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Spoilers απο το τρέχον τεύχος του TV Guide:



Τα επόμενα επεισόδια είναι πολύ καλά σχεδιασμένα και ικανοποιητικά απο συναισθηματική άποψη. Η Claire έχει πολλά προβλήματα με τους γονείς της. Μέχρι το τέλος του επεισοδίου της θα δούμε και τους 2 γονείς της. Ο Desmond λέει στον Charlie ΄'οτι και να ετοιμάζει η Claire για σένα, μην την ακολουθήσεις γιατί αυτό θα είναι το τέλος σου..οπότε μάλλον ο Charlie απομακρύνεται απο την Claire.

O Dominic είπε στον Damon πως θα ήταν ωραίο να έφευγε απο την σειρά με ένα bang και αυτό το συζητάγανε απο τον 1ο κύκλο. Η απάντηση των παραγωγών ήταν πως η ιστορία του Charlie θα συνεχίσει να είναι πολύ σημαντική για το υπόλοιπο της season. "Η ερώτηση που θα υπάρχει συνέχεια στην σειρά είναι αν ο Desmond μπορεί να συνεχίζει να σώζει τον Charlie.......και αν τελικά τον σώσει, ποιές θα είναι οι συνέπειες? Αυτό σημαίνει πως κάποια γεγονότα μπορεί να αλλάξουν?

Θα απαντηθεί το πως ο Locke κατέληξε στο αναπηρικό καροτσάκι και οι παραγωγοί λένε πως δεν υπάρχει απάντηση που μπορεί να ικανοποιήσει τους πάντες. Στο επεισόδιο του Locke, ο Sayid θα συναντήσει την Alex.

Στο επεισόδιο της 28/03 ο Boone και η Shannon εμφανίζονται σε ένα θαραλλέο επεισόδιο που θα κάνει τους bloggers να το συζητάνε συνέχεια.

Στο επεισόδιο της 11/04 αναφέρεται η πατρότητα του παιδιού της Sun - το γεγονός οτι η Juliet είναι ιατρός γονιμότητας μπορεί να έχει σχέση.

Η Cassidy, μητέρα της κόρης του Sawyer ,θα εμφανιστεί αλλά όχι σε flashback του.

Δεν τελειώσαμε με το τρίγωνο Jack/Kate/Sawyer - η Kate αγαπάει και τους 2 και αυτό το τρίγωνο δεν θα τελειώσει ποτέ παρά μόνο αν ο ένας πεθάνει.

Πριν το τέλος της season θα έχουμε και άλλες κηδείες.


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Spoilers time


Απο την στήλη του Ausiello απο το online περιοδικό TV Guide έχουμε τις εξής νέες πληροφορίες για το αποψινό επεισόδιο:

Στο αποψινό επεισόδιο 3x11 Enter 77 εκτός απο το οτι μαθαίνουμε επιτέλους την σχέση μεταξύ Dharma Initiave και Others και την ταυτότητα του ανθρώπου με το patch στο ένα μάτι, ένας χαρακτήρας της σειράς δέχεται πυροβολισμό, ένας guest star σκοτώνεται και κάποιος που έχουμε δει απο παλιά λέει την συγκεκριμένη ατάκα: "Είμαι το τελευταίο ζωντανό μέλος της Dharma Initiative". Ακόμα ο Sawyer, κάνοντας πάντα αυτό που κάνει καλύτερα απο όλους, λέει την πιο αστεία ατάκα στο επεισόδιο 3x11 Enter 77.


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Special report απο το AintItCool για το αποψινό επεισόδιο...

προτείνω να πάρετε κανά σκαμπουδάκι για να μην σας πέσει το σαγονάκι



What does TV Guide say?

“Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious occupant; Sawyer competes in a table-tennis competition to get his belongings back. Danielle Rousseau: Mira Furlan.”


What do the promos say?

