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[Επίσημο] Nokia 6500 Slide


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  manolisv said:
ρε παιδια που το εχετε δει αυτο το 6555 γιατι δν το βρίσκο οσο και να ψάχνω!!

για βαλτε καμια foto...sorry Που ωγένο εκτος απλα το θεωρισατε το σαν αντεγωνιστικο του 6500 και γιαυτο το ρωταω εδώ!


Παιδια ας μην βγαινουμε εκτος θεματος...

Το 6555 θα ανακοινωθει σιγουρα απο την Nokia αλλα αυτο που δεν ξερουμε ακομα ειναι ποτε ακριβως θα γινει...

Μαλλον αργοτερα μεσα στον χρονο...

Προσωπικα πιστευω πως πρωτα θα βγουν στην αγορα τα 6500 και πιο μετα θα ακολουθησει το 6555...

Πολυ πιθανον να ειναι διαθεσιμο το τεταρτο τριμηνο του χρονου...


Προς το παρον ολα τα ματια στραμενα στο 6500 slide:D :D !!!

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βασικα ενα 6288 θα ειναι με καλυτερη καμερα και πιο ωραιο ντιζαιν αποτι καταλαβα...στο μενου δεν βλεπω διαφορες.......



Το γούστο μου είναι πολύ απλό. Είμαι πάντα ικανοποιημένος, έχοντας το καλύτερο...''Oscar Wilde

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  laios23 said:
βασικα ενα 6288 θα ειναι με καλυτερη καμερα και πιο ωραιο ντιζαιν αποτι καταλαβα...στο μενου δεν βλεπω διαφορες.......


Το μενου θα εχει πολλες νεες δυνατοτητες και διαφορες σε σημεια...(ειχες ΝΟΚΙΑ????)

Μεγαλυτερες αλλαγες θα ερθουν με το FP1 αλλα αργει ακομα!!!

Ειναι σαν να πηγαινεις απο το W850 στο W910 ή απο το Κ800 στο Κ850 αλλα χωρις να σου ζηταει τα μαλλια της κεφαλης σου!!!

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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  d2000217 said:


Ειναι λιγο τουβλακι η μου φαινεται;:(

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  gjimmys said:
Ειναι λιγο τουβλακι η μου φαινεται;:(


σε σχεση με το 6270 μια χαρα μου φαινεται!

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  manolisv said:
σε σχεση με το 6270 μια χαρα μου φαινεται!


εμενα μου φαινετε το ιδιο παλι.......



Το γούστο μου είναι πολύ απλό. Είμαι πάντα ικανοποιημένος, έχοντας το καλύτερο...''Oscar Wilde

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  gjimmys said:
Ειναι λιγο τουβλακι η μου φαινεται;:(


Oχι ρε συ... μια χαρα τελειο μεγεθος εχει!!!;) :happy:

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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  laios23 said:
εμενα μου φαινετε το ιδιο παλι.......


6500 slide: 96,5 x 46,5 x 16,4

Όγκος: 73 κ.ε.

Βάρος: 123 γραμμάρια



6270:104 x 50 x 23

Όγκος: 104 κ.ε.

Βάρος: 124 γραμμάρια


Νομιζω οι διαστασεις και τα λοιπα χαρακτηριστικα τα λενε ολα:rolleyes: :rolleyes: ...

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  d2000217 said:
Oχι ρε συ... μια χαρα τελειο μεγεθος εχει!!!;) :happy:


Ρε συ μου φαινεται ιδιο με το 6288:(

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  gjimmys said:
Ρε συ μου φαινεται ιδιο με το 6288:(


Αλλο πως σου φαινεται εσενα και αλλο τι ειναι στην πραγματικοτητα...;) :)



Κοιτα το παχος...

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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  d2000217 said:
Αλλο πως σου φαινεται εσενα και αλλο τι ειναι στην πραγματικοτητα...;) :)



Κοιτα το παχος...


