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Psion revives Netbook but drops EPOC for WinCE


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"Psion Teklogix has dropped the familiar EPOC operating system in favour of Windows CE.NET 4.2 for an updated version of our old mobile computing favourite, the Netbook, once also known as the Psion Series 7. The new release, the Netbook Pro, is at least a significant hardware upgrade. In place of the original 190MHz Intel StrongARM SA-1100 processor, there's a spanking new 400MHz Intel PXA255 . The memory's been upped from 32MB to 128MB , too, though its internal expansion capability has been lost. The Netbook's 7.7in 640 x 480 passive matrix display has been replaced with an 800 x 600 TFT model. The sound has been updated from a 12-bit system to the AC'97 codec, backed at long last with microphone and speaker sockets."




The new release, the Netbook Pro, is at least a significant hardware upgrade. In place of the original 190MHz Intel StrongARM SA-1100 processor, there's a spanking new 400MHz Intel PXA255. The memory's been upped from 32MB to 128MB, too, though its internal expansion capability has been lost.


The Netbook's 7.7in 640 x 480 passive matrix display has been replaced with an 800 x 600 TFT model. The sound has been updated from a 12-bit system to the AC'97 codec, backed at long last with microphone and speaker sockets.


Psion has installed PC Card, CompactFlash and SD IO slots, and added a mini USB por t to the original Netbook's infra-red and serial interfaces. The various card-slots allow users to installed fixed Ethernet, 802.11, Bluetooth and GSM/GPRS connectivity. It also provides a way to increase the device's storage capacity.


Psion has retained the Netbook's slimline clamshell case with its full keyboard, adding just a couple of millimetres to the size: 23.5 x 18.4 x 3.5cm. It actually reduced the weight, from 1150g to 1100g.


It's these portability characteristics that always made the Netbook a firm Reg favourite. That and its full web and e-mail support, which made it an ideal platform for hacks on the move and filing stories from a variety of locations.


Psion Teklogix has more corporate roles envisaged for the Netbook Pro, in particular workforce automation and the dreaded mobile CRM market. That focus drove the operating system change. Since the original Netbook was released, Symbian has pushed it OS firmly down the smartphone route and away from its mobile computing heritage.


According to Netbook Pro Product Manager Harvey Roberts, the company looked at a variety OS options, including Linux, before settling on CE for its closer links with enterprise customers' back-end systems. Psion Teklogix separately licensed Insignia's JEM-CE Java Virtual Machine to beef up the product's Java support - a weakness of CE, Roberts conceded.


The company also implemented some power management technology of its own, allowing the machine to retain its eight hours plus battery life . Adding in a WLAN card may lower that, but Roberts was adamant that even with comms cards, users should expect a full business day's usage on a single charge.


One advantage of the shift to Windows CE is a broader range of apps that tie in more closely with those workers will be used to from their desktops. The old Netbook had a fine set of Office-compatible apps and a full PIM suite, but CE adds better multimedia features.


The Netbook Pro will be available in North America and Europe at the end of October from Psion Teklogix' sales offices , distributors and value-added resellers.


The company isn't targeting individual buyers, but one-off sales shouldn't be impossible. The list price is £950 in the UK, $1500 in the US.


More expensive than a laptop, but for enterprises the gain is a much lower TCO, said Roberts, thanks to its role as a "task-specific business tool". ®


μία νέα εποχή αρχίζει για τα hpc...akatsim... πρόσεχε! :happy:


λινκ: http://theregister.co.uk/content/53/33172.html

Alex = the best!

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PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες εδώ

Andreas Tsouchlaris

autoexec.gr - Η ελληνική κοινότητα των IT Pros

dotNetZone.gr - Η δύναμη των Ελλήνων developers!

Hellenic Mobility Club - The Greek Mobile Computing Community - Πρώην Hellenic Club Pocket PC

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εισαι αρχοντας φιλε ανδρεα! ;)


ποια η γνωμη σου για το ολο μηχανημα???