“So who is he?” asks Kate. “Only one way to find out,” replies Sayid. “A face from the past reappears,” says the announcer. “I am certain he is not alone,” adds Sayid. “To defend an island secret,” continues the announcer. “Kill me,” demands a bloodied eyepatch man. “And this survivor’a actions,” says the announcer over several shots of Locke, “have consequences no one can see coming. “Manual override achieved,” announces labcoat guy Marvin Candle/Mark Wickmund. “For mainland communication, enter 38.” “What have you done, John?” asks Sayid.


Who gets the flashbacks?

Sayid. We are introduced to another dark chapter in his very dark life.


What’s that accent eyepatch guy sports? French?

Ukranian. He says he was born in Kiev and spent some time in the Soviet army.


Is the “mysterious occupant” eyepatch guy?

Yes. His name is Mikhail Bakunin. And if what he says is true, we learn something I found very surprising ahout The Others.


What island secret is eyepatch guy defending?

His home is a Dharma station, The Flame. It is loaded to the gills with boxes and boxes and shelves and shelves related to the Dharma Initiative. We see a flashlight-waving Sayid randomly pull one notebook titled “Dharma Initiative Food Drop Protocol” and another titled “Dharma Initiative Operations Manual.”


What has John done??

Something that angers Sayid muchly.


Do Kate, Locke and Sayid seek out the structure or stumble upon it?

Stumble mostly, though I guess they are technically led by Eko’s Mighty Jesus Stick. But finding the structure isn’t Rousseau’s idea; she says she’s never seen it before.


Wait. There’s a ping pong table?

Jin finds it in the jungle while gathering wood. Someone theorizes it was once a component of Swan Station.


Does Charlie die this week?

Charlie is almost an extra this week. I think he gets fewer than 10 words of dialog. I’m not sure a regular is permitted to die in a episode in which he or she speaks fewer than 10 words. (But if such a thing were to happen to Charlie it might actually be pretty cool.)


What else is TV Guide not telling us?

Bakunin will put a big fat bullet in one of the 815ers.


What’s doing with Jack, Juliet, Ben, Tom, Alex, Carl, The Sheriff et al? Is Juliet freaking out because the new hot-girl tattoo on her lower back is going to make her an object of ridicule and scorn when she gets back to Florida?

We do not visit the Others’ camp this week, and we don’t learn what Jack is up to, but I suspect we learn more about them this week than we did in all prior episodes.


What about Jin?

Both Kwons are back, as are Nikki, Paulo, Hurley and Charlie.


Any other regulars go MIA this week?

Claire and Desmond are nowhere to be found.


So Desmond makes no predictions this week?



What’s good?

The twists, the turns, the episode’s engrossing nature, Bakunin generally and the big chunk of puzzle that Bakunin seems to drag into place. (I also enjoyed Jin’s suggestion for table-tennis stakes, and laughed at Hurley’s final conversation with Sawyer.)


What’s not so good?

This week’s flashbacks do not seem to offer significant new clues regarding the nature of the island. Almost never my preference.


How does it end, spoiler-boy?

Sayid’s flashlight catches something curious in the jungle.



Και 2 νέα sneak peeks για το 3x11 Enter 77 πολύ spoilerιάστικα

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πω πω γουσταρω επιτελους φαινεται να ερχεται ενα πολυ πολυ καλο επεισοδιο
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ποιος απο το Lost κανει τον Ξερξη στους 300;


Ο Paulo είναι απο τους καινούριους μαζί με την ξανθιά που λέγαν κάτι για τα τρόφιμα που τελειώνουν στο τελευταίο επεισόδιο.

Rodrigo Santoro

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Προσέξτε γιατί υπάρχουν πολλά fake

Ειλικρινά το χθεσινοβραδυνό επεισόδιο όχι είναι μόνο όλα τα λεφτά αλλά είναι ένα επεισόδιο το οποίο θα σας ανατριχιάσει.

