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Με VLC παίζει μια χαρά. Είναι .flv αρχείο. Εννοείται όμως ότι αποσυμπιέζεις πρώτα το zip αρχείο. Δε πιστεύω να πήγες να αναπαράγεις το zip αρχείο από το VLC; :wacko: :p

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Με VLC παίζει μια χαρά. Είναι .flv αρχείο. Εννοείται όμως ότι αποσυμπιέζεις πρώτα το zip αρχείο. Δε πιστεύω να πήγες να αναπαράγεις το zip αρχείο από το VLC; :wacko: :p

οχι, ρε!

για μπουφο με περασες...:(

μαλλον επειδη εχω παλια version του vlc.

σε εμενα απευθυνεσαι?:confused:

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Ναι σε σένα. Είναι πρόγραμμα που παίζει τα flv αρχεία.

σε ευχαριστω!

μολις παω σπιτι θα το προωθησω το κολπακι σου.


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Με το FLV Player παιδιά παίζουν όλα τα videos του YouTube


Special extra spoiler περιγραφή του 3x07 Not In Portland:


The episode opens with Juliet visiting her sister. She is injecting her with an experimental druglost that they hope will allow her sister to become pregnant. Juliet is visited by Ethan and someone we haven't met before (he played a terrorist on 24 though) who want her to come work 'in Portland'. Unfortunately, she is bound to a contract with her nasty Ex-Husband. She makes the offhand comment that he would need to be hit by a bus before she could come work for them. Next day, as she is strolling to work... he gets hit by a bus. Juliet is having a bittersweet sending off at the morgue when Ethan and his cronies show up again. She decides to take the job. But the job is "Not in Portland" which reveals the purpose of the title. She only agrees to six months.

They want her because she is some world-famous fertility researcher. This lends a lot of support to the theory that the Others can't reproduce.

The situation with Jack gets hairy when Ben wakes up and over-hears Jack telling Mr. Friendly that Juliet asked him to kill Ben. So much for Jack having any loyalty to Juliet! Ben converses with Juliet in private for a while. It is almost as if he sends her out to help Sawyer and Kate escape because immediately after the conversation, that is exactly what she does.

Speaking of Kate and Sawyer, yes they run through the jungle and exchange gunfire with Pickett and his cronies. Just when the chips seem down, Alex shows up and starts taking out guys with her sling shot. At this point, they have realized they can't get off the island without a boat and Alex promises to alleviate that situation, with a catch: they must help her rescue her boyfriend Karl who is being held in a building on the island. Sawyer beats the snot out of the guard at the building (played by Rob McElhenry from "Always Sunny in Philadelphia").

The scene with Karl is definitely one for the freeze framers. He is tied up and drugged and being forced to watch a movie with a lot of fast moving images and words. Very 60's style brainwashing stuff.

When they finally get to the beach, Pickett is way ahead of them. He knew exactly where they would turn up and is waiting for them. Just as he is about to execute sawyer, Juliet comes in and kills him. She tells Alex that Karl can go with Sawyer and Kate, but she will have to stay. She refers to Ben as "your father".

Jack finishes the surgery and Ben survives. He talks to Kate via Pickett's radio and tells her to never come back to try to rescue him. It is kind of an emotionally intense moment. You can see that Sawyer is uncomfortable with the amount of pain Kate is exhibiting over this.

There is an uncomfortable respect between Juliet and Jack now, but Juliet still seems to be open to him... as if the request to kill Ben was a gag maybe? Jack asks Juliet what Ben said to her and she replies that he is finally going to let her go home. She reveals that she has been on the island for 3 years, 2 months, and 23 days. According to the various LOST time-lines out there, this means she arrived on 9/11/2001.



και σύμφωνα με νέα spoilers μαθαίνουμε για το 3x14

O Locke ανατινάζει το υποβρύχιο Galaga και στο επεισόδιο εμφανίζεται και ο ηθοποιός Billy Dee Williams ..έκανε τον Lando στο Star Wars


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αν και καθυστέρησα να το αρχίσω το Lost, αισίως είδα τα 2 season σε 5 μέρες και χθές βράδυ έφτασα ήδη στο 3ο, μέχρι το 4ο επεισόδιο και συνεχίζω ολοταχώς.


οι συμπάθειες, Σαγίντ,Τζάκ,Τσάρλι,Ντέσμοντ :D

η άποψη μου για τα season μέχρι τώρα. Αρκετά βαρύ το πρώτο,πήγε καλύτερα το δεύτερο, έχει αρχίσει πολύ δυνατά το 3ο.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,

ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."


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κ εγω μεχρι το τεταρτο επεισοδιο εφτασα!

τα υπολοιπα δυο θα τα δω το απογευμα.


