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Ειναι αληθεια οτι ο ελληνικος ηλεκτρισμος εχει ακμες?


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My handicapped friend in Athens says that it's not worh having a computer in Greece because "surges" in electricity cause damage to computers. I suspect this is his excuse for not trying something new.


But I have no personal experience since I don't live there, other than I see nothing in your posts about surges and damages to your machines.


So....is your computer pretty safe from surges there?



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Είναι γεγονός ότι η τάση που φτάνει στα σπίτια μας απο την ΔΕΗ δεν είναι και η πιο σταθερή του κόσμου αλλά να μήν τα παραλέμε. Αν ήταν τόσο τραγικά τα πράματα κανένα pc σε ελληνικό σπίτι δεν θα άντεχε πάνω απο 24 ώρες...
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Pretty much safe, but it depends on where do you live. In Athens I 've never experienced unstable voltage, whereas in Chania this is typical. My computer has survived in both areas :)


If you want to be safe you can always buy an UPS.


P.S.: "Ακμές" is not a common term for voltage "surges". Systran sucks! "Αυξομειώσεις" is better :D

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Hey Aris and electric eye,


Thanks so much for your responses, they do make sense!!

El. eye, I don't use a translator for my messages; just dig deep in my mind for words I have not ever used before in Greece and I only know them by their English names-please keep correcting me :)



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