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Everything posted by onefluffycloud

  1. Geia. Exw mia ergasia sto panepistimio gia thn eksaplwsh ths texnologias sthn Ellada. exete kamia idea gia to pou tha vrw statistika stoixeia pou aforoun thn texnologia opws thlefwnikes syndeseis,arithmos hlektronikwn ipologistwn,prosvash sto diadiktyo kai alla? ->mhn mou peite sthn esye[statistics.gr] giati den exei oute gia ipologistes kai oute gia to diadiktyo. eyxaristw ek twn proterwn.
  2. re paidia toso diskolo einai na psaksete sto googlh? eidika twra pia me ton firefox apla grapste ayto pou thelete sthn adress bar..!
  3. kalh erwthsh.genika pou apo8hkeyontai ta extensions??
  4. padws an thes na vgaleis ti mpataria kai na ton xrhsimopoieis synexeia sto reyma frontise na fortizeis/ekfortizeis thn mpataria toulaxiston mia fora to mhna,giati alliws meta apo ena xrono olikhs adraneias h mpataria tha axristeytei. se periptwsh diakophs reymatos to pio pithano einai na mhn pathei tpt to notebook sou...
  5. me to swap magic tha paizeis to 85% twn paixnidiwn pou kykloforoun. apla to trexeis sthn arxi kai meta vazeis to paixnidi..
  6. to swap magic cd einai ena cd me to opoio mporeis na paikseis antegramena games xwris chip. to chip kostizei girw sta 100euro/
  7. katalava ti egine.. padws den htan koufo..egw tha to eixa skeftei...
  8. δηλαδη δεν σου βγαζει τα tabs : processes,performance,networking?
  9. padws oi wide othones einai asigrita kalyteres...pio anetes! @Pasalimani tha sou protina na pareis ena frame kai na valeis mesa enan kanoniko sklhro gia desktop *poion forito exeis pou pairnei dio sklhrous???
  10. oxi gia enan meso xrhsth ta home den exoun diafora apo ta pro.
  11. nai sta perisotera einai free. psakse sto in.gr gia internet host kai tha vreis ayto pou theleis..
  12. se eyxaristoume para poly xux99..... isoun katatopistikotatosss.. ++++karma..! by the way egw exw to nero6.6 alla den exei ayto to tool!!!
  13. iparxei to site tou agelou opous mporeis na vreis ta pada.
  14. exeis prwsopikh empeiria h' diavases to antistoixo topic sto forum???
  15. sta windows xp den xreiazetai KAMIA apolitws rithmish....
  16. kati mou leei oti h alman ekane pali to 8avma ths...
  17. den exei epilogei apla esy tha trekseis dio fores to programma kai tha grapseeis dio dvd..
  18. to design tou mac mini einai apisteyto opws pada..
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