Nαι ρε φιλαρακι αλλα στην φωτογραφια, στα χερια του τυπου και της γκομενας φαινεται μεγαλο[τουβλακι]:D

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Παρα πολλες φωτος...



Δυστυχως δεν ειναι το τελικο μοντελο και το μενου δεν ειναι "ολοκληρωμενο"!!!

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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  Darth_Revan said:
Ρε παιδια σε μαυρο ξερει κανεις αν θα βγει?


Κατσε ρε φιλαρακι να το δουμε πρωτα σε ασημι και μετα βλεπουμε αν βγει και σε μαυρο;)

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sorry να θα φανει ασχετο αυτο που 8α ρωτήσω αλλα παίζει να μπορουμε να προπαραγκείλουμε απο καποιο καταστημα NOKIA?η έρχεται πιο γρήγορα απο αλλα καταστήματα...?

και κατι αλλο ποτε περιπου περιμενουμε νεες ανακοινώσεις απο τη ΝΟΚΙΑ κινητών?μην το παρουμε και βγεί κανα παρόμοιο καλύτερο και τρέχουμε μετά!


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  manolisv said:
sorry να θα φανει ασχετο αυτο που 8α ρωτήσω αλλα παίζει να μπορουμε να προπαραγκείλουμε απο καποιο καταστημα NOKIA?η έρχεται πιο γρήγορα απο αλλα καταστήματα...?

και κατι αλλο ποτε περιπου περιμενουμε νεες ανακοινώσεις απο τη ΝΟΚΙΑ κινητών?μην το παρουμε και βγεί κανα παρόμοιο καλύτερο και τρέχουμε μετά!



Παρε στο Νοκια σοπ της γειτονιας σου και ρωτα αν μπορεις να το προπαραγγειλεις...;)


Νεα κινητα δεν θα σταματησουν ποτε να βγαινουν... το θεμα ειναι τι θελεις εσυ απο ενα κινητο και ποσα εισαι διατεθειμενος να δωσεις!!

Η τεχνολογια/μοντελα δεν θα σταματησει ποτε!!!:)

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Review Nokia 6500 slide



Design, materials, the construction




Storage battery

USB, Bluetooth



Special features of platform S40 of the 5th edition

MP3-pleer, the radio

Competing models





Delivery set:


Storage battery Li- ion, BP -5m with a capacity of 900 mAch

Wire of stereo-set Hs-47

Map of memory microSD of 256 mb. (for a number of markets)


MicroUSB- cable Ca -101

Disk with software

This material bears the nature of preliminary, it will be renovated on the commercial version of apparatus!!! This is complete survey, take this fact into consideration!!!


At the very end of May of this year company Nokia presented two new apparatuses, after opening thus series 6500. Models 6500 classic and 6500 slide only formally belong to one and the same series, having one index, in the reality and the plans of company this completely different in the ideology products.


Is distinguished in them very much, but, first of all, positioning. For producer 6500 classic it appears by the so-called iconic- product, this is one of the key models in 2007, large expectations are entrusted to it, that is complete opravdanno, and even now it is obvious that Classic it will become one of the most sold models of this year. Prerequisite for this will be, in the first place, the force of trade mark Nokia, indeed this apparatus of the second in that renovated portfolio of Finnish producer, that possesses minimum thickness today, this by itself focuses on itself attention. The fact that the device is calculated for the wide audience, shows this fact as classical design, here there are elements of any kind, capable of frightening away potential user, application of a metal in the housing, color solutions.


Possibly, it is worthwhile to speak, that Nokia 6500 classic changes on the market model 6300; however, this is not entirely correct. Sense consists in the fact that 6300 it was and there is only expansion of the current product number, it would not contain any revolutionary ideas it had sufficiently mediocre functionality for flag officer Series 40. Strictly, to call flag officer 6300 is also incorrect, by many 6300 it is received as the continuation of real flag officer 6233, and this opinion was formed only in view of the absence of other proposals in this segment.


