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Everything posted by sugardad
Kalo kouragio Mano k se olous tous Teamates tou MyPhone!
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Kat'arxas o,ti plugins mporeis na breis oxios tasks, rjhtml, alarm plugin, Smart Monitor, SmartBatt plugin, rjtime, rjtasks, rjshortcut, Media player plugin, battplug, biorythm, E200 Thermo lcd, Tasks Plugin Ena kalo theme manager ThemeChanger 4 Ena kalo filemanager (an kai h ace exei hdh enan) SmartExplorer Ena kalo Task Manager (k pali h ace exei problepsei) SmartTasks PowerToys Oxios Hibernate RJV RegTweaks Jeyo Personalizer Regedit SmartAlarm SP Ena kalo BackUp Tool SpriteBackUp MobSync 0.91 Java JavaSupport proypo8etei eggrafh sto yahoo group Qtek Greek #2 Sth synexeia psakse kala to thread ayto arxizontas apo thn prwth selida (den einai da k polles) k 8a breis k alla software pou 8a se endiaferoun, opws games, themes, .pit k.a. Happy Hunting! -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Ta diafora thread pou exoun anoixtei kata kairous me ton idio akribws skopo: Software gia Windows SmartPhones Ypo allous titlous beabaia, 8020 programs, Q-TEΚ 8010 Software. Windows mobile software ktl SmartPhone Telnet Ayto (freeware) http://www.pdagold.com/img/software/large/0000000359.jpg kai to .: SmartTelnet 1.0 DockWare http://www.iliumsoft.com/site/fg/pix/dwss1.jpg -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Nea, Nea, Nea, Nea.... Axizei na pate apo to mobilejoe (an k einai germaniko (mhn sas ptoei k pali...) Ananew8hke k eixe prosfata diagwnismo homescreen, (exei kapoia axiologa) ka8ws epishs k enhmerwmena downloads! Bghke k kykloforhse epishma h nea ekdosh tou ActiveSync ths Microsoft to Microsoft ActiveSync 3.8 mporeite na to katebasete apo EDW k apo EDW http://www.handango.com/include/pictures/642395/task+.gif 8elete Outlook Task Manager, me: editable tasks, easy complete/activate, set or change priority, set or edit start date, due date, occurance, reminder, write and edit notes, sort by priority, status, subject, start date, due date, filter completed, active tasks, syncronized with MS Outlook. Trial version is fully functional. You should pay if you like it, but feel free to use! -
alfa 156 Eisai kata poly ektos oriwn allaxe trofodotiko Exw metaxy allwn: AMD 64 3G 3xKingston 1x512 + 1x256 +1x128 ~1024Gig RaM (M@L@Ki@ e?) 3x200GB Hard Disk 1xNV 5200 128MB 1GB Lan 5xUSB 2 syskeyes 1SCSI 2940 U2W LVD 1TV TUNER 1MODEM 1xIDE CDRW 40x 1xIDE DVD-RAM DL 16x 1XSCSI CD-ROM 40x 1xSCSI CD-Rec 24x 3 anemisthria mesa sto kouti na to krywnoun (2 gomaria dika tou +1 diko mou gia just in case) :p k exw 550Watt trofodotiko (egw katanalwnw konta sta 460!!!) gia na ideis ti 8es go there
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
mouyias Ti akribws enoeis ? H B&O bgazei Hxeia, Systhmata hxou, Thlefwna, TV ktl An 8es na rwthseis kati tetoio yparxoun k ta pm, den yparxei logos na trasharoume to thread me chit-chat.... Stathi exeis mail sxetika me to pit tool! ;) To Le Monde Du Skin Ananew8hke!!! Perase sth fash 2!! Pio ananewmeno Interface, Pio eykolh anazhthsh (An kai Gallika (mhn sas ptoei)) Terastia bash dedomenwn me skins k .PiT's Ena MEGALO MPRABO sta paidia!! Happy Hunting!!! adam Apla einai gia pocket PC...... \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
