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Everything posted by silverakis
File moy an to exeis ferei apo eksw den eimai k polu aisiodoksos...... an googlareis k vries tipota kalws......Gia dokimase se diaforous trackers(torrent) isws vreis kati...... eyxomai to kalytero:O
To idio eixa pathei k egw prin kairo.....me ena magiko tropo xathikan ola.....ala ekana ayto pou ekanes k esy......:O
Paidia kserei kaneis ti ginetai me to thema prostaths oikogeneias....... Sto site toy upoyrgeiou leei mono gia to megalytero apo ta adelfia (agori), alla exw kapoion gnwsto poy phge xwris na isxyei to parapanw...... ksereis kaneis leptomeries..... cheers
Mhpws to DVD sou einai grammeno h mh symvato me to recorder soy(+/- RW)... Gia des kati tetoio einai......:O
Oson afora ta eksoda eksartatai pou tha pas......Ksekinontas apo katw pros ta panw sthn Agglia oi times sxetika peftoyn......Me ekseraish to edinburgh pou sygkritika me alles geitonikes perioxes einai ligo tsimphmena......
Paidia dwste idees gia metaforikes k links giati twra erxetai h wra ths epistrofhs..... Erwthsh : sthn sygkekrimenh metaforikh to kostos einai aneksarthto kilwn??? giati mallon tha exw polla 25 lyra na dwsw...:worry: Cheers mates
Arxika prepei na valeis toyus ypotitlous sto avi arxeio kati tetoio ginetai me to SubVob. Sthn synexeia mporeis me to nero na pas stn epilogh dhmioyrgia DVD diksou na valeis to arxeio k na to kapseis..... Tha proteinw na mhn to kaneis me to nero mia k einai polu varh k tha kanei kai kanena 2 wro na to grapsei....an psakseis sto forum tha vreis antistoixo topic ne perissoteres leptomeries...... Elpizw na vohthisa ligaki:O
Exw thn entypwsh oti exei xathei kapoio .dll file. klassikh periptwsh se windows.....An to vreis poio einai ( kamia fora vgazei mnm) mporeis na pas edw na rikseis mia matia http://www.dll-files.com/
Ta 2003 einai pio stathera....oso gia ton dikso den tha yparxei provlhma nonizw
Exw parathrhsei k egw to idio.....apla nomizw oso perissotera plug ins vazei toso perisotero apo to CPU trwei....
Wraio thread paidia.....Mpravo...;)
Gia tous latreis twn mathimatikwn proteinw 'Upothesh Riman' toy Derbyshire....den to exw teleiwsei alla einai polu kalo....asxcoleitai sxedon me ollous tous megalous mathimatikous tou 19 k 20 aiwna...(Gausse klp)
Prepei na vreis pou ta eswse prin to format....an to eixes allaksei tha einai se kapoio path pou tou exeis valei esy....gia na deis poio einai to path pas sto mtorrent options/preferences/download twra to default path, sthn periptwsh poy den eixes allaksei to path,prepei na einai "C:\Program Files\uTorrent\...... den eimai sigouros giati to exw allaksei egw sto diko mou...pantws kapou ekei einai Mallon einai ekei pou leei o Marvin
Pas ston tracker apo opou exeis katevasei ta arxeia torrent k ta ksanakatevazeis...an ta exeis eidh, den pas.....Sthn synexeia ta anoigeis me mtorrent k synexizei to download apo ekei pou exei mhnei(kanei ena check sthn arxh)... Twra pou eipes gia format oriaka eimai k egw:worry:
Sumfwno arxika me ton Xphus..... Kata deuteron exei gemhsei h athina me thermosyfwnes k tetoia koytakia...einai kyriolektika pantoy...toylaxiston mexri persi poy hmoun Ellada.... To oti einai kalhmmenoi symvainei gia tou eksei logous kata eme: -Gia na mhn trexei kathe katoikos, eidika aytos pou den kserei tipota k trwei ayta poy lene oi kaloi mas dhmosiografoi, sta dikasthria gia thn kathe keraia opou k na einai ayth. -Merikes tha einai paranomes opote kryvontai skopima apo thn aiteria. Epipeon, mias k perimenoun na vgei h adeia egatastash thn thetoun se leitoyrgia mias k sthn Ellada kati tetoio pernaei apo pollous foreis. -Gia aisthitikous logous(ayto einai apopsh twn providers)-einai mia asxhmia gia mena oi thermosyfwnes. Akoma tha prosthesw oti an ginei metrhsh apo thn EETT ston stathmo vaseis h aiteria prepei na to gnwrisei pou, shmainei oti aneta me remote access mporei na allaksei thn isxy ekpomphs k synepws thn aktinovolia ths kathe keraias me katallhlo software....shladh ola kala kata ton elegxo...Ara to thema einai poly ma poly megalo..... Gia mena h alhthia einai kapou sthn mesh.....:worry:
Den nomizw na yparxei tetoios periorismos.....alla genikotera oso pio palios o diskos toso pio eukolo na crasharei.....egw sto desktop mou edw k tessera xronia den exei katalavei tipota apo format-oson afora thn antoxh:ninja:
di for ever.....;)
nomizw den yparxei auto pou zhtas....an vreis kati let us know:O
http://radioblogclub.com/ http://www.last.fm/ http://www.musicovery.com/ http://www.pandora.com Mallon kati tetoio thes......:shifty:
re xaxanoula gia dokimase na ton cgaleis k na ton ksanavaleis...... katharise ligo ta cookies....scannare to pc......paikse ligo me antivirus k antispam....kati tha einai den mporei....:mad: ..tha to vreis omws;)
otan ksekinhsei to pc(prin vgei to windows xp- an exeis xp) patas to del merikes fores k tha anoiksei mia mple othonh pou einai to bios....dhladh leptomeries gia thn leitoyrgia toy pc apo pou bootarei, poso reuma pernei ktlp..... kapou ekei mporei na exei kapoia properties gia to fanaki......gia na eisai sigoyros des to manual ths motherboard.....;)
Mesa sto manual tha exei thn akrivh timh....Gia des ekei
Sumperasma......Makria h gynaika apo ta pc mas.....:lol: :lol: :lol: To firewall einai .......tsekare ti kovei.....den mporei na to kovei apo monos toy o browser........
Tsekare k ta bios mporei na exoun kapoia rithmisei ekei gia tis strofes...... H alllh lysh allakse psyxtra k vale kapoia mh thoryvwdes.......alla tha kostisei kati parapanw ayto:O