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Windows ME system requirements


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Ξέρει κανείς system requirements των windows ME και την πρωτινόμενη σύνθεση? Σκέφτομαι να αναβαθμίσω από 98SE --> ME! :)
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Και άμα δεν παίρνει ΧΡ βάλε 2000 ακόμα καλύτερα. Θα γλυτώσεις από τις (περισσότερες) μπλε οθόνες. Ίσως θα έπρεπε να βάλεις μνήμη γύρω στα 512 για να πηγαίνει σφαίρα το μηχάνημα.
http://briefcases.pathfinder.gr/download/597036If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold.
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Cyrix 166, 32EDO RAM, 10,1 Maxtor (7.500rpm/sec) Win ME kai kanei (olokliromeno) boot se 50 sec (kai sto startup exw: getright, nav 2001, kazaa lite + tis alles ******es poy fortonoyn apo mona toys (ta vriskeis sto startup apo system information..) ta win me) kala den einai? :rolleyes: Opote katotero mixanima apo mena APOKLIETE na exeis... :worry: Vale winme me 1000 !!!! exei perissotera kaloydia apo 98se kai gia mena IE(fortoma) kai synoliko boot ta kanoyn se xrono de te :blink: :alien:
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Egw 8a sou proteinw Win98SE


An 8es perissotera kaloudia nai ta WinMe einai gia esena

prosexe, epishs yparxei diafora sta driver metaksy twn

W98Se me twn Winme

alla driver einai WDM(.sys based wsan ta 2000)

kai alla apla me DLL kai VXD's (W9x based)

an ta pragmata pou exeis panw sto pc sou douleyoun me WDM based drivers

tote h metabash sta ME eina/ krinetai anagaia

gia kalyterh axiopistia k taxythta se win periballon!

an omws oxi, skepsou to, de kerdizeis da k tosa polla

ektos tou oti xaneis to pure dos prompt

(ektos ean patch-areis to IO.sys (to exw) )

8a exeis kalytero thumbnail view

8a mporeis na bazeis jpg wallpaper xwris na exei kapoia isws glitses opws sta 98Se

k 8a exeis ena ligo pio bary leitourgiko me liiiigo pio grhgorh ekkinhsh

pou apaitei 64MB minimum

idanikos epexergasths gia ME einai apo 233MHz k anw

oxi oti de leitourgoun k katwteroi, alla merikes fores gonatizoun


Ta ME einai idanika gia Cyrix Mx 166-200-233+

dioti ta perissotera bugs pou exoun k "fainontai" sta W9x

exoun exaleif8ei me thn xrhsh eidikwn call gi'aytous sta ME

::LiNK RaMoNe


Hey, Ho!

Let's Go!



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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Datum Processor (29 Δεκ. 2003 , 14:16)


Cyrix 166, 32EDO RAM, 10,1 Maxtor (7.500rpm/sec) Win ME kai .....

Ολεεεεε......... :p

Κι εγω που νομιζα οτι ο AMD Κ6-2 στα 500 που εχω ειναι ο κατωτερος στα μελη εδω του φορουμ......Παιρνεις το βραβειο Datum.....και εις ανωτερα....

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Datum Processor (29 Δεκ. 2003 , 14:16)


Cyrix 166, 32EDO RAM, 10,1 Maxtor (7.500rpm/sec) Win ME kai kanei (olokliromeno) boot se 50 sec (kai sto startup exw: getright, nav 2001, kazaa lite + tis alles ******es poy fortonoyn apo mona toys (ta vriskeis sto startup apo system information..) ta win me) kala den einai? :rolleyes: Opote katotero mixanima apo mena APOKLIETE na exeis... :worry: Vale winme me 1000 !!!! exei perissotera kaloydia apo 98se kai gia mena IE(fortoma) kai synoliko boot ta kanoyn se xrono de te :blink: :alien:


:p Κ όμως... Εγώ έχω:

Pentium 1 @200MHz


3GB Seagate :wacko:

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Loipon an sas pw de 8a gelasete e?

x8es mias k diabaza/postara synexeia se thread gia ta ME kai W98Se, W95

to bradaki anenhpsa enan palio filo mou (PC)

ena 386

pou mesa sto 98 tou prose8esa o,ti pleon kalytero yphrxe gi'ayton



Chips&Technologies Motherboard me to analogo chipset

INTeL 386 SX/40

AMI 386SX bios

Cyrix Math CoProcessor

8MB Ram (8x1MB Simms)

Trident T9200s 1MB RAM ISA me Greek Charset on Bios(!)

SoundBlaster 2 ISA

Windows95b PanEuropean Edition

28.8 AT&T Modem (me allagmena krystallakia pou xeskizei)

1.44 Floppy

5 1/4 Floppy

4xWearness CD-Rom

350MB Maxtor HDD

TRL Mono S-Vga monitor upto 800*600 @60Hz

me ayto loipon to mega8hrio postara ex8es ta mesanyxta....


Ayrio 8a dokimasw na postarw edw

(afou ton ananhpsw prwta) me enan 286

MotherBoard ths Ellhnikhs palai pote IKAPOS

Me epexergasth typou socket pou mpainobgainei (!)

(Mh gelasete o 286 exei psyktra!

exei omws psyktra giati apo mama

tou exoun allaksei ta krystalla kai ton exoun overclock)

Dual Bios AWARD V1.0 (Even Parity kai Odd Parity)

8MB Ram (8x1MB)

Thn prwth ATI pou bghke ATI Wonder 1.0 me VGA kai Dual Output

Hyundai Dual Monitor (portokali)

5.1/4 Floppy

1.44 Floppy

2x CD-Rom

Windows 3.11 for Workgroups

Arachne/Spider iNET Explorer for DOS

epeidh to 600Bps modem tou DEN einai gia polla 8a tou balw ena 28.8 ths Zyxel pou exw sto patari



an telika ta kataferw (giati 8a trexw DOS iNET EXPLORER)

8a ton parw fwto na mpainei sto main screen tou MyPhone


::LiNK RaMoNe


Hey, Ho!

Let's Go!



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