Αν θέλετε special λεπτομερή περίληψη την έχω αλλά πιστέψτε με δεν αξίζει να spoilerιαστείτε τόσο πολύ :D

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Προσέξτε γιατί υπάρχουν πολλά fake

Ειλικρινά το χθεσινοβραδυνό επεισόδιο όχι είναι μόνο όλα τα λεφτά αλλά είναι ένα επεισόδιο το οποίο θα σας ανατριχιάσει.

Αν θέλετε special λεπτομερή περίληψη την έχω αλλά πιστέψτε με δεν αξίζει να spoilerιαστείτε τόσο πολύ :D


Όχι μην το κάνεις. :D Λόγω πηξίματος, δεν έχω δει τα επεισόδια των τελευταίων 3 εβδομάδων και θα τα δω μαζεμένα το Σ/Κ. Κάτι μου λέει ότι θα έχουν πολύ ενδιαφέρον. :happy:

this signature is under heavy construction
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Όχι μην το κάνεις. :D Λόγω πηξίματος, δεν έχω δει τα επεισόδια των τελευταίων 3 εβδομάδων και θα τα δω μαζεμένα το Σ/Κ. Κάτι μου λέει ότι θα έχουν πολύ ενδιαφέρον. :happy:


Εγώ τι να πω που λόγω έλλειψης ελεύθερου χρόνου δεν έχω δει κανένα μετά το 3x06 και εκτός απο αυτό επειδή έχω και το LostInGreece blog ξέρω όλα τα spoilers??

Αλλά ευτυχώς όταν έρχεται η ώρα να δω κάποιο νέο επεισόδιο, περιέργως ξεχνάω ό,τι ήξερα :wacko:

με τρώει το χέρι μου για τα spoilers :D :p


EDIT: Άντε για παρηγοριά πάρτε τo πρώτο trailer για το νέο επεισόδιο 3x12 Par Avion (αμερικάνικη + καναδέζικη έκδοση)

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επειδη εχασα το s02 e12 fire & water, Μπορει καποιος να μου δωσει το ονομα το torrent να το ξαναβρω?

ευχαριστω εκ των προτερων...


edit: ακυρο, το βρηκα!

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Συνέντευξη των Lindelof και Cuse στο BuddyTV με spoilers:


BuddyTV: Is there enough information given on the show that someone could put together a fact-based theory that more or less explains what’s going on, on the island?

Carlton Cuse: I don’t think so, I mean, the story is not yet complete. I don’t think there’s enough that we’ve put out there that would allow someone to draw a conclusive theory about the island and the show.

Damon Lindelof: I think that there are bits and pieces that someone could put together. Recently Carlton and I put out to the Yahoo community all over the world, what do you think the monster is? And some people came alarmingly close to what it’s origins were, how it functions, what it’s purpose is, but they weren’t able to go the next level as Carlton says, deeper into saying, “That’s what it is but what does that mean in the grander scheme of what the island is.” It doesn’t mean that someone couldn’t ****dentally back into it and anticipate something that they haven’t seen yet. But sort of the real hardcore intel about the island is going to start to reveal itself towards the end of the season as we learn more about the others.


BuddyTV: One thing that’s a bit of controversy in the fan community is whether or not any of the information from The Lost Experience game is actually a factor in the universe of the show. Is that something you could clear up for us?

Carlton Cuse: I think that for us, yeah, I mean, all of Alvar Hanso and his relationship with funding the Dharma Initiative is part of the mythology. The details of the Hanso Foundation’s demise…it’s tangential to the show but it’s not unrelated to the show. We sort of felt like the Internet Experience was a way for us to get out mythologies that we would never get to I wain the show. I mean, because this is mythology that doesn’t have an effect on the character’s lives or existence on the island. We created it for purposes of understanding the world of the show but it was something that was always going to be sort of below the water, sort of the iceberg metaphor, and the Internet Experience sort of gave us a chance to reveal it.

