94 -
manisteo's Achievements
αδερφε συγγνωμη για την ενοχληση αλλα επδ βλεπω το κατεχεις το θεμα θελω λιγο να με βοηθησεις...εχω προβλιμα με το theme manager....δε βρισκω καποιο link για να το κατεβασω free....μπορεις να με βοηθησεις?...σε αυτο κολλαω..τα αλλα ολα τα κανω οπωσ εχεις γραψει....σε ευχαριστω...
oi odigies gia ton hxo p les!!
1/ Go in to the service menu 3845#*990#
2/ Go to 2 Device Test
3/ 8 Sound
4/ 7 Audio CAL Tool
5/ 1 Audio Calibration
6/ 3 Change Sound DB
7/ Change snd_device_type to SND_STEREO_HEADSET_MEDIA (3rd one)
8/ Change snd_method_type to METHOD_MIDI
9/ Change Item_Title to rx_volume_db7(dec) (This is the Max Volume Setting, db0 is the lowest or silent)
10/ notice what it says in Get Data ? something like -1400 ? this is what we need to change.
Guide is: -50000 is silent.So therefore 0 (zero) should be full blast BUT this also increases the Bass so 0 would be very distorted. And a positive figure even more so.
I think the limit is around -500.
I currently have mine set to -500
To change click in the box for set data. Enter 500 and click OK. Then click the -(MINUS) button, and click OK to change it.
*** NOW, click the return arrow *** not C
11/ Finally click on Write Sound DB to EFS
Now use C to come to first Service menu and then press Red.
kalhspera file m...an thimasai s eixa pei kapoia stigmh gia t viewty m oti t peiraxa apo ena link p leei gia ayxhmenh entash sta headphones ktlp...tlk t phga st germano allaxame t logismiko k shmera p phga na t parw vazw pali ta akoustika na akousw an exei diorthwthei k pali ta idia sk@t@ paw px sthn pempth skala k h mousikh akougete poly pio dynata apo thn evdomh...k akougontai k parashta apo thn dynath entash...perimena kammia 20aria meres tsampa...eleos gmt m mhpws emathes tpt gi ayto t thema an mporw na peiraxw kammia rythmish na t diortwsw?twra ti na kanw tha t xanapaw pali....apo lathos m twra thn pathsa....