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Everything posted by athanaso77

  1. To brija to Keyboard kai keypad tou Touch Cruise to elliniko kai psilodoulevei sto aggliko Cruise. ;) Exei kapoia mikroproblimatakia omws kai to psaxnw (px den grafei me tipota ellinika sms me 160 xaraktires). An kai nomizw oti afto to problima to exoun kai sta ellinika Cruise. :worry:
  2. Egw eixa monima to P3300 sta 286 me boost sta 299. H alitheia einai oti eimai apo tous ligous giafto sou lew... mi to fobasai! ;)
  3. http://www.htc.com.gr/9090_tim.html. Mi se apasxolei pou einai tis HTC... oi rythmiseis einai oi idies.
  4. Kane dokimes afoba kai kratise tin pio stable. Prosekse mono na min exeis energopoiimeni tin epilogi na kanei overclocking meta apo soft reset, etsi wste ean kollisei kapou, na epanelthei se kanonikes synthikes leitourgias.
  5. Boot Loader Mode You can enter or exit bootloader mode by pressing the camera button, power button and then the reset button and hold for a few seconds. If the above won't work, press and hold power+record+camera the same time and then reset.
  6. Otan exeis anoiksei to Resco... Menu --> Options --> Registration
  7. Exw tin entypwsi oti mazi me ta xrimata pou tha dwseis gia na agoraseis kai to ekswteriko GPS pairneis mia syskevi analogwn dynatotitwn kai me enswmatomeno GPS. Oson afora to ekswteriko GPS... koitakse na exei to Sirf Star III chipset.
  8. Mia xara fainontai oi xartes sto aftokinito me tin othoni twn 2,8".
  9. Opws einai o firefox sto PC, pou se enan explorer mporeis na anoikseis polla parathyra se tabs.
  10. To GPS tou einai poly kalo (mias kai aftos einai o kyrioteros logos yparksis tou), gia to WiFi den exw apopsi kai oson afora tis efarmoges... oles trexoun se WM6.
  11. Exeis brei kaneis kapoio keypad pou na ypostirizei Video calls kai taftoxrona elliniko smartdialing? (Se syskeves me aggliko menou)
  12. Ontws akougetai endiaferon. Ean breis to link... na mas dwseis. ;)
  13. http://www.igomyway.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=72
  14. HTC Kaiser h' HTC Touch Cruise. Oti kalytero kykloforei afti ti stigmi.
  15. Yparxei mia poly endiaferousa lysi gia na apofygoume to fainomeno na mpei xwris na to theloume sto gprs kai legetai No Data.
  16. Afou einai aporias aksio as to analysw. Eimai sto grafeio, doulevw linux, o ypologistis diabazei elliniki grammatoseira alla den exei ti dynatotita na grapsei elliniki grammatoseira. OK? :happy:
  17. Metafereis to .cab arxeio sti syskevi sou kai to trexeis apo ekei.
  18. O opera einai safws kalyteros browser. Einai poly pio efhristos stin ploigisi, aksizei na ton dokimaseis.
  19. To Sprite Backup ontws dinei ti dynatotita gia epanafora backup se diaforetiki ROM alla tha sou synistousa na min to kaneis giati apo ROM se ROM mporei na einai mikres ews terasties oi diafores, kai to apotelesma den einai pote eggyimeno.
  20. :offtopic: Mias kai afti i syzitisi einai entelws off topic kalo einai na mi synexistei allo se afto to thread. :offtopic:
  21. Eggyisi sou dinei to expansys alla apo ekei kai pera gia service prepei na to steileis esy stin etairia. To kalo me tin HTC einai oti i ACE Hellas se kalyptei kanonikotata se themata eggyisis (gia hardware problimata mono alla afto einai kai pou se noiazei) enw me ta ETEN prepei na to steileis sto ekswteriko me oti afto synepagetai.
  22. Ean i syskevi einai tis ACE Hellas... me "Shift" kai meta "Space" (oxi taftoxrona) Idea sou einai. :happy:
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