αν κ ξεκινησα το καλοκαιρι που ειδα σε μια εβδομαδα την πρωτη σεζον

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Λοιπόν το κανάλι ABC εξέδωσε επίσημη ανακοίνωση και περιγραφή για το επεισόδιο 3x07 Not In Portland και έκανε και μια σύντομη περιγραφή της σειράς έως τώρα. Ότι είναι spoiler θα το καλύψω και ότι γνωρίζουμε ήδη απο πριν θα το αφήσω ως έχει. ΑΛΛΑ...ένα συγκεκριμένο σημείο θα το κάνω bold για να δώσετε και εσείς την άποψή σας.





Awarded the 2005 Emmy and 2006 Golden Globe for best drama series, "Lost" returns for the second act of its third season of action-packed mystery and adventure -- that will continue to bring out the very best and the very worst in the people who are lost -- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

After Oceanic Air flight 815 tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island, its survivors were forced to find inner strength they never knew they had in order to survive. But they discovered that the island holds many secrets, including a mysterious smoke monster, polar bears, a strange French woman and another group of island residents known as "The Others." The survivors have also found signs of those who came to the island before them, including a 19th century sailing ship called The Black Rock, the remains of an ancient statue, as well as bunkers belonging to the Dharma Initiative -- a group of scientific researchers who inhabited the island in the recent past.

The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must continue to work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive. But as they have discovered during their 70-plus days on the island, danger and mystery loom behind every corner, and those they thought could be trusted may turn against them. Even heroes have secrets.


In the return episode, "Not in Portland," Jack is in command as the fate of Ben's life literally rests in his hands. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer find an ally in one of "The Others," and Juliet makes a shocking decision that could endanger her standing with her people.


Oκ...για πείτε λοιπόν...αυτή είναι η πρώτη φορά που παραδέχονται πως το νησί είναι στον Ειρηνικό Ωκεανό ή απλά ξέφυγε η γλώσσα τους?

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δεν ξέρω αν είναι η πρώτη φορά που το παραδέχονται, αλλά νομίζω ότι ήταν το προφανές. Διαδρομή Αυστραλία-L.A. έκαναν, στον Ειρηνικό θα έπεφταν, έτσι δεν είναι;
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Δε νομιζω πως ειναι η πρωτη φορα...

Απο την αρχη κιολας θυμαμαι να γραφουν "somewhere in the south pacific".

Απλα εφυγε το "somewhere"...

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Ναι απλά αυτή την φορά έβαλαν και συγκεκριμένη τοποθεσία είπαν σε νησί, οπότε κάπως να ενισχύεται η άποψη πως το νησί είναι υπαρκτό και άρα καλύπτεται απο τον έξω κόσμο. Καλά όλοι το υποψιαζόμασταν απλά σαν να δίνουν τώρα επιβεβαίωση.
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Nέα spoilers:


Charlie's about to get his comeuppance for kidnapping Sun last season. "That is getting resolved in an upcoming episode," exec producer Carlton Cuse tells me. "Sun finally finds out who actually did that to her. It takes place in another character's episode, but it becomes an important ancillary part of that episode." Cuse adds that it's a "reasonable assumption" that the reveal will cause problems between Charlie and Claire.


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Δειτε το.Τρελο γελιο....

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Τι λεει ο Σαγιντ στην τελευταια φραση;



Αντε .. 13 + σημερα!


παρα πολυ καλο...

ειδικα με το "jack" στη μαουνα πεθανα...:p


απο που ειναι τραβηγμενο?:rolleyes:

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Δίπλα το λέει


Added January 23, 2007

From montebubbles

Jack or me? Intro to Evangeline Lily by Jack or me? Intro to Evangeline Lily by Robert Iger, Walt Disney Chairman and CEO during his keynote adddress at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Shot by Joyce Chow of MBN, http://www.montebubbles.net

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Δίπλα το λέει


Added January 23, 2007

From montebubbles

Jack or me? Intro to Evangeline Lily by Jack or me? Intro to Evangeline Lily by Robert Iger, Walt Disney Chairman and CEO during his keynote adddress at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Shot by Joyce Chow of MBN, http://www.montebubbles.net


ευχαριστω πολυ...

δε το ειχε παρει το ματι μου...:O

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παντως βρηκα στο youtube αρκετα βιντεακια (κ καμια 20αρια promo)

ενα που μου εκανε εντυπωση ομως ηταν για τα ερωτηματα.


δειχνει σκηνες κ υστερα ενα ερωτημα.

πχ. δειχνει τον τυπο με το κλειστο ματι(αλα πειρατης) κ υστερα ρωταει "ποιος ειναι;"


κ κλεινει το βιντεο με το διπλο ερωτημα:

θα λυθουν οι αποριες ή θα δημιουργηθουν νεα ερωτηματα;


στο τελος θα ξεχναμε κ τις αναπαντητες αποριες μας

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Τι λεει ο Σαγιντ στην τελευταια φραση;



Αντε .. 13 + σημερα!


"I thought it was purgatory"


Ακόμα και στις παρωδίες αποφεύγουν (περίτεχνα ομολογώ) να μας δώσουν μία απάντηση για το Νησί :knife:

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