21century sthn kentrikh selida tou thread aytou 8a breis polla links gia skins, If you search It, It will come..... jimbou k egw to MSN exw an k protimw k to Opera pou ylopoiei to RJHTML ala dystyxws den exoume ta Orange plugin k E200 alarm ( opois ta exei na mas ta ferei pisw :p ) epishs ta ICE Reloaded 2 Dr Blow Alpha theme Bang & Olufsen Brushed FUL_MMS by 11th LongHorn SPV Pro DX OSX SmoothScreen V2 bstathis Sthn kentrikh selida yparxoun links gia programmata An psakeis 8a breis enallaktika apo ayto pou exeis proegkatesthmeno... mporeis kallista na psakeis ton .pit builder h na mou steileis pm me to mail sou na sou to aposteilw k na ftiaxeis diko sou custom .pit to opoio 8a emfanizei ayto pou apozhtas DLD, MONO megalh eikona kai 8esh gia ton ari8mo... proswpika egw exw 15 diaforetika .pit's giati ayta pou exei built-in to kinhto einai psiloxalia! ----edit PLEASE mhn grafeis me kefalaia giati einai k dyskolo na diabastoun k fainesai pws fwnazeis.........thanx! ---end adam Na labeis enoeis megala arxeia mhpws...... Giati Stelnei kanonikotata, egw toulaxiston den exw kanena problhma Xrhsimopoiw ton Smart Explorer k stelnw eitai mesw BT eitai mesw IRDA k a n o n i k o t a t a -
Mία πρόταση για την αποφυγή δημιουργίας 2ον account
sugardad replied to shodanjr_gr's topic in Σχολιασμός
Pay them with Ignorance! Symfwnw den ti8etai 8ema einai apla axiolyphta afta ta atoma.... -
xmmmmm an k den eimai 100% sigouros gi'ayto.... psaxte ston ypologisth k exontas apenergopoihmenh thn leitourgia gia thn apokrypsh arxeiwn k epektasewn arxeiwn systhmatos... breite to arxeio hosts. logika einai hidden anoixte to me notepad sbhste ola tou ta periexomena k grafte afto: localhost swste to arxeio k dokimaste na synde8eite k pali....
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
An exeis egkatasthsei to pocketcandy.exe k oxi kapoio .cab apo tritous (opws apo airfagev) tote 8a xreiasteis kapoion registry editor giati exei kapoio la8aki to .exe Installation package... (axizei omws to .exe distro giati 8a sou leitourghsei o matrix screen saver swsta!) Pio sygkekrimena: trexe mia fora to pocket candy kai bale o,ti ry8miseis 8es 8es mono ton screen saver se cycle mode kane ok k bges apo ayto sth synexeia trexe ton registry editor Phgaine sto \Hkey_Local_Machine\SOFTWARE\Strickland Consulting\PocketCandy\ pata to values epelexe to Screen Saver Dir Dior8wse to \storage\program files\pocketcandy\screensavers\ se \storage card\program files\pocketcandy\screensavers\ mh xexaseis na ta baleis opws akribws einai grammena edw pata done pata keys pata synexeia to back (einai panw apo to 3) trexe k pali to pocket candy logika 8a einai ok! ph gaine -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Dieykrinish .... ek paradromhs enow to 2004 ouxi to 2005! Kyrie skhno8eta den eimai o RAIAN o BRIAN eimai! -
mporeite na kanete ola ta bhmata ean eiste sigouroi pws to spyware DEN diegrapse arxeia systhmatos k pws den eixate kapoio sobaro spyware attack me sobares synepeies sta arxeia systhmatos, apla otan sas zhth8oun kapoia arxeia apo to cd twn windows mporeite enalaktika na dwsete ws path to c:\windows\system c:\windows c:\windows\system32 ean den eiste sigouroi katebaste ton ton Internet explorer 6.1 k kante ton Install
Symfwnw mazi sou, exoun perasei anepistrepti oi epoxes pou oles oi syskeyes xreiazontan ton aspi layer ths adaptec Pleon paketa opws clone dvd, clone cd, alcohol, nero, nti, any dvd, sony studio ktl exoun tous dikous tous ka8ws epishs k ta Windows XP einai elaxistes peon oi efarmoges pou zhtoun aspi layer support k afto giati oi syskeyes mas einai panw se ata controllers k epikoinwnoun me to protypo MMC Omws to palikari gia na perasei xtra aspi layer se kati 8a ton xreiazetai den einai dynaton na mhn tou xreiazetai k na to bazei gia na fortwnei to systhma tou, nai? Yparxoun pleistes efarmoges pou kanoun rip apo cd se MP3 on the fly (exairoumenou tou windows media player) opws to teleio CDEX Alla epishs k OCX gia VB pou ekmetaleyontai ta calls tou aspi layer k polla alla.....
