Σε αυτό ίσως σε βοηθήσει ο Σταύρος με κανένα λινκ για MTK drivers ή κάτι τέτοιο (αυτός τα ξέρει καλύτερα).
Πάντως νομίζω οτι αν είχε γίνει σωστά η διαδικασία θα είχες τουλάχιστον CMW recovery.
One point to see the differences between m pai royalty and N9330 is very simple!
Just open your phone (replace backcover) and put out the battery.
Now please have a look how your phone is signed!
Is it signed "Note2" so it will be M Pai Royalty
and if it's signed with "N9330" it is N9330
but you can also have a look at the android settings, about phone and look at the "build number"
If you arn't sure now you can place the number here and i can tell you which one you have...
and if someone has M Pai Royalty please don't hesitate to contact me, because i'm still searching the stock (original) rom.
And if you don't know hoe to read out...is won't be very difficult, but you will help me a lot!!!!
Maybe i can do a fovour for you, for example to root your M Pai, because it WON'T work with N9330 firmware, so please DON'T try it, your phone won't work after this!!
Μάλλον τα έχεια διαβάσει όλα αυτά αλλα ας κάνουμε ενα double check..