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If you don't have a damaged watch, either eventual defect or water damage (remember, Pace is IP67 what means it only resists to eventual water submersion, not shower, not pool, etc, Stratos is OK for swimming, etc, of course), then most probably it's a sync or Bluetooth issue.
Note that all tests are done with stock firmware (no custom ROM) and the correct Amazfit app installed and only the correct one (CN Amazfit for Chinese ROMs and EN one for international Pace). If you have installed any APK, also uninstall them as they may cause problems. If you have unlocked watch's bootloader or flashed another firmware remember that you did it on your own risk, and now your warranty is voided and you cannot return the watch.
First thing to check if watch is good: enabled Airplane mode on your watch and observe battery drain for a few hours using the recommended settings in the end of the post. Make sure there are no alarms configured in the watch. This way the watch cannot use more than 10% of battery per hour. If it does then probably you have a hardware problem. Factory reset watch (it will erase all data on watch) and answer NO when Amazfit app asks if you want to restore old data (it may be corrupted, causing sync to not work and drain battery much faster), then try again. If it is still the same, probably it's defective.
Once you are sure the watch is fine, let's find out what is causing the problem...
Some phones have issues with Bluetooth and WiFi, making syncing with the watch not reliable, so the watch will drain much more battery trying to connect and sync data all the time. You can test this by putting the phone in Airplane mode and enabling only Bluetooth, then check the battery for a few hours. Or test with another phone the same way.
The other cause is a result of corrupted data or problems syncing with either Amazfit or Strava cloud. First, go to watch settings and disable Autoupload, then remove or pause Strava syncing. If this fixes your problem, then you must fix the sync with Strava somehow, maybe reset your data on Strava, create a new account for sync with Amazfit or update data manually.
If it doesn't fix then probably you have errors when opening Amazfit app, it shows a red bar at the bottom instead of a green one when syncing data. In this case you can try to unpair and pair the watch again, and choose NO when it asks if you want to retrieve the old data. If it doesn't help, try unpairing and creating a new account for Amazfit app, then pair the watch using the new account.
To increase battery life (with tips from group members):
- Make sure "continuous heart rate measurement" is OFF on the HR widget (don't worry, it will always measure HR during activities). Also check if you didn't enable the option in "Huami lab" in settings (it enabled continuous HR and send data anonymously to Huami);
- Turn "Auto upload"/"Auto sync" in watch Settings to OFF;
- Turn brightness to zero when outside and you have a watch with transflective display (you won't need it in day light);
- Turn "Awake on wrist movement" OFF (awake screen with button or enable double tap in watch settings);
- In the newer firmwares, there is an option in Settings called "Activity reminders", make sure you turn both ON, save then turn them OFF again (it's a bug, you must enable then disable both);
- Pick a stock watchface with NO weather info, specially if you are on iOS or the weather doesn't work well with you location (watch will try to get weather info when there are errors and it will drain more battery);
- Use Airplane mode when away from phone and/or auto Airplane mode at night while you sleep (don't worry, it will monitor your sleep even in airplane mode);
- Alarms on watch use a lot of battery even if they are disabled (bug maybe?), so *delete all alarms* on watch if you are not using them (it used to be a bug but some users reported it is working correctly in latest firmwares);
- Avoid installing APKs, specially the ones that run in the background, this will increase battery drain, specially if it's an APK watchface that is not compatible with your firmware;
- Avoid discharging the watch bellow 10%, it's not good for the battery;
- Also avoid leaving the watch on charger for long periods (>24h);
- If you won't use the watch for many days, turn it off with battery > 50%;
- To get actual full charge, leave the watch on charger for more or less 30min after it shows 100% charged to really fill the battery completely with trickle charging;
- If the watch is new, battery will get better after you fully charge it 3-5 times, simply follow the instructions above.
Some things may cause abnormal battery drain while in airplane mode:
- Continuous HR is enabled;
- Alarms (delete them, disabling only doesn't work - maybe it is fixed in latest firmwares);
- Bluetooth accessory is connected to watch;
- APK with bad behavior (do not install any APK when unpairing/pairing for testing purposes);
- No weather info: sync weather at least once with phone to make sure it's fine.
PS: *Please* no discussion about if Pace can or cannot be used in shower/bath, it can't. If you did and it didn't damage your watch then you are lucky, don't tell other people that they can do it because it *will* eventually damage the watch. Even for Stratos, Huami clearly states: avoid hot water and soap/detergent, both things affect the sealing and can make water get into the watch. Thanks.