ayto to image plus tha me trelanei.File xagios to idio akribws eixa kai egw kai akou ti pathainw.Otan epilegw save mou zitaei activation code kai ekei grafw ton arithmo pou mou bgazei to keygen kai meta den mou bgazei apolytws tipota,epistefei sthn photo xwris na apothikeyei.
s'eyxaristw file xagios, thanoskarag@freemail.gr
oson afora to cool mms emena me exei bolepsei para poly an kai exei kapoia elattwmata.Einai poly xrhsimo
ayto to image plus to exei kanei kaneis register re paidia.Otan paw na apothikeysw mia photo mou zhtaei activation code kai aytos pou mou bgazei o key generator den fainetai na douleyei!pls help
paidia exei kaneis to imageplus?egw to ebala kai otan thelw na apothikeysw mia photo mou zhtaei activation code.Mesa sto zip arxeio pou katebasa exei ena key generator alla den mou douleyei to serial pou mou bgazei
paidia kserei kaneis an mia mmc 128mb pou douleyei se siemens sl45 douleyei sto 3650?poulaei ena paidi kai thelw na thn agorasw.Epishs,exw thn 1h version tou 3650,yposthrizei 128mb mmc e?