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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Mod Chip for the Xbox 360 Already Being Tested Could it be true? Could there already be a mod chip for the Xbox 360? Microsoft has stated repeatedly that they have built extra security measures into their new console, but it would appear that the hacking community has already been hard at work! Infinity Mods has announced that they now have a mod chip for the Xbox 360 and they are testing it now. they are expecting to finish testing and start sales in a mere 2 weeks! No word at this time what functionality we can expect from this new mod chip, but I am sure that the info will be forthcoming soon. We will keep you updated as new information becomes available Thanks to Jeff and Tom for the heads up! {gia osous den pistevan oti exei vgei beta version}
  2. Unreal Tournament 2007 NOT a PS3 Launch Title Recently we reported on how Gamespot was confirming Unreal Torunament 2007 as a PS3 launch title, citing PSM Magazine’s January 2006 issue. Well, it appears that over at the Epic forums, one of Epics producers is refuting that statement: “We're not scheduled to be a ps3 launch title, not certain where those news sites are getting that from.” So, there you have it. UT2007 is now “off the list” as far as PS3 launch titles are concerned.
  3. paidia pote na perimenoume miosi timis gia to k750? plisiazei mipws o adikatastatis tou k750?{leme twra}
  4. http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/playuk.php?id=461824 parte kai tin dikia mou
  5. :blink: :blink: :blink: poli 24 to katadises! tsts:blink: :blink: :blink:
  6. eiste sigouroi oti 1i mera xristougenwn einai anoixta? mialw gia afti tin deftera !meta ta xristougena.einai sigoura anoixta?
  7. efxaristw! deftera einai anoixta?
  8. paidia epeidi tha katevw athina to savatokiriako, kserete pies meres tha inai anoixto to the mal?mexri ti wra tha inai to savato?deftera tha inai anoixto?
  9. emena mou thimise sidirodromiko statmo!xalia!aisxos! piga stin perivoiti aithousa 6 tin proigoumeni vdomada na dw tin loufa!einai terastia!exei poli xoro na aplosis ta podia{den piga sto city gate na sas pw}. episis to eisitirio einai 1 evro akriovtero!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i akoustiki itan AISXOS. den mporouses na deis kala tin tainia! to public me ediposiase!aplos telio! i grami tou 36 emena pados me volepse teleia!;)
  10. simfonw apolita!den tha sinistousa se kanenan na valei tsipaki kathos poli pithanon na adimetopisei pola provlimata
  11. epeidei einai se beta morfi! etsi pistevw! opios thelei na mathei perisoteres plirofories {tilefono,diefthinsi magaziou}as mous stilei ena pm! min theorithei oti kanw diafimisi!
  12. exis pm oso kai an den to pistevis,einai alithia tsipaki exei vgei{se beta version}kai opoioi theloun to pistevoun!pm gia info!
  13. thes to tilefono tou magaziou?thes na pas na to deis apo koda?:rolleyes:
  14. Xbox 360 Modchip in Weeks? According to spong { http://news.spong.com/detail/news.asp?prid=9422&cb=0.6718975&cb=0.7055475 }, they have been tipped anonymously that there will be a modchip released for the Xbox 360 within a month from now. They told Spong that “We've been seeing partial success from some corners [in China] though nothing that could go on sale yet.” Currently, a group by the name of Team Pi has created a tool that will extract the data from Microsoft Game DVDs, but is useless due to copyright protection. Unfortunately, the word modchip is closely associated with piracy, instead of homebrew applications, so it will be interesting to see how Microsoft handles this ever-present threat. However, “Everyone is finding it difficult [to make the chips work correctly] as Microsoft's security is the best we've seen to date for a disc-system. It it weren't for the fact that DVD is used, it's likely that further development wouldn't