Den nomizw giati o idios se ena filo mou akribws ta idia ekane Eytyxws to palikari eixe hdh kanei sto kentriko server ta aparaithta dioti exei mia arketa kalh epixerhsh paroxhs yphresiwn k eixe meinei ena mikro mhxanhmataki me Piii pou edeixne mia selida mias bbs, se afto to mhxanhma loipon spania tou kanane update/service, etsi brhke exploit k xtyphse ekei....o mutha ^@#$#@%
2 tropous mporw na fantastw gia pi8anh lysh. Monh proypo8esh einai na gnwrizete pws na ftiaxnete/sthnete sto pc sas mia syndesh sto Internet k na exete kapou proxeira kwdiko, onoma xrhsth gia thn syndesh ka8ws epishs k ton thlefwniko ari8mo syndeshs anaforika ean syndeeste me aplo modem (PSTN syndesh dld) k paroxea otenet to thl syndeshs einai 8962555555 1. na diagrapsei xeirokinhta oles tis ry8miseis gia to internet mazi me to kentriko eikonidio syndeshs k na xanadhmiourghsei mia nea me tis idies akribws ry8miseis 2. Na diagrapsei O,ti akribws lew sto 1. syn na diagrapsei apo to eikonidio networks sto control panel olous tous adapter, clients, protocols, sth synexeia OK k restart Meta to Restart k pali apo control panel sto eikonidio networks na kanei click add apo adapters >>> dial-up adapter apo services/clients >>>> client for microsoft networks k apo protocol >>> TCP/IP afou ta kanei ola afta to systhma mporei na zhthsei to cd twn windows afto einai kalo giati XANAPERNA arxeia pou mporei na eixan epikalyf8ei eitai apo palaioteres ekdoseis eitai apo trita programmata pou allazoun to trumpet driver me skopo to anoigma doors gia dikh tous dieykolynsh (pop-up ads, spyware etc) Afou ta kanei ola afta na epanekinhsei Meta afou kanei restart to systhma k pali na pros8esei epi-pleon afta pou esbhse apo thn paragrafo 1. Logika twra 8a mporei na serfarei opws k prwta.... Ean den piasoun afta breite ton Internet Explorer 6.1 giati pi8anon to spyware esbhse k arxeia systhmatos!
8a symfwnhsw k egw me ton Candlemass (an k H adaptec DEN symfwnei (who cares) ) ean to 4.60 pou 8a breis den sou kanei egkatastash logw tou oti den briskei kapoio controller k proypo8etei thn yparxh aftou kane prwta egkatastash to 4.71a2 k kapaki to 4.60 to opoio k 8a epikalypsei ta aparaithta arxeia 8a diafwnhsw me esena omws sxetikos_asxetos giati la8os aspi den prokalei tpt apo ayta pou perigrafeis ektos ean afto to force aspi paizei olou8e k trigyrw me to systhma sou poso mallon otan anafereis pws akomh k to floppy drive exei xasei ta logika tou o,ti k na einai, einai asxhmo, paraxeno k sigoura mazi me tous aspi kati allo paizei mpalla..... 8a sou proteina na exeis handy ta 2 afta packages gia aspi k na kaneis re-install ta winblow$
axxxxx epoxes, b@ck or1f1ce, M@fia Scr1pt, T@ke 0vers se channells, cyber kaygades me scripts, cyber S@x, xefrenh dhmiourgia scripts, twra k lalakis na peis ta bots se krazoun (sth kalyterh an oxi ban me kick)! :p Exe stadar ta DCC accept se offline level, dhladh mhn apodexesai kanena eiserxomeno arxeio h request kai apenergopoihse k thn idiothta tou mirc na kanei catch diey8ynseis se html 8a eisai arketa prostateymenh, pleon me to windows firewall den exeis fobo oute gia nuke sto TCP oute paromoiou typou stuff, afta pleon einai paramy8ia mias allhs epoxhs..... Greetz to: Gazakias, Deminio, Morfeas, Ripper, Rockas, Larry, Fotini, M@falda, Ranx, lecter, lacta, [[ace]], spacegirl, ramona, link, rockas, mairh, deicide, apollonios, diogenis, madness, xristina, xrisomou, safo, trisdiastatos, nad, salaxi, zepel|n etc etc etc
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
---edit afairesa ta link gia profanestatous logous exeis pm ;) ----end allo ena kalo link gia na psaxete gia software... http://www.machineman-sp.tk/ Erwthsh gnwrizete ean kykloforei xarths elladas/a8hna whatever gia to pocket streets? -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
Ypen8ymish To thread ayto onomatizetai SmartPhones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins Ean 8elete ry8miseis, epilysh problhmatwn sxetika me thn syskeyh sas, ktl Sas 8ermoparakalw oxi se ayto edw to thread alla sta proka8orismena ka8e etairias / montelou, as krathsoume ayto to thread "ka8aro" Etsi dieykolynoume olous aytous pou 8a mpoun se ayto to thread me skopo thn anazhthsh software. eyxaristw k sygnwmh -
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
