trv Δημ. August 14, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 14, 2003 vampyre εχω την εντυπωση οτι η αναλυση στα ελληνικα που ειχες κρατησει ειναι η δικια μου, ενα μερος οσων ειχα ποσταρει στο προηγουμενο forum.. Δυστυχως ειχα γραψει και πολλα ακομα που μαλλον δε σωθηκαν :-( Εκεινο τον καιρο ειχα ξεκινησει και γω ενα thesis πανω στην ταινια ειδικοτερα μεχρι το 2ο μερος της, αλλα δεν το τελειωσα ποτε.. too much input.. Και δε ξερουμε ακομα τι ακριβως συμβαινει και τι οχι. Ελπιζω ολα να ξεκαθαρισουν με την τριτη συνεχεια (ελπιζω...) Ήδη υπαρχουν spoilers για το 3ο, αλλα αρνουμαι να τα διαβασω! Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
astrolabos Δημ. August 14, 2003 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 14, 2003 Εσένα έψαχνά:D Αν θές, μπορείς να δημοσιεύσεις το μισοτελειωμένο σου thesis, μπας και ξεστραυωθούμε και εμείς οι κοινοί θνητοί; Παράθεση I Am The One, Orgasmatron... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
vampyre Δημ. August 27, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 27, 2003 ΣΑΣ ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΩ !!! ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ !!! ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΤΩ ΜΟΝΟ ΑΝ ΘΕΛΕΤΕ ΝΑ ΜΑΘΕΤΕ (ΑΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ) ΤΙ ΣΥΜΒΑΙΝΕΙ ΣΤΟ MATRIX REVOLUTIONS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED Links : . . . . . . . . . . . Matrix Revolution Spoilers --------------------------------------------------------------- My wife and I visited Aruba on vacation and when we left our resort and went into chocolate town we saw a guy selling DVD's. One was labeled Matrix: Revolutions. When I questioned him about it he said it was a working copy. I figured what the hell and bought it. I just got back 2 days ago and watched it. It IS the real thing, most of the affects are done but there are a few weird looking scenes, and the sound is low and a little out of sync in spots. I called a friend of mine who is a HUGE matrix fan. He came over and after watching 5 minutes he shut it off and confirmed that it was real. He didn't want to see the working version. He wanted to wait till the finished movie came out. He wouldn't even talk with me about the plot or anything. He doesn't want to ruin it for himself. He said I should come here and post a synapsis in the spoiler section. So here it is. I'm going to try to describe the movie as best as I can but at the end I still find myself wondering about many of the meanings. The movie starts in the real world above zion. The destruction of human cities is tremendous. Out of this rubble appears a black line. The black line grows closer and is joined by another line and then another. These three lines pass sentinels, pass the fields where humans are being grown, pass large digging machines doing there thing and finally to a large alien looking city. But it was all a dream, Neo wakes up in the matrix on a bench in a subway station. The rumbling from a train has awaken him. He watches the train pull in and a dirty looking bum gets off the train with wild hair and wild eyes. He coaxes Neo aboard the train, and the train leaves the station. The bum explains to Neo that he is safe here from the french guy. The frenchguy, he explains, is an ancient program created to learn about the ideas of sin and guilt which were the presumed cause of the losses of large crops of humans. The architect had given humans a perfect world but within this world humans using their innate freewill were rejecting and destroying this perfect world. The frenchman wanted to eliminate freedom of action as a solution to the incompatability between perfection and freewill. The Architect then created a program to find the solution to this dilemna without removing freewill. This program (the Oracle) determined, after studying human history, that freewill has always been an illusion and that humans have never been truly free. Freewill can be circumscribed into ever smaller circles of control using the ideas of Hope, Faith, Guilt and Sin. She determined that social structures like government, church, corporations and family can control freewill without removing the concept itself. Based on this information and a search of human history they decided to use the pinacle of civilization as the means of control. Civilization is based on control and after all it is the opposite of individual liberty and freewill, it allows for the perception of individual freedom while preserving the neccessary means of control to suppress sin and guit. In that sense the frenchman was like the serpent in the garden of eden introducing knowledge and destroying the world God(the architect) had created. This perception of freewill would eventually bring about the destruction of the matrix and so faith must save it. The frenchman then refused to return to the source, claiming the argument wasn't over and he would be proved correct, so he was exiled into the Matrix. The Oracle had to continue working within the system to preserve faith and create the idea of the One. At this point a young female enters the traincar. While all this is happening to Neo the people of Zion are regrouping after their disastrous attempt to preempt the machines attack. They are trying to piece together who survived and gather their weapons to prepare for the final attack. Morpheus and Trinity board a hovercraft in an effort to find the Logos which wasn't involved in the attack but hasn't been heard from. When they find the Logos and her crew it is disabled, the crew of the other ship helps get the Logos restarted while Niobe explains to Morpheus and Trinity that she had been to see the Oracle. She says the Oracle explained that Neo's body is seperated from his mind and he is trapped within the matrix. They return to Zion to explain what has happened and to retrieve Neo's body. While they are explaining their strategy to the Zion Council Bane wakes up and kills the doctor tending to him. Bane follows Neo's body as it is being transfered to the Logos. After the council meeting both the ships head to broadcast depth so that Morpheus and company can see the Oracle. Morpheus meets Seraph who bows and takes Ghost, Niobe, Morpheus, and Trinity to the see the Oracle. She awaits them in her kitchen and explains that Neo is trapped like a rogue program in the Matrix. She tells Trinity she must free him from the french guy by