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Εξαλλου οταν λεμε οτι θα μεταδοθει τοτε, εμεις θα το δουμε την αλλη μερα.


εψαξα να βρω κανενα προγραμμα για live tv

κ σε κανενα δεν εχουν το ABC

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εψαξα να βρω κανενα προγραμμα για live tv

κ σε κανενα δεν εχουν το ABC


το εχω ψαξει και εγω χωρις κανενα αποτελεσμα...:mad:

αν καποιος ξερει κατι σχετικο ας το πει τωρα ή ας σωπασει για παντα...:p

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κ κατι ακομα:

η Juliet εχει γυρισει σκηνες με λεσβιακο φιλι σε τρεις σειρες/ταινιες


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Το τελευταίο Lost Moment 12...


Mια διόρθωση απο μένα το Lost Moments 13 είναι το τελευταίο

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ΔΕΝ θα ειναι πατατα...ειμαι σιγουρος :p

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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12 + σημερα...

9 + σημερα...

6 + σημερα....

4 + σημερα...




7 Φεβρουαρίου συνεχίζει η σειρά! (Το είπαμε)

Να μετράμε τις μέρες ξέρουμε πιστεύω... :rolleyes:


PS. Αν τις μέτραγες τουλάχιστον 42,23,16,15,8,4 θα δικαιολογούσες το nickname σου :p

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PS. Αν τις μέτραγες τουλάχιστον 42,23,16,15,8,4 θα δικαιολογούσες το nickname σου :p


πολυ καλο...:lol:


Forza Ferrari!

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Παιδιά δεν είναι πατάτα και σας το εγγυώμαι εγώ. Μάλιστα λένε πως η Elizabeth Mitchel θα πρέπει να κάνει χώρο στο σπίτι της για το βραβείο EMMY...


για πάμε στα δικά μας τώρα

μερικά νέα spoilers:


Σύμφωνα με μια video-συνέντευξη που έδωσαν οι παραγωγοί της σειράς (και μπορείτε να την βρείτε λίγο πιο κάτω) θα μάθουμε πολύ σύντομα τι ακριβώς είναι το τέρας - monster.

Ένα μελλοντικό επεισόδιο θα είναι με flashback του Jin και της Sun (ακόμα όμως δεν ξέρουν για ποιόν ακριβώς) αλλά ακούμε πως θα είναι καταπληκτικό.

Το όγδοο επεισόδιο 3x08 Flashes Before Your Eyes θα αρχίσει κάπως να μας ξεπληρώνει για τα ερωτήματα που μας γεννήθηκαν με το φινάλε του 2ου κύκλου.

Ο ηθοποιός Michael Emerson (Ben) μας αποκαλύπτει ότι όλοι, αργά ή γρήγορα, γίνονται πιόνια στο παιχνίδι του.

Στο επεισόδιο το οποίο θα επικεντρώνεται σε flashback της Claire, θα γνωρίσουμε μια πολύ νεαρή Claire.



Aκόμα, η συνέντευξη των παραγωγών που μιλάνε για το αεροπλάνο του Yemi...και για κάτι άλλο (spoiler attention)


Και ένα sneak peek του επεισοδίου 3x07 Not In Portland...


AOL Preview για το επόμενο επεισόδιο 3x08 Flashes Before Your Eyes

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εφτασε η ωρα παιδες...

αυριο εχουμε νεο επεισοδιο!!!


1)ποιος πιστευει οτι θα ειναι εξαιρετικο επεισοδιο?

2)ποιος πιστευειο οτι απλα θα ειναι καλο?

3)ποιος πιστευει πως θα "ξενερωσει"?

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Δεν ξερω τι θα ειναι.Ελπιζω να ειναι εξαιρετικο!!Αυτο που θελω,ειναι οσοι το δουν πρωτοι,να βαλουν spoiler στα σχολια τους κτλ..


Forza Ferrari!

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Δεν ξερω τι θα ειναι.Ελπιζω να ειναι εξαιρετικο!!Αυτο που θελω,ειναι οσοι το δουν πρωτοι,να βαλουν spoiler στα σχολια τους κτλ..


καλα, αυτο ειναι το μονο σιγουρο...

οποιος δε βαλει...:knife: "ΤΑ ΠΕΤΑΝΕΙ ΣΑ ΣΚΟΥΛΗΚΙ"



Κανενα Link για live abc τηλεοραση δεν εχουμε?


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Ψηφιζω το 1)



From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Εφόσον το ζητήσατε εγώ δεν μπορώ να σας χαλάσω το χατήρι

ΥΠΟΨΙΝ το ποστάρω με spoilers tags και αν δεν θέλετε να μάθετε μη διαβάσετε!! Μην λέτε μετά τπτ ε?



