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Everything posted by hunk

  1. kati san to skylo robot ths sony mou kanei...den thymamai pws to legane...alla mallon tha ksereis poio lew..
  2. ti mou thymises twra?einai koryfaio... kai fysika apo poion einai? apo ton matt groening dhmiourgo twn simpsons:!: alla ektos apo ton bender kai o episthmonas exei gelio.. "prepei na tous boithisw.alla foraw hdh tis pytzames mou.zzzz"
  3. re sy alex epeidh mperdeythka poio einai poio? kai ta dyo exoyn ta koumpia sto plai ths othonhs kai ta dyo exoyn to joystick sthn idia peripou thesh... :D :p :p pantws auth h nokia pou ta briskei auta ta kainourgia design den kserw... akous ekei ta koumpia se dyo seires aristera kai deksia apo thn othonh...pou akousthke pali auto? :whistle: :whistle:
  4. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) symfwna me ta logia tou skhnotheth h electra tha mporouse na eixe balei to mentagion ekei prin pethanei,kai apla o mat na to dei meta.ostoso se ola ta screening pou ekanan to koino nomize oti h electra zei akomh.opote mallon tha thn exoun kai sto sequel.
  5. wraia thanks.. ena keygen twra pou tha brw? :D :D EDIT: den to katebazei re sy to arxeio apo ekei.. to DAP leei access denied kai an dokimasw na to katebasw xwris DAP to swzei meta apo kana lepto kai afou exei katebasei mono 2% kai fysika den douleuei..
  6. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) einai apo ton basilia twn liontariwn to tragoudi..den thymamai titlo omws..
  7. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) active member - o adiaforos
  8. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) mprabo to space oddity psaxnw..
  9. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) re paidia ena apo ta prwta tragoudia tou bowie pou leei gia to diasthma poio einai?einai pasignwsto alla mou diafeugei o titlos..thanks
  10. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) πάλι ποστ του γκέημ-μπόη διάβαζες ρε πειραιώτη? :p an diabaze post tou gameboy h mhtera tou den tha ton elege gkantemh kati allo tha ton elege:D
  11. mporeis na dwseis ena link giati den to briskw sto kazaa? thanks...
  12. katebasa prin 4-5 meres kai eida ta 2 prwta epesodia kai twra katebazw na dw to trito... ta 2 prwta htan poly kala... mia aporia... ton http://www.greeklaws.com/fora/html//emoticons/001kenny%5B1%5D.gif tha ton skotwnoun se kathe epeisodio? :D :D kai mia paraklhsh..mporei na mou grapsei kaneis kanena epeisodio se cd giati mexri na katebasw 100+ epeisodia me thn 56pstn tha exw gerasei?thanks..
  13. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) an exeis to winzip se opoio zip arxeio kai na kaneis deksi klik exei mia epilogh pou leei "create self extractor (exe)"
  14. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) an kaneis ena .zip kai kathoriseis thn topothesia pou thes na mpoun ta arxeia mporeis meta na to kaneis .exe kai otan to trexeis na ta kanei automata setup ekei pou tou eixes pei...
  15. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Bασικα μονο το Ι feel you ακουσα, με την πρωτη ευκαιρια θα κατεβασω και τα υπολοιπα! :) epishs to dream of you einai koryfaio...
  16. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) εγω δεν το βρηκα πουθενα οταν εψαξα.... mhn ksexnate oti to kazaa exei pollous servers.egw epsaxna ena tragoudi 2 mhnes kai telika agorasa to cd enw mia gnwsth to brhke me thn prwth.
  17. re sy PeiRaioThs kai epeidh o gameboy exei balei auth thn photo ti peirazei?sthn dikia tou ypografh einai oxi sthn dikia sou... dhladh an eblepes sthn ypografh kapoiou to fili ths britney me thn madonna tha se peiraze? sorry gia to off topic...
  18. thanks gia thn apanthsh alla to brhka to problhma... h mallon brhka pws na to apofygw... gia kapoio logo otan ebaza to dvd sto dvd-r mou mou petage to parathyraki auto me oti programma kai na to douleva... alla telika to ebala sto aplo dvd rom kai to ekane mia xara encode... apla protimousa na to bazw sto dvd-r giati exei megalyterh taxythta anagnwshs... asxeto me to thread alla kserei kaneis giati mporei na ginotan auto?
  19. einai anagkh dhladh ta panta na exoun na kanoun me thn proothish ths istorias?htan apla mia anafora sthn prwth tainia... kai an thes na peis oti proothei thn istoria tote poly apla mporeis na skefteis oti to paidaki sthn prwth tainia lygize to koutali me to nou tou apodeiknyontas oti o kosmos htan pseftikos... mporei otan tou edwse to 2o koutali na htan san na tou leei oti kai autos o kosmos einai pseftikos...kai oti an hthele tha lygize kai ekeino to koutali...
  20. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) an eisastan 10 atoma kai oi misoi (5) ksernagan,tote eisastan 5 pou xamoureuosastan..ara kanate kai ena trio h enas emeine mpakouri..:):lol::D
  21. re paidia kai me to dvd decrypter pali ta idia eginan... na arxisw na anyshxw mhpws exei problhma to dvd-r mou h exei toso kalh prostasia to dvd?mhpws exei dokimasei kaneis na kanei backup tous dyo pyrgous gia na mou pei an ta katafere? thanks
  22. ontws auto pou rwthse o filos bbbb einai kai dikia mou aporia,giati perimena na exei epilogh to nero na dialegeis kapoia avi arxeia kai na ta metatrepei se dvd,opws exei gia na ta kaneis vcd.alla dystyxws den exei kati tetoio... :( :cry: :mad: kai kati allo...an me to dvd shrink gia paradeigma thelw na "kanw backup" kapoia tainia kai tis kanw sympiesh sto level 9 tha einai meta poly xalia h eikona? kai telos h epilogh tou dvd shrink pou leei still images ti einai? oso gia ta alla programmata pou eipate twra ta katebazw apo to kazaa kai den exw prolabei na ta tsekarw...
  23. kala re fabo pou to ksethapses auto to thema? apo to noembrio exei na postarei anthrwpos... :p :p :D :D kseskonizes kai to thymithikes? :p :p filika panta... :alien:
  24. re paidia dokimasa to dvd shrink kai einai poly kalo...alla exw ena problhmataki..ebala tous dyo pyrgous na tous kanw shrink kai enw exei ftasei peripou sto 40% mou petaei ena parathyraki pou leei kati gia kyklikous parametrous kai meta stamatei to encrypting..:( :cry: ti ftaei?
  25. egw pali perasa poly wraia.. :whistle: :whistle: h mana mou douleue to brady ths prwtoxronias kai h aderfh mou koimotane giati olh thn mera epaize sims.. mporeite na fantasteite tpt kalytero apo to na blepeis sthn tv to eortastiko tou mad? :D :D :lol: :lol:
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