have been worth anyone's time.” The groups working on the Xbox 360 modchips are spanning the nation of China and elsewhere in the world. “Everyone is working on a full-functioning 'do everything' chip that will take apart the 360 and let users do what they will, though we expect a first-generation bypass device that will allow back-ups within weeks. The first on the market is likely to be complex and might not be particularly good, though that's just a stopgap before real chips become available.” http://xbox360.qj.net/2005/12/xbox-360-modchip-in-weeks.html#comments se merika katastimata stin athina idi poulan to beta chipaki {170 evrw}!einai se beta version kai exei merika provlimatakia.opios thelei til as stilei ena pm
  15. http://www.gameover.gr ;)
  16. Εμφανίστηκαν τα πρώτα πειρατικά παιχνίδια του X360 Πριν από λίγες ημέρες, μια ομάδα από hackers γνωστή ως PI Coder είχε αναφέρει πως βρήκε τρόπο να σπάσει τα κλειδώματα των παιχνιδιών του Xbox 360 και να τα μεταφέρει σε σκληρό δίσκο υπολογιστή. Σήμερα έγινε γνωστό πως έγινε εφικτή και η μεταφορά αυτών των δεδομένων σε δίσκους DVD-R, αν και μόλις αυτά εισαχθούν στην κονσόλα, εμφανίζεται μήνυμα σφάλματος και δεν τρέχουν. Όμως τι σημαίνουν όλα τα παραπάνω; Από τη στιγμή που τα παιχνίδια του Xbox 360 έχουν φτάσει στο σημείο να βρίσκονται γραμμένα σε δισκάκια DVD-R, είναι απλά και μόνο θέμα χρόνου μέχρι τα εργοστάσια της Κίνας και των άλλων ασιατικών κρατών που "εξειδικεύονται" στα θέματα της πειρατείας να διαθέσουν στην αγορά το πρώτο mod-chip για την κονσόλα. Μόλις γίνει και αυτό, είναι σίγουρο πως τα παιχνίδια που είναι γραμμένα σε DVD-R θα μπορούν πλέον να αναπαραχθούν στην κονσόλα, σημαίνοντας έτσι την αρχή ενός νέου κύκλου πειρατείας. Από την πλευρά της η Microsoft δείχνει να ανησυχεί για αυτήν την εξέλιξη και για αυτό προέβη σε μια δήλωση που αναφέρει ότι με το πρώτο Xbox η εταιρεία έμαθε πολλά και πως στο Xbox 360 έκανε χρήση υψηλών προδιαγραφών ασφαλείας σε ό,τι έχει να κάνει με το hardware αλλά και το software. Βέβαια την εξέλιξη τη γνωρίζουμε, μιας και είναι σχεδόν σίγουρο πως τα αποτελέσματα θα είναι ίδια με των προηγούμενων χρόνων, αποτελέσματα που θα ζημιώσουν σημαντικά τη βιομηχανία των videogames.
  17. star fm 97.1 liges fores otan varieme.tis perissoteres akouw mousiki apo to ipod mou!
  18. :lol: :lol: :lol: http://img493.imageshack.us/img493/6426/megapp0zk.gif:lol: :lol: :lol: :shifty:
  19. telio!!!:X edit:to vBulletin Version 3.5.2 einai telio! patiste edit sto minima sas kai den tha xriazete na anixei alli selida gia na kaniete diorthosi!!
  20. re paidia ida stin tv mia diafimisi twn carefour pou elege oti mono gia avrio eixan ekptosi ta paixnidia 20%!!!! lete na exoun ekptwsi aki to 360?xerete an isxii kati tetio??
  21. αν σου αποσπουμε τον πολυτιμο χρονο σου shodanjr_gr μην μας απαντας.θα βαλω τη γατα μου να κλαψει!
  22. XBOX / XBOX360 File Extraction Tool v1.0 Public - NOW RELEASED! Mookie from adr forums has released XBOX / XBOX360 File Extraction Tool v1.0 public.X360FExT (XBOX / XBOX360 File Extraction Tool) is a simple tool designed to help users that wish to open XBOX and XBOX360 images to extract specific files or all files. Here is the information about this release: As you can see from the screen shot, the tool has opened a PI XBOX360 image without any problems and fully extracts a 5.78 Gig image in 9 mins 43 seconds using a P3 500MhZ, 384 MB RAM running WINXP O/S. The tool is also backwards compatible for XBOX1 users which is probably more useful since there's not much you could do with a XBOX360 image unless perhaps you wanted to do some reverse engineering, naughty, naughty!! Not bad going for a single 17KB Windows program, a must for anyone who can not stand command line programs. Oh, and it is also quicker than the xtract360.exe that PI released. AΥΤΟ ΣΗΜΕΝΕΙ ΟΤΙ ΜΠΟΡΕΙΣ ΝΑ ΒΑΖΕΙΣ ΟΤΙ ΘΕΣ ΣΤΟ 360?????
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