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Everything posted by sugardad

  1. pseyth! Περιοχή: The Bahamas :LoL: :D :) :LoL: :D :) :LoL: :D :) :LoL: :D :)
  2. christ-k NBNE? emena ston ypno me epiase k ti me ayto? katalabainoun wre ta zoudia otan koimountai? tsouk! etsi loipon synexisa aptohtos to trello paixnidi mou me ton morfea! LoL :wacko: eytyxws pou den synebh PALI sta genne8lia mou opws tote to 99 eixe gemisei to kinhto mou me mnm tou typou -xronia polla mhtsotakh -na zhseis katsiki -1940 hitler hiroshima-nagashaki USA 1999 YOU! k.a. :D :wacko: :P
  3. fumantsu eisai kapws la8os file mou... O popup blocker yphrxe k yparxei HDH apo Ioylio epishs symperilambanetai kai sto setup tou Messenger 6.2 O MS Movie Maker 2 kykloforei kanonikotata epishs o neos Media Player 10 kykloforei kanonikotata MONO English (h multilingual stous epomenous mhnes) Opoios 8elei ta links k barietai na psaksei as ta zhthsei ka8ws epishs k ta Install exe's To MONO pou DEN kykloforei akomh.... to updated MS Firewall ka8ws k o system monitor agent (pou einai kommati tou einai pleon to firewall SP2) k elegxei mexri k to antivirus (mono an einai ths symantec) k afto den pisteyw na arghsei na kykloforhsei pali ws stand alone mias k ta e-mail peri aytou einai POLLA! mcde symfwnw me ta legomena sou peri DiVX, XViD, ktl oute egw eixa me to SP1, eixa to Nimo mou, to Klite Mega mou k hmoun kyrios. Toso sth beta SP2 oso k sthn Final release omws ta problems do exist kale mou file..... apla katebase k ta ypoloipa patches tou SP2 (nai to SP2 akomh den bghke exei Hotfixes(eixe apo thn beta periodo) exeis dei para8yra me tainies se DiVX, k MP4 na kleinoun apo mona tous k Explorer Instances na crasharoun giati energopoieis se fakelo me movies tetoiou eidous proepiskopish thumbnail...... Se kapoia fash ta WIN DEN dexontai unsigned drvs, giati(?) (You see the things to come) akou koulo twra fantasou apla oti an kapoios exei tv tuner card k einai texnologias PVR Personal Video Recorder (dhl xrhsimopoiei MPEG2 k WINMEDIA encoders ths M$) ayta ta updates mporoun eitai na crasharoun olh thn efarmogh eitai kata thn antigrafh na grafei mayrh eikona(!) kai ayto giati h built in prostasia ths M$ gia DLLs, tsbyuv & Media 9 encoders digrafei ta nea k epanaferei ta palaia. de 8a makrygorhsw allo k den 8a to synexisw krathste ayto pou legetai k apo ta xeilh ths M$ k apo polles alles etairies tou xwrou opws h symatec k alles. An leitourgei to systhma sas swsta, An me ta live upds ths M$ DEN exete problhma k An den ferei to systhma sas syskeyh h kati sygkekrimeno pou na xreiazetai thn yparxh SP2 tote MHN to kanete Install. k opws eipe poly swsta allos enas moderator edw kalytera na kanete to SP2 Intall panw apo ena clean setup h ama kserete enswmatwste to sto setup opws akribws enswmatwsate sto setup to SP1. shutdown "now"
