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From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Οkie dokieeee...


σειρά μου για μερικά νέα, μεγάλα αλλά και ήδη γνωστά spoilers, δεν τα μεταφράζω γιατί δεν προλαβαίνω..



-Carlton said we will be seeing several dead characters in an upcoming episode.

-Jorge hasn't filmed any scenes with the Others.

-Locke's wheelchair will be explained soon after the season starts.

-Will learn about Jack's tattoos.

-Damon said we will learn why the Others didn't just bring in a surgeon for Ben; we will find out in the next 6-7 episodes.. They once had the ability to leave the island, but they may or may not now.

-Sawyer finds some Dharma beer in an upcoming episode.

-We will see everyone else's stories, not just J/K/S for the rest of the season.

-Elizabeth doesn't know yet if her character is good or bad.

-Damon told Daniel/Jin that he didn't know it yet but that he should raise his hand in response to the "who has killed someone" question.


There was a new preview aired during the ABC movie tonight. I was channel surfing and only saw the last part. There were scenes we'd seen before cut in rapidly, new views of Achara, Juliet telling Jack that they weren't on the same island as the Losties, Kate telling Sawyer on the outrigger that they couldn't leave Jack behind. Most interesting, there was a scene in which a woman we've never seen before, middle-aged with short, blond hair, played by Diana Scarwid (from Wonderfalls, among other TV work), comes to Jack sitting in his cage and asks him if he knows what his tattoos mean. Then Juliet talking to Jack saying your friends can't get off the island because we aren't on that island.

The scene of Jack talking to Cindy in the cages.

Jack talking to Kate on the walkie "Promise me, that you'll never come back here for me"

A scene of Jack in the cage with a blonde haired woman, she says something like "I was reading your tatoos" and "Do you want to know what they mean?" and Jack smiles. Then a scene of Desmond runnign into the water to get Calaire.

A scene of Skate pulling off into their little canoe, and it has a nice sail up.

Kate saying "We can't leave Jack behind (not on the canoe)

Jack kissing Achara.

Desmond getting out of the water with Claire in his hands.

A scene of Achara nad her blue bra (?lol)

Flashes of Sun holding Aaron, Jin looking down, Hurley, Locke (with a spear looking like thing), Kate hitting that guy with the riffle but,and Desmond's line "No matter what I do, you're gonna die" and then it looks like his lips move to say "Charlie" he makes the "Ch" lip..lol


* Kiele Sanchez and Rodrigo Santoro are MIA. I hope that means what I think that means.


* It's not. An ABC rep says only full-fledged series regulars made the trip to press tour. Technically, Kiele and Rodrigo are guest stars. Eh, a boy can dream.


* Yunjin Kim claims even she doesn't know who the father of Sun's unborn baby is.


* Jack, Kate and Sawyer's time on "Others' island" is officially over at the end of Episode Six, says Damon Lindelof.


* Michael Emerson creeps me out. And I like it.


* Scoop! Carlton Cuse reveals that they're "in discussions" with the network about "picking an end-point for the show. It's always been discussed that this show will have a beginning, middle and end." Damon adds that they want to keep doing the show "as long as it's good."


* The Jack/Juliet and Claire/Charlie relationships will intensify during the final batch of episodes.


* Carlton says the point of Rodrigo and Kiele's characters will become apparent in Episode 14. The point of a really sharp knife, perhaps?


* Who does Evangeline Lilly want Kate to end up with -- Jack or Sawyer? "The obvious answer is whatever serves the story," she says. Obvious answers suck.


* Damon admits that sometimes ABC tells them to, "Answer some f---ing questions!"


* Emilie de Ravin looks bored to tears.


* Carlton strongly suggests that the resolution of Heroes' "Save the cheerleader, save the world" plot didn't live up to all the hype.


* Much to his excitement, Daniel Dae Kim will start speaking more English on the show.


* Scoop! Lost may air 22 consecutive episodes next season -- a-la 24



Και τα 2 πιο πρόσφατα Feb2007 trailers απο τα οποία το full είναι πολύ καλό...

