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Coolpad F1 (8297W)


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I did try a lot of roms, but i preffer miui roms and KK, lollipop is okay, but it cant compare to KK, and i dont like MM


If you want a fully functional device stay with KitKat. The others simply have problems.

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I know that, they tend to brake after some time because of our old kernel,

But it doesnt matter since i love KK, its simple and awesome


I don't think that they break, at least not all of them. Huawei's emui runs fine and HiveUI also.


Most problems from my experience exist with miui, it runs good on Xiaomi devices, not on ours, after sometime it is really laggy and consumes a lot of battery.

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Ρε παιδιά έχω ένα F1 που κολλάει στο logo ,μπαίνω στο ρικαβερι και είναι έτσι.


Ξέρετε ποια επιλογή είναι για factory reset?

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Dealing with cache would fix that issue

To be honest i always had problems with LP and MM roms, they run fine for a month and after that everytime something breaks, currently have that issue l, when i want to call someone or recieve a call and when i answer i get message "cellular network not available", now i need new rom, but was thinking of going to miui again since i have used it a lot, litterally i did tried everything, but nah, new rom would fix that, since this is not first time i am having issues with LP roms after few weeks

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Dealing with cache would fix that issue

To be honest i always had problems with LP and MM roms, they run fine for a month and after that everytime something breaks, currently have that issue l, when i want to call someone or recieve a call and when i answer i get message "cellular network not available", now i need new rom, but was thinking of going to miui again since i have used it a lot, litterally i did tried everything, but nah, new rom would fix that, since this is not first time i am having issues with LP roms after few weeks


There will never be a fully working lp or mm rom for this phone since fire855 abandoned development for this mediatek soc.The data and phone bugs will always be there making these roms useless if you are using the device for phone calls and internet.The rom i'm using since many months now is this http://en.miui.com/download-208.html (the second one).Its miui8 from developer Xs (it says 7 but its 8).Its completely bugless and smooth with monthly working OTA updates.It includes sound patch in the settings (no zip flashing required) that gives loud and clear sound without distortion.

It comes without gapps,you can add the gapps you want from open gapps website.When you receive his next OTA update you should dirty flash a gapps zip again after upgrading the rom.


You can use google translate to translate your posts in greek before posting them here since this is not an international forum and users need to understand what is being talked about.

Edited by azuli
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το coolpad φοράει MIUI 7.1.3 stable. υπάρχει όμως θέμα με τις εφαρμογές των email. όταν πάω να ανοίξω κάποια email κλείνει απότομα η εφαρμογή. το παθαίνει και με την μαμά εφαρμογή και με gmail, hotmail εφαρμογές. καμιά λύση? υπάρχει κάποια νεότερη έκδοση MIUI? επειδή το χειρίζεται άτομο μεγάλης ηλικίας δεν θα ήθελα να κάνω factory reset και τέτοια, μόνο να περάσω κάνα update από πάνω αν χρειαστεί χωρίς να αλλάξει το interface.
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There will never be a fully working lp or mm rom for this phone since fire855 abandoned development for this mediatek soc.The data and phone bugs will always be there making these roms useless if you are using the device for phone calls and internet.The rom i'm using since many months now is this http://en.miui.com/download-208.html (the second one).Its miui8 from developer Xs (it says 7 but its 8).Its completely bugless and smooth with monthly working OTA updates.It includes sound patch in the settings (no zip flashing required) that gives loud and clear sound without distortion.

It comes without gapps,you can add the gapps you want from open gapps website.When you receive his next OTA update you should dirty flash a gapps zip again after upgrading the rom.


You can use google translate to translate your posts in greek before posting them here since this is not an international forum and users need to understand what is being talked about.


I did use it long time ago, but i was on miui 7 when there werent miui 8, i did not know that he is porting miui 8 now. Will try it out, and what about chinnese aps?

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Το λιγουρευεστε?? :lol::lol::lol:


Που εισαι ρε Δασκαλε... Δωσε κατι στο λαο σου... έχουμε πάθει στερητικό σύνδρομο δώσε κάτι έστω μία παλιό ρομ. :rolleyes:

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Που εισαι ρε Δασκαλε... Δωσε κατι στο λαο σου... έχουμε πάθει στερητικό σύνδρομο δώσε κάτι έστω μία παλιό ρομ. :rolleyes:


Και εκει που ειχα απογοητευθεί,ηρθε η ελπιδα!

jpower73 και τα μυαλα στα καγκελα!


χαχα.. μου φαινεται πως ολους μας ανεβηκε η διαθεση...οντως εχουμε παθει στερητικο!:lol:

παιδια πιστευω οτι το καρντασι παιδευεται παρα πολυ με την νεα ρομ και θελει να μας προσφερει οτι καλυτερο χωρις μπακς...


enjoy your life...:p
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Αλλαγή μοντεμ και άμεση συνδεσιμοτητα σε δεδομένα χωρίς AirPlane on Off.


upload png

CoolPad F1 :D

Redmi Note 9 Pro 6-128

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Jp μας κάνεις το μαρτύριο της σταγόνας δώσε το πιάτο στο λαό .......,....έχουμε στεγνώσει και το νήμα μαζι....
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Κάνε κάτι παλικάρι να γλυτώσουμε με τις αποσυνδέσεις !

Δώσε το μαννα εξ ουρανού !

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Κάνε κάτι παλικάρι να γλυτώσουμε με τις αποσυνδέσεις !

Δώσε το μαννα εξ ουρανού !


Το οτι θα έβρισκα την λύση περνώντας τα αρχεία τηλεφωνίας (μοντεμ) προγενέστερης χρονολογίας από την κατασκευή του τηλεφώνου μας, ουτε που θα το φανταζόμουν..


Καμία αποσύνδεση τόσο σε wifi όσο και σε δεδομένα. Η ρομ, είχε το συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα οταν την πρωτοπερασα, παρά τις εκ του αντίθετου δηλώσεις του "δημιουργού".


Εδιτ : πλέον λειτουργεί και το vpn, με οποιονδήποτε περιηγητή

CoolPad F1 :D

Redmi Note 9 Pro 6-128

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