Αυτη η καθυστερηση αποτο paypal με ανησυχει Non-receipt - Claim - #PP-004-809-699-875
DisputeThe buyer and seller have 20 days to communicate directly to resolve an issue with this transaction. All disputed funds are held until the issue is resolved. If both parties can't agree to a solution, either party can escalate this to a PayPal claim.
EscalationThe buyer or seller asks PayPal to review the case and decide the outcome. We make every effort to resolve the claim within 30 days and restore funds to the rightful owner.
Awaiting other party's responsePayPal requests more information from the seller to resolve the issue. If the seller doesn't respond within 10 days, we close the case and restore funds to the rightful owner.
Requiring your actionPayPal requests more information from the buyer to resolve the issue. If the buyer doesn't respond within the allotted timeframe, we close the case and restore funds to the rightful owner.
Being reviewed by PayPalWe review the information the buyer and seller have provided. We try to reach a final decision quickly, but complex cases may take longer and require additional information from the buyer or seller.
ClosedThis claim or case has been closed. A closed dispute cannot be reopened or escalated to a PayPal claim.
Disputed Amount:
$174.42 USD
A claims specialist is reviewing your case.
What happens next
We'll contact you with any developments or if we require additional information from you by Jun 6, 2016.
If you've resolved this problem, you can cancel this claim at any time.
If you received the item but it's not as described by the seller, you can change the reason for your claim.
Supporting documents
Files (1)
Files uploaded
Filed Type of Evidence File Title
Jun 1, 2016 Additional Evidence Screenshot from 2016-06-01 11:55:15.png
εχω παραθεσει screenshot και υποτιθεται ο σπεσιαλιστ θα απαντουσε μεχρι 6 Ιουνη