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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βλεπω oxin αλλαξες: ΑΝΤΙΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ ΠΟΘΟΥ. γιατι??? ;)


οσο γισα το λειτουργικο, τα windows ce .net 4.2 ειναι κορυφαια και θυμηζουν πολυ desktop pc :)

επισης εχουν τρομερες δυνατοτητες πολυμεσων και ειναι πολυ σταθερα :)

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον oxin_rain


i proigoumeni foto parabiaze to O.P.X. kai mexri na bro kainourgia bazo auto! pou den me xalaei katholou!





το μόνο που με χαλάει είναι τα 1500 ευρά που κάνει... :whistle:

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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ego an ta eixa tha ta edina!!! panta i psion itan stin kardia mou! apo to proto kai monadiko handheld mou!

pantos tin strofi auti stin microsoft na po tin alithia den tin perimena!

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον oxin_rain


ego an ta eixa tha ta edina!!! panta i psion itan stin kardia mou! apo to proto kai monadiko handheld mou!

pantos tin strofi auti stin microsoft na po tin alithia den tin perimena!



από το clubpocketpc.gr: Οι πληροφορίες μας λένε ότι η Psion δεν ήταν ευχαριστημένη με την μετατροπή του Symbian OS σε ένα σχεδόν αποκλειστικά λειτουργικό για κινητά τηλέφωνα. :o


όσο για το μηχάνημα αυτό καθ'αυτό... ένα bt ήθελε και θα ήταν ακόμα πιο κορυφή :)

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Όσοι ήταν στο PDA meeting και άκουσαν αυτά που είχα πει για developer support σε CE - PalmOS και Symbian, δεν θα πρέπει να εξεπλάγησαν από τα νέα αυτά. Οι developers πάντα κάτι περισσότερο ξέρουν :)


Περιμένετε αντίστοιχο "πλήγμα" σε PalmOS από Sony. Δυστυχώς, όποιος κατασκευαστής δεν βλέπει πιο μακριά σε θέματα υποστήριξης, αυτά παθαίνει (χάνει υποστηρηκτές). Αυτό φάνηκε και από την αγορά smartphones όπου είχαμε "στροφή 180 μοιρών" από μεγάλους κατασκευαστές, προς CE.net.

No matter where you go, there you are!

https://www.facebook.com/net314 - http://freedrone.gr

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Έτσι ακριβώς. Αγορά δεν είναι μόνο τα σουπερμαρκετ. Ένα πολύ μεγάλο κομμάτι του mobile computing, το μεγαλύτερο σε τζίρο (κάθε μια συσκευή των $500 είναι 5 των $100 συν ένα πλήθος περιφερειακά που θα πάρει αυτός που σκάει πολλά...), προέρχεται από τις επιχειρήσεις. Και εκεί "παίζει" η Microsoft.


Το νέο Psion απευθύνεται καθαρά σε mobile professionals, που τρέχουν συγκεκριμένες εφαρμογές. Έτσι και ο IT manager είναι ευχαριστημένος που οι χρηστες δεν θα μπορούν να εγκαταστήσουν ότι απίθανο κυκλοφορεί στην αγορά για Windows και οι developers δεν θα χρειάζεται να "μάθουν" κάποια νέα πλατφόρμα για τις εφαρμογές της εταιρείας.

Andreas Tsouchlaris

autoexec.gr - Η ελληνική κοινότητα των IT Pros

dotNetZone.gr - Η δύναμη των Ελλήνων developers!

Hellenic Mobility Club - The Greek Mobile Computing Community - Πρώην Hellenic Club Pocket PC

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον Frontier


Περιμένετε αντίστοιχο "πλήγμα" σε PalmOS από Sony.