The work, carry ouied by company with advance 6300 for the market, deserves respect, the product of middle class moves as image, stylish, beautiful. It is complicated not to agree with the fact that Nokia 6300 - actually pleasant apparatus in the section of appearance, overall sizes, materials used, tactile sensations. This combination together with the low price (because of the average functionality) ensures large sales to model on the market, it is successful. Are frequently carried out the parallels between 6300 and apparatus 8210, in their time which assigned new lath in the segment of the premium- telephones of initial level, and also by original 8800 in view of the use of the stainless steel. On similar associations plays the company, this automatically ensures with 6300 sufficiently high status, but, as has already been spoken, in the reality this the product of middle class with the appropriate price.




If 6300 it is possible to compare to a certain degree with 8210, then Nokia 6500 classic - with 8310. You judge themselves, the succession of generations it is present, at that time 8310 it was renovated version 8210, it differed little from it, now analogous situation is observed with 6500 classic. The beginning of sales is planned on July-August month, by this time price of 6300 will dwell on the level of 250 dollars, and initial price of 6500 classic will be about 400 dollars. Difference is sufficiently large in the absence of large preponderance in the functionality, and sales 6300 will remain at the high level. In connection with this nearer toward the end of year 6300 it will be brought out from the market, it is more precise, it is renovated, successor will also be continuation Nokia 6233 in one person, in this case new model will be oriented to the business- audience in majority its, while 6500 classic it will remain image proposal.


Returning to the theme of material, let us note that if Classic - this so called trend setter, the founder of the entire direction, on base of which in short periods will be released sufficiently many models with the variation of a number of functions (as, for example, musical model), then 6500 slide - this completely different history.



Association of two principally different models hearth by one index - solution questionable, capable at first of leading some users into the confusion. Nokia thus tries to train audience to the names of series. In the case with the names their own (Sirocco, Luna) the parallels are obvious, they actually on to rumor are more than indices, but in the case with the names of series of the matter they proceed more complexly, suffix Classic they have in their name already several models of different segments, in the future their number only will increase, the same will occur also with suffix Slide, Sport, Navigator and other, thus far by the yet not known to wide audience.



In 2005 Nokia it presented sliders 6270 and 6280, which were being enjoyed large popularity on the market because of, in addition, to the force of trade mark, in spite of many problems with these devices. The functionality of models was at the high level, suffered the realization of the mechanism of slider, error v ON; also on the market was present strong competitors in the person of models from Samsung, but this did not prevent apparatuses from being sold very well. After the sufficiently prolonged time was released cosmetic renovation, Nokia 6288, in which were takeed into account the omissions PO, design is slightly renovated, but device in no way could pretend to the role of real successor 6280 in view of the not at all not changed functionality, model was called only prolong the life cycle of successful apparatus.



Together with Nokia 6500 Slide segments of sliders from Nokia is obtained real flag officer, in this apparatus are combined the last changes, connected with the renovated firmware platform Series 40, now this fifth edition, plus by sufficiently qualitative camera with optics from Carl Zeiss, compact sizes, high quality of assembling and realization of the mechanism of slider, use of a metal of housing and so on. Like this list of pleasantnesses must automatically place model in the rank of best-seller, let us mention here still and sufficiently low price, but everything so is not simple in practice.


Design, materials, the construction

For the acquaintance with 6500 series company Nokia neglected the separate site, executed in the futuristichnoy manner, you see two doors of metallic elevators, and in order to fall on the page, dedicated to concrete apparatus, Slide or Classic, it is necessary to make a selection between dver'mi. Idea is new and looks interestingly, she emphasizes precisely the materials of the performance of models - textured metal. In contrast to Classic in model 6500 slide is used stainless steel, but not anodized aluminum. Here it creates the impression of strength, reliability, from steel are made the cover of battery section, entire front panel, even keys, with exception of digital. Metallic keys so frequently are not encountered in the telephones, often the only the coating, which has a property to be erased in the course of time, here this problem arise it cannot. Buttons have maximum invoice, their polishing is differed from the remaining metallic parts, which smoother, yes even their color are brighter.





