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Everything posted by katerini

  1. Katebase ayto to cab pou tha breis edw http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=146358&page=294 sto post tou developer69. Ayto to programmataki krataei to ppc anoixto, anoigei to gps gate ( sto opoio exeis kanei tis rythmiseis opws edw http://www.ngi.gr/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2795&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=gpsgate&start=45 ) kai ola tha trexoun kanonika.
  2. Dokimase na to baleis san Default me ayto to programmataki (SipChange): http://www.ipmart-forum.com/showthread.php?t=117031 kai pes mas an douleyei kai an to deixnei kanonika sthn vga othonh.
  3. katerini

    Asus P535

    To phra telika. Den perasa thn WM6 akomh. Me WM5 kai me Radio Versio 4.5.0, h karta ths vodafone me symbolaio, douleyei kanonikotata!
  4. katerini

    Asus P535

    Me WM6 lythhke to problhma me tis kartes ths Vodafone??? Merikes sellides pisw, diabasa oti den douleyan. Diorthwthke? Eyxaristw.
  5. To programmataki einai teleio pantws. To exw kanei antigrafh kai metonomasia mesa sta program files, dhladh StartDestinator 7 kai pali to idio me StartDestinator, exw balei tis diadromes tous, kai tis syntomeyseis, kai mporw na trexw to Destinator 6 kai to 7, xwris na mpainw stis rythmiseis kathe fora, h na anoigwkleinw to GpsGate. Poly kalo! Mprabo file Developer69!
  6. Me oti maimounies exw kanei mexri twra, mesa se 3-4-5 meres mou xalouse h karta. Edw kai miamish bdomada pou ebala to SDsentry cab, den mou exei xalasei tipota. Elpizw na meinei etsi. Den nomizw oti diorthwnei to problhma, alla ola pane kala mexri twra!
  7. GIA OSOUS EXOUN PROBLHMA ME THN KARTA MNHMHS. Diabasa exthes se ena germaniko forum, mia allhgh sthn Registry, thn opoia ekana. Apo exthes den exw allo problhma me thn SD kai to kleinw sto Standby kanonika apo to on/off. To dokimazw apo exthes, kai shmera diarkws. Ola einai kanonika, enw prin ekana 3-4 fores thn hmera soft reset. Dokimaste kai eseis mhpws htan tyxh se emena. H allagh einai: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\ PNPUnloadDelay=1500 apo 1500 na balete 4096.
  8. Ekana akomh mia allagh. Apo 7 Boards, ekana 6, bazontas tous arithmous mazi me ta symbola. Etsi eginan pio megala ta koutakia sthn deksia mpara. Pisteyw etsi einai poly kala. Deyan, den kserw giati den to douleyeis toso poly to programataki, alla emena gia thn wra me bohthaei para poly. Den ksanabgazw to penaki gia na grapsw kati. To eixa dei prin kanena xrono, alla xwris Ellhnika einai axrhsto. Eyxaristw kai pali pou to ksetrypwses, kai asxolhthhkes na baleis Ellhnika! O typos eida oti emfanizete ana 6mhna. Isws mexri to kalokairi na emfanistei. Mexri tote.... Telika to ebala se ena P3300 apo Ace Hellas enos filou mou, kai meta apo soft reset ebgale thn asprh othonh, kai ekana hard reset.
  9. File Deyan, mhpws tha mporouses se parakalw, na kaneis merikes allages, pou pisteyw oti einai xrhsimes? -Na baleis san default plhktrologio to SMS, anti to aggliko? -Sto Board me ta symbola, sthn teleytaia seira, to mesaio kai to deksi koumpi einai kena. Mporeis na baleis sto mesaio keno, kai sto deksi to Backspace, opws sta alla Boards? -Sto Arithmitiko Board, na baleis thn diaish #, mazi me to asteraki *, kai sthn thesh ths diaishs, na baleis to Backspace? Eyxaristw! Meta apo 150 mhnymata peripou, polles kataxwrhseis sto hmerologio, kai arketes shmeiwseis, exw na pw pali, oti to programataki einai teleio!!! Mono pou merikes fores, spania bebaia, kolaei kai den bgainei. Aytos pou to eftiakse to programa, xathhke? Gia na to kanei na douleyei pio kala sta WM5. Mythozz, exw ki egw to HiKeybord. Kai prin, kai meta pou ebala to Blimkeys, den eida kamia allagh sta notificatios (an ennoeis ayto). Den exw kanena diplo. Tha dokimasw na to perasw sto P3300 (Ellhniko apo Ace Hellas) apo enan filo mou, pou exei sxedon ta idia programata me emena, na dw an tha doulepsei. Pisteyw oti exei na kanei me ta polla Today Plugins (an kai se emena einai gemath), Kai thn Rom ths Ace. To EZdial gia paradeigma, den douleyei se kamia Ellhnikh Rom.
