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Everything posted by tntiseverywere

  1. :!: Kikloforei h nea parallagi tou W32.Beagle o W32.Beagle.AG@mm Kante update to antivirus sas...an exete ginei eidi infect katevaste to removal tool: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/tools.list.html :!:
  2. Mipws to xrisimopoiouse to kazaa kai giafto den mporouse na to svisei...
  3. Egw xrisimopoio to DVDx Check it... :whistle:
  4. too slow...mporei na petixeneis anwnimia...alla se 56k eidika skotonei tin sindesi :)
  5. Mathate gia tin Silipsi tou mikrou pou eftia3e ton "Sasser"?
  6. :!: Update your Antivirus :!:
  7. As perimenoume kai tha doume.... :music:
  8. an einai oxi h apantiseis...tote ti na kanoume tis protaseis ? :o
  9. xm.....try kapio uninstaller...opws afto pou exei sto norton systemworks 04... :ninja:
  10. Katse na doume...tis apospeis twn admin :whistle:
  11. Sto add remove programs den iparxei?
  12. To ipa sto pio panw post oti an einai na to kanei kapios tha to kanei... apla edosa idea se periptwsi thetikis apantisis.... :X
  13. Afto to pistevw kiegw.... :music:
  14. Pws sas fenete h idea gia ena..... :!: -= HALL OF SHAME =- :!: kai na grafontai oi banned users me reason... Pws sas fenete? :innocent:
  15. Lete na xreiazete? An kapios thelei na kanei tin m@lakia tou den nomizw na ton epireasei to topic :)
  16. Me tetio mpineliki den to 3anakanoun :p sigoura idan to post !
  17. Den mporeis....kai egw sto acer mou exw tin Extreme graphics 2 (M@lakia) :p kai den mporw na tin alla3w...
  18. Se oles tis ipiresies iparxoun afta....
  19. isws an mas to e3igouses kalitera...
  20. elate paidia irema...as elpisoume stin simmorfosi tou.. klefti.
  21. Nai den mporeitai na tous klisete? a warning first and then....
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