New Lost Promo Feb2007

Full Lost Promo Feb 2007

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Guest valeria

Για όποιον ενδιαφέρεται στο movie store των Village Ρέντη (λογικά και του Φαλήρου) υπάρχουν μινιατούρες κάποιων Losties εμπνευσμένες από Season 1,πολύ καλοφτιαγμένες ;)

Ρίξτε εδώ μια ματιά για τι ακριβώς μιλάμε:http://www.spawn.com/toys/series.aspx?series=318

Εγώ προμηθεύτηκα ήδη μία Kate :lol:

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Παραθέτω κάτι που ΜΟΛΙΣ πήρα στα χέρια μου. Δεν αφορά spoilers αλλά γενικά την σειρά και το μέλλον της. Δεν ξέρω πως να το λάβω όλο αυτό αλλά ακόμα είναι πολύ νωρίς για να πούμε κάτι σίγουρο.


In what is sure to go down in television history as its most shocking twist, Lost is about to go somewhere that no still-hypersuccessful show ever has: away.


The time-tripping serial's producers announced at press tour today that they are in talks with ABC about establishing not a season but a series finale date — as they describe it, an "end game" — to ensure that their baby goes out on top. "From the word go, it always felt to me that [if we ran] somewhere in the neighborhood of between 90 and 100 episodes... we never [would have] to do a bad season," says cocreator Damon Lindelof. "We knew Season 1 was going to be the introduction, Season 2 was going to be into the hatch, Season 3 was going to be the Others...


"I don't want to tell you what Season 4 is gonna be," he continues. "And then there was a shortened wrap-up season that would put you somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 episodes. At the end of season 4, we will have produced 93 hours of the show, and I imagine that would be very close to where it would end ideally."


Ideally from a creative standpoint perhaps. But from a financial perspective, ABC had to have hit the roof over Lindelof and Co.'s decision. Well, maybe not had to. In fact, if anything is more surprising than the execs' desire to bring Lost to a close while it's still vital, it has to be the network's reaction. "As opposed to them saying, 'Fine we'll bring on new [producers],' they said, 'Well, when do you think it should end?'" Lindelof reveals. "Obviously, they want the show to go on as long as possible. But all that we can say is, 'There's a show with us running it and there's a show without us running it, and if you want the show with us running it, this is when we think it should end.' And like any negotiation, therein lies the rub.


"But," he adds, "I think [ABC president] Steve [McPherson] has begun to embrace the idea that the show needs to end, and now the question becomes when. I would anticipate that announcement would come sooner rather than later, because you don't want to make it in a way that seems like it's reactionary." In other words, he says he doesn't want Lost to come off like "The O.C. saying, 'We're going to end [the show!' No, you got cancelled."


If he and his colleagues hadn't taken action, Lindelof can well imagine what the long-long-term future of Lost would have resembled. "They could produce a sixth or seventh or eighth season, but would anybody be watching?" he asks, though he clearly has an answer in mind. "The show would be so miserable by that time. Was it really The X-Files anymore when David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson weren't on the show? For me, The X-Files wasn't about 'Have aliens invaded?' it was about Mulder and Scully, a skeptic and a believer. And once that element of the show was gone, the show was over. So we don't want to produce those episodes of Lost. And we're not going to produce those episodes of Lost."


Lindelof believes such a gutsy move will only boost the show's popularity. "I think it will bring a lot of the audience who left back. To say like, 'I was wrong. They are going to give me [answers]. Whether I like it or not is yet to be determined.' But I think the questions the audience is asking is not, 'Will the answers they give us be satisfying?' It's, 'Will they give us the answers at all.' And that's a very good question to be asking." — Additional reporting by Ben Katner

Source: Ask Ausiello


Και μην ξεχνάτε πως ξημερώματα Τρίτης νομίζω στις 2 έχουμε τις Χρυσές Σφαίρες στην NOVA ενώ την Τρίτη το βράδυ πάλι NOVA με υπότιτλους ή μεταγλώτισση..

