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Everything posted by chris7_

  1. EXCLUSIVE: 24ct Gold Nokia 8800 Arte -- Coming on January 2008 at Goldstriker http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7248/nokia8800artegoldor5.th.jpg Goldstriker International is famous for designing special diamond and precious metal variations of mobile phones and iPods among a range of other products. A new addition to their 24ct gold collection is the Gold Nokia 8800 Arte -- the first of its model in the world to be manufactured in 24ct gold. The luxury phone would be released by the end of January 2008 and would cost GBP£749.95 each -- that's USD$1489.70 for our American readers. A lot cheaper than the GoldVish Le Million and in my humble opinion, a lot better looking -- between the two, you all know which one I'd choose. And unless you're in the Forbes 500 list, I know which one you would, too.
  2. kai auto...:happy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4b4C3LiNZA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwB_W44Ujew
  3. outos h allos htane polu kalo kinhto to Z6 kai apla twra eghne kalhtero...;)
  4. gaiti nteke kala na einai auto??:blink: skepsou oti emena me eksipireth polu kai polous alous gia polla pragmata!p.x to gps!to vazeis sthn vash tou sto autokinhto kai to mono pou exeis einai na akoumpas thn othonh kai na kaneis auta pou thes!skepsou na mhn eixes othonh afhs kai na eprepe na mpeneis sto menou me ta plhktra...;)
  5. omorfo kinhto me terastia othonh afhs alla me mono 3mpx kamera... ase pou miazei polu me to prada...:p
  6. polu kalo!an den kano lathos den eixe vgalei kai h MOTO kati paromio??
  7. nomizw oti tous kalhpses olous file tranaee...;)
  8. mpa oxi... to N96 einai GPS kinhto kathara opws kai to N95...;)
  9. file kalos hrtes sto myphone! kalo einai to w610 alla des kai kati allo opws to s500 as poume...;) pantos kalhtera na rwthshs edw mia kai tha se vohthhsoune kalhtera..;)
  10. ma otan einai agps einai outos h allos gps!:blink: apla einai kati san uphresia to agps...
  11. an den kano lathos to agps einai otan mesw gprs(kai auto einai to asxhmo logo xrewshs)mporeis na vreis pio grhgora doriforous!fusika an den to epithhmhs den xreiazete na to kaneis upoxrewthka!ena pragma dld san to quick gps pou exoun ta windows phone...;)
  12. +1..:p an eixe kai thn kamera tou c902...;)
  13. kai auto... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5jMYi4YF4g:happy:
  14. pia h diafora apo to F490??:blink: omorfo einai pantos..
  15. olla ta lefta!!:lol: polu gelio milame...:lol:
  16. kai ta 16 giga mnhmhs + oti pernei karta(oxi opws to n95 8giga pou den eperne);)
  17. to vlepw kai egw edw kai kairo kai den kserw ti na upothesw...:blink: malon to deutero pantos...:p
  18. san na vlepw to E90 mprosta mou!!:lol: kalo pantos...;)
  19. ti na to kaneis omws auto??ektos to oti einai terastio einai kai S60 ... kati se windows re paidia...:X
  20. apla omorfo! arketa lepto alla ws ekei...:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwKIlDHbm6g
  21. re paidia sta sigoura einai o antikatastaths tou N73??:blink: kai mono me 70 mb mnhmh...:mad: kalhtera N82 mou fenete...;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dBlci6sMis:p
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