  4. Egw me ti dikh mou seira to NOKIA 6110 fortwmeno me features pou mexri twra htan xtra se alla kinhta http://www.nokia.com/pics/phones/phone_models/6110_mainpage_s1.jpg th seira Sxx ths Siemens me ta S10, S11, SL10 k S25 fwrtwmena me features kai epishs ta prwta EGXRWMA kinhta RGB epishs mporousan ap'ey8eias midi hxous na tous kanoun rng monophonic ringtone! to S25 mazi me to Alcatel One Touch Pocket Special Edition htan apo ta prwta WAP-enabled (feroun browser v1.0) http://www.cellular-news.com/images/cellphones/Siemens_S10.gif http://mobiguru.ru/web/photo/siemens_sl10_1.jpg http://mobiguru.ru/web/photo/siemens_s25_1.jpg To motorola Startac to prwto wearable clamshell kinhto ths opoias mimhths htan h samsung me to sgh-500 http://cellphones.about.com/library/graphics/motorola_startac_st7868w.jpg http://mobile.acasa.ro/images/bigpic/ss500b.gif k to Alcatel OneTouch Com me features opws touch screen, scratch pad, Imap-pop3 mail ktl apo to '97! http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/1.jpg http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/2.jpg http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/3.jpg http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/4.jpg To pio moufa kinhto (kat'eme) to siemens c25 pou an k eixe omorfo design tou eleipan ola ta alla akomh kai to roloi (LoL)
  5. Ola ayta pou perigrafeis deixnoun pws 1.) Eitai katastrafhke to arxeio pou katadeiknyei sta winblows se ka8e boot oti to leitourgiko sou a.k.a WinXP exei ginei registered on-line me thn m$ (gi'ayto kai otan mpaineis kanonika kai enw deixnei log-in se bgazei AMESA log out) 2.) Exeis mallon mh egkyrh ekdosh twn winblows(antigrafh) kai eitai egkatasta8hke to ServicePack2 eitai kommati aytou mesw tou M$ live update to SP2 exei ananewmenh database Invalid kwdikwn kai se petaei exw 3.)Ayto einai ligo science fiction h user database .dat mia gia ka8e xrhsth axrhstey8hkan(!) kane epanegkatastash ta XP an exeis laptop epelexe sthn eisagwgikh o8onh to analogo mnm gia na kaneis boot apo cd (e.g. Press C to Boot From Cd-Rom) an exei Tower mpes sto bios epelexe sto bios features/advanced bios features, boot sequence/boot from: CD-ROM kane save me F10 kai exe mesa to cd twn XP.... kai kane repair windows Installation apo to setup.... Kalh Tyxh!
  6. Xrhsimopoiw san beta to SP2 apo ton Maio DEN diapistwsa kamia megalh allagh h kalyterh prostasia, MONO problhmata! To popup blocker, Directx9c, MSN Messenger 6.x ktl einai autonoma paketa, pou opoios 8elei ta katebazei kai apo monos tou.. Problhmata me drivers 8a synanthsete polla opws epishs kai me updated drivers gia DiVX, MP3, ViDX ktl logw megalyterhs prostasias arxeiwn systhmatos. Aaaa, sthn beta se afhne na egkatasthseis (xaristika) drivers xwris certificate aytos mporei k na einai o logos pou DEN mporeite na egkatasthsete tous drivers (Mporei edw na ftaiei h crypto pou den dinei wincertified/winsigned drivers alla den einai ypoxrewmenh h ka8e etairia na plhrwnei foro ypoteleias sthn ka8e M$ gia na pairnei to ok na kanei sign tous drivers eleos!!) To conclude, pagkwsmiws 1 stous 10 ypologistes (and counting, teinoume sto 2) DEN ektelei swsta to SP2 auto leei polla..... Oson afora thn syndesh @ 31.2kbs einai 8ema k driver alla k ths thlefwnikhs sou grammhs. (ekanes line quality test me to modem) egw pou exw to idio modem bestII pci v92 exw promh8eytei kati driver apo kati rwssous tzimania pou yposthrizoun v92 katw apo 53,2 h 52,0kbps den exw synde8ei pote se dialup opoios 8elei tous drivers pm me...
