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Everything posted by akis_k

  1. Καλημέρα σας :) .. Η μπαταρία με μέτρια χρήση μου κρατάει άνετα 3 μέρες και κάτι. Από θέμα joystick προς το παρών δεν έχει κανένα πρόβλημα, όλα οκ. 1) Από όσο έχω προσέξει δεν ξεχνάει της λέξεις όπως έκανε το κ800. 2) το πληκτρολόγιο είναι απίστευτα βολικό για συντάξει κειμένου (sms). :) :rolleyes:
  2. Mobil-Mania.cz http://www.imageshack.gr/images/k2eky4wzm3rq5zozmwmn.jpg
  3. 600 ευρώ στον Γερμανό. http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/nwnzymwt0ehtjtjiyeky.jpg
  4. Από ότι είδα ο Γερμανός το έβαλε στο νέο έντυπο… Τιμή: 219 ευρώ. http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/ire4j2mmzy0ydkmtjmjn.jpg
  5. :) Review "V8": MobileBurn.com http://www.imageshack.gr/images/nghmm0jwmdjymn42zzqj.jpg
  6. Αυτά για μένα (τα στάνταρ) :cool:. Και ένα ακόμα ρίσκο για το "Θέμα" για το "Aviator" :(.
  7. Η καλύτερη εποχή για πρεμιέρα. :happy: :happy:
  8. :) ETEN X500+ SAR info • GSM Head: 0.743 W/kg. • DCS Head: 0.441 W/kg. • CE WLAN Body: 0.127 W/kg.
  9. Και 2 νέες αφίσες της ταινίας :happy:. http://www.imageshack.gr/images/mjmqmwzqlmydj0o221ez.jpg........http://www.imageshack.gr/images/kzowyydmwzzjymzfijhj.jpg ............Πατήστε επάνω στην φωτογραφία για να την δείτε σε πραγματικό μέγεθος............
  10. "Music Remote Control" http://www.imageshack.gr/images/mgm5e5myndjbjzltjnvd.png Φωτογραφίες: http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/u2ijgwiezynwgyymmnhz.jpg....http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/0yxzzzmqz2ccd4qwgjoc.jpg....http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/tjn5dntmjqmktvtndmvn.jpg http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/zynjjhcdy1onl4lqyltg.jpg....http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/dey1lzhi5ombmv2nzmit.jpg....http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/lxyym2mfgnfrmizky2mk.jpg http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/jzjzmyt3cy5mno2c1gac.jpg....http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/zzjdfhbtymfoztmckmhg.jpg....http://www.imageshack.gr/thumbs/kw0mjmydij24imfvymmo.jpg
  11. SPY PHOTOS: Mercedes SL FaceLift http://images7.worldcarfans.com/spyphotos/6070521.002/6070521.002.1L.jpg Mercedes has decided to let the current SL, which is already 6 years old, live for several more years before the all new SL Class takes it's place. With a minor facelift over a year and a half ago, Mercedes feels it needs to freshen the looks one more time and, hopefully, keep up the good sales figures by giving the SL a major facelift next year. While some of you poseur Mercedes fans might say, “Hey, the current generation R230 is already six years old, the next generation should be out, now!” However, the real hard core Mercedes dweebs will say, “but if you know your SL history the previous R129 generation was on the market for 12 years, and the one before that, was 16 years”. That's the equivalent of living 224 human years. However, with the dwindling attention spans of consumers, we can expect the next gen to not go quite as long, with an arrival in 2011. Seen in the attached photos, test cars have been sighted in many different locations of various climates such as Scandinavia for its' cold weather and the dusty roads of the Mediterranean for warm weather testing. The biggest change will be the CLS-style headlamps together with a new bumper and grille. Camouflage over the rear lamps is hiding a new shape and new diodes that are light emitting (LED). Another feature already in the SLK that will finally come for the facelifted SL is the AIRSCARF, which is an air vent built into the headrest and blows warm air on your neck so you don't get cold when the top is down. How posh... Engines are likely to remain the same as in the current model, but rumors are talking about a turbocharged version of the 350 engine with 354 bhp. Top of the line model will remain as the SL65 AMG with 612 bhp.
  12. Δεν το δείχνεις και σε μας :rolleyes:.
  13. Δύστυχος όχι veco :(.