going through hell herself. They can find him at the Hell club. Seraph and the Oracle exchange a look and then Seraph states that he will show them. After thinking about it the Oracles speech to Trinity makes perfect sense since the Oracle knows the frenchman's wife will be there. Neo is still on the train. He learns that the frenchman's wife is actually the product of the Oracle and the frenchman. She was created using some of his code without his permission or knowledge by the Oracle to advance her Ideas on human nature. She had persisted in the idea that humans had a special ability to jump beyond their programming through faith and emotion that the machines lacked. Coupling this with the dependency that the machines have on humans for their survival she has determined that they must live together in peace. The wife had helped to trap Neo for the frenchman who hopes to tempt him with sin to succumb to his human "programming". His wife though has not taken sides like most other programs and though she has submitted to the frenchman, she has come to realize she has sacrificed passion for her pleasure. The little girl explains to Neo that she is the product of a dissillusioned frenchman's wife and a rogue program who was in charge of human procreation. Her parents had hid her in the mind a human child who was wired into the matrix at the time. But Neo had helped to free this child trapping the prodigy without protection in the matrix. She was now being pursued by both agents and the frenchman. The father of the prodigy betrayed the Oracle to save the life of his now unprotected daughter. Morpheus and Trinity and Seraph make it to the Hell Club. They fight their way into the hell club fairly easily but then the twins attack. Seraph holds the fort against the twins while Morpheus and Trinity keep fighting to get the frenchman. Ghost and Niobe are running from agents trying to beat the train to its next station to get to Neo. Morpheus and TRinity are now facing down the frenchman. His henchmen are holding their fire since trinity is pointing a gun at his head. Seraph is having an unbelievable battle with the twins but falls to a sword. The twins enter the room through a wall as the frenchman explains that the building is wired and if he dies they all die. He says bring Neo to me and the twins take off after him. The frenchman's wife learning from trinity about sacrifices made for love walks up behind the french guy and holds a gun to his head, she explains to Trinity "he is not so interested in the end as am I, your lover is with my child go to him". Trinity and Morpheus leave and the building is destroyed behind them. The commander and the councilor discuss the possible plans for preserving the final defenses of Zion. Sentinel scouts have been attacking the gates and are being fought off with the manned robots. No ships remain to help in the defense. the commander is in a d**n near panic as he is calling now on all people of zion to defend the gates and issuing personal weapons to untrained humans. The kid takes over a robot from a fallen comrade and begins to hold the gate. Other humans are using hand held weapons to fight the sentinels who are penetrating the defenses. There are only two hours till the main body of the machine army hit the gates en masse. Neo fights and destroys the twins in a great battle protecting the prodigy, then when the train pulls into the next station he exits and the train departs to save Ghost and Niobe from two agents. Niobe calls for a hard line and Neo's body is hooked up to the matrix in one of the chairs. the operator explains that he has been recieving emergency calls from Zion for a general return to fight the sentinels. Ghost and Niobe head for the exit as Morpheus and Trinity get to the station. Neo explains to Morpheus the current situation and he and Trinity share a kiss beore he explains that he must discuss something with the Oracle. Neo takes off while Morpheus and Trinity head to the exit. Neo Arrives at the Oracles apartment and enters. she is alone. He recognizes her code. She smiles. Smith arrives at the train station and takes over the bum and the little girl. The girl tries to run and smith says "don't be shy, join us" and jams his hand into her chest with a snarl. "ah yes welcome to the party" he says. The Oracle explains to Neo that the time is now. She can no longer see the future, she explains that one side cannot win. She only prophesied an end to the war not victory. The anomoly of the One was more profound than the architect had predicted. Through exposure to humans and the desire to understand them and the constant pressure to keep them in line with newer and better programming had led to what she had finally forseen. Smith had become so like humans that he was now a threat to the system itself. This limited machine freewill was now uncontrollable except by the One. The entire sytem would fail without human intervention and all people and machines would be destroyed. Morpheus Jacks out and as Trinity is waiting Bane attacks. The rest of the crew had been fighting him to keep him away from the chairs. Trinity knocks the laser gun out of his hand as he shoots at Neo who is still in the chair. Morpheus jumps bane and they strangle each other. Bane says "morpheus", Morpheus says "Smith" They struggle a little more. Morpheus grabs the knife and says "welcome to the real world" and stabs bane in the chest. It's pretty cool here cause bane looks more shocked then hurt before he dies. Niobe calls Morpheus and explains about the situation in zion as Neo jacks out. He is blinded from the laser attack from bane. Neo explains to Morpheus that he now knows what he must do. Everyone but Neo and Trinity board the other ship, while they prepare themselves on the Logos. Morpheus tries to talk Neo into letting him go with them. Neo declines and explains that the prophecy can only be carried out through hope. He explains about the previous ones and that they lacked hope and instead substituted faith in the future. Faith requires no action, hope without action deteriorates into faith. Faith is the system of control the machines had counted upon. Neo explains that the time is now or never and he has chosen to make the prophecy come true. He and Trinity take off in the logos while the others race back to zion on the other ship. Smith arrives in the Oracles apartment and after a short debate smith takes over the