  7. To prefetch einai mia texnologia ideologika "daneismenh" apo thn symantec to concept olo xekinhse to 1998 me thn eleysh twn Win98 kai oloklhrw8hke sta win98b opote kai ta enlogw windows mazi me ta winME eixan mia analogh texnologia enswmatwmenh pleon k etsi otan kapoios energopoiouse to analogo utility ths symantec labaine ws apanthsh "the windows version you are using is incompatible.... blah blah blah" h texnologia ayth loipon swzei (strips headers) apo arxeia pou xrhsimopoiountai pio syxna arxeia pou xrhsimopoioun ta windows sthn ekkinhsh kai swzei ena arxeio antistoixo tou exe me shmantikes plhrofories opws depencies, memory reqs, registry hives etc an anoikseis to prefetch directory mesa sto windir 8a breis mexri apo to winrar mexri kai ton winamp!!!! :!: H basikh mhxanh defrag twn windows apo monh ths DEN xrhsimopoiei stoixeia tou prefetcher Stoixeia apo to prefetch & ta perfdata eggizoun kai xrhsimopoioun Mono o system defragmenter o opoios ekkinei monos tou san system task otan apaiteitai(spania) kai to bootvis pou kanei manual user defined k automatic defrag bash twn epilogwn pou 8a tou dw8oun kai 8a kanei &to analogo file alignment bash twn perfdata pou syllegei kata thn leitourgia tou k ekkinei k afto me th seira tou ton system defragmenter k tou dinei ta aparaithtta stoixeia etsi wste na epiteyx8ei o stoxos Kati analogo kanei k to diskeeper alla apaitei poly xrono. Gia na leitourghsei afto to option apaiteitai h xerokinhth energopoihsh ths leitourgeias collect performance data.... (h opoia gonatizei gia kamposo xroniko diasthma to pc mexri na oloklhrw8ei) mporeite omws k monoi sas na prefach-arete dika sas apps alla den einai 100% sigouro oti o prefetcher 8a ta dextei na ta speedarei k na ta entaxei sthn cache tou o tropos einai: c:\windows\notepad.exe /prefetch:1 gia na kontrollarete to pws leitourgei o prefetcher Registry Settings System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\ Memory Management\PrefetchParameters] Value Name: EnablePrefetcher Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value) Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = Application launch prefetching, 2 = Boot prefetching, 3 = Both prefetching) gia na ananewsete thn cache tou epeidh polla apo ta arxeia pou exoun ginei cached eitai den yparxoun pleon eitai den ta xrhsimopoeite pia apla sbhste ola ta arxeia apo to directory tou prefetcher Twra apo pleyras mou (asxeta me to oti pshfisa diskeeper) Pagedefrag apotelesmatikotato, pangrhgoro Gia ton apotelesmatikotero tropo defrag twn: System SpeedUp System BootSpeed k arxeiwn krisimwn gia to booting opws prefetch boot cache, registry, dlls ktl Microsoft BootVis meta AMA exw xrono to Diskeeper Alliws to VoptXP to opoio einai poly pio grhgoro apo to diskeeper kai exei poly kalyterh parametropoihsh oson afora thn topo8ethsh twn arxeiwn sto disko (file alignment)
  8. Eimai Gkantemoskylo.... ean kapoios christian (carembeu) exei to 4.13 parakaleitai opws aposteilei paketo se .rar, .zip h syndesmo na to promh8eyto mpas k ftaiei h ekdosh pou exw (3.7.5)..... p800@ace-ware.com THNX!
  9. Egw agorazw sta8era apo EBay sklhrous gia notebook notebooks kinhta bluetooth adapters gadjets hi-fi decks ktl se ekplhktikes times ADYNATON gia ellada... p.x. 80GB Laptop Hdd sto kouti tou 60 euros k 15euro exoda apostolhs... ena 6600 me 90euros k 15 exoda apostolhs ena Sony Hi-Fi CD Deck seira pro nea fournia mono 40euro k 20euro apostolh apo agglia! kamia eikosaria bt adapters se morfh stylo usb me timh 9euro to ena!!!!!!! dwrean exoda apostolhs!! 128MB Ram gia Mac powerbook mono 35 euro k 15 euro apostolh apo amerikh & me 5 yrs grapth eggyhsh ergostasiou! to e-bay den einai mono gia bids exei k shops apo powersellers k etairies, oi opoies kanoun yperbolika bolikes times! Panta agores omws mesw paypal gia na exw hsyxo kefali k lefta.
