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Online Update K700i, Πως - Προβλήματα - Απορίες...


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πας στην ακολουθη διευθυνση http://www.sonyericsson.com/updateservice/K700/frameset.htm

.για να κανεις την αναβαθμιση χρειαζεσαι μια βαση συγχρονισμου dcc-20 η 25 .ειναι οι βασεις που δινουμε με το P800 και το Ρ900.εκει επισης στο Faq βλεπεις οτι πληροφορια θες

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Mias kai o moderator anoikse thema gia to online update tou K700i (thanx,btw :o ),grafw mia fora kai kali tin diadikasia tou update, gia na min yparxoun apories mias kai tha yparxei stin prwti selida aytou tou thread:


-Katevazeis to .exe tou SE Update Service gia to K700i apo EDW. Einai 11MB peripou.

-To kaneis install.

-Exeis idi tin vasi DSS-20 i DSS-25 (vaseis sygxronismou apo P800 kai P900 antistoixa) egatestimeni sto PC sou mesw USB. Egw tin daneistika apo filo mou gia ena vrady,den aksizei na tin agoraseis giati den xrisimeyei se kati allo ektos tou update (den kanei synchronisation, oute file transfers). Driver gia na syndeseis tin vasi me to PC sou tha vreis EDW.To arxeio einai mono 680kb.

-Vazeis panw sti vasi to kinito.Kalo einai na einai plirws fortismeno.

-Patas continue sto site pou se exei kanei redirect to SE Upd.Service.

-Perimeneis kapoia wra analoga me tin syndesi (ISDN 35 min,PSTN 50-60 min,ADSL-den sas noiazei giati den plirwnete:p). To modem sou tha katevasei pali gyrw sta 11MB .

-Kapoia stigmi anavosvinei to kinito sou...

ETOIMOS... :happy:


H teleytaia ekdosi pou ypirxe tin wra pou graftike ayto to mynima itan i R2L . An to kinito sas exei idi ayti tin ekdosi (ta kainourgia synithws tin exoun proegatestimeni), den xreiazetai na kanete update.


Ouf... :whistle: kourastika...

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Εγγραφή: Οκτ. 2003 - It's been a while....
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Παιδια εγω πήγα στα παιδια στο 9volto και εκανα την αναβαθμιση και ειναι ολα ο.κ.


τους ευχαριστώ πολυ


το τηλεφωνακι ειναι μια χαρα



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ehm.. peri ton provlimaton pou elege o filos pio panw gia to oti de mpori na vali wallpappers alitheyei? genika exi parousiasti episima kanena provlima?

something last: einai safe na to kanw apto spiti mou to update i tha tan kalitero na paw se ena magazi na mou to kanoun mias k exw eggyhsh?

6510 kai ta miala sth dixromia! :cool:
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος giorgosg (27 Σεπ. 2004 , 10:48)


ehm.. peri ton provlimaton pou elege o filos pio panw gia to oti de mpori na vali wallpappers alitheyei? genika exi parousiasti episima kanena provlima?

something last: einai safe na to kanw apto spiti mou to update i tha tan kalitero na paw se ena magazi na mou to kanoun mias k exw eggyhsh?


Einai pio safe na to kaneis apo to spiti giati:

1) Ksereis oti i mpataria pou tha sou epistrepsoun opws kai to kapaki tha einai DIKA SOU (exei symvei na epistrafoun alla-se xeiroteri fysika katastasi-kai meta ante na apodeikseis oti den eisai elefantas)

2) Stin xeiroteri periptwsi exeis to kinito etoimo se 1 wra kai kati (me dialup PSTN)...Sta serv.centers ayti einai i kalyteri peritwsi (epistimoniki fantasia)...H xeiroteri einai 2 meres (!!) :blink:

3) Akoma kai na symvei kati stin online anavathmisi (na kleisei i grammi,na pesei to reyma klp.) yparxei epilogi "Recovery mode" sto site tou update pou synexizei tin diadikasia apo ekei pou stamatise.


Oson afora to allo thema me ta wallpapers emena me tin R2L doyleyei kanonika xwris provlima.