για πες, για πες :)


@atsouch, το εξήγησες πολύ καλά, thnx :)

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον Alexkass


για πες, για πες :)


@atsouch, το εξήγησες πολύ καλά, thnx :)



Ο Ανδρέας με συμπλήρωσε απόλυτα, είπε ακριβώς αυτό που σκεφτόμουν (μα καλά, μέσα στο μυαλό μου είσαι;). Ακριβώς την λογική του "super-market" αποφεύγει η M$ και ως τώρα το έχει πετύχει 100% (πλήρης κάλυψη των entrerprise users εκεί που η Palm/Symbian είναι απλά... ανύπαρκτες, πλήρης και δωρεάν υποστήριξη των developers με κορυφαία εργαλεία... τί άλλο να ζητήσει κανείς;).


@Alexkass: Πολύ απλά, φαντάσου ένα ux50 με bt/wifi, 128MB RAM, 480x512x16bpp ανάλυση και CE.net 4.5 :)


Αυτά προς το παρόν. Υπομονή... :whistle:

No matter where you go, there you are!

https://www.facebook.com/net314 - http://freedrone.gr

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον Frontier


Ο Ανδρέας με συμπλήρωσε απόλυτα, είπε ακριβώς αυτό που σκεφτόμουν (μα καλά, μέσα στο μυαλό μου είσαι;). Ακριβώς την λογική του "super-market" αποφεύγει η M$ και ως τώρα το έχει πετύχει 100% (πλήρης κάλυψη των entrerprise users εκεί που η Palm/Symbian είναι απλά... ανύπαρκτες, πλήρης και δωρεάν υποστήριξη των developers με κορυφαία εργαλεία... τί άλλο να ζητήσει κανείς;).


@Alexkass: Πολύ απλά, φαντάσου ένα ux50 με bt/wifi, 128MB RAM, 480x512x16bpp ανάλυση και CE.net 4.5 :)


Αυτά προς το παρόν. Υπομονή... :whistle:




πραγματικά με αφήνετε άφωνο με τις ερμηνίες σας :)


ευχαριστώ πολύ.



Υ.Γ. δηλαδή μπορούμε να δούμε σοτ μέλλον και κάτι παρόμοιο για τον απλό χρήστη? :worry:

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Symbian OS is out and Windows CE .NET is in as Psion Teklogix launches the Pro version of its Netbook palmtop with an integrated keyboard.


Psion Teklogix has unveiled the Netbook Pro, the successor to the company's original EPOC ER5-powered Netbook, the operating system of which Symbian OS is a direct successor. A task-oriented palmtop device aimed at the rapidly growing mobile CRM market, the Netbook Pro has however discarded the Symbian OS platform in favour of Windows CE .NET 4.2 - resulting in a device which closely resembles the once-popular Handheld PC platform.




The Netbook Pro is a clamshell mobile computer which offers a full QWERTY keyboard well as a 16-bit, TFT SVGA (800 x 600 pixels) colour touch screen and instant-on capabilities. Powered by a 400 MHz Intel XScale PXA255 processor, the unit is highly expandable courtesy of its SDIO capable SD/MMC, CompactFlash Type II and PCMCIA Type II expansion slots. Additional connectivity is offered through integrated USB Master, RS-232 and IrDA ports.


Additional features include 128 MB of SDRAM, a wide range of applications covering office, entertainment and Internet functionality, as well as a 2.5 mm stereo headphone/microphone socket. The unit measures 235 x 184 x 25 mm, and weighs 1100 g, including its 2200 mAh Lithium Ion battery.


