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Everything posted by hunk
Πόσο σας κοστίζει το κινητό το μήνα;
hunk replied to Sharp GX20 Video's topic in Τεχνολογικοί προβληματισμοί
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) sto cosmote 150 peripou 35 euro to mhna pou einai ta pagia..o prohgoumenos bebaia eixe erthei kapou 55 giati eixa steilei 250+ sms:!: -
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) den kserw..den maresei na blepw to taz mwro me panes kai na milaei mwroudistika..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) h prwth mou eidopoihsh einai gegonos..geiwsa kapoion apo apokrypsh enw to kinhto htan anoixto kai mou hrthe eidopoihsh:!: zoume istorikes stigmes:lol::D
Τεχνολογικοί προβληματισμοί... γενικά!
hunk replied to vampyre's topic in Τεχνολογικοί προβληματισμοί
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) h prwth mou eidopoihsh einai gegonos..geiwsa kapoion apo apokrypsh enw to kinhto htan anoixto kai mou hrthe eidopoihsh:!: zoume istorikes stigmes:lol::D -
Τεχνολογικοί προβληματισμοί... γενικά!
hunk replied to vampyre's topic in Τεχνολογικοί προβληματισμοί
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) h prwth mou eidopoihsh eg -
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Δεν μας ειπες ομως..ποσοι απο αυτους λες να ρθουν; oloi..auta einai ta stantar..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) μαλλον σε DivX θα το δουμε...... παντος μου αρεσουν πολυ....αυτη την περιοδο παιζει σ'ενα σταθμο στην tv το Looney Toons Junior....μεγαλη φαση...θυμομαστε οτι ειμαστε ακομα και ΘΑ ειμαστε "μωρα" :p :D :whistle: :cool: an ennoeis na to katebaseis gia na to deis ok..alla egw den to kanw giati h poiothta eikonas/hxou den me ikanopoiei..kalytera na perimenw to dvd..aaa kai ta looney tunes junior einai mal...ia..tpt den sygkrinetai me to original..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) βγηκε παντου εχτος εδω κοντα μας.... :( kala den to kseroune oti mas aresoun ta looney tynes?we're tiny we're tooney we're all a little looney.. mallon tha to doume se dvd..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) exei bgei re sy?ennow stis aithouses oxi sto net..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) an thymamai kala giati exw kairo na thn dw,to kolie htan sthn taratsa pou "eide" gia prwth fora o daredevil thn electra.kai giati apokleietai na to afhse ekei prin thn monomaxia?
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) exeis balei 2 fores ton sergios
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) file telephonic to tragoudi ths trident einai to "melon diesel-its only you"
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) ektos tou programatos gia neous 18-27 yparxei kai programma gia efhbous apo 14-17..den kserw tpt omws gia elaxisto poso katatheshs..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) na rwthsw kai egw kati..na anoiksw aplo logariasmo tamieuthriou h na anoiksw logariasmo 1 I 2 I 3 sthn alpha?exei kamia diafora?
thanks tha paw na koitaksw twra... na fantastw oti afou den apanthses sthn prwth mou erwthsh auto shmainei oti den mporw na xrhsimopoihsw thn hdh yparxousa karta?
paidia exw mia aporia...sorry an exei apanththei alla den mporw na diabasw 9 selides xwris na kserw ti psaxnw.. loipon...h mhtera mou exei anoiksei ena logariasmo tamieythriou sth EUROBANK gia na stelnei lefta sthn aderfh mou pou spoudazei sthn arta...kai oi dyo exoun kartes gia na kanoun analhpseis kai katatheseis sta ATM... auto pou thelw na mathw einai an mporw na xrhsimopoihsw auth thn karta gia on-line agores...ennoeitai oti ta lefta tha yparxoun hdh sto logariasmo kai me to parapanw..(p.x. den mporw na katathesw 12.39 euro giati toso exei to dvd pou thelw na parw.anagkastika tha katathesw 15)... an den ginetai auto pou lew ti me symbouleyete na kanw gia na mporw na kanw on-line agores? tha prepei na parw gift card h mporw na anoiksw diko mou logariasmo pou na mou epitrepei on-line agores?an nai tote se poia trapeza? eyxaristw para poly...
exei eipwthei alles dyo fores...giati den koitate ta prohgoumena posts h akoma kalytera giati den kanete ena search?pantws to tragoudi legetai "in the sun"...tragoudisth den thymamai..an thes omws kane ena search na to breis.. :alien:
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) molis eida to epeisodeiaki tou south park me to xionathrwpo.."i told you not to put the fucking hat in the fucking frosty":D:D:D:D:D
to epsaxna kai egw auto to tragoudi... loipon opws exei eipwthei kai poio prin einai to diana ross-baby love
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) foithths eis diploun:!: sto dhmosio tomea : fytikh paragwgh flwrinas ston idiwtiko : prwtoeths foithths skhnothesias
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) :blink: που τον βρηκες τον ηχο?....μηπως μπορει να ερθει μια βολτα και απo δω thanx.. :) ΕDIT Παιδια γιατι δεν φτιαχνουμε μια gallery με φωτο που ειναι must για bluejacking..... ;) an kaneis mia bolta apo to thread "downloads gia x55" tha to breis.alliws sto stelnw..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) 6?5 den to exoume pei re sy? Φυσικά! Ήθελα να δω αν παρακολουθείς το θρεντ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :D :lol:[/b] lol..erwthsh einai auth?:D:D:D kai bebaia to parakolouthw..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Kυριακή 6 το απόγευμα... :cool: Έχω όμως μια απορία... :confused: Όταν με το καλό έρθεις, σε τι γλώσσα θα μας μιλάς??? "Γκρικλις"???? :lol: :p :D Άντε με το καλό να σε δούμε από κοντά... :cry: :cry: :cry: 6?5 den to exoume pei re sy?
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) apo oti thimamai katevaza kai pario gia ton patera mou apo napster! lol..egw ebriska poly liga ellhnika..toulaxiston sthn arxh..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) kai ta 2 einai koryfaia..pantws ekplhsomai pou brhkes asimo kai malista tote pou oi perisoteroi den hkseran ti einai to mp3..