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Everything posted by v@gelis
Exakolou8ei na einai afanto to thlefwno apo ola ta katasthmata....!!!!!!!!!
Meta apo...2 mhnes to eferan pali!!!!! Exei ta idia me to prwto N-gage kai se mnhmh xrhsth kai se RAM
Oxi vevaia ta 385-390 pou to exoun polla nokia shop(h timh se ka8e nokia shop mporei na diaforopoieitai) einai telikh timh. Exallou 385+fpa=454 euro!!!!!,ara kapou ta mperdepses. Epi ths ousias pantws,oloi lete oti se germanous k.l.p yparxoun syskeyes....alla kaneis de mas eipe se POIO katasthma germanos sthn a8hna ,ka8oti se osa rwthsa ta 1-2 kommatia exoun fygei edw kai poly kairo... Telos pantwn,anamonh gia thn allh vdomada pou 8a ginei h kanonikh dia8esh tou kinhtou.
Oxi,se kamia periptwsh den exei ginei kati tetoio... Apla h kanonikh tou kykloforia den exei xekinhsei akoma,do8hkan apla liga kommatia stis alysides apo thn prwth partida.Arxes noemvrh 8a to doume se eparkeis posothtes...
Pragmatika etsi einai. Gnwrizei kapoios me vevaiothta kai SHMERINH enhmerwsh se poio katasthma germanos yparxei etoimoparadoto to 6260(se merika pou thlefwnhsa den yphrxe)??? Plaisio den 8a yparxei mexri arxes noemvrh,enw oteshop de me endiaferei giati 8elw na kanw syndesh vodafone. Opoios gnwrizei...
Logika 8a yio8eth8ei h lysh pou eidame kai sto 8080,opote 8a einai ok ston tomea twn ellhnikwn+sms me 160 xarakthres. Oso gia thn timh to 8080 kinh8hke apo thn prwth stigmh se allo price range(500-550),sthn Ellada to 8010 de 8a prepei na ypervainei ta 450 euro sth xeiroterh...
Anaferomaste panta se 3g kinhto kai me ta mexri twra dedomena timologhshs twn 3g kinhtwn einai xamhlh timh!!! To ti kostizei h ka8e syskeyh kai to an einai ypertimhmenh to xeroume,apla sxoliazoume me vasei thn katastash ws exei diamorfw8ei...
Se ayth thn timh pou dinei h nokia(560 euro) diathrw kapoies epifylaxeis gia thn poiothta kataskeyhs tou(8a protimousa na htan akrivotero alla apsogo se poiothta). Anaforika me leitourgiko,functions k.l.p einai apla apsogo kai 8a paizei mono tou sthn kathgoria...
Isxyei pragmati ayto,ta thlefwna vgainan apo th grammh paragwghs me ayto to elattwma.To an exei dior8w8ei stis nee partides ayto einai agnwsto. Des ki edw: ....The second thing that roused astonishment is incorrect positioning of the screen, the display doesn't match the edging in the plastic. It is a bit dislocated in the diagonal for about 1 mm and it is viewed clearly in the picture... :!: :!: http://www.mobile-review.com/review/image/nokia/6260/pic12.jpg
eixan do8ei elaxista kommatia se club nokia kai ypoti8etai oti pros to telos septemvriou 8a ginotan h kanonikh dia8esh,alla opws fainetai akoma...
To n-gage Qd pou eixa parei(ellhniko) eixe hdh thn v4.00 panw tou kai htan pragmatika sta8erotato kai taxytato.De nomizw oti 8a xreiastei allh anava8mish ayto to thlefwno...
Einai h aglikh ekdosh sto pc magazine.Allwste de se afhnei na to egkatasthseis,kanei elegxo gia th glwssa. Apo periodiko opws egrapsa kai parapanw sto RAM stis 22/10 gia ellhnikh ekdosh...opote anamonh gia osous den exoun broadband syndesh...
Eixa pei entypwseis se paliotero post.Apla htan apsogo.Den eixa vrei kanena ellatwma,pera apo ta lastixenia kalymmata(sta akoustika kai to fortisth) pou pi8anws me ton kairo 8a kovontan apo th xrhsh. To 6.1 sto leitoyrgiko einai meion alla gia thn timh apla den to syzhtame. Apo ekei ki epeita h o8onh tou eixe apisteyh fwteinothta kai eykrineia gia 4096 xrwmata,to hotswapping apla douleve apsoga kai ayto(prwta epilegeis apo to plhktro on/off exagwgh kartas kai meta th vgazeis).H de mpataria tou apisteyth(metrhsa 100 wres aytonomia me thn prwth fortish kai 4 wres paixnidi)!!!! To poulhsa nai, giati 8a allaza to prwto mou kinhto,alla to metaniwsa giati to skotwsa olokainourio ws htan. 230euro 8a kanei se club nokia otan vgei eyrews...Den apokleietai na to xanaparw...
