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Everything posted by vasileios13

  1. Windows phone manager tool Project Description Small utility to manage application installed on developer-unlocked windows phone 7 device It allows to (in this version) - Install new application on device - Update existing application on device - Show the list of installed applications (only developer installed) - Launch, Kill and uninstall applications - Explore isolated storage of applications - Download files and folders from isolated storage - Download SMS from device (in combination with smsBackup XAP) from v.0.2 - Load pdf on adobe reader (need to uninstall the builtin version and reinstall from xap) - Load office documents on device - added debug functions - corrected various bug (install from wrong xap, sms duplicates, ....)
  2. Και τι,το άφησες με ανοικτή οθόνη και wi-fi...μέχρι να τελειώσει....?
  3. Φοβερή άποψη,με επιχειρήματα...........φίλε μου μιλάμε για 14 χρόνια πίσω! :O
  4. Will give you a jumpstart into the new Windows Phone world This Windows Phone 7 Training Kit will give you a jumpstart into the new Windows Phone world by providing you with a step-by-step explanation of the tools to use and some key concepts for programming Windows Phones. Windows Phone 7 Series promises to be an amazing mobile phone operating system given its innovative user interface and functionality, as well as its great development platform upon which you can quickly and easily build games and applications. With a myriad of new devices, a powerful and immersive software platform, and a new marketplace to attract developers and provide easy access to applications, consumer demand for Windows Phones will be high, and developers will quickly adopt the Windows Phone platform to capitalize on this growing mobile marketplace. This Training Kit will give you a jumpstart into the new Windows Phone world by providing you with a step-by-step explanation of the tools to use and some key concepts for programming Windows Phones. Silverlight Labs: - Hello Phone- Building Your First Windows Phone Application- Windows Phone Navigation and Controls- Using Push Notifications- Launcher and Choosers- Application Lifecycle- Using Bing Maps- Using Pivot and Panorama Controls XNA Framework Labs:- Game Development with XNA Framework- Catapult Wars Lab - A 2D Physics Game- Using Choosers and Handling Tombstone in XNA Framework Games- 3D Game Development with XNA Framework Windows Phone 7.5 Training Kit offers you two sets of hands on labs for Windows Phone 7.5 application development. These are packages that support a full offline installation of the labs that are available live online. Requirements: · Windows Phone SDK 7.1 What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ] · The updated training kit includes a refresh to almost all the labs. Some bugs were cleaned up and updated the labs to make sure each lab works on real phone devices, and not just the emulator. · Also added two new labs, Accessing Windows Phone 7 Devices and Multi-touch Game Development XNA Framework. · Accessing Windows Phone 7 Devices is a lab that lets you work with the phone’s camera and location services. The Windows Phone 7 is equipped with a Camera and GPS (global positioning system). Developers can leverage these devices to build location-aware applications and take live photos. The lab walks you through the steps required to integrate your applications with the phone’s camera. The goal is to build an application that lets you capture pictures, give them a title, and save them to the application local store. The lab also gives you the option to “fake” locations and, when saving a picture to a local store, associate its latitude-longitude (lat-long) geo-coordinates, and creat...
  5. Ξέρει κάποιος τι έγινε με αυτό....???:ninja:
  6. Δεν έχει σχέση το λειτουργικό,αρκεί να έχετε και οι δύο Tango.......:happy:
  7. Το tango,μια χαρά είναι πάντως..............:happy:
  8. Είχαμε "ματώσει" οικονομικά,για την εποχή και το θυμόμαστε...:ninja:
  9. Ακριβώς τα ίδια και εγώ............. 28.000 δρχ,είχα δώσει τότε(ς)....στην TELESTET....................:blink:
  10. Το περίμενα......................δεν είναι για εμάς αυτή η λύση!:)
  11. Αν σε πείραξε αυτό που έγραψα,το παίρνω πίσω..... Απλά,δεν γίνεται να απαντάμε συνεχώς στις ίδιες ερωτήσεις..... Εγώ παρακολουθώ 13 θέματα,φαντάσου.....και έχω διαβάσει όλες τις σελίδες τους! Σύνολο (τώρα που μιλάμε).....5.535 posts..... Sorry,αν σε πείραξε.....:O
  12. ....και με την κατανάλωση μπαταρίας,τι γίνεται...???
  13. Διάβασε και λιγάκι..........έχουμε "κάψει" τα κεφάλια μας,από τότε που αγοράσαμε τα τηλ. με Windows Phone 7-7.5.......:)
  14. Σου έστειλα................αλλά δεν είναι δωρεάν.....:ninja:
  15. Δεν δίνει επιλογή.....βάλε το Turn by Turn Greece ή το Navigon......:ninja:
  16. Ούτε το Tango,έχει βγει για όλες τις συσκευές.........
  17. Γιατί "η υπόθεση Skype-WP7 είναι ντροπή για την εταιρεία"...? Δεν το "έχω",το θέμα........:)
  18. Είμαι χρήστης WP 7.5 Μango.....αλλά καλό θα ήταν να έβγαζε φθηνότερες συσκευές,MeeGo..........η ΝΟΚΙΑ....!!!:ninja:
  19. Γιατί το αγόρασες και δεν περίμενες να πέσουν λίγο οι τιμές....?
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