Oracle and laughs knowingly. Neo and Trinity are flying the logos through the wreckage of the real world. Neo explains his dreams and what they mean to Trinity while she is flying the ship. They begin to see more and more sentinels as Neo explains his connection to smith. Their destinies are tied together. Neo can sense the machines because of Smith, and Smith can sense anything Neo has come into contact with. Through smith he has sensed what could be described as fear in the programs, as smith grows stronger the other programs grow weaker and the matrix will continue to deteriorate until it is reloaded. Killing all humans and machines. The problem is that only smith can reload the matrix now. The other ship fights through waves of sentinels to reach zion. As they reach the gate, the annoyong kid is holding the gate and fighting furiously with the sentinels. Morpheus blast away at the sentinels helping the humans on the ground. Finally another ship radios morpheus explaining that they are on their way. Niobe fires the emp and this wave of sentinels is destroyed. The robot thing collapses and morpheus new ship is now useless. The council meets while the survivors of zion rebuild. The main body of attacking sentinels is only minutes away. Morpheus explains that Neo is headed to the machine city to fullfill the prophecy. Even the commander agrees at this point that that is all they can hope for. They form a plan to head out and meet the sentinels to try to buy time for neo to defeat the machines on the last hovercraft. Neo is fighting off the sentinels using his connection to smith's mind. While trinity flies the ship. she sees the black lines Neo was talking about in his dream and follows them. As they do the sentinels multiply in number. Out of a cloud of squiddies a pair of huge machines appear. Trinity tries to fly between them but the ship is hit by a laser and the controls become useless. The logos crashes hard as a swarm of squids chase it. The minute the ship stops tumbling the sentinels are on it cutting it to pieces. In the wreckage they find Neo and Trinity lying there holding hands. One of the squids pull Neo away from Trinity who is obviously dead. His body is lifted up and flown slowly towards the heart of the machine city. In front of a large black building with flickering lights neo is dropped into the hands of ugly brown human sized mahines that look like ants. They bring him inside a empty chamber lock him on a table and a probe is jammed into his neck hole. He wakes up in a construct all white with no distinguishing features. The commander and the councilor join Morpheus and the rest of the crew board the last ship. They leave zion and head towards broadcast depth. They see giant machines which are like mobile squiddie manufacturing plants. Sentinels attack immediately, quickly they are all over the ship and are cutting through the hull. The councillor is pulled out of the ship trying to push the kid out of the way. The commander holds off the squiddies on the ship with a laser but too many are getting in and he gets ripped to pieces by one from behind him. They are crawling along the inside of the ship chasing the kid. The Oracle appears in the contruct and begins talking with Neo. The Oracle explains the machines position to Neo. The matrix must be reloaded and Smith must be destroyed. Neo knows this isn't the oracle so the machine takes the form of the architect. The architect then explains that maybe we should have been more carefull to understand the basic functioning of the matrix. Then the frenchguys wife appears and argues that the system must be stabilized regardless of the outcome. The french guy then appears and says that they can not be set free. this goes on with different characters apearing, it is like a machine council meeting. Finally neo stops the debate with the idea that only he has the choice. the machines agree and negotiate with neo. Neo begins to explain the sacrifice he has made and what he wants in return. Niobe and Morpheus are kissing while the squiddies continue to tear their ship apart. Suddenly the sentinels stop the giant factories cease pumping out sentinels. Niobe runs to the screens and sees Neo in the matrix. Morpheus looks at the code and his shoulders drop, he realizes trinity is dead. Neo faces off with smith in the rain. They attack each other after a few taunts They fight on the ground and in the air destroying the buildings around them. Everytime Smith gets in a good shot his doubles all grin from every window and door in the matrix. Neo is kicking Smiths ass most of the time but finally Smith jams his hand into Neo's chest, but Neo concentrates and smith starts to become Neo then suddenly Neo becomes Smith. Back in the machine city the ant machines unplug Neo. Smith says "no" then drops on the ground, the rains stop and all the smith clones begin to turn back into the people he had taken over. On the ship the sentinels back off but the kid collapses. Niobe notices that the code has changed. Morpheus says the kid is dead. Inside the architects room the architect is being taken over, he fights but the kid appears there. Neo enters the room. He explains that the threat is gone he has smiths code. Neo tells him that the balance must be maintained at all costs. The kid nods, you must reload. I know what to do. Neo enters the door. Morpheus and Niobe are walking through the matrix. Morpheus is explaining that all these people must be freed. Niobe says that he knows what that would mean. He talks about what he had hoped would happen and that Neo said the prophecy must be forced to become real. behind them an agent walks holding his earpeice and glaring at them. Παράθεση Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Reignman Δημ. August 27, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 27, 2003 Άν όντως ισχύει το παραπάνω κείμενο, τότε αξίζει να το δουν και αυτοί που "ξενέρωσαν" από το δεύτερο μέρος. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
