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Περιοχές Συζητήσεων
Everything posted by Pzapad
Kalo Mhna se olous kai oles, San ypopsifios agorasths (8a to exw to apogeyma me syndesh Tim, brhka mia kartoula fthnh ,ayth edw,http://www.infowin.gr/product_info.php?cPath=1_114_112&products_id=1032 Lete na exw kapoio Problhma;;
Eyxaristw poly file moy, petyxe!!!!!!!! na eisai kala...
Analoga to mege8os twn mb ths kartas, apo 35€ ws 150€ Pairnei Mini SD. 262k einai ta xrwmata ths o8onhs, 262 xiliades kai kati. Kai mia erwthsh: programmata gia ppc trexei;;
Isws,giati ta agglika mou den einai kai toso kala, poios mporei na kanei post mia metafrasoula;;
Sigouro tsekarismeno, Outws h allws gia na to xrhshmopoihsei prepei na allaxei ton kwdiko, h Mama Nokia exei frontisei gia ayto..
An Den xerei ton kwdiko mhn fobasai,an xreiastei twra o idios na xrhshmopoihsei to wallet, anagkastika 8a prepei na sbhsei ton kwdiko (to pws sbhnetai to leei sto manual), opote 8a diagrafoyn kai ta periexomena toy wallet.
Sto 3230 Den douleyei pantws, opoios to dokimasei se allh syskeyh as mas pei.
Kalytera sth nokia file mou, xreiazesai akribo exoplismo kai software.
O Profiexplorer Den mporei na steilei mms mono e-mail, den xerw gia to mobiluck, den to exw egkatasthsei..
Pi8anws exeis epilexei mono to backup toy t/f katalogou.
Mhpws den exeis xwro sto disko c:;;
Egw otan eixa balei logo ena bmp apo to logo ths tim , to emfanize otan den eixa shma :(
Den yparxei ayth h epilogh sto 3230. :mad:
Poly kalo einai alla mou fainetai oti einai empneysmeno apo to DoomIII!!!
Pi8anws h Version pou egkatasteis einai kainouria kai exei allaxei h psiloc th diaxeirhsh adeiwn..to idio problhma eixa egw me to extended log. to opoio den exw kataferei na paixei. kamia palioterh version dokimases;;
An les gia to total iremote ths psiloc ,tote pi8anws exeis egatasthsei kapoio allo programma ths psiloc, an oxi allaxe thn hm/nia sto 2003 perna to kwdiko kai allaxe pali thn hm/nia sto 2005.
Eyxaristw File Mou
Pws pairnoume ta 9 diamantakia sthn 4 pou se plakwnoun oi petres;; mporei na mou apanthsei kaneis;;
Egw den eixa kanena Problhma me thn apostolh tetoiwn arxeiwn ,Akoma kai otan esteila tous hxous ths nokia pou einai sth rom, mesw bt. me ton profiexplorer Version 2.25.
Ektos toy apo oti den exei na stelneis me mms.Mono me e-mail, BT kai IR
Kai META den PREPEI na egkatasthseis kamia kainouria ekdosh twn programmatwn ths psiloc giati xalaei ta alla programmata pou exeis egkatasthsei.
To Pcsuite stelnei mono sta apps oti egkatasteis, gia na to pas sta games, 8a prepei na breis to opm2 version 2,6 kai panw, h to mobimb. oso anafora gia thn monh epilog "diagrafh" pou soy bgazei pi8anws den exei ginei h egkatastash swsta.
8a prepei na breis kai na egkatasthseis ena programmataki to Autolock
Nokia Shops
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