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Everything posted by hunk

  1. to anoiksa apo ton browser kai pali den mou paizei..:( EDIT: ok eoaikse..apla eprepe na perimenw kana 2lepto..
  2. na pw kai egw ton pono mou.. loipon... kalo to page jump alla exei ena elatwma..exw balei na blepw 5 post ana selida..alla epeidh merikes fores bazoun polles eikones sta posts merikoi kollaei to kinhto..gi'auto bazw ena post ana selida kai ta blepw...to problhma omws einai oti to page jump exei mexri 3 pshfia pou shmainei oti mporeis na pas mexri thn 999 selida...an omws yparxoun parapanw post kai thes na pas sthn 3000 selida gia paradeigma den mporeis... kai kati akomh... otan kaneis quote se ena mynhma pou exei hdh quote mesa mperdebetai to mhnyma kai bgainei ligo xalia...
  3. re sy mano auto me ta belakia den paizei... fortwnei kanonika to menu kai otan pataw na paiksw 1 player mode den fortwnei tpt kai deixnei mono mai mple eikona.. ta alla pantws einai koryfaia....
  4. exei eipwthei kai pio prin.. madonna-love profusion
  5. egw auto pou kserw einai oti sto site tou compact disc club exei to full listing olwn twn syllogwn...opote me ligo psaksimo mporei na to breis...
  6. na paw kai egw ligo pio makria? resident evil apocalypse... septembrio bgainei stis amerikanikes aithouses kaistous ypologistes sas...:)
  7. ta exw diabasei ola auta...gia thn giagia tou kai to panepisthmio leei sto kleidwmeno thread tou "foititikh zwh sthn athina pws sas fainetai?" pou kamia sxesh den eixe na kanei me ton titlo tou kai gia thn komh tou leei sto epishs kleidwmeno thread tou "petakse ton kommoth apo to treno" gia to opoio edwses to link poio panw...
  8. tou exei xalasei mallon to keyboard kai grafei mono caps... :D :lol:
  9. autos o multistreidias hrthe kai efere neo yliko sto best of myphone... pantw prepei na einai g@mw ta atoma..
  10. ekna allo ena blyejacking me ena symfoithth mou otan gyrnagame apo thn sxolh mou.. apo to monasthraki mexri to peiraia estelna se enan me 7650 mynhmata opws.. "tnt se parakolouthoume" (forage ena mpoufan pou elege tnt) "den mporeis na ksefygeis" "kseroume ta panta" "eimaste sto idio bagoni me sena kai den mas blepeis" "psakse psakse den tha mas breis" kai diafora tetoia... molis eftase peiraia phre thlefwno ena filo tou kai panikoblhtos tou elege ti epathe... poly gelio milame..
  11. kai epishs einai kalo pou to exoun kai oi 3 ekdosei giati eixa ksexasei na to balw sto zip... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. mhpws ennoeis ena pou leei: get uppa stay on the scene just like a sex machine.. an ennoeis auto oute egw thymamai titlo...:lol::lol:
  13. mallon tha ftaiei to kinhto sou giati egw mporw na swsw kanonika oles tis eikones..
  14. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) gia na deis tis eikones prepei na energopoihseis thn epilogh auth apo to tis rythmiseis
  15. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) E kapoia tha vreis! An tis peis tin "magiki" leksi HONDOS pistepse me polles tha prothumopoiithoun na erthoun! Kati kserw pou sou to lew! :D mhn to pareksigisoun kai nomizoun oti tha parw gia autes arwma mono..
  16. kapoia stigmh tha paw...twra den kserw poia kopela tha brw na parw mazi mou alla auto einai allo thema...
  17. tha ths exw ypopsin mou otan teleiwsei to mpoukalaki ths str8... asxeto.h echo ti leei?m'arese h diafhmhsh ths...
  18. den exeis adiko alla ti na kanw pou m'aresei? tosa xronia authn foraw.. oles tis ekdoseis ths...mple maurh kokkinh prasinh.... entaksei exw foresei ki'alles alla h str8 m'aresei...
  19. epitelous allos enas pou bazei kati "fthno"...eixa arxisei na anyshxw epeidh hmoun o monos pou bazei str8..
  20. gia osous theloun ta programmata pou xei mesa to kazaa lite k++ ta ziparisa kai ta exw anebasei edw.... to zip exei mesa to avi preview to kazaa supernodes to k-dat kai to k-sig.. enjoy
  21. gia shmera oxi giati twra pou to eida to post einai arga alla opote thelete eimai mesa..arkei na mhn exw mathima ennoeitai..
  22. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) an mas thymiseis kai tous stixous..
  23. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) den kserw gia thn mana ths egw pantws den thn hksera..:lol:
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