Steel of the parts of the housing is not thin, this not simply metallic cover plates, but stamped parts, everything maximally resembles materials Nokia 6300. Only some parts are made from black glossy plastic, these are the bottom of housing, digital keyboard and upper end. They made plastic maximally imperceptible, apparatus looks like one-piece metallic bar, this only goes to it for the benefit, is felt the degree of orientation of apparatus to the business- audience in majority its, this is not image- product as 6500 classic. Therefore unique accessible color solution - silver with the black, classical the combination checked. Others it will represented not be color.


The dimensions of device compose 9'..shchkhya'.shchkhy'.ya mm with the weight into 125 grams. Telephone oshchushchayetsya to small, but it is sufficient to weighty, it lies well at the hand, thickness, although it is not minimum, it does not reach inconveniences.



The objective of the built-in camera was arranged on the rear surface of apparatus, it e.2-megapiksel'naya, with possibility of automatic focusing and optics from Carl Zeiss. Values of candlepower and focal length show that the module is differed from that, which is established in the photographic flag officer of the company of past year, Nokia N73, ensures with a little worse quality.





Which is significant, in the early prototypes of apparatus the module of camera adapted another, different from the present, it coincided with the fact, which supplied model Nokia 7390. Accordingly, was absent inscription Carl Zeiss Optics on the cover of objective (in all photographs precisely this model). A change in the module, and respectively positioning, occurred more lately, Nokia 6500 slide now is positioned just as the photo-solution.




Polyphonic dynamic loudspeaker one, is located on the rear surface of device and ensures normal acoustic fidelity, at the level of other models of producer.



Upper end is remarkable by three joints - standard 2.5 mm jack for the connection sets, the joint of thin charger and the new joint microUSB, about which we will describe below. Small button next is present, this is the catch of the cover of battery section.





Above the screen is located the conversational dynamic loudspeaker, on both sides from which is located the sensor of illumination and built-in CIF- camera for videozvonkov.



The mechanism of the slider very of neplokh, half they depart smoothly, effortlessly, automatic finishing is present. Definitely, 6500 slide possess one of the best mechanisms of slider among the apparatuses of company, to it there are no claims whatever. Gap is absent, there are no prerequisites for its appearance.





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The keyboard of apparatus is made from black glossy plastic, button sufficiently large, they maximally resemble the same in apparatuses Nokia N80, 6110 navigator.




The illumination of the keyboard of white color, it completely uniform, is excellently visible in the darkness. Navigation keys possess extremely large sizes, it is pleasant to work with them, it appears no erroneous pressures. They are illuminated vividly.






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Nokia 6500 slide is equipped by QVGA- screen with the permission of 2ya0khe20 of points (diagonal of 2.2 inches, physical size - e'khya8 mm). Reflects screen to 16 millions it is color (TFT), paint bright and juicy. Producer did not provide for the user of tuning with respect to a change in the brightness of the illumination there is no screen, this option in the menu, this makes it possible to economically expend energy; however, here lies specific minus: in the model the sensor of illumination, which regulates the level of the illumination of screen and keyboard automatically, is provided, and due to this screen it seems sufficiently dark, dim against the background of models with the absent sensor of illumination (6131, 6300). Analogous situation was observed with Nokia 7390, however, on the opinions, inconveniences this reaches none. To user left the selection of that, he does want to see headpiece in the standby mode or screen without the illumination (it it is visible with the room illumination, but only at angle). It is possible to generally open screen, then it is black, and any information on it not will be reflected. Display has specular layer, which ensures a good behavior in the sun, all points of menu, text remain read.



Display, in contrast to Nokia 6500 classic or N95, has the usual protective glass (not thin film), which makes it possible not to worry about the damages. Black strip under the screen is that different as the support for the finger, necessary during the deployment of slider.




