bre8ei k ekei oti exei problhma eitai sthn allazoun me kapoia idia h an exoun ksemeinei me to amesws epomeno montelo....
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