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Everything posted by hunk

  1. re paidia den yparxei kaneis na bohthisei? :( :(
  2. re sy egine sobara tetoio pragma? an exei ginei kai exeis krathsei ta sms mporei na mporeis kai na tous kaneis mhnysh... pantws sobara twra pare ena thlefwno sto 1222 kai pes tous to skhniko na doume ti tha sou poune...
  3. re paidia esteila kamia dekapentaria mhnymata kai tpt..to poly na ebgaina deyteros...kai eixa sygxronisei kai to roloi sto pc me to 141..mporei na ftaiei to gegonos oti den eixa kalo shma..tespa.. to allo pou egine einai oti meta apo 5 peripou mhnymata mou elege kati "an ksanasteileis tha xareis dipla" h kati paromoio..kai afotou esteila mou eipe oti apo edw kai pera kathe sms mou tha metraei diplo..kai ontws meta apo kathe sms mou edine 20 symetoxes anti gia deka... pantws an to dokimasei kai kaneis aurio kai kataferei na kerdisei ton kernaw kafe gia na mou kerdisei kai mena merika eura...(sobara milaw) tha to dokimasw bebaia kai to prwi kata tis 10..den mporei posoi tha stelnoun mymnhmata stis 10 to prwi?
  4. re paidia esteila twra na graftw kai akouste fash..stelnw to prwto sms mou leei na steilw stoixeia stlelnw kai meta mou erxetai kapaki to ekshs mhnyma.. "to sms sou eftase stis 16:51:25 kai htan to deytero autou tou leptou...:!::!: mallon tha prepei na dokimasoume to apogeuma giati den paizei polys kosmos... EDIT: a kai kati allo...sthn syndesh ta 30 euro isxyoun kai gia thlefwna kai mhnymata...gia thn akribeia afairountai apo to logariasmo sou...opote an paiksw twra kai kerdisw 12 fores tha exw dwrean kinhto gia ena xrono afou eimai sto cosmote 150 kai pote den mou erxetai parapanw apo 35 euro logariasmos...
  5. ksereis pou mporw na to brw giati to kazaa den to exei... thanks...
  6. re paidia me exei faei h aderfh mou na ths brw ena song pou akouse ths proalles sto radio...legetai leei "the sound of silence" alla den einai apo simon and garfunkel einai kainourgia diaskeuh...kserei kaneis ton tragoudisth? thanks..
  7. re sy rocky graftika sto site gia na katebasw to arxeio auto pou mou dineis sto link alla to arxeio onomazetai Z600_Modem_Standard_R5B001.rar eisai sigouros oti einai to swsto? thanks..
  8. ase re sy exw xathei..apo thn mia h sxolh apo thn allh mou krasare prin kammia bdomada o sklhros kai etrexa...pou na sta lew...
  9. me sigouria mporw na pw oti to ethnos kai h kathimerini dinoun dvd...einai h nea trela twra...opws htan prin 7-8 xronia pou mazeves kouponia apo efhmerides gia na pareis cd :!::!::!:
  10. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) to vodafone apo to kinhto to exei ksisei hdh..sto logismiko eixe prob..tha tou pw na to koitaksei..thanks..
  11. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Κανένας δεν ξέρει αν έχει βγει κανένα remixάκι; exei bgei to winter jam..argh diaskeuh tou summer jam..
  12. kserei kaneis ti tha baloun auto to weekend hmerhsia ethnos kai kathimerini?
  13. paidia bohtheia..enas filos exei t610 vodafone live kai thelei na to svhsei..mporeite na mou peite ti progs prepei na katebasei kai kapoies odhgies?sorry an exei ypothei alla den mporw na psaxnw... THANKS
  14. paidia mia psilo argh diaskeyh tou passenger tou iggy pop apo mia typissa pws legetai? kapoios mou eipe oti einai suzzie and the bangies (an to grafw swsta) alla thelw na to sigourepsw...thanks...
  15. na pw kai egw oti sthn kathimerini ths kyriakhs tha balei to straw dogs tou pekinpa me ton dustin hoffman... to trainspoting tou sinema einai eidikh ekdosh xwris extra h h ekdosh pou kykloforei hdh me 2 dvd?tha thela e?
  16. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) meta apo polyhmerh apousia ekana ena diplo bluejacking:!: mphkan 2 typoi me n-gage sto treno..kanw search kai tous briskw...wraia lew..grafw "giati den paizete tpt diplo?" kai to stelnw..psarwnei autos kai arxizei na stelnei eikones gia na me brei..stelnw ena "mhn psarwneis" kai meta apo ligo enw ftaname peiraia shkwnomai apo dipla tous pou kathomoun kai tous lew oti egw hmoun..afou ta paiksane sthn arxh,arxisan meta na mou lene an thelw na mou steiloun tpt.. keep bluejacking..:devil:
  17. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Afou egw ellinika egrapsa sto proigoumeno post!:o egw pantws pou to eixa dokimasei den emfanizontan kala
  18. re paidia den mporeis na grapseis ellhnika mesw wap logw tou gaqteway..alla akomh kai an grapseis tha fainontai san ieroglyfika..
  19. pou to eides re sy?afou den exei bgei se dvd...to exeis se peiratiko?mhpws mporeis na mou to dwseis gia mia antigrafoula giati to exasa otan bghke sto cinema?
  20. auto pou les ginetai epeidh prepei na baleis parapanw apo mia lekseis sthn anazhthsh..nomizw oti to minimum einai 3....
  21. thanks..to skefthka kai to exw kanei hdh...stis 23 me 24 pou tha erthei o logariasmos tha sas pw...
  22. opws ta eipa kai prin einai... ti den katalabainete? :confused: :confused: epeidh omws auto to skhniko egine prin 6 mhnes peripou o logariasmos agnoeitai kai den mporw na ton brw.. mporw na dw thn kinhsh tou logariasmou mou apo to site ths cote? to sat ti
  23. Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/20 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Den isxyei auto re Hunk.Egw ta elegxw tsampa apo gprs,stelnw kai lamvanw kanonika. Mhpws kaneis elegxo mesw EPAK?Mpaineis apo thn selida tou mycosmos 'h kaneis automato elegxo apo to kinhto(me attachments)giati to 2o xrewnetai. otan eixa dei ta mail mou prin kati mhnes ta eixa dei mesw wap over gprs apo to site tou mycosmos view..aurio tha psaksw na brw to logariasmo..
  24. apla asto na anoiksei kai meta xrhsimopoihse to programataki gia na psakseis sto cache tou explorer...
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