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Everything posted by alkis81

  1. gia ddes kai ayton ton pira to sabbato kai einai super!!! http://openmind.gr/product_info.php?cPath=21_32_218_220&products_id=1376&osCsid=ca72a9f6dcb84d28746791d90f59b8bc
  2. asymvste ta diabasa....apla h erwthsh moy syndiasthlke me to ean mporw na parw thn epidothsh argotera...bebaia ean mou peis lathos meros dialeksa na to grapsw tha sai swstos. filika, alkis
  3. na sas rwthsw kati re paidia thelw na parw to n91 kai h epidotisi gia thn ananewsi plisiazei se kana mhna!kseretai an tha mporesw na to parw an tha erthei argotera?!Eyxaristw!
  4. pes mas kai emas ti brikes!!!!
  5. alkis81

    .com domain

    prin 10 meroyles ekana kai egw thn prwth kinisi gia domain loipon phra to http://www.fuelcell.gr sthn rainhost!Paidia me 3 eyrw to myina alla me elaxista pragmata.10mb xwro kai 1000 bandwith.Lete na paizei tipota? tin dieytinsi thn phra me 25 eyrakia gia 2 xronia
  6. paidia to eida se ayto to site http://www.play247.gr/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5_29&products_id=524 Deite timi!!!!Den eiani kako!!!
  7. nai re pedia pote erxetai re gamwto??? Edw kai 2 mines perimenw na to parw, ante teleiwnei h syndesh kai paw gia anbathmisi siskeyhs!!! Kserei kaneis????????????
  8. kai to onoma thw gkomenas htan biban alla exei dikio o filos me to star den mporeis pote na ksereis!!!
  9. Call Register Call Register is a simple yet powerful tool to handle your call history. The application digests call details available in your phone and presents them in ways that are useful. The longest/shortest calls, calls on particular days? You can have them presented at a glance or as reports. When launched, Call Register automatically imports your mobile phone's call log and presents it in the form of lists of incoming or outgoing calls on a given day and earlier. Use 'Options/Report Criteria' menu to filter the data the way you want it. Alternatively, sort the data by using the following 'Options': count all calls/SMS/MMS by date, by recipient, all SMS, all GPRS sessions, all MMS) destination; e.g. GPRS, by recipient, etc. duration date missed calls http://psiloc.com/programy/s60/callreg01.gif download http://my-symbian.com/7650/download/search.php?name=Call Register
  10. sory poy lew asxeto alla mhpws ksereis asymvivaste apo poy mprw na katebasw to thema me thn athina??//eyxaristw!
  11. Loipon epidh to sygkekrimeno uema to eixa psakei para poly to kalytero poy exw brei einai to solid pdf converter!!!pragmatika sxedon apsogo!!!kane ena search sto google!!!oso gia to cccccccc pm me!
  12. den prepei na steileis kanena mynhma filaraki moy!apla na to exeis energopoihmeno kai molis allaxthei h karta ayto tha arxisei na xtypaei san syanagermos kai tha steilei mynhma se opoio kinhto exeis orisei esy!ara ksereis to kinhto toy klefth!apla kai sigoyro!dokimase to apla allakse karta kai arkei na ksereis ton kwdiko tpoy programmatos na to ksekleidwseis!!!
  13. ch99081@mail.ntua.gr eyxaristw poly paidia!!!!!
  14. kanas xarths ths athinas bghke telika re paidia h kalo pasxa????
  15. paidia to phone secure moy eixe kolhsei kai ekana 2 meres na ksekleidwsw to kinhto!to theft alert ws twra no problem!balte to kai tha me thymhtheitei! alla tis!!!:-))))))))))))))
  16. paidia to theft alert einai pragmatika para poly kalo!to exw egkatesthmeno 1 bdomada kai pragmatika aksizei!!! arkei kai na pesei kai cr...ck sta xeria masssss!!
  17. http://bluejackx.de.vu gia deite ayto...bebaia mporei na einai ligo psiloblakeia alla einai to prwto poy exw brei gia bluetooth!!!
  18. thanks asymvivaste!hackfree epeidh den mpainw mesw wap mporeis na moy steileis to tube athens h opoios allos to exei??! eyxaristw!!!!
  19. nai re paidia kserw ti shmainei tube alla o hackfree milaei gia xarth ths athinas kai sto wap moy bgainei: Invalid WML code jojo an mporeis steilto moy me pm! eyxaristw!!!
  20. re paidia thn ypografh thn koitaksa ton xarth tis athinas den brhka!!!!kana kalo pm????
  21. diabase swsta sthn selida poy to katebases eidika katw katw kai tha katalabeis!!!! prepei na katebaseis tkai toys hxoys!!!! NOKIA. its so simple!!!! :-))))))))))
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