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Τα εχω ναι.....τα θες με η χωρις active sync?


Με, μπορείς να τα κάνεις upload κάπου ( με κάποιες σχετικές οδηγίες εγκατάστσης ? είμαι λίγο άσχετος με τα ppc ).:rolleyes:

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Λοιπόν, με Active Sync ειναι πολυ ευκολο και δεν χρειαζεται τρελες γνωσεις πανω σε υπολογιστες. Απλα κατεβαζεις το αρχείο το κανεις unzip και τελος τρεχεις τον οδηγό ο όποιος το μονο που χρειαζεται να κανεις ειναι να πας next next. :lol: .


Τα Wm6.1 μπορεις να τα κατεβασεις απο εδω.




Τα Wm5.1 μπορεις να τα κατεβασεις απο εδω.

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εγω παντως παιδια εδω και κανα 2 μηνο εχω το v98 και ειμαι αρκετα ευχαριστημενος τωραυπαρχουν πολλα περιστατικα τι να πεις αν εισαι τυχερος δεν θα παρει μπομπα:)

εχει τυχει σε πολλους;

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Για τα 6.1 θα μεταφερεις το temp.bin αρχειο στην καρτουλα του Pda σου μαζι με το USBDLUpdate_Console.exe και θα τρεχεις το USBDLUpdate_Console.exe απο την συσκευη σου, και θα ξεκινησει η διαδικασια.
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Ναι καπως ετσι...... "αν εισαι τυχερος και δεν θα παρεις μπομπα " .

Παντως μιλησα με τον συναδελφο και μου ειπε οτι μιλησε με την εταιρεια που το αγορασε τους ειπε το περιστατικο και του ειπαν να στείλει πισω την συσκευη με την "βομβα" (μπαταρια) και οτι θα του στειλουν καινουργια συσκευη......Το τραγικο της υποθεσης ειναι οτι του ειπαν επισης οτι τα εξοδα αποστολης ηταν δικα τους, αλλα οταν ο συναδελφος πηγε να το στειλει πισω στην κινεζικη εταιρεια "γελασαν" και αναγκαστηκε να πληρωσει αλλα 30 ευρω για να το στειλει...........

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Philips have a long list of yawn-fest worthy devices, so their latest full touch Xenium X800 easily is making its way to the headlines.

Although it hasn't hit the shelves yet, the Philips Xenium X800 has already gone through its first review.


We already know that the Philips Xenium X800 features tri-band GSM/GPRS support and a 2.9-inch 262K color TFT display with a

resolution of 240 x 400 pixels. The Philips X800 also flaunts a 2 megapixel auto focus camera, a microSD memory card slot,

Bluetooth, an office documents reader.


The first Philips Xenium X800 review reveals some interesting details about the performance of the sleek-looking mobile. But before

we continue here is a bunch of live photos of the handset. It does have some pretty nice curves, doesn't it?


As far as the device performance is considered the reviewers are really happy with the touchscreen sensitivity and the responsiveness

of the device. The 1250 mAh battery is also quoted as being quite a performer - and it should be, as the manufacturer promises up

to 850 hours of standby time and up to 8 hours of talk-time.


We are yet to see when the Philips X800 will hit the market and at what price but the initial impressions it leaves are all quite positive.



http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/553/picyg3.jpg ...more Photos

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*#66*# Set Factory Mode CONFIRMED

*#8375# Show Software Version CONFIRMED



*#0000# + Send : Set Default Language CONFIRMED

*#0007# + Send : Set Language to Russian CONFIRMED

*#0033# + Send : Set Language to French CONFIRMED

*#0034# + Send : Set Language to Spanish CONFIRMED

*#0039# + Send : Set Language to Italian CONFIRMED

*#0044# + Send : Set Language to English CONFIRMED

*#0049# + Send : Set Language to German CONFIRMED

*#0066# + Send : Set Language to Thai CONFIRMED

*#0084# + Send : Set Language to Vietnamese CONFIRMED

*#0966# + Send : Set Language to Arabic CONFIRMED



More some codes for reset mobile china











default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678


Engineer mode: *#110*01#


Factory mode: *#987#


Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200


Restore factory settings: *#987*99#


LCD contrast: *#369#


software version: *#800#


software version: *#900#


set default language: *#0000# Send


set English language: *#0044# Send


set English language (new firmware): *#001# Send



for n95 that trips off on making call use




goto misc item 6,and goto amr and press center button

Hip Hop.
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*#66*# Set Factory Mode CONFIRMED