θέλω novaaaaaaaaa

Καλή τύχη στο Lost και στην Evangeline

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Μερικά νέα spoilers:



* We have not seen the last of Michael and Walt.

* We will be seeing Bernard and Rose again.

* There will be revelations relating to the Season 2 finale scene of an Arctic scenario: “Not in these first batch of episodes, but by the end of the season, we will be paying off that reveal in a very significant way. The idea that Penny is looking for Desmond is something that comes in to play [in episode 308] but it doesn’t pay off on the island until the finale [of the season].”

* Robin Weigert, a.k.a. Calamity Jane on “Deadwood,” plays Juliet’s sister in episode 307, and she will be back later in the season.

* We’ll learn more about Nicki and Paulo in episode 314.

* It sounds as though Juliet and Ben will be around for a while. More on that from Lindelof: “I think it’s safe to say that we will see the last of Alcatraz Island [where Jack, Sawyer and Kate were held] by around the ninth episode of Season 3. Then we’ll be shaking things up a bit. … I love Ben and Juliet, I think they are the face of the Others right now, they are fascinating characters that we still have many stories to tell. I would not fear their death any time soon. Although a lot of people hate them and want them to die.”

* There will be a big reminder this season that on the island, it’s still November of 2004 and only three months have passed, which will help lead to “a major shakeup coming soon.”

* Rob McElhenny, one of the stars of FX’s “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” has a small role on the Feb. 7 episode of the show. There are also references in that episode to “Star Wars” and “Clockwork Orange.”

Source: Chicago Tribune





Robin Weigert, a.k.a. Calamity Jane on “Deadwood,” plays

Juliet’s sister in episode 307, and she will be back later in the season.



Και αύριο θα ανεβάσω αν προλάβω το Lost Discussion Panel που έγινε για τα Emmy 2007.

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Τι αλλο θα δουμε.Και μη μου πει κανεις οτι θελει εξηγηση ΚΑΙ για αυτο γιατι θα τρελαθουμε.Αυτα ειναι τελειως ακυρα και δεν εχουν σχεση με την οποια σημασια των αριθμων.


Εγω οπως εχω ξαναπει πιστευω το εξης:


"Eγω νομιζω πως η πιο απλη -και πιστευτη- εξηγηση για τους αριθμους ειναι οι εξης.Εφοσον μαθαμε επιτελους μεσω του Lost Experience τι συμβολιζουν,ειναι απολυτως λογικο να εμφανιζονται σε καθε project της Νταρμα.Ο στοχος,ειναι η αλλαγη των πυρηνων της εξισωσης,η αλλαγη των αριθμων αυτων οποτε τι πιο λογικο,στα πειραματα τα οποια γινονται και γενικα σε καθε project,να υπαρχει η "υπενθυμιση" οτι ολα γινονται για αυτους τους αριθμους.Τους βλεπουμε στις ενεσεις,στη καταπακτη,στο εκπεμπομενο σημα κλπ...

(οι υπολοιπες εμφανισεις σε θυριδες τραπεζων και δωματια ξενοδοχειων ειναι "τυχαιες" και καθαρα για εντυπωσιασμο,η αν θελετε για προσπαθεια απο τους παραγωγους να δειξουν οτι οι αριθμοι αυτοι ειναι σημαντικοι.Κατι σαν "προσεξτε τους"....γιαυτο και πεταγονται παντου.Οχι οτι υπαρχει λογος που 6 cheerleaders που εμφανιστηκαν για μισο δευτερολεπτο στη καμερα,φερουν στις φανελες τους τους αριθμους.)."

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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για τους ψαγμενους των αριθμων

σιγουρα ολα αυτα ειναι τυχαια!!!

σε λιγο θα μας πει οτι στο ταδε πλανο μετρησε 108 δεντρα απο τα οποια το καθε ενα ειχε και απο 108 καρπους πανω...


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σιγουρα ολα αυτα ειναι τυχαια!!!

σε λιγο θα μας πει οτι στο ταδε πλανο μετρησε 108 δεντρα απο τα οποια το καθε ενα ειχε και απο 108 καρπους πανω...