  14. Το Περιοδικό ΚΟΜΙΞ παρουσιάζει "ΜΥΘΟΣ: Η οργή των Θεών" 132 Σελίδες > Μεγάλο μέγεθος > Πολυτελής Έκδοση > Τιμή: 7.50 ευρώ. Κυκλοφορεί... Αθήνα: 28 Ιουνίου, Υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα: 26 Ιουλίου. http://www.imageshack.gr/images/c1tyyyqtz1zzzddgmeqy.jpg
  15. :rolleyes: Προς το παρών όχι. (Θέλω να πιστεύω πως δεν θα έχει της τιμές του w880 και k810 :worry:)
  16. Νέο BATMAN: The Dark Knight (2008) (Αν τυχών έχει ξαναγραφτεί ζητώ συγνώμη :O) http://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/poster/small/001771.jpg Μπορεί, για πρώτη φορά, να μην δηλώνεται στον τίτλο, αλλά το Dark Knight αναμένεται να είναι η πιο Batman ταινία που γυρίστηκε ποτέ. Κι αν κρίνουμε απ' την πιστότητα του πολύ καλού Batman Begins που προηγήθηκε, μπορούμε να περιμένουμε, αν όχι μια καλύτερη ταινία, μια τέλεια μεταφορά του comic ήρωα. Απ' την μέρα που ανακοινώθηκε το δεύτερο μέρος (ή καλύτερα απ' τη στιγμή που οι θεατές είδαν την τελευταία σκηνή του Begins) το μεγαλύτερο ερώτημα στο μυαλό των fans ήταν το ποιος θα είναι ο νέος Joker, ρόλο που στο παρελθόν έχει ερμηνεύσει με τεράστια επιτυχία ο πολύς Jack Nicholson. Δεκάδες ηθοποιοί ακούστηκαν, απ' τον Sean Penn μέχρι τον Paul Bettany, αλλά τελικά ο ρόλος κατέληξε στον Heath Ledger. Joker Is Revealed! :p Μετά από πολλές ψεύτικες φωτογραφίες,είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να σας δείξουμε την πρώτη photo του Heath Ledger ως Joker στην ταινία The Dark Knight του Christopher Nolan! Είναι ξεκάθαρο ότι δεν υπάρχει καμία σχέση με τον θρυλικό Joker του Tim Burton και είναι επίσης φανερό ότι τα πράγματα έχουν σοβαρέψει αρκετά! http://www.empireonline.com/images/image_index/150x180/19748.jpg Title: The Dark Knight Director: Christopher Nolan Writer: Christopher Nolan, David S. Goyer, Jonathan Nolan (based on characters by Bob Kane) Cast: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman Producer: Christopher Nolan, Charles Roven, Emma Thomas Company: DC Comics, Warner Bros., DiBonaventura Pictures, Legendary Pictures Genre: Action / Crime Release Date: 18 June 2008 (USA) • www.imdb.com • www.Cinema.gr • www.TheMoviesCult.gr • www.Cinemascope.gr
  17. Ποιος ξέρει θα ισχύει η ημερομηνία που έλεγε το site για Σεπτέμβριο? :worry: Πάντως δεν με ενθουσίασε και πολύ το trailer :(. Το 1 ήταν μέσα στο κτίριο, και το 2 στην πόλη. Και τώρα το 3 θα διαδραματίσετε στην έρημο. Δεν με ενθουσιάσει και τόσο το σκηνικό με την έρημο :wacko:… βέβαια είναι νωρίς ακόμα για συμπεράσματα :).
  18. Η πλάκα είναι ότι εγώ τα είδα ανάποδα :lol:, πρώτα το 2 στων ant1.. και τώρα βλέπω το 1 που πείρα από το Θέμα.
  19. Βγήκε το Trailer της ταινίας Resident Evil : Extinction η οποία πρόκειται να βγει στις αίθουσες τον Σεπτέμβρη. :happy: :happy: :happy: ___Poster___ http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/9981/residentevilextinctionbx7.th.jpg
  20. Resident Evil (Θέμα) Από ποιότητα εικόνας μέτρια και Ευτυχώς που το κάδρο της ταινία είναι 16:9. Ο ήχος στερεοφωνικός (2.0). Μην ξεχνάμε ότι είναι ταινία εφημερίδας... και όχι τυχαίας εφημερίδας :p. Ορίστε και το αναλυτικό information της ταινίας. http://www.imageshack.gr/images/ymnmmrjlin0lyjmmrgow.png
  21. Citroen C-Crosser http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/images/article_images/CitroenC-crosser_1_560px.jpg http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/images/article_images/CitroenC-crosser_2_560px.jpg Here's Citroen's C-Crosser SUV, a Mitsubishi Outlander with a facelift and butt-tuck. It's also the sister car of the Peugeot 4007, another badge-engineered French 4x4 revealed on CAR Online today. As with the 4007, Citroen has taken the Outlander, grafted on its corporate nose, added different 18-inch wheels and tweaked the rear lamps. Both 4x4s run the 2.2-litre diesel, with 156bhp. The C-Crosser is due in the UK in late summer, priced from around £19,000. PSA Peugeot-Citroen claims to have extensively revised the Outlander's chassis for French duty, having signed the agreement with the Japanese in 2005. The brakes, steering and suspension have all been fettled. Each car has the same multi-mode drivetrain, with two-wheel drive, 4x4 and low range gears. It's a smart move from both PSA and Mitsubishi. The French have leap-frogged into the 4x4 market, which now accounts for 6 percent of European sales, while Mitsubishi will get more volume off the Outlander programme, boosting profitability.