Alla i diarkeia tis batarias ektokseytike stis 3,5 meres apo 1,5 pou itan... :D

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Εγγραφή: Οκτ. 2003 - It's been a while....
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oops ? sovara i mpataria krataei parapanw? egw apla de pisteya oti me ena software tha mporouse na piraxtei toso poly i mpataria.. k apoti akouga apo allous de kanei tpt sti mpataria.. apla eki pou dixnei to kinito ti katastasi tis me to new software dixnei akrivws poso exis.. diladi toso kairo otan mou tan kokkino ousiaastika itan arketa fortismeni parapanw apo oso edixne? shit :x eipa se enan sinadelfo na mou danisei tin DSS-20 .. k tha TRE-3W gia update:P
6510 kai ta miala sth dixromia! :cool:
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος giorgosg (27 Σεπ. 2004 , 14:42)

oops ? sovara i mpataria krataei parapanw? egw apla de pisteya oti me ena software tha mporouse na piraxtei toso poly i mpataria.. k apoti akouga apo allous de kanei tpt sti mpataria.. apla eki pou dixnei to kinito ti katastasi tis me to new software dixnei akrivws poso exis.. diladi toso kairo otan mou tan kokkino ousiaastika itan arketa fortismeni parapanw apo oso edixne? shit :x eipa se enan sinadelfo na mou danisei tin DSS-20 .. k tha TRE-3W gia update:P


E ma den itan dynaton na allazei tin bataria to update...(!)

Allazei ton algorithmo tou metriti fortisis. Vlepeis epeidi palia itan lathos,edeixne p.x. 1% enw itan sto 30%,opote to tilefwno ekleine giati "nomize" oti i mpataria itan adeia (afou pairnei plirofories apo ton metriti). Etsi, me swsti diaxeirisi (pou yparxei stin R2L),deixnei akrivws poso krataei kai kleinei otan pragmati einai adeia i bataria (3-3,5 meres)...:o

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Εγγραφή: Οκτ. 2003 - It's been a while....
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pffff mou kolaei i selida tis SE sto :

Please wait...




Checking the installation of Sony Ericsson Update Service




de mou dimiourgise kan fakelo me onoma Update Service sto c:\program files\sony ericsson opws apoti nomizw tha prepe..


edw eimai behind proxy alla den exi provlima tis selides its ok.. mono me diaforetika ports.. k download mporo na kanw. eklisa antivirus ktl ta panta alla tpt.. mipws prepei na kanw install tpt apo java classes h kati paromio?


kapios me paromio problem?apoti epsaksa se kati forums auto ofeilete sto oti den exw java.. katebasa to latest alla k pali *******! i hope na petyxei spiti an kai spiti pou to dokimasa extes xwris na xw tin vasi kolage sto idio simio :/

6510 kai ta miala sth dixromia! :cool:
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος giorgosg (28 Σεπ. 2004 , 11:56)


pffff mou kolaei i selida tis SE sto :

Please wait...




Checking the installation of Sony Ericsson Update Service




de mou dimiourgise kan fakelo me onoma Update Service sto c:\program files\sony ericsson opws apoti nomizw tha prepe..


edw eimai behind proxy alla den exi provlima tis selides its ok.. mono me diaforetika ports.. k download mporo na kanw. eklisa antivirus ktl ta panta alla tpt.. mipws prepei na kanw install tpt apo java classes h kati paromio?


Rikse mia matia se ayto to thread.Kapou stin mesi tis selidas,tha deis oti kapoios eixe paromoio provlima me esena...Mipws na steileis PM se aytous? :o

Egw den mporw na se voithisw peraiterw mias kai ekana update apo to spiti xwris firewalls klp...Den exw idea an prepei na apenergopoiiseis kati... :( :(

Pantws gia to allo pou anafereis,den dimiourgei kanena folder to SE Update Service kai den fainetai oute sto Start twn Windows san neo programma...Apla ginetai embeded sto systima xwris na ksereis oti yparxei kai otan vgei nea ekdosi den tha xreiastei na to ksanakatevaseis... ;)

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Εγγραφή: Οκτ. 2003 - It's been a while....
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malista.. auta ta eixes?


Summary of requirements:


Latest SE Sync Software Version

Latest Sun Java VM

Latest SE Update Service Software (SEUS)

Latest Opera browser version

Unplug power lead from cradle

Phone in cradle (turned off)

Disable Virus checker

Disable Firewall



mporo na vrw kapou to update service to PROGRAMA ? isws na mout o stili kapios pou to xi katebasei? giati to problem mou ine to java.. an exw to program k to treksw gia na kanei connect tha mporesei na katebasei to firmware.. to thema ine oti de mporo na katebasw to setup :/


mporo na se vrw kapou na mou stileis to setup epidi ida se allo post sou oti to katebases to mesimeri k to kanes to vradi to update opote ine ksexwristo.. h mporis na to splittaris k na to parw me emails, genikotera pezi na to parw? exw danistei ti vasi dss-20 k prepei ayrio na tin exw epistrepsei :| helppp trexw kai de ftanw:P

6510 kai ta miala sth dixromia! :cool:
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To programma sketo den kserw an mporei na sto steilei kapoios,einai 11MB vlepeis kai egw den to ekana save,apla run...Exw kai ISDN opote antio zwi..den mporw na to katevasw ksana kai na sto steilw...:!:

Exeis skeftei mipws stin douleia exete Firewall kai Virus check sto kentriko PC pou einai syndedemeno sto Internet pou den mporeis na apenergopoiiseis esy? :)

Vasika kalo tha itan na steileis PM sta paidia pou eixan paromoio provlima sto thread pou sou eipa..Gia na min sou lew kai egw @@ries ;)


Oson afora to setup,to katevasa to mesimeri men,alla me tin epilogi run (diladi to ekana install to mesimeri) kai to vrady evala to kinito stin vasi kai ekana to update.Den to eswsa ws arxeio..Ayto ennousa sto mynima mou..