supernet Δημ. August 27, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 27, 2003 Tο εσωτερικό νόημα... του MATRIX Στο παρακάτω κείμενο δίνονται κάποιες εξηγήσεις για το Matrix και το πώς είναι φτιαγμένος αυτός ο κόσμος, με αποσυμβολισμούς από διαλόγους που περιέχονται στην τριλογία του «Matrix». Δεν είναι κείμενα που μπορεί κάποιος να τα "περάσει" βιαστικά, αλλά χρειάζεται κάποιος να διαλογιστεί βαθιά για να κατανοήσει το εσωτερικό τους νόημα. Δεν πρόκειται απλά για μεταφυσικές θεωρήσεις αλλά έχουν και επιστημονική βάση..... ΣΑΣ ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΩ ΕΧΕΤΕ ΤΟ ΜΥΑΛΟ ΣΑΣ «ΑΝΟΙΚΤΟ» : # Ο Παγκόσμιος Νους προσπαθεί να διδάξει τις οντότητές του για την Οντότητά Του, αλλά και για τον σκοπό της δικιάς τους ύπαρξης, μέσω της θείας φώτισης. Αλλά, εμείς οι άνθρωποι δεν μπορούμε να κατανοήσουμε την αληθινή φύση των Όντων μέσα στον απατηλό κόσμο που ζούμε, ο οποίος δεν είναι παρά ένα χωρο-χρονικό πλέγμα που έχει προκύψει από μια Δημιουργία. Την κάθε Δημιουργία ακολουθεί μία καταβύθιση σε μια Μαύρη Τρύπα, μια καταστροφή. Και τώρα βαδίζουμε προς ένα σταυροδρόμι της Δημιουργίας. # Περνάμε το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της ζωής μας, υπνωτισμένοι απ' τα ερεθίσματα των αισθήσεών μας. Αυτές μας δίνουν την ψευδαίσθηση της υλικής πραγματικότητας. Ελάχιστες στιγμές συνειδητοποιούμε αυτή την απατηλότητα, αλλά και το ότι αυτή η απατηλότητα χρειάζεται για να δώσει εμπειρία στην Ιδέα (Διάνοια, Thought), η οποία είναι η μόνη "πραγματική πραγματικότητα". # Ο μόνος πραγματικός χώρος είναι ο Νοητικός Χώρος, ο χώρος της Φαντασίας του Θεϊκού Νου. Ο μόνος πραγματικός Χρόνος είναι το "βήμα" της ανάπτυξης της συνείδησης του Θεού, καθώς Αυτός προβάλει τη Συνείδησή Του μέσα στο όνειρό Του που εμείς αποκαλούμε "πραγματικό κόσμο" (Matrix). # Η πλάνη του Matrix, προβάλλεται σε κάθε ανθρώπινη συνείδηση, με τον ίδιο τρόπο που ένας υπερ-υπολογιστής συνδέεται με έναν άλλο υπολογιστή (και τον ελέγχει). Έτσι κατασκευάζεται ένα εικονικό περιβάλλον που "συνδέεται" με τις ατομικές - ανθρώπινες συνειδήσεις και τις συνοδεύει για όλη τους τη ζωή. Δημιουργείται μ' αυτόν τον τρόπο η ψευδαίσθηση του περιβάλλοντος και της διαδοχής των γεγονότων σ' ένα περιβάλλον Ολογραφικής Εικονικής Πραγματικότητας. # Δεν είμαστε παρά Ολογράμματα αγνού φωτός συνδεδεμένα με τη σκέψη του Δημιουργού. Ποτέ δεν υπήρξε, ούτε θα υπάρξει αυτό που αποκαλούμε "στερεά ύλη". Όλα είναι κενά. Παρ' όλα αυτά δεν μπορούμε να περάσουμε π.χ. μέσα από ένα τοίχο, επειδή αυτό δεν επιτρέπεται απ' τους κανόνες του Matrix που καθορίζει η Πρωταρχική Διάνοια. # Η ζωή δεν είναι παρά η Αιώνια, Πρωταρχική Συνείδηση που παίρνει εμπειρίες μέσα στο χρόνο, για λόγους εκπαίδευσης. Μέσα στην Πρωταρχική Συνείδηση, υπάρχουν χιλιάδες Σύμπαντα/Δημιουργίες το καθένα με διαφορετική δομή και κανόνες λειτουργίας. # Το Σύμπαν μας είναι ένα απ' τα πιο επικίνδυνα, επειδή βρίσκεται σε πολύ πειραματικό στάδιο. Μέσα του το επίπεδο αμνησίας φτάνει στο μέγιστο και ο βαθμός παρεμβατικότητας είναι τεράστιος. Το να εξελιχθεί κάποιος μέσα του είναι εξαιρετικά δύσκολο. # To περιβάλλον Εικονικής Πραγματικότητας που αποκαλούμε "Δημιουργία", επιτηρείται από υπο-τμήματα της Πρωταρχικής Συνείδησης. Ανάλογα με το ύψος των ευθυνών τους μπορούμε να μιλάμε για επιμέρους Δημιουργούς ενός Σύμπαντος (ή χειριστές του Matrix) και για Επιτηρητές (που το εποπτεύουν). Σε μια μεγαλύτερη αναλογικά κλίμακα, υπάρχουν Δημιουργοί ομάδων Συμπάντων, τα οποία σε μερικές περιπτώσεις μπορούν να αλληλεπιδρούν, ανταλλάσσοντας γνώσεις και εμπειρίες. Βέβαια κάθε Συνείδηση και κάθε Σύμπαν θεωρεί τον εαυτό του κάτι το μοναδικό και ξεχωριστό. # Ο Εσωτερικός Ήλιος (το "Μέγα Φως" της Γένεσης) είναι η πρωταρχική πηγή ενέργειας που δίνει ζωή και υπόσταση σ' ό,τι γνωρίζουμε. Είναι ο φορέας της σκέψης/πληροφορίας που μας κάνει να βιώνουμε την εικονική πραγματικότητα. # Δεν υπάρχει πραγματικά ο χώρος και ο χρόνος όπως τα θεωρούμε. Οι ιστορίες που βιώνουμε δημιουργούν την ψευδαίσθηση του χρόνου. Το "εδώ" και το "εκεί" είναι σχετικά. Σκέψου ότι είσαι "εκεί" και θα βρεθείς συνειδητά "εκεί". # Ο εγκέφαλός μας είναι μια συσκευή αποκωδικοποίησης των πληροφοριών που δέχεται απ' τις αισθήσεις. # Το Matrix δεν είναι ούτε στατικό, ούτε μόνιμο. Καθώς - μέσα απ' τη διαδικασία της εξέλιξης - γινόμαστε πιο δημιουργικοί και πιο ελεύθεροι, εισερχόμαστε σε Matrix (εικονικές πραγματικότητες) ανωτέρου επιπέδου. Αυτό το αποφασίζουν οι επιμέρους Δημιουργοί ή ο Δημιουργός (Πρωταρχική Συνείδηση). Το ανώτερο επίπεδο Matrix, είναι η "Γη της Επαγγελίας", η Σιών. # Κάθε φορά που πρόκειται να ανεβούμε επίπεδο Matrix (και συνεπώς συνείδησης και ελευθερίας), οι συνειδήσεις της μάζας - του μέσου όρου των ανθρώπων του παρόντος επιπέδου - αντιστέκονται, φοβούμενοι απώλεια του ελέγχου και διαρροή ενέργειας των μπαταριών του εκάστοτε Matrix, που τροφοδοτούνται απ' τις συνειδήσεις που ελέγχει. # H ύπαρξη ενός κατωτέρου επιπέδου Matrix όπως του δικού μας, διαιωνίζεται, τόσο απ' τις δράσεις των συνειδήσεων που είναι συνδεδεμένες μαζί του, όσο και απ' τη στάση του επιμέρους Δημιουργού που εποπτεύει αυτό το επίπεδο (τον κόσμο μας), αν αυτός φανεί υπερπροστατευτικός και αναλάβει να σκέφτεται και να δρα αυτός παίρνοντας την πρωτοβουλία από τις οντότητες που προστατεύει. Έτσι διαιωνίζεται η κατάσταση στο συγκεκριμένο Matrix, προκαλώντας αναστάτωση και σε Matrix άλλων επιπέδων. # Οι άνθρωποι φοβόμαστε την αλλαγή επιπέδου, επειδή αγνοούμε την πραγματική πηγή μας, τη Φύση μας και τις δυνατότητές μας. Περιοριζόμαστε λοιπόν απλά στο να ικανοποιούμε τις ανάγκες των αισθήσεών μας. Απολαμβάνουμε το να σκέφτονται άλλοι για μας και να ορίζουν τις πράξεις μας. Σκεφτόμαστε την ύπαρξή μας, σαν τη μοναδική πραγματικότητα. Τελικά κυριαρχεί ο φόβος, η παράνοια, η έλλειψη εμπιστοσύνης, η αδιαφορία, η απληστία και το ψέμα. Όποιος δεν αποσυνδέεται απ' το Matrix του επιπέδου που βρίσκεται, απλά δέχεται τον νοητικό έλεγχο της "μαζικής" συνείδησης του επιπέδου του. # Ο Δημιουργός συχνά ενοχλείται, επειδή απαιτείται συνέχεια η παρέμβασή Του για να διορθωθεί η ανευθυνότητα των "παιδιών" Του. Συχνά χρειάζεται να τα πειθαρχήσει για να τα κρατήσει ζωντανά στην πορεία για τον ύψιστο στόχο. # Κατά καιρούς κάποιοι άνθρωποι με υψηλά οράματα και έχοντας δει την πραγματικότητα πίσω απ' το Matrix, προσπαθούν να μοιραστούν τη γνώση με τους άλλους ανθρώπους. Δυστυχώς το Μήνυμά τους παρανοείται, οδηγώντας σε ακόμα περισσότερη βία, υπεροψία και επιθετικότητα. # Tο Matrix είχε σχεδιαστεί, αρχικα, με σκοπό να είναι ένας τέλειος τόπος για τους ανθρώπους. Αλλά δεν άρεσε σε κανένα... # Ένας άνθρωπος που μπορούσε να αλλάξει τη δομή του Matrix κατά βούληση, ελευθέρωσε παλιότερα την ανθρωπότητα. Μετά το θάνατό του, όλα ξανάγιναν όπως πριν. Ο προφήτης της Σιών ανήγγειλε ότι, αυτός ο άνθρωπος θα ξανάρθει για να ελευθερώσει τους ανθρώπους. # Τα πράγματα είναι ακόμα πιο δύσκολα σήμερα για τον Δημιουργό, επειδή η ανθρωπότητα δρώντας σαν καρκινικό κύτταρο (σαν ιός), καταστρέφει η ίδια το Matrix, παρεμβαίνοντας και καταστρέφοντας το φυσικό περιβάλλον. Τελικά η μόνη λύση ίσως να είναι να μετακομίσει ο άνθρωπος σε άλλη περιοχή, σε άλλο Matrix. Αλλά ακόμα και αν ο Δημιουργός έδινε στους ανθρώπους ένα σχεδόν τέλειο κόσμο και μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία, αυτοί θα τα απέρριπταν, προτιμώντας τη βία και τα παιχνίδια εξουσίας. # Το κλειδί για την "άνοδο" σ' ένα ανώτερο Matrix, κάτι που σημαίνει μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία και συνειδητότητα, είναι να νοιάζεται κάποιος περισσότερο για την εξέλιξη της Δημιουργίας παρά για την ατομική του πραγματικότητα. Να νοιάζεται πιο πολύ για τους άλλους παρά για τον εαυτό του. Να κατανοήσει και να βιώσει ότι, είναι κομμάτι μιας ανώτερης συνείδησης, η οποία νοιάζεται το ίδιο για καθένα απ' τα μέρη της. ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΑΥΤΑ.... ΚΑΙ ΘΑ ΕΠΑΝΕΛΘΩ ;) ME KPITKH ΓΙΑ ΤΟ Matrix Reloaded Παράθεση Don't criticize... what you can't understand...! Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
gmac Δημ. August 27, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 27, 2003 Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον vampyre ΣΑΣ ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΩ !!! ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ !!! ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΤΩ ΜΟΝΟ ΑΝ ΘΕΛΕΤΕ ΝΑ ΜΑΘΕΤΕ (ΑΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ) ΤΙ ΣΥΜΒΑΙΝΕΙ ΣΤΟ MATRIX REVOLUTIONS. Αν υπήρχε κάτι τέτοιο (το DVD που αναφέρει ο τύπος) δε θα είχε διαρεύσει και στο Kazaa? :whistle: :whistle: Άρα μάλλον μούφα. Πάντως αν πάρει τίποτα το μάτι σας να κυκλοφορεί εκεί (Kazaa) σφυρίξτε το και κατά δω. Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον Omen Αν σας πώ ότι γράφω Thesis πάνω στο Matrix τι θα πείτε? ;) Αν επιτρέπεται, τι σπουδάζεις και που και γράφεις thesis πάνω στο Matrix? Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Omen Δημ. August 27, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 27, 2003 Σπουδάζω multimedia στο London College of Printing, Λονδίνο και σε 4 μέρες τελειώνω το Μaster μου με μια έκθεση κάποιων Project που έχουν γίνει από σπουδαστές στο course. Μαζί με τα project αυτά μας ζητήθηκε να γράψουμε ένα thesis των 10.000 λέξεων και σαν θέμα διάλεξα το "The concept of Matrix, a fact that it is already happening". Μιλάω περισσότερο για μεταφυσική και την θεωρία της ύπαρξης των ανθρώπων και πως την αντιλαμβάνονται. Ξεκινάει από Αριστοτέλη και καταλήγη με μεταφυσικούς φιλόσοφους του 20ου αιώνα! Αλλά όλα πηγάζουν από την θεωρία του Matrix και πως την περνάνε μέσω "δυνατών" μέσων (σινεμά, τηλεόραση κτλ) στην εποχή μας... Ελπίζω να σε κάλυψα στο "που"... ;) Παράθεση - Ελληνικό Portal για το Σακχαρώδη Διαβήτη Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
fabo114 Δημ. August 28, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. August 28, 2003 Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον gmac Αν υπήρχε κάτι τέτοιο (το DVD που αναφέρει ο τύπος) δε θα είχε διαρεύσει και στο Kazaa? :whistle: :whistle: Άρα μάλλον μούφα. Πάντως αν πάρει τίποτα το μάτι σας να κυκλοφορεί εκεί (Kazaa) σφυρίξτε το και κατά δω. Αν επιτρέπεται, τι σπουδάζεις και που και γράφεις thesis πάνω στο Matrix? Κι εγω αυτο πιστευω........ :) Παράθεση facebook Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
SNikolaidis Δημ. September 3, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 3, 2003 Χτες πέρασα μια βόλτα από το Village Center της Θεσσαλονίκης (όχι, δεν μπήκα μέσα, απλά πέρασα μια βόλτα μέχρι τα διπλανά Applebee's :yum: ) και πήρα το πρόγραμμα των ταινιών που έχουν. Και έπεσε η ματιά μου -πού αλλού;- στο Matrix Reloaded. Δεν έχω διαβάσει χειρότερη περιγραφή υπόθεσης ταινίας, παιδιά, σας μιλάω ειλικρινά! Διαβάστε και.. κλάψτε, γελάστε, κάντε ό,τι νομίζετε.. "The Matrix Reloaded Η ιστορία ξεκινάει έξι μήνες μετά το τέλος της πρώτης ταινίας. Ο Μορφέας και η ομάδα των ελεύθερων πολεμιστών του, σώζουν κι άλλους ανθρώπους από την εικονική τους φυλακή. Ανακαλύπτουν στη συνέχεια και ανθρώπους που ζουν έξω από το MATRIX, στην τελευταία πόλη, στην Ζίον." ... :confused: :confused: :confused: Δηλαδή.. τι να πρωτοδεί και τι να πρωτοπεί κανείς.. να γελάσεις ή να κλάψεις;.. "..η ομάδα των ελεύθερων πολεμιστών του" :eek: .. την Ζίον την ανακαλύπτουν μετά το πρώτο επεισόδιο;;; Δηλαδή, δεν ήξεραν στο ένα ότι υπήρχε; :confused: Ήθελα να'ξερα.. τι να πώ ρε γμτ μου.. τόσο ξεφτίλα.. μα τόσο ξεφτίλα και για έναν τόσο μεγάλο κινηματογράφο όπως τα Village Center.. δηλαδή.. τι να πω.. τσκ τσκ τσκ.. :mad: Παράθεση [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
mik3 Δημ. September 3, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 3, 2003 Τελικά τι είναι το matrix?!??! Παράθεση Forza scuderia Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
astrolabos Δημ. September 3, 2003 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 3, 2003 Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον mik3 Τελικά τι είναι το matrix?!??! Όλα αυτα που μας παθιάζουν και μας κάνουν να βλέπουμε το δένδρο και να αγνοούμε το δάσος Παράθεση I Am The One, Orgasmatron... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
mik3 Δημ. September 3, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 3, 2003 Δηλαδή είναι κάτι που πραγματικά υπάρχει? όταν είδα την ταινία νόμισα ότι ήταν όλα φανταστικά.. Παράθεση Forza scuderia Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
william blake Δημ. September 3, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 3, 2003 sorry για το μεγεθος αλλα πιστευω οτι ειναι ενδιαφερον το εκανα οσο πιο μικρο μπορουσα THE MATRIX RELOADED EXPLAINED Zion is a program, just like the Matrix. How is Neo able to figure out that he is able to stop the sentinels in Zion near the end of the film? The spoon given to him earlier. It had obviously been bent loads, but how outside the Matrix?? This gave Neo the inspiration and the understanding that Zion is still a matrix. The One explained "The One" is a program, but has to be "attached" to someone in the Matrix. So Mr. Anderson got it in the 6th version of the Matrix. Then "The One" program's purpose is to allow Zion to be destroyed then to rebuild it. The reason for this is because of anomalies - the 1% of humans that don't accept the Matrix. These are all brought out of the Matrix program and into the Zion program by the "Morpheus" program and other similar "ship captain" programs. Then