  22. Peugeot 4007 http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/images/article_images/Peugeot4007official_1_560px.jpg You're right. Peugeot issued a couple of teaser images of its new SUV back in October, but it has remained resolutely tight-lipped about more details until now. The 4007 will be seen for the first time in the metal at next month's Geneva show, so we'll soon know what it looks like in the metal. If you're still thinking it looks familiar, that's probably because it's based on the Mitsubishi Outlander. PSA Peugeot-Citroen wanted a short cut to the 4x4 party and struck a collaboration with the Japanese firm to build 30,000 cars a year for them. The 4007, and Citroen's Citroen's C-Crosser, are the French duo's rebadged versions. Pretty much, yes. The cars are mechanically very similar, although the Peugeot uses the French 156bhp 2.2 HDI instead of VW's turbodiesel preferred by Mitsubishi. The glass and most body panels are identical, though. Peugeot's Velizy design studio worked up the new nose treatment, with swept-back headlamps and the lion logo sitting prominently on the bonnet. The 4007 is 4640mm long and comes with wheels between 16-18in. Only that particulate-trap-equipped diesel engine will be offered, initially, although you can safely expect petrols to join the range later. It's the same 2.2 HDI that's impressed in the 407 and 607, and develops a muscular 280lb ft of pull at a lowly 2000rpm. However, it'll need all that grunt to overcome a decidedly lardy 1750kg kerb weight. http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/images/article_images/Peugeot4007official_2_560px.jpg Let's face it, the chances of owners going off-roading in in the 4007 are pretty slim. The ground clearance of 174mm should allow gentle excursions from the bitumen, and an on-demand four-wheel drive system shuffles torque to the wheels with the best traction; it's a front-driver most of the time, but the rear wheels chip in when the front tyres slip. Drivers can select front-wheel drive, automatic and full-time 4wd via a switch on the dashboard; up to 55 percent of drive can be sent rearwards for maximum traction when the going gets sticky. Peugeot acknowledges that this car will spend most of its time on the road and the suspension is designed accordingly: McPherson struts up front and a multi-link rear end. An aluminium roof is claimed to save 5kg over a steel equivalent - helping to lower the centre of gravity by 4mm. We're sure that the average owner will notice the handling improvements this endows at every roundabout... Soft-touch surfaces, chrome accents... do all cabins look the same these days? The 4007 ticks all these boxes, but at least the switchgear is arranged logically enough. The windscreen is massive, giving Peugeot's SUV a panoramic view more akin to an MPV. Very light and airy, from these photos. As you'd expect of a £20k SUV, it comes with a raft of safety gizmos. ESP is standard, as are curtain airbags extending along the front two rows of seats. A 30GB hard drive can hold mapping for the whole of Europe, plus 2500 songs. The rear tailgate is a split item, like on the original Range Rover - the drop-down tailgate can take the weight of two fat people, or 200kg. The 4007 is a seven-seater, with a third row that folds out of the floor. Adults will find these seats a squeeze, but it's a useful occasional facility, and the middle row slides back and forth by 80mm. The tailgate glass hatch lifts up separately too - letting you drop shopping and smaller items into the 510-litre boot; pop up those rearmost seats, and the boot shrinks to a rather smaller 184 litres. Peugeot's nomenclature is nearly running out of room for a burgeoning product line-up, so the 4007 carries over the double-oh numbering of the 1007. This is reserved for all future niche Pugs. http://www.carmagazine.co.uk/images/article_images/Peugeot4007official_4_560px.jpg
  23. Άντε με βλέπω Αθήνα για ψώνια… :rolleyes: :p
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