The episode starts with Juliet crying on the beach. She has a black pouch with her and goes to her sisters home. She walks by ETHAN in the hallway of an apartment building and smiles. The she walks into a room, where her sister, Rachel, aparently lives. She injects her with an unknown medicine. She says "We don't have to keep doing this" and her sister responds "Because he'll find out?" Juliet stands and opens the drapes of the apartment and reveals an impressive view of the Miami Skyline....

Back to real time on the island. The fight scene we left off with between Kate and Sawyer and the others while in their cage. Sawyer repeatedly shoves DANNY's head into the electrocution button in the cage and they escape to the beach. At this point Juliet orders the others who are in the OR with Jack to follow Kate and Sawyer and capture them, and kill them if they have to. Jack retorts with the truth about Juliet's motives. How she wants Ben to die.

Ok so next is another Juliet flashback where she is at a medical research center and swipes her card reading "Dr. Burke" to get in even though its clearly after hours at the facility. She sneaks into a lab where she rifles through a medicine cabinet and and pockets some medicine that she was initially shown shooting into her sister Rachel's stomache. As she's doing this, she is interrupted by a bald man and a pretty brunette in the background. He catches her hiding behind a table and tells her to leave and go home. The brunette insists on an introduction and he introduces Juliet as his ex-wife. On her way out he insists that she turn off the light (so they can get it on).

Ethan does not really convince Juliet to come to the island. This guy comes to Juliet and tries to woo her to come and work for some "company in Portland" (it is something with an M I forgot). Juliet says the only way that she could actually go to Portland to work for these people if "her ex-husband gets hit by a bus." Low and behold, that is what happens.

Ben also tells Juliet that if she helps Kate and Sawyer escape, he will let Juliet return home. We don't actually here this, we get this info when Jack asks Juliet what Ben said to her afterwards.

So Kate and Sawyer make it to the Beach where they realizes they need a boat to get back to their own island. But as Kate calls jack, the others arrive and begin shooting at them and their radio. Sawyer and Kate kick some ***, but they get followed and ALEX shows up out of nowhere in the jungle and saves them just as sawyer runs through his last bullet. They hide in a trap door pit beneath the jungle.

And sad to say, the Kate-Sawyer-Jack stuff was the least important and very predictable. Juliette is being introduced as a lead and theres the whole brainwashing program they used on Carl that said things like "Everything Changes" and "You are the cause of your own suffering" and "Think about your life" with trippy techno music and crazy images!

Ok Karl. The find him in this room where his eyes are being forced open with these bright blue glasses. He is watching a sort of psychotherapy video...one with various pictures of flowers and shapes and weird stuff interspersed with messages like vass said.... And there is techno music blaring. They are probably torturing him for trying to escape. He is unconscious because of all of this and comes to on the boat. He tells Alex that he loves her and Juliet forbids Alex to go with Kate, Sawyer, and Karl to the other island because "her father wants her when he wakes up."

Nothing really happens between Jack and Kate. Jack is in the OR the entire episode. Kate runs off with Sawyer with the help of Alex and Juliet...after some intense fight scenes. The most dramatic moment was when Jack asks Kate about the "story" he told her on the first day...and she recounts the episode he had as a surgeon when he tore open the girls spinal cord but then fear calmed him and he sewed it back up successfully.

The last flashback was Ethan and the guy (I guess he is a Dharma Agent of some kind) talking to Juliet in the morgue about how she should come to work for them, in a place "Not quite in Portland."

oh yeah and by the way....it looks like Juliet isn't going to get off the island as quickly as she thought. It seems like Juliet is going to get in big trouble for shooting Pickett. Alex tells Jack that the rule is "an eye for an eye."

Here is some more new stuff that I can think of that vass didn't mention and you guys may not have heard about.

-Sawyer makes a Star Wars joke that is priceless

-Karl is held is cell # 23

-Ben wakes up during the surgery and I got the feeling that he is some weird genius cause he says Jack something about how much time he has left to live...it seemed pretty exact though and weird.

-Tom awkwardly introduces himself to Jack...it is funny.

-Tom tells Jack that Juliet and Ben "have a history"

-Ben is definitely Alex's father...it is confirmed...but it isn't clear if he is her biological father or just adopted father (the biological thing wouldn't make sense unless Rosseau was really screwed up)

-Jack asks Tom why they didn't go get Ben surgery off the island and Tom says "We would, be ever since the sky turned purple..." and then Jack busts an artery and we aren't able to hear anything else.

Cuse also said some more interesting things

-There isn't just one theory or one sentence that sums up the show. He said that one couldn't even predict how everything connects because things haven't been introduced yet.

