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[MOTO] Modenas Dinamik 125


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Ναι..Είμαι αιμοδότης...

2006 Modenas Dinamik 71mm....

1998 Seat Ibiza S4 Turbo

1992 Suzuki RGV-Γ 250cc

2001 Suzuki FX 68.5mm

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oraios..etsi omorfies na exoume omorfies! (giati den kovis k tis mlks pou exei kato apo ti sela)? mlks = auta ta sidera :p

ego pantos gia na ta vgalo mou vgike i panagia,alla a3izei ton kopo e?


Σε πρόλαβα! Τα έχω κόψει εδώ και καιρό!:lol:

Ναι..Είμαι αιμοδότης...

2006 Modenas Dinamik 71mm....

1998 Seat Ibiza S4 Turbo

1992 Suzuki RGV-Γ 250cc

2001 Suzuki FX 68.5mm

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8a ta kopsw kai egw tora ta sidera katw apo tin sela m...ies einai!!!

GreddyRx7 ti lastixa exeis sto mixanaki??? kia pwsa sou pire to fanari me ta flas???


.........copy racing :lol: :p :lol:

http://www.mototriti.gr/jpg/mtr/100/NEWS/Akrapovic_logo.jpg Ban Me I'm Famous
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8a ta kopsw kai egw tora ta sidera katw apo tin sela m...ies einai!!!

GreddyRx7 ti lastixa exeis sto mixanaki??? kia pwsa sou pire to fanari me ta flas???


michelin pilot sport νομίζω κάπου στα 80ε έκαναν...και 27ε το φανάρι!

Ναι..Είμαι αιμοδότης...

2006 Modenas Dinamik 71mm....

1998 Seat Ibiza S4 Turbo

1992 Suzuki RGV-Γ 250cc

2001 Suzuki FX 68.5mm

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"michelin pilot sport νομίζω κάπου στα 80ε έκαναν..."


korifaia epilogi sta lastixa.... exeis poli parithorio na plagiaseis to maxinaki;) + tin pio oraia aisthisi pou exei meta to mixanaki..:)



My Aprilia SXV 450

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Ακριβώς είναι και πιό μούρικα!:DD

Ναι..Είμαι αιμοδότης...

2006 Modenas Dinamik 71mm....

1998 Seat Ibiza S4 Turbo

1992 Suzuki RGV-Γ 250cc

2001 Suzuki FX 68.5mm

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simera to prwi me to 3imeroma paw san kirios na grapsw exetaseis sxoleio a' lykeiou feygw apo to spiti kai sta 300metra zitades me stamatane oute forousa kranos oute diploma den exw efaga tin 2h minysi:D (1h me ena gilera 50cc) piga sxoleio me mia xara afiste kai egrapsa ta @@ mou orea xekinise i mera:)

Mia erwtisi pote na tou kanw mia anixia kali omws na telikiasei touxo kanei kana 2 mexri ta 100km kai kana 2 mexri ta 80km me liges strofes briskomai sta 700km alla 300km emeinan mexri to service na tou tin kanw (tin anixia) sta 750km - 800km na telikiasei i oxi na min kanw tpt:!:

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Ok kanw ipomoni mono tora pou to pernw xereis pio grigora apo tin arxi. Stin arxi to eperna mexri 40-45 pio meta to eperna mexri 45-50 tora prin liga km (apo 500-680km) me 55-60 kai tora me 60-70 me 6h gia liges strofes kala to pernw i oxi
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dostou ligaki re!to mpoukonis etsi! ;) mexri 80 ego to pigaina k exo kani ap'oti mou lene poli (kalo)strosimo,3eris ta dixrona 8eloun ligo (aera) parapano sti odigisi opote min to fovasai :)
http://www.mototriti.gr/jpg/mtr/100/NEWS/Akrapovic_logo.jpg Ban Me I'm Famous
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den to fobame ka8olou tou dinw kai mexri ta 80 kai 90 den exw problima allo ti sas lew:lol:


:lol: e...tote apla ipomoni! mia xara ise re:p ta ipolipa asta sto mixaniko sou;)

http://www.mototriti.gr/jpg/mtr/100/NEWS/Akrapovic_logo.jpg Ban Me I'm Famous
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An to exei sto magazi amesi paradosi aliws 8a perimeneis opws emena 5 meres me mia ebdomada tora ti na prosexeis min tou dineis polles strofes min to zorizeis idika se anifores kai oxi dikabalies prosexe ta ladia sou genika oles tis endixeis kai oxi gkazia sto nekro afineto na zestanei kana 2 leptakia prin to pareis megia:)
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palikaria na rwtisw kati; apo ebdomada paw gia modenas.... ean paw prwi ... pote tha to exw;... kai ti na prosexw perissotero;


analoga..an to exoun etoimo pi8anon,na prosexis mi sto fane k mi to mamisis prin tin ora tou :p :p

http://www.mototriti.gr/jpg/mtr/100/NEWS/Akrapovic_logo.jpg Ban Me I'm Famous
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χμμμ,ο GreddyRx7 ελεγε οτι δεν χρειαζεται στρωσιμο...


:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: ipe kati tetio?den to exo 3anakousi....

http://www.mototriti.gr/jpg/mtr/100/NEWS/Akrapovic_logo.jpg Ban Me I'm Famous
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xixi:p den pisteuw 8elei strwsimo einai to a kai to w mazi me tin sintirisi ola ta mixanakia pisteuw 8eleoun strwsimo alla 1000km kai alla 100km alla ola 8eleoun ena mikro strwsimo:ninja: etsi pisteuw
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95αρα αμόλυβδη


Είχα δεί μία εκπομπή με θέμα την ποιοτητα καυσίμων και τετοια κα είχα ακουσει οτι είναι πεταμένα λ7 στην 100αρα δηλ. αυτή την χρησιμοποιουν κατι ραλιαριδες και αυτοκινητα ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ κυβισμου...


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