sugardad replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
SecureInfo stores your sensitive information in a safe place - always at hand - protected by a single password. After entering and confirming your password, you will be able to add, edit and remove pieces of sensitive information, organized in folders, which will be stored using strong 192 bit TripleDES encryption. Advanced features include monitoring failed "Log In" attempts and "Application Lock Out" whenever too many unsuccesfull attempts have occured. These settings are fully customizable within the application. From the security perspective, TripleDES keys are using random byte padding for added security of your password. Further, your password is stored using inreversible MD5 hashing algorithm, meaning not even the makers of SecureInfo is capable of getting your password. Finally a 2 minute inactivity Auto Log Out timer makes sure SecureInfo does not just "keep running" in the background of your phone. Free http://www.polle.com/Download/SmartPhone/SecureInfo.cab 1. Automatically turn on/off the Flight Mode at scheduled time. 2. Automatically turn off your smartphone at scheduled time. 3. Automatically turn on/off the Silent Mode at scheduled time. 4. Scheduled time from calendar.(to registered user) 5. Announce o'clock time with English/Chinese voice. 6. Speaking time instantly by pressing hot keys.(to registered user) 7. Automatically startup with Smartphone boot even it installed in storage card. 8. Interface Language: English/Chinese. Not Exactly Free http://www.anycities.com/user/inputshow/autoflightv2en.htm aaaaa, nai kai kati allo pou xexasa na pw edw kai kati meroules ean exete ton theme changer 4.0 (an den ton exete sth prwth selida exw dwsei to link) Sthn storage card dhmiourghste ena fakelo Application Data (an den yparxei hdh) mpeite sto fakelo k dhmiourgeiste ena neo fakelo onomati HOME (mporei na yparxei hdh) METAFERETE OLA ta periexomena apo ton idio fakelo pou brisketai sto kinhto sthn karta sas EKTOS apo ta .DLL POU 8ELW NA KATALHXW? pleon me thn ekdosh 4.0 mporeite na exete ola sas ta homescreens sthn storage card k mono!!! (poly kala nea gi aytous pou exoun MPX 200) Epishs gia ka8e homescreen pou 8a kanete egkatastash omoiws metaferete ola tou ta arxeia apo to kinhto (\storage\application data\home\) ston proanafer8en fakelo (\storage card\application data\home\) (afhnwntas panta ta tyxon .dll sth 8esh tous) k ayta molis kanete apply apo ton theme changer to en logw theme ayto 8a synexisei na leitourgei kanonika! molis oloklhrwsa thn metaglwtish tou theme changer elpizw poly syntoma na exoume ellhnikh ekdosh! stay tuned! -
file mou you got it all wrong pote den yphrxe differential mesw dip switch you got It all wrong..... Twra an efaige to trofodotiko sou h o,ti allo den kollaei me ayta pou syzhtame edw.... ex arxhs kaneis la8os dioti: AGP3.0 - 0.8 V signaling for 8× and 4× with Fast Writes data transfers AGP2.0 - 1.5 V signaling for 4×, 2×, and 1× modes with 4× and 2× FastWrites data transfers AGP 1.0 - 3.3 V signaling for 1x, 2x http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/agpsig.png H mobo tou paidiou einai HDH 4x diabase to panw-panw to leei se aptaista ellhnika Ayto pou prospa8eis na mas perigrapseis DEN isxyei pleon!!! To AGP 2.0 (4X) DEN trofodotei kartes 4x kai anw me 3.3V DEN ti8etai tetoio 8ema To AGP 2.0 einai back wards compatible me LVD (low voltage differential signaling) MONO K MONO AN tou passareis panw tou karta AGP 1.0 TOTE k MONO TOTE apo 1.5V kanei SWITCH se 3.3V SE KAMIA ALLH PERIPTWSH http://users.otenet.gr/~pksugar/table.png I'm outta here C Ya!
Oles oi kartes arxhs genomenhs apo AGP 2.0 *****pou feroun thn akida gia differential voltage******* einai apolytws symbates k den yparxei endexomeno OK? h 8es na sou dwsw links k na sou skanarw k tech books pou anaferontai se ayto..... to trofodotiko DEN paizei rolo alla h mobo k h karta An h mobo sou DEN yposthrizei differential voltage KAIS KARTA an h mobo yposthrizei differential voltage alla oxi kh karta KAIS KARTA H MOBO H KAI TA DYO.
emena pisw apo thn SONY X72 pernane 3 kalwdia thleorashs ena gia to tuner, ena gia thn 21" pou einai sto diplano grafeio k allo ena gia thn TV sto diplano dwmatio tetoio problhma den exw xanakousei 8a to exw yp'opsin omws, kaloooo! :)