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Εγγραφή: Οκτ. 2003 - It's been a while....
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antimetopisa arketa provlimata (oxi me to update ) alla me to pc mou sti prospathia na kanw update to firmware tou k700i mou k etsi eipa na grapsw ena mikro keimenaki peri to online update tis SE..


Protapolla gia na kanete to online update tis sE sto k700 h k700i sas tha xriasteite mia aptis dio vaseis sinxronismou pou erxonte mazi me ta p800 kai p900 sto kouti tous (DSS-20 kai DSS-25 antistoixa)

drivers kai gia ta duo tha vreite edw (700kb): DSS-2x Drivers


*Mh prospathisete na agorasete mia tetia vash* Extos oti de sas xriazete se tpt allo giati de kanei oute file transfer k tha ti xriastite mia fora kai mono, de prokete na sas dwsoun akoma k stin SE mesa (prosopiki empiria :P) para mono an exete mia i opia exi xalasei k simperilamvanete stin eggyhsh.. opote kalitera na danistite apo kapion filo h gnwsto sas..


Epishs tha xreiastei na katebasete ton Opera me java support 14mb apo edw: Opera with Java (emena me Internet explorer mou kolage sto please wait to site)

Kai telos tha xreiastei na exete egkatestimeno sto pc sas to pc suite ths SE pou sinodeyei to kinito sas sti siskeyasia tou se cd.. ( de nomizw na xriazete aparetita alla kalo tha itan na yparxei )


Arxizoume.. anigoume ton Opera kai kanoume paste to eksis link: http://www.sonyericsson.com/updateservice/K700/frameset.htm

mpenontas sto site checkaroume prosextika ta panta kai tiroume oles tis odigies kai tis endikseis.. To mono pou exw na pw se ayto to simio einai oti prepei na epileksete automatic mode otan pate na kanete update.. to manual mode einai gia allous logous oi opioi eksigounte pio katw.. Otan ftasoume se ena final step tha mas zhtithei na simfonisoume me kapious orous kai na pathsoume next.. otan ginei k ayto amesws tha arxisei to download enos arxeiou me name seus_setup115.exe - ean gia kapio logo diakopei i sindesi sas i kati paromio, to arxeio vriskete edw: seus_setup115.exe by the way de tha sas protina direct download aptin arxh alla download me vasi ti selida tou update kathws iparxoun arketa xrisima pragmata pou PREPEI na diabasete gia na mh pate san ton tiflo sto cinema..


Otan katevei to arxeio, to trexete.. kanete setup diavazontas prosextika.. (den lei kati kainourio opote next, next next :P:P)


Synxaritiria, afou teliwsete de tha xreiastei na kanete kai polla apo edw kai pera.. ;)


Proxorontas, apla anigete pali ti selida afou teliwsei to setup ( http://www.sonyericsson.com/updateservice/K700/frameset.htm )


Pali ta idia vimata opws prin kai to sistima arxizei na elenxei ean iparxi to software pou prepei na ine egkatestimeno ston ipologisti sas etsi oste na ksekinisei h anavathmisi firmware sto kinito sas..

Ean exete kanei swsth egkatastasi, to vriskei kai arxizei.. Akolouthite ta vimata ta opia einai GELIA kai ipervolika APLA giayto de mpenw ston kopo na dwsw odigies kan..

Perimenete peripou 50 lepta sinolika ean exete 56ara ptsn mexri na oloklirothi i diadikasia..

Dwste tou xrono ean nomizete oti kolise kapou.. Einai poly liges oi pithanotites na kolisei i efarmogi! Ean ontos kolisei, ksanakanete tin idia diadikasia anigontas selida k.t.l mono pou epilegete manual kai pigenete sto recovery mode..