Damon Lindelof: I would say in terms of all the… background that we did, in terms of the Valenzetti equation and explaining the formation of the Hanso Foundation and doing the other films…we’d consider that stuff cannon to the show. Where there’d have to be wiggle room is the Rachel Blake story where she’s in the real world, in the outside world as we define it, the show Lost might be defined in an entirely different outside world so we can’t vouch for the overall fit ability and veracity of everything that Rachel was doing. But we can say that all the factoids that she was uncovering were vetted, in fact many of them were written by us personally so they are cannon.


BuddyTV: Is there going to be another Lost Experience at some point? Will those characters be revisited?

Carlton Cuse: I don’t think those characters would be revisited. As to whether there’s going to be another Lost Experience, there’s been discussions about it and I think it would only happen if we found another story that again, felt like it was worth telling but that we weren’t going to get around to telling it on the mother ship.


BuddyTV: Going way back, and maybe I’m just imagining this but at the end of Season 1, there was a pair of twins on Mr. Friendly’s pleasure yacht and I swear that somebody said that the twins were going to become important to the storyline at a future date. Is that still something that’s hanging around in the background somewhere?

Damon Lindelof: I remember the twins because we hired the twin stuntmen to be guys on the boat but I don’t ever recall having said, although it’s highly possible, sometimes we get asked questions at Comicon for example about like nano clouds and stuff like that and things that we say in jest actually just come back and slap us later from the press in terms of saying, “You said that twins would be of critical importance to later story telling.” It sounds like something we might say talking out of the side of our mouths but we can tell you, sitting here now that twins have nothing to do whatsoever with the mythology of the show.


BuddyTV: Also going back a bit, I know at one point during Season 2, Darren Aronofsky approached you guys about directing an episode. Is that something that still might come about?

Carlton Cuse: No, you know basically it turned out that Darren still had work to do on his movie and Rachel Weiss was having their child and he had too many outside commitments and really we haven’t revisited it since then so there’s no plans for Darren to come and direct on the show.


BuddyTV: So far there’s been three David’s in the show: Hurley’s Dad, Libby’s husband and Hurley’s imaginary friend. Is there anything to that or do you guys just like the name David?

Damon Lindelof: We like certain biblical names and David is one of them. David happened to be my father’s name, maybe that’s sort of subconsciously rattling around in there.

Carlton Cuse: The connection between the imaginary Dave and Dave his father was completely intentional, I mean we wanted basically Hurley to imagine a friend and have that be wrapped up in his unresolved relationship with his Dad, so that’s why his imaginary friend is named Dave.

Damon Lindelof: As to Libby’s ex, that’s an entirely different David we may or may not meet in the future.



BuddyTV: As far as the Dharma folks go I know that something reveals tonight. Is there a chance we’re ever going to see more back-story to guys like Marvin Candle and Radzinsky?

Carlton Cuse: You know, we probably haven’t seen the last of Marvin Candle. He’s pretty tangential to earn his own back-story but definitely there will be more storytelling downstream involving the Dharma initiatives.

Damon Lindelof: I would say we might be seeing Marvin Candle somewhere other than a Dharma film at some point before all is said and done.



BuddyTV: About the video game that…is doing. Are you guys involved in the plot of that at all, will that be a self-contained story like the Lost Experience?

Carlton Cuse: It is going to be self-contained although it will obviously take place and be set in environments that we’ve seen on the show. We’re involved in sort of an overview fashion, we’re not writing the game. The game, however, is being in part written by Don Kelly who used to work; both of the writers assisted and wrote an episode on the show. So we obviously are involved in monitoring and progress and the development of the game but they’re writing their own self-contained story that isn’t an extension of cannon.

Damon Lindelof: We pitched them a concept for the game and they’re basically going to run with it but I think much in the same way that the Star Wars first person shooter games worked, where even you’re new characters exploring similar environments in the movies that you already know. So you’re on the Death Star but you’re not Luke Skywalker or Obi One Kenobi. It’s going to function in the same reality as that. So if you’re watching the show you’re not going to go, “Oh wait a minute, was this going on because I was playing the game? I was in this environment playing the role of this character.” The answer is no. It’s more sort of a fun way of re-exploring some of the things that you’ve already seen in the show but from a different point of view.