οντως... αυτος εχει φτασει σε σημειο παρανοιας.

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για τους ψαγμενους των αριθμων


επισης 108 μπουνιες εχει φαει ο Sawyer μεχρι τωρα!Δεν ειναι τυχαιο!:dizzy:


Forza Ferrari!

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Extra ειδικό αφιερωμένο MEGA spoiler απο μένα για εσάς με αγάπη (θα το βρείτε στην 1η παράγραφο) :p


Question: Can you tell me something new about Lost? Anything big or small would be great!— Joshua

Ausiello: Would you settle for ginormous?! After Lost's press-tour session on Sunday, Carlton Cuse revealed to me exclusively that he and Damon Lindelof are parting with tradition and not code-naming this season's top-secret finale scene after a Jewish bread product. (To recap, Walt's kidnapping in the Season 1 finale was known as "The Bagel," Season 2's introduction of Penny was known as "The Challah" and this season's climactic game-changer was slated to be called "The Matzo.") "We're actually not calling it 'The Matzo,'" Cuse said. "We're calling it 'The Snake in the Mailbox.' We were just joking about how scary that would be if you came home and you stuck your hand in the mailbox and there was a snake in there. So we thought, 'Well, that's actually a good metaphor for the surprise of our Season 3 ending.'" And this, my friends, is where things get really spoilery. --Spoiler alert-- When I asked Cuse if he could drop any hints about "The Snake in the Mailbox," he offered up this fraktastic piece of prattle: "I think Penny and Desmond's relationship will become something that will be a part of the season finale."


Question: Could you give us some info 'bout the future Skate on Lost?— Jeannette

Ausiello: As I strongly hinted at a few weeks ago, Kate's Jack/Sawyer dilemma is far from resolved — despite what happened in that cage last fall. "It would be a bad assumption to assume [the triangle] was over," warns Carlton Cuse. "For that moment in time, Sawyer was the right choice. But that's not the end of it, but any means whatsoever."


Question: Will the Jack-Juliet relationship develop into something more than just captor-hostage story line?— Natalie

Ausiello: Most definitely, says Cuse. "The relationship and the chemistry between these two characters is something we're really interested in as writers. Juliet is a really intriguing character. It's not entirely clear how good she is or how bad she is. What are her underlying motives? What is her history on the island? And I think her relationship with Matthew is something that is going to be really compelling as we run into the later part of the season."

Source: Ask Ausiello


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επισης 108 μπουνιες εχει φαει ο Sawyer μεχρι τωρα!Δεν ειναι τυχαιο!:dizzy:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

τη χασαμε τη μπαλα με τη σειρα!!!

:p :p :p

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Εεε,ενταξει ειπαμε να γουσταρουμε να πορωνομαστε,να ψαχνουμε τι παιζει με τους αριθμους αλλα οχι και ετσι!Το παλληκαρι δεν εχει τι να κανει...


Forza Ferrari!

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εδειξε 6 cheerleaders??

pote pou?:blink:


:p :p


Noμιζω στο φιναλε της 1ης σαιζον οταν ο Χιουγκο ειναι στο αεροδρομιο,για κλασματα του δευτερολπετου περνανε 6 cheerleaders εχοντας τα νουμερα στις φανελες τους.

From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.

--Alvar Hanso--

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Τελευταιο επεισοδιο πρωτης season νομιζω,οταν ο Χερλι ετρεχε να προλαβει το αεροπλανο..


μαζι το γραψαμε ρε Sheik..


Forza Ferrari!

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Noμιζω στο φιναλε της 1ης σαιζον οταν ο Χιουγκο ειναι στο αεροδρομιο,για κλασματα του δευτερολπετου περνανε 6 cheerleaders εχοντας τα νουμερα στις φανελες τους.



δε το ειχα προσεξει!:blink:

οταν γυρισω σπιτι θα κατσω να το δω...:shifty:

τελευταιο επεισοδιο πρωτου κυκλου ειπαμε?:confused:

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:love: :love:



ερωτας μου χτυπαει τη πορτα μου και εχει και τραβηγμενα τα ματακια του...



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