*#8375# Show Software Version CONFIRMED



*#0000# + Send : Set Default Language CONFIRMED

*#0007# + Send : Set Language to Russian CONFIRMED

*#0033# + Send : Set Language to French CONFIRMED

*#0034# + Send : Set Language to Spanish CONFIRMED

*#0039# + Send : Set Language to Italian CONFIRMED

*#0044# + Send : Set Language to English CONFIRMED

*#0049# + Send : Set Language to German CONFIRMED

*#0066# + Send : Set Language to Thai CONFIRMED

*#0084# + Send : Set Language to Vietnamese CONFIRMED

*#0966# + Send : Set Language to Arabic CONFIRMED



More some codes for reset mobile china











default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678


Engineer mode: *#110*01#


Factory mode: *#987#


Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200


Restore factory settings: *#987*99#


LCD contrast: *#369#


software version: *#800#


software version: *#900#


set default language: *#0000# Send


set English language: *#0044# Send


set English language (new firmware): *#001# Send



for n95 that trips off on making call use




goto misc item 6,and goto amr and press center button



μπραβο συνομιλικε:)

πολυ καλη δουλεια

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A mobile phone made in the shape of Marlboro cigarette box



How can a mobile phone appear appealing to a smoker? By its shape made like a cigarette box and it’d be fantastic

that the mobile phone can be used as a cigarette box as well for storing their cancer sticks.


Okay, having a mobile phone made in the shape a cigarette box is nothing new to us. It’d come out in China last year

and we’ve shown you before. But the mobile phone made in the shape of the Chinese-brand of cigarette pack would

probably give you a little dissapointment. As simple as that it’s not your favorite brand of cigarette.






So for the American, the design of this cigarette-box-shaped mobile phone has envolved, it now includes your favorite brand

of cigarette - Marlboro. This Marlboro mobile phone supports dual band, and features a 1.8 inch LCD which offers a display

of 260,000 colors and a 176 x 220 pixel resolution.





Similar to the original, the Marlboro phone allows you to store your cancer sticks at its back by removing the back cover.

The Marlboro phone costs you only $140, which is worth to own especially for smokers as you’ll just need to carry a

single gadget for both making calls and carrying your cancer sticks around.






- Frequency: Dual-band 900 / 1800 MHz

- Display: 1.8" LCD, 260'000 colors, 176 x 220 px resolution

- Languages: Simplified Chinese, English, some other languages according to the quantity

- Ringtone: 64 chord polyphonic, MP3, MP4, MIDI

- Call: show the opponent city whichever he's using phone calls or fixed phone

- Music: play MP3 at background, equalizer support

- Video: 3GP, MP4, support to play in full screen

- Camera: max output is 640 x 480, support to shoot with sound

- File formats: JPG, GIF, MP3, MP4, MIDI, 3GP

- Memory: give a TF card(128M) as present, support to extend, Document management

- Data transfer: support USB direct read / U disc

- Internet: WAP, GPRS

- Phonebook: 300 groups of contacts of carte de visit, support incoming call with big head sticker, grouping ring

- Messaging: 200 SMS, support 100 MMS(MMS storage: 5000K)

- Power switch: support to start/close under set time

- Alarm: 3 groups; support alarm clock when machine's closed, support MP3 as alarm ring

- Games: Tetris Elements, Five In a Row

- Talk time: 120 - 200 minutes

- Standby time: 150 - 220 hours

- Dimensions: 94 x 55 x 23 mm

- Weight: 80 grams

- Color: Red or White

- Miscellaneous: MP3, MP4, Handsfree, SMS group sending, Voice recorder, WAP, GPRS download, MMS, Memory extended,

E-book, Cool appearance, calls show, area code inquiry, IP dial, self-designed ring, sound record, calculator, calendar,

memos, notebook, Commemoration etc.

- Τιμή: 91.04 ευρώ

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τι ειναι τουτο παλι?απο εμφανιση δεν λεει μια...

απο χαρακτηριστικα ετσι κ ετσι,για την τιμη του!

σε golden virginia δεν θα βγει κινητο;το περιμενω πως και πως...

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Καλημέρα σε όλους !


Βρήκα ένα κινητό που μου αρέσει πολύ και είναι Κινέζικης κατασκευής. Το βρήκα στο ebay. Αυτό που θέλω να ρωτήσω είναι, εάν μου το στείλουν, μόλις έρθει Ελλάδα το πακέτο θα πληρώσω έξτρα για τελωνείο και κάποια άλλα έξοδα να μου το περάσουν ή θα μου έρθει απευθείας σπίτι χωρίς πρόβλημα ? Χρησιμοποιούν για μεταφορά την UPS.

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Καλό είναι να συννενοηθείς με τον πωλητή πρώτα ώστε να κάνει τις κατάλληλες διαδικασίες ώστε να μη πληρώσεις τελωνείο , δεύτερον αν το κινητό έχει κάποια σχέση με Ελληνικά να του το επισημάνεις και τρίτον αν έχει διάφορα χρώματα να επιλέξεις...
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3
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