-The past comment ties into the Walt and Michael story. Cuse said that they will only go back to this story once we have the sufficient knowledge to comprehend what the writers want to show us.

Carlton also said that the episode has an anagram in it that is a major CLUE to the theory of the rest of the show. So look out for it, i wrote some stuff down when they are brainwashing Carl but I think i missed it....



A...και πληροφοριακά το επεισόδιο μαμάει

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Aν παλι θελετε λιγακι δοση πριν το επεισοδιο,δειτε εδω http://tv.yahoo.com/videos


το Lost Survivor Guide,κατι σαν commentary απο τους παραγωγους για τα οσα εχουν γινει μεχρι τωρα...

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Κατα τις 5 - 6 το πρωι λογικα θα ειναι πανω,τωρα για sub πριν απο τις 1 - 2 δεν νομιζω..


Forza Ferrari!

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You've got questions, we've got answers — straight from the mouths of Lost exec producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. We sifted through more than 2,000 queries from EW readers and presented the most pressing to the powers that be.


What happened to Michael and Walt?

CARLTON CUSE: We put a pin in the Michael and Walt story for the season, but by no means is it over. It would be very strange for the end of Michael and Walt to just send them off in that boat without any acknowledgment of what has happened. But if you look at the bigger picture of Lost, there's a circularity to the way that story is going to unfold in the overall mythology, and that is a long, planned approach. Yes, we'll get back to the Michael and Walt story, and it will be really compelling when we do. But that's most likely a year 4 story.

DAMON LINDELOF: Michael and Walt are the first characters on the show to ''get off the island.'' But the pervasive question remains: What is ''off the island''?


Are we going to get the history of the Others in one shot, or will this be revealed over time?

LINDELOF: It's definitely unfolding. We will begin to find out how certain members of the Others joined the Others. Episode 7 should play as a surprise to some audience members that Juliet was not born on the island — she came off the island and was recruited by the Others. So some of them were born there and some of them were recruited, but what they are there to do will be revealed before who put them there and why.

CUSE: The connection between the Others and Dharma gets revealed in episode 11.


When will we see Libby again? Will we ever learn how she got into the mental hospital with Hurley?

CUSE: Given everything else we have to tell, that's going to be a mystery that's going to have to get answered in year 4.

LINDELOF: There's really one significant missing piece to Libby's story. We saw in the season finale last year that she met with Desmond, she gave him his boat, and we know that her husband died — and then we know that subsequent to that, she spent some time in a mental institution, the same one as Hurley. The question the audience wants answered is, How did she get from A to B — from Desmond to the mental institution? We know the answer to that question, but the only way to tell that story is through another character's flashback, and that character would have to be another character on the show who is not among the beach dwellers.


What is the significance of the horse that Kate saw?

CUSE: People seem mystified by this. I would say this: We have seen a number of apparitions on the island, from Jack's dad to Kate's horse. You'll be getting more of an understanding of those apparitions during the course of this season.

LINDELOF: What is the nature of those apparitions? By definition, an apparition shouldn't be something you could go up and touch, or that other people should be able to see. And yet, Kate's horse is real. It is living in the physical world. Sawyer sees it; Kate goes up and touches it. Does the horse bear a striking resemblance to a horse that provided her an escape in her past as a fugitive, or is it the same exact horse? That is a fundamental question. But look at the show in total. Here's Christian Shepherd [Jack's dad]. Here's Yemi [Eko's brother]. Here's the horse. Here's Walt. [Remember, Walt appeared to Shannon, and later to Shannon and Sayid in a backwards-speaking vision.] Are all those things the same thing, or are some of them different things?

CUSE: We're also using these things to set up an animated sitcom spin-off called ''Kate's Horse and Sayid's Cat.''

LINDELOF: That's right. Sayid's cat is coming up in episode 11. We're not joking.

CUSE: Except for the animated part.


What is the meaning or significance of the two skeletons that Jack and Kate found in the cave of season 1?

CUSE: The answer to that question goes to the nature of the timeline of the island. We don't want to say too much about it, but there are a couple Easter eggs embedded in [the Feb. 7 episode], one of which is an anagram that actually sheds some light on the skeletons and hints at a larger mythological mystery that will start to unfold later in the season.

LINDELOF: There were certain things we knew from the very beginning. Independent of ever knowing when the end was going to be, we knew what it was going to be, and we wanted to start setting it up as early as season 1, or else people would think that we were making it up as we were going along. So the skeletons are the living — or, I guess, slowly decomposing — proof of that. When all is said and done, people are going to point to the skeletons and say, ''That is proof that from the very beginning, they always knew that they were going to do this.''