once all the anomalies are out of the Matrix (and in Zion), that is the time for Zion to be destroyed, thus killing all the anomalies off. The Matrix is then upgraded, thus creating the next version of the Matrix, but Zion must be rebuilt so that the next lot of anomalies can be brought out again so that they can be destroyed. This is the feedback-loop, and is the reason to retain a handful of people so that Zion can be rebuilt. So this is why Neo said the prophecy was a lie - the One's purpose was not to end the war as the prophecy stated. Unfortunately, "The One" program must be re-used each time, or copied, so it can be "attached" to a new anomaly inside the Matrix. So what happens to the old "The One" program? It faces deletion, and as the Oracle explained, it goes into exile instead, just like the French bloke (the Merovingian) did. He was the first One (probably from the second version of the Matrix), and once he fulfilled his duty, he became an exile program and "abdicated" his "Oneness" by choosing Persephone and power. This is evident in the bogs when Persephone asks Neo to kiss her. She says she wants him to kiss her so she can feel what it is like again to be kissed by something close to human, just like the Merovingian used to be. Then she says to Trinity that she envies her, but that these things are not meant to last. So the Merovingian used to be just like Neo - a One - thus proving further the feedback-loop explained earlier. The correct door in the Architect's room Now there are two possibilities here: 1. All the previous One's chose the right door allowing a ?temporary dissemination? of their code into the Matrix (i.e., the code they ?carry? thus indicating Neo is indeed human), then he must select (unplug) 23 people from the Matrix to rebuild Zion. This takes away the possibility that stories from previous rebuilds of Zion will be carried through. But Morpheus indicated in the first Matrix that this is the case anyway. He said, ?there was a man born inside, able to change things, it was he who freed the first of us,? - basically the One previous to Neo. And this proves that the previous One chose the right door also. Neo's purpose is also to choose the right door, but he does not because he faces deletion afterwards and has the choice of going into exile - programs choosing to go into exile is the one thing that can't be accounted for in program parameters. Thus, he chooses the left door instead this time. How was Neo able to choose the other door? Because of his extreme willpower? - Even the Architect indicated that he'd noticed this ? ?Interesting. That was quicker than the others.? Or more likely, because the Oracle upgraded his coding with the candy on the park bench. The candy/cookie was a method to change the One's program. She said he has made a believer out of her - this is quite human-like and perhaps the previous One's didn't accept the upgrade candy, now she has hope... hope that Neo will finally choose the other door. 2. All the previous One's chose the left door, saving Trinity and letting Zion fall. So this time is no different. But the Architect does say, ?You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated,? and also, ?this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it,? - assuming the Architect isn't lying, then they have already destroyed Zion (i.e., Zion has fallen) five times - i.e., the result of going through the left door. Morpheus and Trinity are programs. Morpheus's purpose was to find the One and deliver him to the Architect. Trinity's purpose is to control the One by getting in love with him. Trinity is supposed to be the mother of the new One every time the Matrix is Reloaded. That's why the sex scene was so important and why she was named Trinity. The Architect says, ?she is going to die, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it.? He was correct though because she did die just like Neo did in the first Matrix (Oracle said he or Morpheus would, and she didn't lie, but he came back to life). Trinity dies, but comes back to life (we are using medical definition of death in all this of course!). The Architect has already laid down an ultimatum for Neo choosing the left door: The Architect ? ?Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.? Neo ? ?You won't let it happen, you can't. You need human beings to survive.? The Architect - ?There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world.? Looking at this further, the Architect does say ?coupled? with the extermination of Zion will the human race be exterminated. So he says everyone connected to the Matrix will die, but if Zion is not exterminated, the human race will not necessarily die. Also, there is likely to be a time-window between not going through the right door, and the cataclysmic crash, thus allowing Neo to unplug as many as possible from the Matrix, then those people won't die. This will be the start of the next Zion. As for the Matrix, a cataclysmic crash doesn't mean the end of the Matrix - just needs rebooting or reloading! Agent Smith explained Agent Smith is the only ?human? in this world. He's the one spreading himself like a virus replicating himself over and over until the Matrix will finally get overloaded and fail. Smith is the one who wants to get out of the Matrix for good. He said so in the first Matrix, ?I must get out of here, I must get free! And in this mind, is the key,? squeezing Morpheus's temples, ?my key! Once Zion is destroyed, there is no need for me to be here!? Smith knows that by killing Neo he can escape the Matrix because Neo is the key to resetting the Matrix, or to shut it off. It was originally killing Neo (in the first Matrix) that allowed Smith to become powerful (cloning ability) - so killing Neo again will allow him to gain Neo's powers completely, and thus gain the power to shut down the Matrix. So where the hell did Smith come from if he wants to destroy the Matrix? He's obviously not meant to be there - he's a computer virus as he has every characteristic of a virus - he multiplies and spreads and infects (and emulates) other programs like one. He is exactly as he described humans at the end of the first Matrix ? ?You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus.? But who put him there? This will only be revealed in Revolutions (Revelations?) I guess - but I'm betting on humans in the real real world, i.e., outside of Zion and the Matrix. They're at war with the machines and trying to destroy them by infecting them with this virus - Agent Smith. So the irony with this theory is that Agent Smith represents the human race!! Neo represents the machines! Agent Smith says to Neo just after he's seen the Oracle that he became free when Neo destroyed him in the first Matrix (remember when Neo entered his body and exploded him from inside out) ? as a virus, Smith has the ability to ?inherit? other programsΆ abilities and thus inherited some of NeoΆs. The anomaly explained The anomaly is all the humans that do not accept the Matrix. The Architect says ?Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.? This includes Neo, but Neo's Matrix avatar is attached with the One program so that he can follow his purpose as explained earlier under ?The One explained?. However, he is also supposed to protect himself and destroy anything that gets in his way - i.e., Agent Smith - so that he may fulfil his purpose. Further proving Neo - and other non-accepters of the Matrix - are the anomaly, the Architect says, ?Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix.? The clue here is Neo's program name ? ?The One?. Take one-third for example. 1 over 3 is 0.33333 recurring. A computer cannot deal with recurring numbers, so must accept a limit, let's say 0.33333 for argument's sake. Multiply by 3, you get 0.99999 - never 1.00000, where has the ?remainder? 0.00001 (One) gone? This is the limitation of computers, this is the mathematical imprecision inherent in programming (of the Matrix) and the eventuality of the One anomaly unable to be eliminated. What is the equation then? Not sure, but it definitely involves pi. The Keymaker refers to the window of time to open the door to the mainframe as 314 seconds. 3.14 is pi to three sig. figs., or the number of radians in half a circle. Half a circle is like the cross-section of a womb, similar to the alcove of Neo and Trinity's love scene - conceiving the next One? "NEO", incidently, is an anagram of "ONE". Trinity and Neo - one on one; a choice - one or one. Leads us to 101. "101" is mentioned numerous times in Matrix 1 and Reloaded. Neo's room at the beginning, Merovingian is on the 101st floor, the 101 freeway of the car chase in Reloaded, then when Trinity is hacking into the power plant system, she resets the password to Z10N0101. Freaky. Indicates that she is a program because that's not some random password she's put in. 101 is binary for 5, which in zero-based binary counting: 000 is 1, 001, is 2, 010 is 3, 011 is 4, 100 is 5, 101 is 6 - And this is the 6th version of the Matrix! Then there's 303. 303 is the room Neo got shot in Matrix 1, the Oracle lives in room 303, it's also the hotel room number Trinity is in in Matrix 1 and it's seen at the end when Neo fights the Agents and Smith and begins to literally see the code that makes up the Matrix. 101 x 3 = 303, a trilogy, 3 + 0 + 3 = 6 = the 6th Matrix. Trinity means 3. Who is the "mother" that the Architect refers to? The Architect says, ?Please,? in an almost disapproving sense when Neo suggests the Oracle, but does not reveal who it really is or even directly that Neo is wrong. The architect was the one who created the Matrix; the co-creator is neither Persephone nor the Oracle. Both of them are only programs that have a purpose in the matrix, just like the rest. The Architect is in charge of the Matrix world and the co-creator is in charge of Zion. She has almost the same age as the Architect. Therefore, that woman is the Head Counsellor, the only woman of importance that lives in Zion and the one who asked for the two captains to volunteer at the council meeting. She's the one who knew all along about the Matrix. She was the one who told Zion's Defence Minister to cool off and to let Morpheus do his work so things could go as planned. Or alternatively, it could indeed be the Oracle. She is the only program that truly wants humans to have a free choice... at the same time, she sees the future, because she knows the program code - she is like God - which is why Seraph protects her - see ?Who is Seraph?? below. What's so special about Neo's avatar? Neo is a skilled hacker, and his avatar in the Matrix is based on the person that founded the AI of the original machines that eventually took over the world... How? Take a look at the disc he gave to the bloke at the door at the beginning of Matrix 1. It said ?DISC AI? on it. The hollowed book Neo takes the disc out of is ?Simulacra and Simulation? - a collection of essays by the French postmodernist philosopher Jean Baudrillard. He opens it to the section ?on Nihilism? (meaning nothing is truly known, etc.). ?Baudrillard's concept of simulation is the creation of the real through conceptual or 'mythological' models which have no connection or origin in reality. The model becomes the determinant of our perception of reality--the real.? And Morpheus says, "Welcome to the desert of the real," in Matrix 1. I'd say this book describes The Matrix to a tee. So this disc contains the key to the AI, and thus how to destroy the machines, so I think they'll use this info in Revolutions to ultimately destroy the machines, which means he'll have to go back to the nightclub and find the guy he gave it to. Who is Seraph? The reason Seraph (the guy Neo meets before meeting the Oracle) had golden code and was so spectacular is that he came from the first incarnation of the matrix, which was heaven. ?Seraph? is singular for the plural ?seraphim?. The seraphim are the highest choir of angels and included amongst others: Lucifer, Gabriele, Raziel and Malaciah, and they sit on the 8th level of Heaven just one below God. So Seraph will obviously have a big part in Revolutions, but whose side will he be on - the machines or the humans?? That is the question. The Twins They are exiled programs that emulate the human myth of ghosts as the Oracle explained. They are programs behaving badly. Persephone killed one of the MerovingianΆs bodyguards with a silver bullet because he was emulating a werewolf. So if the Twins could phase into ghost form, why didn't he when his arm was trapped in the door of the garage? Was it because he was wounded or because he can't phase when his arm is trapped? No of course not. The doors of that building, when shut, always led somewhere else (usually in the mountains) when opened again without the Keymaker's key. So if it were slammed shut due to the Twin phasing into ghost form, the Twin's arm would've ended up god knows where, but certainly not attached to the Twin's body. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
