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Phone codes!


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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


As grapsoume edw oti codes kseroume gia ta kinhta.Arxinw me auta pou kserw.(den leitourgoun se ola ta kinhta,kai den kserw an douleuoun opws kai ti kanoun.Epishs,me dikh sas efthinh,ta eisagete sto kinhto sas.) *#92702689# *#746025625# *#3925538# *#7780# *#67705646# *#0000# *#06# *#777890*# #3370# *#7328748263373738# *#2640# :p

technoholic maniac reviewer
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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Oi prohgoumenoi kwdikoi einai mono gia nokia kai de kserw ti kanoun.

technoholic maniac reviewer
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oraios.. diladi mporei p.x.

1) ekriksi kinitou :!:

2) free sms & calls :D

3) apo dual band na ginoun tri-band :stupid:

4) na pairnei fotografiesxoris kamera :stupid: :stupid:

5) na psinei kafe , na sou fernei tsigara, na blepeis doriforika kanalia :wacko:

6) stamato giati leo blakeies!!! :whistle:



Η ζωη αρχιζει μετα την ασφαλτο...

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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Αρχικό μήνυμα από τον/την phadomas

Exeis tipota gia Sony Ericsson?


Nai.Briksese arxika sto menou anamonhs.Pata deki belaki,asteraki,aristero belaki,aristelo belaki,asteraki,aristero belaki,asteraki. Tha deis.

technoholic maniac reviewer
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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Otan lew deksi belaki aristero belaki ennow deksia kai aristera antistoixa.:p

technoholic maniac reviewer
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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Epishs eidika gia ta erricson uparxoun mhstika paixnidia gia kapia montela opws tetris,epipleon pistes sta prohparxonta paixnidia k.L.P tha sas shmbouleba an endiafereste na ta psaksete auta mesw mhxanhs anazhthshs px google.Den eimai shgouros an ta kolpa gia games pou exw douleuoun sta kinhta sas.

technoholic maniac reviewer
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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Epishs eidika gia ta erricson uparxoun mhstika paixnidia gia kapia montela opws tetris,epipleon pistes sta prohparxonta paixnidia k.L.P tha sas shmbouleba an endiafereste na ta psaksete auta mesw mhxanhs anazhthshs px google.Den eimai shgouros an ta kolpa gia games pou exw douleuoun sta kinhta sas.

technoholic maniac reviewer
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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Epishs eidika gia ta erricson uparxoun mhstika paixnidia gia kapia montela opws tetris,epipleon pistes sta prohparxonta paixnidia k.L.P tha sas shmbouleba an endiafereste na ta psaksete auta mesw mhxanhs anazhthshs px google.Den eimai shgouros an ta kolpa gia games pou exw douleuoun sta kinhta sas.

technoholic maniac reviewer
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Wirelessly posted (Sharp gx 20: Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Na kai ena gia erricson akoma: aristera asteraki,aristera aristera asteraki.Akomh gia nokia den kserw th kanei,mallon sxetizete me to master code,anyway #pw+1234567890+1# opou 1234567890 einai o master code pou diaferei se kathe kinhto.Den kserw pws ton briskeis.:p

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Wirelessly posted (Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Αρχικό μήνυμα από τον/την 6979040654

Wirelessly posted (Sharp gx 20: Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Na kai ena gia erricson akoma: aristera asteraki,aristera aristera asteraki.Akomh gia nokia den kserw th kanei,mallon sxetizete me to master code,anyway #pw+1234567890+1# opou 1234567890 einai o master code pou diaferei se kathe kinhto.Den kserw pws ton briskeis.:p


O Master code sxetizete me to imei.Kati san key generator xreiazete gia na to breis exw akousei.Alla mpa.To #PW+1234567890+1# einai moufa en telei.

technoholic maniac reviewer
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