Carlton Cuse: I will say this, we provided the game makers with details of our sets and stuff so you may see in the game more things in sets that we only saw parts of in the show, like the Hydra or even the Swan.


BuddyTV: A little while back there was talk that there might be a Lost feature film at some point. Is that still alive?

Damon Lindelof: It’s funny, you know, we hear like 24 is going to do a movie and you always have to think like, I don’t know how they or when they do that. The reality of it is we’re shooting the show for ten months out of the year and the other two months we are spending, cumulatively recharging our batteries but also beginning to generate stories for the following season and you can’t shoot a feature film in two months even if we went right into it. So as long as the show is on the air as a TV show, logistically there could be no movie. And more importantly, it’s somewhat exploitative to kind of say to the audience who watches the show, “Hey, now you’ve got to go and pay eleven bucks and go into the theater in order to stay caught up with the show.” It’s not like 24 where we could do a self-contained movie. The movie would really have to answer definitive questions, move the plot forward, you know and we just don’t know how to do that or whether or not it needs to be done.


BuddyTV: Maybe this is asking too much about the nature of the resolution of the story but after the series has ended, would feature films be a possibility?

Carlton Cuse: That is so far off, that isn’t even anything we’ve talked about so you know, it’s hard to answer that question because it isn’t anything we’ve even discussed.


BuddyTV: Do you have a premier date for Season 4 of Lost yet?

Carlton Cuse: No, I think basically the plan though is to do it in the spring of next year.

Damon Lindelof: Well actually January or February of next year, so the late Winter.

In the beginning of the calendar year of 2008. No one was happy with the six episodes …and now that the show is on at 10 o’clock, I think everyone’s plan, barring any last minute changes from the network, is to air the show in a continuous run like 24 in the sort of spring television season.


BuddyTV: As far as DVD releases, is ABC looking at doing a high definition version anytime in the near future?

Damon Lindelof: I know that there are talks about it but we haven’t heard any official. You know these guys, when all is said and done and the show is completed, they will probably release some sort of mega box set with all the sort of bells and whistles that I imagine would be in HD but as far as the ongoing sort of process of it all, we are not aware of any plans to do that. Do you know of any TV shows that have released a season in high definition?


BuddyTV: No, I heard something about Smallville possibly doing a set.

Damon Lindelof: Yeah, I think they would have to wait to see if there was a business there yet before they started talking about it. We go to them all the time and say, “But it would be so cool if you did this.” And then they’re like, “Well, you know, are we going to make any money?”

Carlton Cuse: The show looks so great in high definition. It will happen eventually, it’s just a question I think of when they feel like they can sell enough units to justify the cost of re-mastering it.



BuddyTV: The map that was discovered in the Dharma bus, does that have any significance in comparison to the Lockdown map or has that pretty much served its purpose at this point?

Carlton Cuse: I think the purpose of that map was just to establish that basically there was at one point a road that linked the Dharma stations but with 25 years of jungle growth those roads have been overgrown. It wasn’t really mythology cannon; it was more descriptive so the audience could understand how there was a Dharma bus out there in the middle of the jungle.


BuddyTV: Another loose thread that’s been out there for a while is the cable that Said found in the ocean…

Carlton Cuse: That’s coming up! Everyone will finally find out what that cable is, that cable is coming into play before the end of this season in a major way.

Damon Lindelof: That is what we call a long con that was a 50-episode set-up.

Carlton Cuse: Yeah. But it’s coming and it’s paying off, it’s not a random cable.


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μολις ειδα το τελευταιο επεισοδιο.

ειναι παρα πολυ καλο και εχε μερικες καλες ανατροπες...


η κυρια κλου ειναι νεκρη...


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Πολλες πληροφοριες και απαντησεις!!!

Ευχομαι αναλογη συνεχεια...

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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