  10. argi_7 To eida pws anaferetai to idio akribws symban pisw den eimai post-it lamer :p Gi' afto k post-ara gia na deixw k egw me th seira mou pws isxyei afto to problhma k mallon MONO se nees ekdoseis firmware..... :!: Epishmainw DEN eixa tetoio problhma APEKTHSA omws! :( :!: Egw den exw thn v4.13 dystyxws alla thn 3.7.5 opote den mporw na ekferw gnwmh gia thn 4.13 sorry... :( :!: Epishs exw mia 128ara mmc me 80MB free einai pisteyw pws einai arketos o xwros, nai? Nomizw pws kati ftaiei me to firmware ths nokia, giati an 8ymaste, osoi petyxate arxikes ekdoseis 3650 me palio firmware, to 3650 DEN egrafe video me hxo alla mougkafon k argotera h nokia ebgale mia nea ekdosh tou vrecorder se morfh SIS to katebazes to ekanes Install k sou edine dynatothtacapture k hxou pragma to opoio enswmatw8hke se ola ta nea firmware tou 3650. bbbb Dokimasa tis ry8miseis pou ypedeixes..... apo emena tzifos mann de leitourgaei to rhmadi! :( oso gia ton xwro exw apleto 80MB :(((((((((( ted AIVA k to 7650forever exei ta panta check 'em out..... ;)
  11. Einai liga alla KALA....paidia :p RealOne 4.xx me MP3 Support e-Profiles Pro e-Fileman Philips Cam Pro (grafei mono 4 sec hxo me to neo firm sto 3650 why?) Photo acute S-Tools Pro AppMan Total IR 3650 SounderCover SpyCall Smart Answer Fexplorer Anti-Mosquito (leitourgei...) Fortress SMS BlueJackX SmartLauncher (Nice Skinz) HipCam Java Applications and Games. PoliceQuest1 KingsQuest2 LeisuresuitLarry1 KillerVirus AnimalFactory Java --- Air traffic Control Bomberman BubbleBobble MTV Dismissed Chica Intervieu Dragon Island Gothic Graveyard JBenchmark Lord of The Rings 2 MicroBilliards Mortadello y' Filemon MotoGP Moto GP2 MyGirls Mystic Islands PuzzleBobble Red & Blue SexBomb Soccer Manager Solun u' Sooper Soccer South Parkk Swat Sniper Worms Zoys rescue 1 Zoys Rescue 2 Eixa Epishs prin 3 meres to Trigenix alla mou espase ta neyra..... ektos tou smart launcer kai tou trigenix xerete kanena allo programma gia skins/themes gia to 3650? pm me plz... :D
  12. Heloooo! Java MeM Problem -------------------------- Peite mou ean gnwrizete giati ana takta xronika diasthmata otan paizw java games ta paixnidia krasharoun k lene :!: out of memory! :!: Symbainei tpt me to heap? Yparxei tropos na to stamathsw afto? Yparxei tropos na tous dwsw parapanw mnhmh mesw ths MMC? Yparxei programma pou kanei swap file gia parapanw mnhmh? Philips Cam Problem --------------------------- Eixa ena pampalaio firmware 2.xx sto 3650 http://www.myphone.gr/forum/image/icons/icon8.gif omws to philips unlimited cam leitourgouse TELEIA. :luck: Edw k mia bdomada pou to phga service k balane to neo firmware Version 4.13, :alien: to kinhto nai men stamathse ta xafnika reboot, :up: egine pio responsive, :up: paei sfairata, :up: alla to philips cam grafei to poly 3 sec me hxo k meta pauei na katagrafei hxo k katagrafei sketh eikona! :down: :X Kata t'alla no other problem To kinhto me exei bolepsei trella!
  13. Xekinhsa apo to gsm.eos.gr Synexisa sto Unwired.gr Otan "ekleise" to Unwired gia tous pleon gnwstous logous k ontas fan ths douleias tou manou, twn tote staff, tou kosmou pou me thn agaph tous k thn proswpikh tous syneisfora eixe anadeixei peritrana ta site ayta ws leaders of the unwired revolution, pisteya pws tpt den teleiwse akomh... etsi arxisa na psaxnomai gia analogo board analogou endiaferontos k 8ematos nyx8hmeron.... etsi loipon mia wraia prwia loipon elaba search result "MyPhone Unwired Revolution(!).....(?)........(!!!!!!!!!!!) :D :D :D :D Etsi ksana-arxisan ola!
  14. AGENT M symfwnw... To Norton Corporate Edition 8a htan oneiro 8erinhs nyktos ean, EAN den yphrxe to INTeL LanDesk Antivirus panw sto opoio k basizetai (exagorase adra h Symantec) Ontws Sta8erotato DEN katanalwnei pollous porous Den prokalei Lag sth CPU kai Prolambanei ta panta... Sto idio akribws skali "ka8etai" kai to NOD-32 to opoio exei balei, kai synexizei na bazei ta gyalia se polla AV Suites ths agoras pou perniountai gia "manoules" mia bolta apo to site ths etairias einai diafwtistiko http://www.nod32.com/home/home.htm (to opoio site exei k ta aparaithta links 8a sas peisei) e.g. http://www.icsalabs.com/
  15. :D XRONIA POLLA! :D Happy Birthday to the No.#1 Mobile forum in Hellas! Keep It Up!
