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iPad (1st gen - 2010)


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Jason Chen:

What is Apple going to charge for each of the iWork apps? $9.99 each, so $30 if you want all.


Πάρα πολύ καλή τιμή!! Μπράβο τους!


Οι τρισχειρότερες quicktime και docs to go στοιχίζουν τα μισά αλλά η λειτουργικότητα που εξασφαλίζουν δεν έχει καμία σχέση. Θα πρέπει φυσικά να περιμένουμε να δούμε και πως θα προσαρμοστούν κι αυτές στην μεγαλύτερη οθόνη..

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11:11AM "That's iWork on the iPad." And Steve is... back!


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Jason Chen:

Steve Jobs is back on stage. “Isn’t it great?”



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11:12AM "Isn't it great?" Some slight hesitation. "A few other things. I'd like to talk for a minute about iTunes. The iPad syncs over USB just like an iPhone or iPod."




11:13AM "Now I'd like to talk about wireless networking. Every iPad has WiFi... but we're also going to have models with 3G."



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11:14AM "Now what does it cost for the data plans? Well in the US carriers charge about $60 a month. We have a real breakthrough. Two awesome plans for iPad owners. The first one gives you 250MB of data a month for $14.99."





11:14AM "We have an unlimited plan for just $29.99 a month."



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Jason Chen:

“A few other things…I’d like to talk about iTunes.” It syncs like an iPhone with your Mac or PC over the 30-pin cable. You sync everything: photos, music, movies, TV shows, contacts, calendars, bookmarks and applications, like the iPhone. Even backups.




Jason Chen:

And now, wireless networking. It has Wi-Fi, but there are models with 3G.








Jason Chen:

What does it cost for the data plans? In the US, companies charge $60 for a data plan for laptops. But, “we’ve got a real breakthrough here. We’ve got two awesome plans for iPad owners.” The first is 250MB data a month for $15.


Jason Chen:

And if you want unlimited data for $30 a month.

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Jason Chen:

It’s with AT&T (confirmed).


Όλοι περίμεναν έστω διπλή συμφωνία με AT&T και Verizon!

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11:16AM "So we have a breakthrough deal in the US. We hope to have our international deals in the June / July timeframe. However, all of the iPad 3G models are unlocked, and they use the new GSM microSIMs."

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Jason Chen:

So this is the US, but what about internationally? They hope to have international deals in place by June. “We’re going to start on that tomorrow.” But, all iPad 3G models are unlocked, and they use GSM micro SIMs, so if your carrier offers micro SIMs, “they’ll just work.”


Αυτό το june δεν μου άρεσε!


Θα πάρει φωτιά το eBay :)

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11:17AM "WiFI plus 3G if you want it. So iPad. It's phenomenal. Email is fantastic, best device for photos, great for music, great for video. It runs almost all of the 140k apps on the app store, as well as a whole new generation of apps."


11:17AM "What should we price it at?"


11:17AM "And the new iBooks application. You can carry literally thousands of books around. And the iWork suite of apps with the best UI we've ever seen for something like this."



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Jason Chen:

Steve is going through the features now, like music, email, and video. It runs “almost all” the apps on the app store.




Πρέπει να υπάρχει.. one more thing!

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11:18AM "If you listen to the pundits, we're going to price it under $1000, which is code for $999. When we set out to develop this, we had ambitious tech goals, but we had aggressive price goals."




11:18AM "And just like we were able to meet or exceed our tech goals, we have met our cost goals... iPad pricing starts at $499."



Αυτά είανι...

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Jason Chen:

He says “pundits” said it would be under $1000, which is $999.


Jason Chen:

“I am thrilled to announce to you that the iPad pricing starts, not at $999, but at $499.”


Ήμουν σίγουρος ότι δεν θα ήταν τόσο ψηλά, θέλουν να το πάρει πολύς κόσμος.


Είναι η εξάπλωση του iPhone OS, θα καλύψουν τα έξοδα από το App Store, iTunes store, iBook..

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499 δολαρια!
"When grubbing for necessities man is still an animal. He becomes uniquely human when he reaches out for the superfluous and extravagant."- Eric Hoffer.
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11:20AM "We will be shipping these in 60 days. 3G models will ship in 90 days."


11:20AM "So $499 for 16GB of iPad. That's our base model. 32GB is $599, 64GB is $799. 3G models cost an extra $130. $629, 729, and 829 with 3G."

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Αυτες οι τιμες ειναι για σκετη την συσκευη η μαζι με συμβολαιο ομως?
Υπογραφή εκτός Ο.Π.Χ.
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Jason Chen:

“We will be shipping iPads in 60 days, worldwide availability of Wi-Fi models.” It’ll be another 30 days beyond that for 3G models.


Καλά νέα, αρχίζουμε οικονομίες :)

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Και βάση;;



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καλη τιμη...!!!

καλη δουλεια αλεξ και περικλη..!!

καμια ενημερωση για νεα version στα μηλαρακια μας εχει γινει??

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  ababapanos said:
Αυτες οι τιμες ειναι για σκετη την συσκευη η μαζι με συμβολαιο ομως?


Οι τιμές για wifi σίγουρα χωρίς συμβόλαιο, αντίστοιχα με iPod touch.


Αν είδα καλά όμως και το 3G είναι unlocked, άρα θα υπάρχει ενδεχομένως και επιδότηση από AT&T και η τιμή θα είναι πιο κάτω;

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  ababapanos said:
Αυτες οι τιμες ειναι για σκετη την συσκευη η μαζι με συμβολαιο ομως?


Διάβασε λίγο πριν. Δεν έχει συμβόλαιο. Είναι προπληρωμένο λένε..





11:21AM "We've got some really great accessories. First one is a dock. You know the slideshow I showed you? When it's in the dock you have a great picture frame. We have another dock that's interesting... the keyboard dock." What!?







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