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In the apparatus to user there is accessibly about 20 mb. vacant place, this much. However, is declared the support of the maps of memory (size microSD) by volume to 4 Gb, good such cards has already been located in sale. Slot for the maps of memory is located under the cover of battery section, is supported their hot replacement.


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Storage battery



Storage battery Nokia 6500 slide - this BP -5m, standard for producer Li- ion the battery with a capacity of 900 mAch, capable of ensuring the work of apparatus with the medium loads (one-and-a-half hours of conversations, 6 it is hour hearing pleyera and radio, to the hour of the use of other functions) for the duration of the order of two days. There are no miracles here, the operating time is standard for the device of this class.


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USB, Bluetooth

USB. Just as in Nokia 6500 classic and 8600 luna, here adapts joint microUSB, it is located in the upper end of apparatus. This joint adapts for the connection of cable for the transfer of data, set and charger they are connected by means of the special customary to the users of apparatuses Nokia of joints. In this case with the connection of cable the battery charging occurs, this possibility is claimed in the apparatuses of company.


Producer declares about the fact that the apparatus supports standard USB 2.0 really in regime USB Mass Storage the telephone shows the average speed of transmission of data at the level of 500-600 Kb/.ch, here there are no differences whatever from model Classic. This is less than the speed of transmission of data on Motorola RAZR2 V8, which is also equipped by microUSB- joint.


With the connection it is possible to select regime USB Mass Storage, PC Studio or the regime of modem. The battery charging occurs independently of the selected regime. There is no support of regime MTP, musical compositions must be poured independently. The selection of the folders, in which will be visible the music, is limited by a number of those predetermined, will be this limitation taken in the commercial version - it is unknown.


Bluetooth. Is supported version 2.0 s EDR. Apparatus has the following profiles:


Dial-Up Networking Profile

Generic Access Profile

Generic Object Exchange Profile

Object Push Profile

Serial Port Profile

Handsfree Profile

Headset Profile

Synchronization Profile

Basic Image Profile

File Transfer Profile

HID (host) Profile

Stereo Advanced Audio Distribution Profile

Advanced Audio/Video Remote Conference Profile


Realization Bluetooth at a good level, there are no problems whatever, everything works well, there are no differences in the interface from Nokia 6300. Work stereo-sets also causes no questions.



"Continued below..."

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"...Continued from above"



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As has already been spoken in the beginning of survey, the module of camera is differed from that, which is established in Nokia N73, reverse assertions are erroneous. It's no secret to anyone, that in the mul'timediynykh computers Nseries the company uses last technologies, in this case - modules of cameras. In Nokia 6500 Slide modules it is sufficient inexpensive, through the quality of photographs the model find somewhere between 7390 and N73, i.e., quality is more than acceptably for the product of middle class on platform Series 40. Obviously, if you search for the best quality of survey by photo and by video, you one should look into the side of apparatuses Nseries, in the segment of the common telephones Nokia it does not be going to use ultimate possibilities.


From other side, among common telephones 6500 slide - obvious photographic flag officer, this also is emphasized in the press release, the advertising materials of company.


The following permissions of photographs are supported:








Three types of compression JPEG- it is file are supported: base, normal, high. Among the options let us note the possibility of turning off of the sound of the lock, digital of zum kh8, the possibility to preserve photographs both into the memory of apparatus and of map, the selection of the balance of white, level ISO etcetera. Effects in the apparatus can be applied to the already obtained photographs, it does be worthwhile to originally use them - to judge for you. Are accessible such effects, as Greyscale, Sepia, Negative.


For the amateurs of rapid survey there is the appropriate regime, one time the camera makes to 3 personnel, all tuning remain analogous to those selected for the single photograph, including permission. There is an auto-timer for 10 seconds for the survey itself.


The interface of camera is executed in the horizontal orientation, it maximally reminds the same in the apparatuses, built on base Series 40v3, to repeat description there is no sense. Everything is sufficiently convenient; however, ergonomics is inferior to mul'timediynym smartfonam of company and to solutions SonyEricsson.


