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Περιοχές Συζητήσεων
Everything posted by amfikra
καλησπερα! θελω να αγορασω μια καρτουλα μνημης για το κινητο ξερει κανενας να μου πει μεχρι ποσα gb υποστηριζει; και ποια πρετείνετε? ευχαριστω εκ των προτερων....
kalhspera!8elw na agora mia kartoula mnhmhs gia to kinhto. 3erei kanenas na mou pei mexri posa gb shkwnei? kai poia proteinete? euxaristw ek twn proterwn
[Smartphones] Qtek Smartphones: Προγράμματα, Themes, .PiT, Plugins
amfikra replied to sugardad's topic in Windows Mobile
xerei kaneis kapoio programmataki na diavazei to htc s740 pou exw arxeia .chm? exw dokimasei diafora e readers alla xwris apotelesma... -
exw katevasei kapoia vivlia pou einai se morfh toulaxiston auto leei stis idiothtes tou arxeiou kai dn thn anagnwrizei... nomizw oti dn exei sxesh me to internet h me ton explorer....
Telika katafera na lusw to provlhma me ta sms:htan ru8mismeno se la8os diktuo(prepei na einai se gsm).Kata ta alla eimai polu euxaristhmenos me to kinhtaki.mphka kai sto google maps kai exei polu kalh apokrish. Psaxnw na vrw pws 8a vlepw arxeia: html help xerei kanenas an uparxei kanena programmataki pou na ta uposthrizei? euxaristw ek twn proterwn
kalhmera.eimai kai gw katoxos tou s740,kai psaxnw ena programmataki gia gps.mou eipane gia destinator exei doulepsei kaneis? epishs dn mporw na steilw sms ka8olou.exei sumvei se kanenan?
[S60 3rd Edition] Πιστοποιητικά - Διαδικασία Symbian Signed
amfikra replied to Itchrist86's topic in S60 Platform
το δικο μου ΙΜΕΙ:353252012193009 οποιος εχει την ευγενη καλοσυνη ας μου χορηγησει και μενα ενα πιστοποιητικο.Ευχαριστω πολυ. -
[S60 3rd Edition] Εφαρμογές Symbian OS v9.1-v9.2
amfikra replied to mirrorofsorrow's topic in S60 Platform
pou 8a to dw auta pou exw sth karta mnhmhs? nai einai gia 3rd edition/symbian os9.1 to fs caller genika auta pouapo8hkeuontai ekei ektos apo to pc suite pws 8a exw prosbash? -
[S60 3rd Edition] Εφαρμογές Symbian OS v9.1-v9.2
amfikra replied to mirrorofsorrow's topic in S60 Platform
sorry gia to prhximo phgainw sth diaxeirish efarmogwn alla de blepw to arxeio oute kai auta pou exw sthn karta mnhmhs pws mporw na dw ta arxeia ths kartas? -
[S60 3rd Edition] Εφαρμογές Symbian OS v9.1-v9.2
amfikra replied to mirrorofsorrow's topic in S60 Platform
mou grafei oti h egkatstash tou arxeiou den uposthrizetai.... exw 3 wres pou psaxw kai den exw kataferei tipota to exw 3 mers to kinhto mhpws prepei na to xekleidwsw h kati tetoio? -
[S60 3rd Edition] Εφαρμογές Symbian OS v9.1-v9.2
amfikra replied to mirrorofsorrow's topic in S60 Platform
exw to nokia 3250,ara einai symbian 9.1.opote nomizw einai oti einai 3rd edition -
[S60 3rd Edition] Εφαρμογές Symbian OS v9.1-v9.2
amfikra replied to mirrorofsorrow's topic in S60 Platform
katevasa to fscaller.sis alla otan paw na to kanw egkatastash mou leei oti den uposthrrizetai h egkatastash tou.ti akrivws kanw la8os? prepei na katevasw kanena crak? euxaristw kai sorry gia thn apeiria mou -
[S60 3rd Edition] Εφαρμογές Symbian OS v9.1-v9.2
amfikra replied to mirrorofsorrow's topic in S60 Platform
kalhspera se olous!! molis apokthsa ena nokia 3250 music edition kai pospa8w na brw an ginetai na emfanizetai oloklhrh h foto se plhrh o8onh otan me kallei kapoios... opoios gnwrizei answer please thanx -
kalhspera se olous!! eida autes tis meres gia to programma sumbolaiou you and me sthn thleorash alla akomh den exw katalabei ti shmainei.opoios xerei kati parapanw as me enhmerwsei giati endiaferomai . euxaristw ek twn proterwn
kalhmera se olous!exw to 5140 apo to febrouario kai edw kai ena mhna otan paw na kanw pros8hkh fwtogafias se mia epafh,kleinei to kinhto sunexeia.exei sumbei se kanenan allo?mhpws exei sxesh me mnhmh kai ta sunafh?ka8e boh8eia dekth.thanx
poso sou kostise to gps shell?kapou eida oti kanei metaxu 128-130 eurw..
kalhspera se olous!!!! mhpws xerei kanenas na mou pei ti akribws einai h uphresia push to talk kai an h vodafone thn uposthrizei. euxaristw!!!!
pws mporw na latalabw poia ekdosh exw s to kinhto mou?
auto ennow alla sto menu>klhseis> de mou bgazei metrhths klhsewn alla metrhths dedomenwn GPRS.epsaxa na brw methrths klhsewn alla pou8ena. sorry an sas prhzw alla eimai ligo aprosarmostos akomh me ta nokia euxaristw
kalhspera uparxei kapoios tropos na metraw ton xrono twn exerxomenwn klhsewn gia na mhn xepernaw ton dwrean xrono omilias mou? euxaristw
h puxida douleuei???skeftesai na pareis to GPS shell?? mallon 8a to parw... thanx
kalhspera hmouna fanatikos opados ths panasonic mexri pou eida to 5140. dedomenou oti asxoloumai me oreibasia nomizw oti einai to idaniko apo apopsh dunatothtwn pou prosferei kai flertarw para polu me thn idea na to apokthsw. 8a h8ela na rwthsw autous pou to exoune a)an ta problhmata me to plhktro 0, h me thn anoixth akroash exoune xeperastei b)an uparxei kati allo arnhtiko pou 8a eprepe na xerw euxaristw