  16. Enw eisai sth Selida pou de blepeis swsta.... menou VIEW ---> Encoding ----> Unicode (UTF-8) an oxi menou VIEW ---> Encoding ----> Greek (Windows ) an oxi menou VIEW ---> Encoding ----> Greek (ISO) an oxi Mozilla :p
  17. To idio pro-blhma(isws) eixa k egw toso sto laptop mou oso meta apo ligo kairo k ston sta8ero.... To problhma gennh8hke k "megalwse" xwris na to katalabw, meta thn egkatastash enhmerwmenwn driver gia ton IDE Controller tou mainboard. Ta windows exontas filesecurity on k gia kapoio anexhghto logo (mallon epeidh oi drivers htan un$$$igned by Micro$oFT) kathrghsan merika apo ta arxeia pou epikalypse o driver k epaneferan ta microsoft proprietary(!) Etsi loipon otan kapoia stigmh kollhse o ypologisths mou k etrexe normally to scandisk mou dhlwse kathgorhmatika pws to drive einai locked by another operation/program ekane exit apo to chkdsk k synexise to boot... #@%$#^%#$ Dokimasa na kanw defag me to diskeeper alla prwta na kanei chkdsk... Oute to diskeeper ekkinhse, oute to chkdsk Panta to idio mnm! Etsi afou elegxa ti ekana install kai ti ap-egkatesthsa eftasa se afth thn apanthsh( to my self and I)... k den bghka la8os(?!) Afou apegatesthsa tous drivers ola epanhl8an ws prwta :) Ston megalo omws ypologisth sto spiti DEN synebh to idio mias k eixe paei ena bhma pio pera (don't ask) h mallon ask, to diskeeper emene monima active lockare to disko mhn afhnontas etsi kapoio allo disktool na kanei douleia... !@#%#$&%^&@#$@! egw se krish panikou (400GB kremontan apo mia klwsth) Exontas *mono* NTFS (DuH!) k mh mporontas na kanw tpt ekana to pio aplo... Reinstall ta winblows se allo directory k EPITELOUS epanhl8e! amesws meta frontisa na kanw resize tous diskous, na kanw apo ena partition ston ka8ena 4GBG O Proteuwn windows o Deytereywn Xtra Program Files kai Swap kai monima disabled to fileprotection. ...oi diskoi 4GB+4GB einai se FAT32 etsi wste an pa8w k pali kati na me swsei to DOS Scandisk c: /autofix /nosave h Scandisk c: /autofix /nosave Deltree c:\windows /y Deltree c:\progra~1 /y Deltree c:\docume~1 /y cd i386___c:\i386>setup<-/
  18. sugardad


    to giati den anoigei to norton 8a prepei isws na anarwth8eis pou phges k ti "ataxies" ekanes sto net.... mporei na exeis IO - Virus.... (..) Ta windows erxonai me proegkatesthmenh thn M$ JavaVirtualMachine pleon einai obsolete, opote stadar 8es thn SUN Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.4.2 http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/ Gia kane mia kalh... Ayto to download einai krisimo k epiballetai gia *olous* osous exoun winblows. Epishs mhpws peiraxes kamia ry8mish asfaleias apo ton Iexplorer kai den afhnei thn ektelesh java plug-in kai java content? An oxi don't ask for/about It... :) Epishs mhpws exei kapoio firewall san to ZoneAlarm k to ry8mises etsi wste mplokarei java plug-ins kai java content? An oxi don't ask for/about It... :p
  19. Ap'oso diabasa k katalaba apo to problhma sou sto laptop sou 8elei allagh o metasxhmatisths ypshlhs tasews pou dinei reyma sta fwtistika swmata sta plaina ths o8onhs kai paragei ton white backlit fwtismo ********* An hmoun esy, phgaine sto diey8ynth (opws poly swsta anafer8hke) exhghse tou apla k zwhra ti symbainei kai zhta na te8ei to mhxanhma entos parousia kapoiou texnikou etsi wste na anaparageis me epityxia to problhma sou kai na proxwrhseis peraiterw
  20. An kai to 8ema exei syzhyth8ei polles fores, Norton Corporate Edition 7.6.1 h 8 h NOD32
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