You will be able to look examples of photographs in the renovated survey on the commercial version of apparatus, they will a little be inferior to the quality of survey Nokia N73, is present light violet nuance, photograph sufficiently noisy, all this it can be improved in the final model.





Video. Apparatus makes it possible to write video in size 3GP, permission of rollers - y28kh9' of points or y"'khyyaya, eshch2kh288, 'ya0khya80 of points. The quality of record also varies from three parameters. It is possible to limit the duration of record, but it can be maximum, until memory of map or apparatus is sufficient. Effects can be used for video exactly as for the photographs, their quantity coincides. With the survey on the telephone the quality of video is completely acceptable, including in the maximum permission. On PK are visible the artifacts, but video can be looked what is large plus of model. With the permission of eshch2kh288 of points the comparison of the quality of video with the same rollers, made telephones from Samsung, shows their better quality, more natural transfer of color. Taking into account that the record by video - not most claimed in majority function, it is possible to say that here it is realized without any censures. In the record by video the model is analogous Nokia 6233, Nokia 6288, you can look semply of the corresponding surveys.


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Optics Carl Zeiss in the telephone, built on the base of platform Series 40, this is only innovation in model 6500 slide. Besides this, is present TV- output, which automatically indicates the possibility of the survey of kontenta on the television screen by means of the entering the complete set cable, realization coincides with mul'timediynymi smartfonami of company, everything is maximally simple, cable has usual "tulips" at the ends, from the side of telephone it is connected to the joint 2.5 mm. the apparatus supports the following standards: PAL, NTSC. in the menu of tuning it is possible to select the geometry of screen - 16:9 or 4:3. With the connection to the television set, thus, the signal automatically will recognize, and picture appears both at the telephone and at the television set. In this case you can be moved on the menu of telephone, examine photographs, video, play into the games - the difference there is none. But it is necessary to understand, that first of all this function is intended for the survey mul6timedia- it is file, to play into the games is heavy in view of the poor resolution of pictures, artifacts on the television screen, and to examine sufficiently qualitative photographs is completely interesting. The videotapes on the television screen recorded with the aid of the camera appear badly, the matter not in the permission, but in a quantity frames per second. Picture not smooth, definition is low. In this plan smartfony with the record by video in VGA- permission with speed 30 frames per second remain out of the competition, in model 6500 Slide a similar functionality additional, it pleasantly diversifies the base collection of possibilities. In the future we will see this possibility in the subsequent models on base Series 40, 6500 slide - only first sign.


To the content > > >


Special features of platform S40 of the 5th edition

Formally the renovation of platform in comparison with the previous apparatuses must not bring any strong changes, by 90 percent the functionality of the solutions coincides, mnogozadachnosti, which thus they awaited from this version S40, so no. I.e., you cannot simultaneously neglect 2 and more than Java- applications, there is no possibility to roll up them. Is allowed only the work of one Java- application together with neglected pleyerom or radio.




The standardized editor of communications at the same time appeared, creating communication, you you see the list of ikonok below and can add any of kontent, this conveniently.


From changes in the technical plan is worth noting support Java MIDP 2.1 and as quotient, standard Jsr-248 (is outlined analogy with the products of company SonyEricsson, whose last apparatuses also support this standard). Jsr-248 is also supported by platform S60 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2, realization coincides. All together this indicates lightening the tasks of the developers of the applications, which with the small modifications can work on apparatuses S60, telephones of company SonyEricsson and other producers.


From other changes let us note the support:


Advanced Multimedia Supplements (Jsr-234), that ensures support 3d- sound in the games and other applications;

Mobile Information Device Profile 2.1 (Jsr-118);

Javaв„ў APIs For Bluetooth (Jsr-82) with the support of protocol OBEX;

Mobile Media API (Jsr-135), that ensures support xard- key for control mediakontentom;

J2MEв„ў Web Services Specification (Jsr-172);

Security and Trust Services API for J2MEв„ў (Jsr-177);

Adobe Flash Lite 2.1 player.