Paroti to poulhsa kainourio sthn ousia,to metaniwsa giati sta xrhmata tou htan o,ti kalytero exw dei edw kai poly kairo.Mono kai mono gia thn taxythta tou menou(kanei ola ta series 60 na ntrepontai) kai ola ta paixnidakia pou paizei se syndyasmo me thn apsogh kataskeyh tou to kanoun best value for money. Pragmatika krima pou den to krathsa ayto to thlefwno...
Gia opoion endiaferetai to ellhniko SP2 8a dinetai apo to RAM Noemvriou(den prolavan ayto to mhna) ,pou 8a kykloforhsei sta periptera stis 22/10.
Gia to hxeio to hxera kai pragmatika einai aparadekto,alla en gnwsei mou proxwrhsa sthn agora tou 7610. Gia to akoustiko omws kai thn entash tou den to gnwriza kai malista enas apo tous logous pou epelexa na poulhsw to sx1 kai na parw ayto einai to paradosiaka dynato akoustiko twn nokia(eixa ta perissotera nokia kai panta htan etsi).Pros apogohteysh mou omws to akoustiko tou 7610 einai metriotato kai einai akrivws san na exw thn entash sto 6600 3 "mpares" ligotero apo th full entash....
Mallon den yparxei yposthrixh gia to 7610...esteila mail sthn epocware kai perimenw apanthsh gia ayto to 8ema.
Vrhka vevaia kai ayto... :( (me sygxwreite gia ta apanwta posts,alla apogohteythka).
Vrhka ayto to post apo tis 18 iouniou kai profanws to exoun parathrhsei kai alloi katoxoi tou kinhtou. Ara einai mallon etsi telika...(symfwnw apolyta me to freddaras gia to sxolio tou,h akoustikh tou p900 einai ypodeigmatikh).
Mia akoma erwthsh,pros opoion gnwrizei. Yparxei ekdosh gia to Handy Safe desktop(ths epocware) pou na paizei me to 7610(anaferomai sthn efarmogh gia ypologistes)?
Se eyxaristw.8a protimousa na htan to idio dynath giati sto dromo h se analoges "dyskoles" periptwseis einai exairetika xrhsimo kati tetoio,alla... Mia parathrhsh: To pc suite gia to 7610 einai apsogo kai sigoura oti kalytero sto xwro twn series 60(kai oxi mono),mazi me ayto ths siemens gia to sx1.
Oxi,ayto to gnwrizw kai de me enoxlei,ayto pou me 'kaiei'(kai pou htan diko mou la8os,ka8ws den to xeka8arisa) einai h entash tou akoustikou kata th diarkeia synomilias,pou th vriskw metriotath gia nokia kai de mporw na katalavw giati(gia paradeigma ta 6600 kai QD pou dokimasa tis teleytaies meres exoun to gnwsto poly dynato akoustiko,pou exoume synh8isei sta nokia kai pou mou aresei idiaitera,idiws se xwrous me fasaria k.l.p).
8a h8ela na rwthsw an kapoios allos parathrei oti h entash tou akoustikou tou 7610 einai xamhlh,sygkrinomenh me alla Nokia.Paradosiaka exei apo ta pio dynata akoustika sta thlefwna ths,ektos apo ayto(pou moy 8ymise siemens se ayto ton tomea). Prospa8w na katalavw an einai etsi h exei kapoio provlhma to thlefwno mou(gia paradeigma se entash einai 3 skales katw se sxesh me ena 6600 pou dokimasa). Kapoios eixe anaferei kati paromoio paliotera,to phge se service h ekane kapoia allh kinhsh?eyxaristw.
Etsi einai.Apla gia 2 meres to edinan gia 245 telikh me ta metaforika,twra phge peripou sta 330 euro. Anamenoume na doume kapoia gennaia meiwsh ths timhs apo thn ace-hellas,einai toulaxiston ypervolikh ayth th stigmh h timh twn 550-600 euro pou pwleitai sthn Ellada,poso mallon otan plhsiazei to 8010,pou einai safws anwtero kai arketa f8hnotero.... P.S Diavazontas thn eidhsh gia to update kai th lysh sto 8ema twn unicode xarhka idiaitera. Logika ayto 8a isxyei kai gia to 8010,poly 8etiko!
katevase to videaki me dexi klik kai apo8hkeysh,mhn perimeneis th selida na fortwsei giati mallon exei provlhma. Einai 1,5 lepto peripou kai deixnei ena typo na paizei me to 6260.Mia kalh geysh gia to mege8os kai genika gia tis dynatothtes tou kinhtou(to plhktrologio sto telos einai poly efetzidiko) :)