Last season, we saw in Ana Lucia's flashback that she witnessed an argument between Christian Shepherd and a woman in Australia, in which Christian demanded to see his daughter. The burning question/conspiracy theory that fans have is this: Is Claire Jack's half sister?

CUSE: We're not going to answer that question — but the show will. In the next six episodes.


Did Desmond's failure to press the button REALLY cause the plane to crash — or is there more to this story?

LINDELOF: In terms of the pragmatic reality, Oceanic 815 never would have crashed had Desmond pushed the button. But is there a larger, more faith-based, spiritualized reason that these people happened to be on that plane when he failed to press the button? If Desmond hadn't run into Jack at that stadium, would he have made the same choices that he made in his life? They all impact each other's lives. The fact that that guy is on that plane up there, and Desmond brings that plane down, it speaks to an interrelatedness among characters, why these people, why do they all connect. No amount of mythological answers will ever speak to this. That's the one thing that when the show ends, you won't have a causal explanation for why did all these people interconnect. Why some, why not others? The answer is just that they just do. The show is a massive Rube Goldberg device, in which all the components of the machinery are humans.


Even though The Hatch blew up, will we return to the mystery of the Dharma map that Desmond's previous Hatch occupants were painting on the retractable blast door?

CUSE: We will be visiting another Dharma station soon. But the map becomes less important, because when they visit this new station, they'll be getting some new information that helps them understand where the Dharma people lived and where their stations are.


Will Penelope ever become a significiant character, and when will we get a follow-up to the monumentally dramatic revelation at the end of season 2 that the EM burst was detected off the island?

CUSE: Penelope's story continues in episode 8 [Feb. 14] in Desmond's flashbacks. We put that scene at the end of the season finale for a reason, and like the anagram, they're components to a larger revelation. You'll learn more about why we put that scene at the end of season 2 by the end of season 3.


Does time pass differently on the island than off the island?

LINDELOF: That's a really perceptive question. We know that the Others taped the Red Sox win the World Series in 2004... so that would seem to indicate that time flows the same both on and off. But then again, when the sky turns purple and the ground shakes... wait. Hold on. Carlton is wringing my neck.

CUSE: Yes. Time passes very slowly because they don't have American Idol to watch.


In the ''death of Mr. Eko'' episode, it was my interpretation that the Monster was able to assume human form, i.e., Eko's brother. Am I crazy for thinking that? And will we learn anything more about the Monster's origins this season?

LINDELOF: You're not crazy. You will see the monster again this season. Its origins, however... well, you'll have to wait.

CUSE: Whether or not you learn more about it will depend on how obsessive you are. If you enjoy recording the program and studying individual frames, you might. But really, is that healthy?


Is there a mystery you will never solve?

LINDELOF: We will never give story time to revealing the construction of the infamous rope bridge.

CUSE: And honestly, we're never going to tell you why the French lady has a Yugoslavian accent.


Source: EW

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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λοιπόν για πάμε λιγάκι στα καλά spoilers για το νέο επεισόδιο αντεεεεεεεεε να έρθειιιιιιι

Κάτι για τους Others μέσα απο το 3x07 Not In Portland


I was at the same screening as Vass and Rogue. One of the most interesting things that I remember from the episode was from the scene where Juliet is meeting with the agent from the company that wants to hire her. They are in a darkish room, just the two of them and there is a projector going. The man displays some x-ray images and asks Juliet what she sees. She goes onto say something about how the endometrium of the cervix (don't remember the technical stuff) looks like it was coming from a really old woman (maybe in her 60s or 70s). The man responds by saying that the x-rays were from a 27 year old. Shocked, she says "how?" And he says, "what if I gave you all the time and resources to find out why?" (obviously trying to woo her). She's flattered by this, smiles a bit, before going into her estranged ex-husband and the bus line.

The reason I'm interested in this scene is because maybe it could lend a clue as to why the Others can't have children of their own and need to kidnap them. Some sort of pre-mature aging?



Ακόμα για το μωρό της Claire:


Το θέμα με το μωρό της Claire θα απαντηθεί πολύ γερά σε ένα επεισόδιο του Απριλίου




2 νέα video εμφανίστηκαν σαν διαφήμιση της σειράς το ένα είναι bio για τον Ben και το άλλο είναι bio για τους χαρακτήρες Nikki και Paulo

Προσέξτε όμως πως στο video του Ben

λένε ξεκάθαρα πως ήταν παντρεμένος με την Juliet

ενώ στο video των Nikki και Paulo

λένε πως συναντήθηκαν κάτω απο περίεργες συνθήκες πριν γίνει η σύγκρουση του αεροπλάνου




άντε ακόμα να έρθει το πρωί της Πέμπτης???

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