The enumerated changes are not separately significant, except renovated pleyera, the editor of communications, but this is only the base version of new platform. Subsequently is planned the output of the renovations Feature Packs standard for the company, which will include different changes and modifications of base functions, add the support of different services, technologies, for example, of GPS- navigation. From the completely obvious, yet not documented additions it is possible to expect the appearance of new it is specific mapping menu (by analogy with smartfonami on FP1) and, which is most important, support to mnogozadachnosti Java- applications. A similar possibility is at present unique on the market for common telephones, to meet it is possible only in products SonyEricsson, to expect this in the apparatuses of Finnish producer it is possible at the beginning of 2008. The explanation of the absence of this possibility now in the devices on Series 40 should be searched for in the fact that Nokia lays larger emphasis on the advance of smartfonov on base S60, where this is accessible on silence.


The new editorial staff of platform, Series 40 5th edition, already adapts in several announced apparatuses, this 6500 classic and Slide, 6267, their larger quantity find in the development. The appearance of the fifth edition does not indicate complete refusal of the previous versions, they will be used in the apparatuses of average and low price segment, while foremost models will use new publications and additions.


In more detail about changes in the fifth edition of platform based on example Nokia 6500 classic and Slide we will describe in the separate material on the commercial versions of apparatuses, to now estimate all moments is impossible. Series 40 fifth editions in the majority of applications and the interface it repeats Series 40 v3 FP2, with the functionality of the book of contacts, organayzera and other it is possible to become acquainted in the appropriate survey.







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MP3-pleer, the radio

Musical pleyer - basic change, due to which quietly it is possible to consider the 5th edition S40 interesting and significant renovation. Pleyer obtained renovated form, plus the possibility of the selection of skinov, them at given moment on the order of 7. Besides a change in the color range, each skin changes the arrangement of the elements of control, the form of the concluded information and so on. This immediately separates pleyer against the background of products from Sony Ericsson, where this functionality today is absent. The possibility of the selection of skinov of pleyera (also of radio) independently of the selected theme of telephone - this is explicit plus, not in the functionality, but in the exterior view, the formulation, this is one of the pleasant special features of the new publication of platform.


Other possibilities of pleyera are standard, somewhat changed the idea of lists, they are formed dynamically, appear beautifully and they became more functionally.


Reproduction can be random or sequential, the function of alliteration works both for all tracks and for the separate. Out of pleyera is carry ouied function Stereo Widening, it works not very well in that plan, that the difference in the sound, depending on the activation of this function, to practically not grasp. At the same time equalizers perceptibly change sounding level, they work well. Equalizers five-strip, are five predetermined (Normal, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classical), two separate tuned equalizers. The graphic idea of equalizers was also changed, they are beautifully traced.












Voice Clarity - function becomes standard for all telephones, it it is possible to activate in the menu.


Musical library contains the division of compositions on the following filters:


All tracks - all compositions, preserved in the telephone.


Executors - all compositions of concrete executors.


Albums - filter on the name of albums.


Genres - filter on the genres, for example, classics, fate and so on.


Composers - filter according to the composers.


Track lists. One additional collection of filters. Are included izbrannoye (here it is possible to add any composition both during the playback and from the lists), most frequently playing compositions, which recently played compositions, recently added compositions, my compositions. The very curious division, which can be interestingly.


As a whole of pleyer leave extremely positive impressions, it maximally resembles on the possibilities of pleyer Walkman of apparatuses SonyEricsson, in by something a little being inferior, in by something - a little winning. Entering the complete set of the set of sufficiently average quality, the apparatus is not positioned as musical, but because of standard 2.5 mm to joint you can connect through the adapter (firm or strange producer, the good of such much) your own head sets. With the connection of the head sets of strange producer the reproducible sound is located on the high level, without being inferior to many musical solutions on the market. Difference with the apparatuses of series Walkman is sufficiently insignificant, a similar level will arrange mean statistical user.