..Ehm, efoson ola pane kala, to kinito sas afou anavosvisei, tha aniksei k tha sas zhthsei pin ;)


* aksizei na simiothei oti me to online update ths SE, 1on trwte to poly 1 ora apto xrono sas kai oxi 1 bdomada me to kinito se kapio armodio service:P 2. DEN ginete diamorfosi sto software kai ksanaegkatastasi.. perniete apla to new software apo panw, pragma pou simenei oti de xanete apolitos TIPOTA apta idi iparxonta arxia epafes ktl tou kinitou *

thanks SE giayth thn pragmatika yperoxh ipiresia an k ton teleyteo kairo mas exeis apogoiteysei ligaki ;)


well done :)) enjoy your new firmware ;)


..remember r2l r0x :)

6510 kai ta miala sth dixromia! :cool:
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xmmm den vriskw kai polles diafores apo to keimenaki pou exw grapsei ki egw gia tin diadikasia tou update stin idia selida tou idiou thread...H moni diafora einai o Opera browser pou proteineis an kai emena me Internet Explorer doulepse mia xara...Alla ayto einai poly eksidikeymeno,mono gia to PC sou... :worry:

Wraia prosthiki pantws einai to .jpg sou... :up:

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Εγγραφή: Οκτ. 2003 - It's been a while....
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its ok :) apla ixes egkatestimeno java giayto sou doulepse.. ta winxp erxonte xwris java k an de to peraseis de litourgi to update me IE..


by the way na kai oi diafores tou neou firmware:


R2L001 Firmware



- One second delay before the person at the other end of the phone can hear you when answering a call bug fixed

- At least 10% improvement in battery life (over and above R2E?)

- Backlight timings have changed to improve battery life (20s, 26s, 40s to 15s, 20s, 60s - Fade, Backlight off, Display off)

- Pressing either of the volume control buttons when in Standby mode displays the time for 3-4 seconds.

- Use Now option appears when transfering pictures to the phone (previously just Ok). Options are View, Set as wallpaper, Set as screensaver, Set as starup screen, Add to contact

- SE wap link removed from Application folder

- Faster image browsing with selected images appearing full screen.

- Improved Bluetooth stability

- Bug where entering multiple names & numbers could delete the numbers for the first names entered has been fixed.

- Snooze is now available on Recurrent alarms

- Can now delete one contect from a group without deleting the whole group

- Time of the last call now displayed in the missed calls list

- The bug whereby the first call received after power up produces an "answer, reject, answer and continue" menu seems to have been fixed

- The fonts of Operator logo, the command keys such as "Calls", "More" are a bit larger and the font of Date & time has been Slightly reduced.

- The Globe icon that appears when using GRPS has been modified during initial connection (four silver ball circling around the globe)

- SMS Delivery Notification sound is now different to Incoming SMS sound (fixed to bluetooth transfer notification sound)

- Faster loading of JAVA games

- Screen brightness increased

- Performing a Sync does not cause the phone to reboot (some phones only?)

- Playing sound and video after running Java applications now always works fine.

- When in phonebook, it's now possible to change keyboard language by simply press the # key.

- New contact =>New number =>Look up =>Unsaved list is now limited to 10 numbers rather than unlimited

- Sending pictures via bluetooth to other devices occasionally sent a lower quality image with previous firmwares. This has been fixed.

- JBenchmark 1 - 2,313 - 2,326

- JBenchmark 2 - 118 - 127

- Software versions:

LCD 200406041

Camera 3.9

ITP CXC 125 813 R1S or R1T



-Bluetooth turns itself off if a paired bluetooth headset goes out of range (some phones only).

-Pocket PCs can no longer connect to the internet via bluetooth (still possible with IR). Add "Z" to the field of 'Extra dial-string modem commands' to fix this issue

-Auto save to SIM option no longer available - Contacts / Advanced / Auto save on SIM.


(from mobile-review.com)

6510 kai ta miala sth dixromia! :cool:
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος giorgosg (29 Σεπ. 2004 , 10:30)

its ok :) apla ixes egkatestimeno java giayto sou doulepse.. ta winxp erxonte xwris java k an de to peraseis de litourgi to update me IE..



Vasika spiti exw XP Pro kai IE6 kai ekana update kanonika..

Kati allo tha ftaiei mallon..Alla afou sou doulepse,ok ;)

To na egatastiseis to Opera einai enas akoma tropos.. :o

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Εγγραφή: Οκτ. 2003 - It's been a while....
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος nik13s (30 Σεπ. 2004 , 13:20)


Ξέρει κανείς που μπορω να βρω μια από τις δυο βάσεις?



apo kapoio gnwsto sou
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Ρε παιδιά αμα δεν έχετε java στον ιe πηγαίνεται απλά εδω γιατί να κατεβάσετε και τον opera?
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος gusS (30 Σεπ. 2004 , 15:18)


apo kapoio gnwsto sou



Επειδή δεν έχω καποιο γνωστό που να εχει οποιαδήποτε από τις δύο,γι αυτό ρωτάω αν ξέρει κανείς από που μπορώ να την αγοράσω..

Live and let live...
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