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Πρόβλημα με modem του Jetpack της Altec


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h vasiki erwthsh mallon einai : pws na apenergopoihsw ton aftomato kathorismo driver tou plug n' play? mporei omws na kanw kai lathos.


To systhma poy leitoyrgw einai winXP Pro Ellinika. To kalwdio usb kai i thira leitourgoun kanonika.


To modem pou dinei i altec mazi me to jetpack einai to zxdsl 852. Otan to syndew ston ypologisth mou vgazei minima "neo yliko" kai amesws "agnwsth syskeuh syndethike ston ypologisth". Afto synevei afotou evgala ton ipologisti apo th mpriza (kleistos itan fisika). Meta to minima "agnwsth syskevi" vgazei minima "to iliko egatastathike k einai etoimo gia xrisi" xwris egw na exw perasei kanenan Driver.

Apo th diaxeirisi siskevwn deixnei pws gia Driver exei to Publisher (nai nai afto tou office). Otan kanw enhmerwsh gia na valw to kanoniko driver vgazei minima "o odigos egatastashs de vrike kallitero driver apo to HDH YPARXON" . Akouson akouson !!! Ta windows apofasizoun mona tous ti einai kalytero!!!


Ta minimata peri agnwsths syskevis thn prwth prwth fora pou sinedesa to modem de ta evgaze. Eixa kanei thn egatastash kai litourgouse kanonika to internet. Otan ton evgala apo th mpriza omws kai ton jananoija meta eixe minima "device not found" kai gia afton ton logo ekana apegatastash gia na to janaegatasthsw. Edw arxisan ola...


To idio sinevei kai stous 2 ipologistes pou exw spiti. Molis stamathsei h paroxh revmatos ston ipologisti, thn epomenh fora pou anoigei -> device not found!


Ean exei tyxei se kapoion kati paromoio 'h jerei pws na glitwsw apo tis prwtovoulies twn Windows gia to ti einai kalytero as voithisei.

teleftaia mou lisi-> driver gia afto to modem gia linux?


CLUE: Fadazomai pws to provlima egeitai pws to logismiko tou zxdsl einai anypografo apo th microsoft. gia afto kai dialegei to publisher (pou einai ths microsoft) kai oxi kapoio allo tyxaio programma gia driver.


Exw talaipwrithei idi 1 mina me thlefwna sthn altec alla kai sthn Elkor pou einai o promitheftis twn modem afton sthn Ellada.



I've learned....

That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

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h vasiki erwthsh mallon einai : pws na apenergopoihsw ton aftomato kathorismo driver tou plug n' play? mporei omws na kanw kai lathos.


To systhma poy leitoyrgw einai winXP Pro Ellinika. To kalwdio usb kai i thira leitourgoun kanonika.


To modem pou dinei i altec mazi me to jetpack einai to zxdsl 852. Otan to syndew ston ypologisth mou vgazei minima "neo yliko" kai amesws "agnwsth syskeuh syndethike ston ypologisth". Afto synevei afotou evgala ton ipologisti apo th mpriza (kleistos itan fisika). Meta to minima "agnwsth syskevi" vgazei minima "to iliko egatastathike k einai etoimo gia xrisi" xwris egw na exw perasei kanenan Driver.

Apo th diaxeirisi siskevwn deixnei pws gia Driver exei to Publisher (nai nai afto tou office). Otan kanw enhmerwsh gia na valw to kanoniko driver vgazei minima "o odigos egatastashs de vrike kallitero driver apo to HDH YPARXON" . Akouson akouson !!! Ta windows apofasizoun mona tous ti einai kalytero!!!


Ta minimata peri agnwsths syskevis thn prwth prwth fora pou sinedesa to modem de ta evgaze. Eixa kanei thn egatastash kai litourgouse kanonika to internet. Otan ton evgala apo th mpriza omws kai ton jananoija meta eixe minima "device not found" kai gia afton ton logo ekana apegatastash gia na to janaegatasthsw. Edw arxisan ola...


To idio sinevei kai stous 2 ipologistes pou exw spiti. Molis stamathsei h paroxh revmatos ston ipologisti, thn epomenh fora pou anoigei -> device not found!


Ean exei tyxei se kapoion kati paromoio 'h jerei pws na glitwsw apo tis prwtovoulies twn Windows gia to ti einai kalytero as voithisei.

teleftaia mou lisi-> driver gia afto to modem gia linux?


CLUE: Fadazomai pws to provlima egeitai pws to logismiko tou zxdsl einai anypografo apo th microsoft. gia afto kai dialegei to publisher (pou einai ths microsoft) kai oxi kapoio allo tyxaio programma gia driver.


Exw talaipwrithei idi 1 mina me thlefwna sthn altec alla kai sthn Elkor pou einai o promitheftis twn modem afton sthn Ellada.




Τι να πω.

Έχω το ίδιο modem με το ίδιο λειτουργικό χωρίς προβλήματα.

Ίσως το έχεις ξανακάνει αλλά δοκίμασε να πάς:

προσθαφαίρεση προγραμμάτων

κάνε κατάργηση το ΖΤΕ ZDSL852

βγάλε το καλώδιο usb modem από το pc

τρέξε από το cd που είχε στο κουτί το setup.exe

όταν ζητήσει κούμπωσε το καλώδιο στο pc και συνέχισε

αν εγκατασταθεί σωστά φαντάζομαι πως ξέρεις την συνέχεια

αλλιώς εδώ είμαστε.

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a] exeis ellinika windows??

b] exeis vgalei pote to pc ap th mpriza??? - an de k.. eeehm an de fovasai DO IT!


c] mo steilan allo modem apo thn Ellkor, alla twra de leotourgei to splitter tou paketou......................... (kalo e?) Oles tis plakes se mena apofasisan na tis kanoun. Oi de ths altec fisika den ijeran na me voithisoun 'h na mou protinoun liseis gia to gt mou vgazei "sfalma ylikou" . Oute kan gia thn iparji tis 3is ekdosis tou modem ijeran.... aporw , pws tous pairnoun sth douleia? O kosmos sth texniki yposthriji einai DIP asxetos!!

I've learned....

That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

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