Radios. Built-in Fm- receiver works only with that connected by wire set, which fulfills the function of antenna. Is supported option Visual Radio, which makes it possible to reproduce during the broadcasting text and graphic information. This service of wide acceptance thus far did not obtain, but very possibility of this method in the telephone was provided. Frequency and the name of station can be introduced by hand, in the memory it is possible to preserve to 20 channels; also is present auto-search and function RDS. the reproduction of radio can be included through the dynamic loudspeaker of telephone. Interface is similar with the fact that it adapts in the musical record player, the quality of reproduction is located on the high level.


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Competing models

However it is strange, model does not have straight competitors on the Russian market, in spite of sufficiently base functionality. If we consider competitors sliders with the e-megapiksel'noy camera, then to the mind immediately come the apparatuses from Samsung for last generation, U600, U700. The selection between these models and 6500 slide are ambiguous, are distinguished positioning, design. Apparatuses from Samsung are aimed at the image segment of market, they thinner, design is more interesting, but the materials of housing differ, there are no metallic elements.


Samsung U700 Not will be supplied for the Russian market mass, it is designed for the work in the networks of the third generation, remains U600, which has already been sold. Their functionality is compared for the majority of users, selection will be determined by price and personal preferences in the design, the producer in essence, indeed the key parameters - camera, musical pleyer - they are compared in the large calculation. On the European market the situation another, here is taken into consideration the possibility of work in the networks of the third generation, the rapid transmission of data, as here most logical competitor will appear Samsung U700.


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The loudness of 72- tone bell is high, apparatus well audibly under varied conditions, true, taking into account the fact that polyphonic dynamic loudspeaker one it is located on the rear surface of device, in the pocket of jeans the bell can be passed. On the quality of connection to the model there are no censures whatever, it shows itself typically for the telephones of the current generation. Vibrozvonok on the force average, it oshchushchayetsya, when telephone in the pocket.


Nokia 6500 slide will appear on the market during August, practically simultaneously with model 6500 classic, their cost will differ insignificantly (order of 100 dollars in Russia), but the selection between them occur not will be, model completely different. Cost Slide will be about 370 Euro- (in our country cost in the beginning of sales it will be 600 dollars, it it will be sufficiently rapidly corrected to 12-13 thousand rubles, this the adequate cost of device).


6500 slide it is oriented to the business- audience in majority its, it is logical and valuable replacement to apparatuses 6280, 6288 and it will be sufficiently successful on the market in the absence of straight competitors.


After several months of sales Nokia 6500 slide it is possible to expect the idea of monoblock version, entire base functionality Slide will be preserved, in addition, is observed succession, as in the case of 6280 and 6233. Monoblock will be sufficiently fine, to have the steel parts of the housing, a strict design can be considered as successor 6233/6300.




"A special offer by the CLOPY-PASTE team."

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1600, ευχαριστούμε για το review.


Ένα πολύ όμορφο κινητό με πλούσιες δυνατότητες. Τι να το κάνω όμως εάν ξενερώσω και πάλι με το μηχανισμό ολίσθησης (sliding); Ευελπιστώ ότι αυτή τη φορά θα έχουν προσλάβει έναν υπάλληλο της Samsung για να τους ξεστραβώσει. :mad:

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  Teacher said:
1600, ευχαριστούμε για το review.


Ένα πολύ όμορφο κινητό με πλούσιες δυνατότητες. Τι να το κάνω όμως εάν ξενερώσω και πάλι με το μηχανισμό ολίσθησης (sliding); Ευελπιστώ ότι αυτή τη φορά θα έχουν προσλάβει έναν υπάλληλο της Samsung για να τους ξεστραβώσει. :mad:


Ο μηχανισμος οπως λεει και στο review θα ειναι ενας απο τους καλυτερους της αγορας!!!;) :)

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


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