The Netbook Pro will be available in North America and Europe at the end of October, 2003 from Psion Teklogix' sales offices, distributors and resellers.


link: http://www.infosyncworld.com/news/n/4156.html

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alexkass, check this out :p


Samsung Nexio S160 @ Dynamism.com



Model: Nexio S160


OS Microsoft Windows CE .NET (4.1)

CPU Intel PXA250 400MHz


Display 5" Transflective WVGA TFT LCD(800 x 480, 64k color)


Memory Flash ROM 64MB(NAND type)/ SDRAM 128MB


Wireless Comm. Built-in WLAN(802.11b) Module, Wi-Fi Certified


Interface CF Type ll /USB port for synching (PC sync.,VGA-out,

Power charging)

Battery Li-polymer 1500mAh (rechargeable)


Battery Life 2 hours under constant use


Key Button 5-Way key for easy navigation (4 directional + 1 action) / 3 Programmable Hot Keys/ Hold switch


Cover Leather cover / Keyboard (Optional)

Size 155 x 91 x 13 mm (w/ Leather Cover)

Weight 250 g (include Battery & Leather Cover)

Included Accessories USB Cradle/ AC Adapter/ USB Data Cable/ VGA

Output Cable/ Quick Start Guide/ NEXiO S160 CD/

Leather Cover/ Portable Quick stand /Stereo


Optional Accessories Extended Battery:Li-polymer 2000mAH

Keyboard: 53 key QWERTY style keyboard for easy data entry



Exei Win .NET 4.1 alla logika 8a mporeis na to kaneis update sthn 4.2 (mikres diafores anyway).

800x480 5" O8onh, den einai teras, exei kai plhktrologio pou einai tautoxrona kai screen cover :) ~1250 $$ apo thn dynamism (USA), imported apo Japan me aggliko omws software (lene oti 8a er8ei kanonika kai eurwph) :whistle:









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ευχαριστώ πολυ φίλε μου :)


πολύ καλό φαίνεται αλλά έχει παλιό hardware (pxa250 -> μειωμένη αυτονομία)


και παλιό software (λογικά όμως αναβαθμίζεται)


επίσης δεν παίρνει sd/mmc :(


δεν δεν έχει bt. βέβαια έχει wifi που για άλλους είναι πιο χρήσιμο.


εγώ πάντως αν ήταν να δόδω τόσα λεφτά για κάτι τόσο μεγάλο θα έπαιρνα ένα laptop ;)

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Nai einai ligo aparxaiomeno, kapou phre to mati mou omws diadoxo (170), ama dw tipota 8a sou pw heheheh.


Distixws einai pragmati poly akrivo, den einai omws h kanonikh tou timh, ta skame logo eisagwghs... Isos ama er8ei pote eurwph na exei mia pio logikh timh.


Btw 8elw kai gw na parw ena pocket pc kai skeftomai to 2210, egkrineis? ;-)



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δες εδώ:





και όλα άρχισαν από εδώ:




και φυσικά ο φίλος DON πήρε το 2210 :)

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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ThanQ :)


Paw na ta read ola :p



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Ciao All!


it may be of your interest to know that there is a “In favour of a Symbian os Option for the new psion netbook pro” petition going on at http://www.petitiononline.com/nbookpro/petition.html




Please note that it has been promoted ONLY via word-of-mouth on the psion forums and newsgroups, as well as on many developers' epoc/symbian-related sites.




Even a number of pda e-magazines whose correspondents usually frequent the forums mentioned it. Anyway, advertising for it on other media has been avoided as no one did absolutely want that this initiative were to be misinterpreted as an anti-Microsoft campaign.




The spirit of the petition, once again, it is *not* against PT's decision of releasing a Psion netBook pro with Windows CE.net (which the Psion User Community do absolutely respect in full), but it is just in favour of developing a *second* OS option, that is a Symbian OS one.




with in mind the above, we are committed to ensure that the petition gets the maximum possible awareness among developers, software house representatives, software integrators, VARs and resellers as well as power users and enthusiasts in order to gather the maximum support.



at the time of writing, the number of endorsers is very close to quota 2020 and the number is steadily growing.




For further information about how we decided to start a petition, you might find interesting reading the original psionplace thread:




printer-friendly version: http://www.pdastreet.com/forums/printthread.php?s=45cb2050937b929721a32b5f0410%209b31&threadid=18259&perpage=100





please keep on supporting the Symbian netBook pro petition on www.petitiononline.com/nbookpro/petition.html

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