  10. Deyan kai aggelos, eyxaristoume gia tis allages pou kanate! Dokimazw kai tis dyo lyseis, kai tha dw pio tha krathsw. Pantws einai kai ta dyo plhktrologia poly kala! To programataki to exw se P3300 agorasmeno apo germania me germanikh rom kai ola douleyoun teleia.
  11. deyan k hab, na kanw kapoies protaseis; -Mporeis sta symbola na prostheseis kai thn - payla? - -Mporeis to backspace na to exeis mono tou? Giati an theleis na sbhseis 3-4 grammata, patas kata lathos kai to #, to opoio to douleyeis para poly spania. Exw na pw oti to programma kai ta boards pou kanate einai teleia! Kanei sxedon axreiasto to penaki. To mono pou den exei einai T9. Alla mhn ta theloume kai ola dika mas.:D
  12. Angele, kalh h lysh pou ebgales, alla merikes diorthwseis: -Molis pathseis to erwthmatiko ; tote peftei se 70 xarakthres to sms. -Mporeis na baleis to board tou sms na grafei kai sms anti gia ΑΒΓ; -Mporeis na kaneis to "αβγ" να ειναι και "ΑΒΓ"; Kefalaia dhladh. (Sto idio board an ginete) Και μια γενικη ερωτιση. Μπορουμε να αλλαξοθμε τον χρονο πατηματος πληκτρων; Να εχουμε πιο πολυ χρονο δηλαδη, π.χ. για να πατησω 3 φορες μεχρι να βγει το "Γ"
  13. Para polla eyxaristw ston hab kai ston deyan!!! Eisaste apisteytoi! Den perimena na exete kati toso grhgora! Ayrio tha perasei apo kalo test to programmataki! Pisteyw oti einai h kalyterh lysh mexri stigmhs, gia plhktrologish me to ena xeri!!! Eyxaristw kai pali!!
  14. To plhktrologio ayto einai sxedon teleio kata thn gnwmh mou! Ekeina pou leipoun meta apo mia mera xrhshs, einai: -Oposdhpote ena akomh plhktro gia diorthwsh lathwn plhktrologishs.(Backspace) (to kyriotero, mias kai o tropos pou exei, sthn praksh kai idiws otan biazesai einai gelios) -Ena akomh board gia kanonika Ellhnika. -Ena plhktro gia keno sto Board twn arithmwn Deyan, mhpws tha mporouses na kaneis kati se ayta? Prospathhsa ligo, alla den katafera tipota. To brhka poly xrhsimo to programmataki, kai pisteyw oti meta den xreizesai kanena allo. Den theleis meta penaki gia otidhpote.
  15. Bale ayto to programmataki. Prosthetei epilogh mesa sta contacts/Menu, na epilekseis ola ta onomata h osa theleis gia na ta sbhseis. Kane soft reset meta thn egkatastash.
  16. To perform a hardreset on i-teq Bond/ g-Smart you can do the following: - Battery should be fully charged - Press the power button on the top and on the keypd press 7 and 9 (three buttons together) - It will display "formating" (Hardreset) hard reset works with the battry at least at 50 %
  17. Ayto einai problhma tou x button. Exei syzhththei kai allou.
  18. Kai edw tha breite thn teleytaia Beta ekdosh omws 0.03.300 Build 152, h opoia pezei teleia, kai ston metrhth klhsewn exei plewn rythmish gia elaxisth xrewsh. Px. 30/01 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=270751
  19. Bghke kai skype gia Low CPU modela. Exei kai to P3300 mesa. Opoios to thelei as mpei edw: http://www.skype.com/download/skype/mobile/brand_htc_beta.html
  20. Trexei kanonika arkei na to baleis sthn mnhmh tou thl, oxi sthn karta. Dokimasmeno se dyo P3300
  21. Emena teleiwsan oi klhseis. Mou ebgale mhnyma oti ekana 30 klhseis kai alles den kanei. Se mia klhsh malista milousa panw apo mish wra.
  22. File chaotic6340, To P3600 exei epeksergasth samsung. To Battery status einai gia Omapa epeksergastes. H to kaneis apegkatastash, h den peirazeis to overclock katholou, an theleis na to exeis san metrhth klhsewn.
  23. Diabasa se ena allo forum pws mporei na anoiksei h efarmogh Radio, xwris na mpoun ta akoustika. Bebaia den pianei tipota lene kai meta apo soft reset epanerxete sthn prwin original rytmish Sth Registry sto HKLM/System/State/Hardware/Headset bazete 1. Den prosferei kai tipota idiaitero, aplws to anaferw.
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