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Everything posted by mitsos

  1. Ρε παιδιά κατέβασα το motoGP αλλΆ δεν μου παίζει :( Έχει ένα αρχείο app αλλά δεν έχει κύρια εφαρμογή :( Αν μπορεί κάποιος να μού πεί την όλη διαδικασία please ας στειλει pm :o Eυχαριστώ πολύ :)
  2. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: NokiaN-Gage/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Simply the best!Xronia polla se olous mas! :happy: :)
  3. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Gia tomb raider any help ?
  4. Παιδια κτέβασα το tomb raider κια το motogp αλλα δεν ξέρω: 1. Πως μπαίνει το μοτο gp 2.Στο tomb raider όταν πω να κάνω extract to .blz αρχείο, στο 55% βγάζει σφάλμα :( Heeeeeeelp :p
  5. Ρε παιδιά πως μπορώ να κάνω το motogp να παίξει;;; :confused: Please help :o :o
  6. Σε γνωστό: Έλα ρε Σε απόκρυψη: Ναι?? :cool:
  7. @kavatzas7: Φιλε μου στο λίνκ πού έδωσες δεν υπαρχει το red faction και γενικά δεν κατεβαίνουν τα παιχνίδια :( :( :(
  8. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: NokiaN-Gage/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Sumfwnw apoluta :cool:
  9. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: NokiaN-Gage/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Γνωστη η σελιδα σου αλλα σαν αυτη δεν ειναι: http://sullyman.250free.com/N-Gage.html Εχει οτι θελετε :D Diladi???Epeidh eimai wap k den mporw na dw: Exei k ngage games full?
  10. Που το βρήκατε το red faction??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
  11. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: NokiaN-Gage/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Ksanamilisa me cosmote kai mou eipan pws 15/12 tha energopoihthei o neos tilefwniths kai argotera h eidopoihsh klisewn :(
  12. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Mitso einai ligo duskoli epoxi gia games..Peftei polu kinigima ap'tin nokia k ola ta site kleinoun..Se ligo kairo elpizoume na vroume kapoio site.. Diladi egw de tha mporesw na ta vrw?:(
  13. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Re paidia mporei kapoios na mou pei apo pou tha katevasw games gia to ngage? :confused: Me endiaferoun tomb raider,pandemonium kai an kserete gia red faction k moto gp!
  14. Εγω αρχισα ήδη να φοβαμαι με αυτά που μου είπε η υπεύθυνη της κοτε :cry: :cry:
  15. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Re paidia kamia akousate tpt gia: 1)nea games? 2)nea firware version 3)pote erxetai h gkri prosopsi? :confused: :confused: :confused:
  16. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Loipon molis milisa me cosmote kai mou eipan oti pragmati tha uparxei nea upiresia h opoia exei ws eksis:Otan afinei kapoios minima ston tilefwnith,patwntas to 4 tha mathainoume poios afise to minima. OMWS: Otan tous rwtisa gia eidopoihsh klisewn otan exoume kleisto to kinito kai den mas afisoun minima, mou eipe pws den kseroun tpt gia auto k mallon h apantish einai oxi! Mhpws na anisixoume???
  17. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: NokiaN-Gage/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Apokleietai na vgei kati. An kaigeste toso gia radio,giati den pairnete to nokia music player?Leitourgei me dikg tou mpataria! :o
  18. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Mono me flight mode.Pare mia allh sim kai astin monima sto ngage :) Ps:poio kinito tha exeis gia tilefwna twra? :confused:
  19. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: NokiaN-Gage/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Oxi re gmt,lupamai para poly sxetike asxete. :( Kalutera pare allo ngage. :o
  20. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: NokiaN-Gage/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) To provlima den einai stin mmc,alla sti ram.Profanws eixes polles efarmoges anoixtes
  21. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Mporeis na pas sto my gallery tou myphone kai na katevaseis opoia thes. :)
  22. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Analush 176x132 se morfh jpg kai bmp :) Ps:mporei na dexetai k alles morfes photo,alla autes einai sigoura :)
  23. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Akoma den ginetai :) Pantws afou kalupsan k auto to keno,twra ola ok :D
  24. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Logika mono mesw kapoiou file manager :)
  25. Wirelessly posted (Nokia 3650: Nokia3650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Paidia sto ngage den ginetai na apothikeuseis ta minimata stin mmc?Sto 3650 otan paw minimata//epilogh/ruthmiseis/allo mou edeine tin dunatotita na orisw ws mnimh tin mmc!Omws sto ngage den ginetai :( Giati re gmt to ekane auto h nokia? :confused:
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