SNikolaidis Δημ. September 4, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 4, 2003 Ο Neo πρόγραμμα; Ο Morpheus και η Trinity προγράμματα; Και ο Agent Smith άνθρωπος;;; Που ήρθε από τον πραγματικό κόσμο; Χμμ.. πολύ μπλέξιμο.. ελπίζω το Matrix Revolutions να λύσει πολλές απορίες :confused: (Αν και σε συνέντευξη των ηθοποιών/σκηνοθετών ειπώθηκε πως δεν δίνονται τελικά όλες οι απαντήσεις.. έχει να πέσει ανάλυση..) Παράθεση [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
william blake Δημ. September 4, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 4, 2003 κι εγω φοβαμαι οτι δεν θα απαντηθουν ολα στο revolutions, πρεπει να κρατησουν μια "πισινη" ωστε να μπορουν να κανουν καμια αρπακτη με το 4ο αν χρειαστει μια ερωτηση ομως: αφου ο agent smith δεν ειναι αλλο στο "προγραμμα" και ειναι πλεον ξεκαρφωτος γιατι η τελικη μαχη γινεται αναμεσα σε αυτον και τον neo?? Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
SNikolaidis Δημ. September 4, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 4, 2003 Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον william blake κι εγω φοβαμαι οτι δεν θα απαντηθουν ολα στο revolutions, πρεπει να κρατησουν μια "πισινη" ωστε να μπορουν να κανουν καμια αρπακτη με το 4ο αν χρειαστει Αν δεν το έχουν έτοιμο (και μας το κρατούν για έκπληξη) ώστε να είναι ήδη δεμένο με το υπάρχον σενάριο, θα πρέπει να κινηθούν με πολύ μεγάλη προσοχή, ώστε να κάνουν μια τέτοια κίνηση. Όπως επίσης, θα πρέπει να έχουν σίγουρους όλους τους πρωταγωνιστές - και δεν είναι και λίγοι.. Μάλλον η συνέχεια βλέπω να γίνεται μέσα από τα animatrix.. Quote μια ερωτηση ομως: αφου ο agent smith δεν ειναι αλλο στο "προγραμμα" και ειναι πλεον ξεκαρφωτος γιατι η τελικη μαχη γινεται αναμεσα σε αυτον και τον neo?? Αφού το γράφεις στο κείμενο που έδωσες: Είναι η μάχη μεταξύ του προστάτη των -πραγματικών- ανθρώπων (Agent Smith) και του προστάτη των μηχανών (Neo): Quote So the irony with this theory is that Agent Smith represents the human race!! Neo represents the machines! Κάπου όμως γενικά, δεν μου κολλάει αυτό σαν απάντηση.. :confused: Άσχετο: Γιατί συγκρίνουν το Matrix με το 13th floor; Δεν το έχω δει και δεν ξέρω τι ταινία είναι.. Παράθεση [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
astrolabos Δημ. September 4, 2003 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 4, 2003 Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον SNikolaidis Ο Neo πρόγραμμα; Ο Morpheus και η Trinity προγράμματα; Και ο Agent Smith άνθρωπος;;; Που ήρθε από τον πραγματικό κόσμο; Χμμ.. πολύ μπλέξιμο.. ελπίζω το Matrix Revolutions να λύσει πολλές απορίες :confused: (Αν και σε συνέντευξη των ηθοποιών/σκηνοθετών ειπώθηκε πως δεν δίνονται τελικά όλες οι απαντήσεις.. έχει να πέσει ανάλυση..) Πάντως αν δεν δωθούν απαντήσεις θα είναι πολύ μούφα το καρπούζι μιας και έχοντας δει τα δύο μέρη, περιμένουμε πολλά από το τρίτο μέρος. Μήπως περιμένουμε πολλά; Παράθεση I Am The One, Orgasmatron... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
NIO Δημ. September 5, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 5, 2003 ipomoni paidia o Noemvrios einai konta. Makari na apantithoune ola kai na mi minoune polla kena. Παράθεση H AGNOIA EINAI EYTYXIA Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
fabo114 Δημ. September 5, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 5, 2003 Αυτο ειναι που με παρηγορει.... Παράθεση facebook Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
dusk Δημ. September 6, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 6, 2003 Δεν ξερω τι μπορει να γινει στην τριτη ταινια, αλλα προτεινω να μην περιμενουμε και πολλα πραγματα γιατι μπορει να απογοητευτουμε αν δεν δωσει τις απαντησεις που γυρευουμε!Ενω ειναι καλυτερα να ειμαστε επιφιλακτικοι και αν δωθουν απαντησεις και λυσεις στα ερωτηματα που δημιουργουνται στις 2πρώτες ταινιες μπορουμε να ενθουσιαστουμε οσο θελουμε! Οστόσο.... No one can be told what the Matrix is! :cool: Παράθεση I think dreams are important to inspire us to get of the bed every morning Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
dusk Δημ. September 6, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 6, 2003 Ελπίζω πάντως το τριτο μερος να ειναι ανταξιο του πρωτου και του δευτερου! Παράθεση I think dreams are important to inspire us to get of the bed every morning Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
hunk Δημ. September 7, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 7, 2003 paidia ti na pw?nomiza oti eimoun o monos pou eixe porothei me to matrix....oloi oi filoi mou mou legane oti einai apla allh mia tainia pou exei polydiafhmistei kai aksizoun mono ta effe kai tetoia.... to tragelafiko ths ypotheshs htan otan h aderfh mou sygkrine to matrix me ton titaniko kathoti opws leei kai oi dyo eixan faei poly diafhmish...kai mou eipe oti o titanikos htan kalyteros giati einai kati pou exei symbei eno to matrix den yparxei kai blakeies... oso gia to filo pou rwthse gia to 13 floor ena exw na pw.... phgaine parto kai des to.... eimai sigouros oti molis to deis tha to sygkrineis kai esy me to matrix... epishs mia tainia pou mporw na sygkrinw eukola me to matrix einai to eXisteNz (kapws etsi grafetai) to breis des to kai auto...den tha xaseis... y.g. to signature mou to eidate? Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
gmac Δημ. September 7, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 7, 2003 Επειδή μου κινήσατε την περιέργεια με αυτό το 13th floor πείτε μου λίγο πρόκειται για το The Thirteenth Floor toy 1999 ή για το The 13th Floor του 1988? Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
Bayern7 Δημ. September 7, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 7, 2003 Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον gmac Επειδή μου κινήσατε την περιέργεια με αυτό το 13th floor πείτε μου λίγο πρόκειται για το The Thirteenth Floor toy 1999 ή για το The 13th Floor του 1988? Το πρώτο του 1999 :o Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
gmac Δημ. September 7, 2003 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. September 7, 2003 Quote Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον Bayern7 Το πρώτο του 1999 :o Thanks :) Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
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