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Everything posted by akis_k

  1. Ελεύθερος Τύπος • Κυριακή 10/5 Η αυθεντική μουσική από την ταινία του Kώστα Φερρη "ΡΕΜΠΕΤΙΚΟ" σε 2 CD. http://www.imageshack.gr/files/2rbass7npa0diarekagi.jpg
  2. Review & Photos: PhoneArena.com http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/857/pic2cbp.jpg
  3. Ψάξε για το "Torch" αν δεν παίξει σωστά τότε δες το "Light" (και τα δύο είναι java). :)
  4. Δεν ξέρω Χρήστο :what:!! Έχω χάσει το ενδιαφέρων μου για τα Moto :(!!
  5. Και σήμερα το απόγευμα στην Λιβαδειά μία Ferrari!! http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/8210/02052009020c.jpg
  6. ΤΑ ΝΕΑ • Σάββατο 09/5 Το 1ο βιβλίο με την Ιστορία του Θεάτρου Σκιών και το 1ο DVD http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2373/picdwm.jpg
  7. Motorola IRONMAN Android slider within 5 months? After the Motorola Calgary was tipped as being Verizon’s first Android device yesterday, there’s now talk of a second handset from the company running the Google open-source OS. The Motorola IRONMAN - the name of which could be a codename or a final product name - is believed to be a portrait-orientation slider with a pull-down QWERTY keyboard. Full specifications for the IRONMAN are unconfirmed, but it’s said to be feature-packed with 3G, WiFi and a high-resolution camera. We’d also expect it to have a touchscreen display, though there’s no telling exactly what size it might be. The image pictured here has some glaring issues, not least of which are the blanked out buttons underneath the screen. It looks as though someone has simply pasted a colored block across the original keys. The image also appears to have been stretched horizontally, with the Motorola logo showing distortion; plus, the on-screen image is tipped to be a fan-mockup of Windows Mobile. Looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to know exactly what the Motorola IRONMAN may actually look like: it’s expected to be released by the end of Q3-2009. http://androidcommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/motorola_ironman_android.jpg πηγή: Android Community.com
  8. Motorola Sees Q1 Sales Slump Troubled Motorola has more bad news for industry analysts as its first quarter results don't look too rosy. The manufacturer fell just short of its goal of $5.62 billion in sales with sales of $5.4 billion. Motorola's handset division accounted for $1.8 billion of that figure with 14.7 million handsets having been shipped, which gives Motorola a 6% share of the global mobile phone market. Although some had projected worse the end result was a 45% downturn in sales in its handset division in comparison to Q1 2008, reaffirming the trouble that the handset division has seen of late. What all this translates to is a $291 million loss for the company, which Motorola hopes can be turned around with the launch of various new handsets this year, including at least running Android. πηγή: Mobile-Review.com
  9. Χθές το απόγευμα στην Λιβαδειά.. Bentley Continental GT http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/3007/01052009015r.jpg
  10. "Ταινίες και Bιβλία του Σαββατοκύριακου" ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ (02/5) Έθνος – Ο Μαγικός Κόσμος των Ζώων (Τα Μυρμήγκια και Οι Μέλλισες) Έθνος – Εξερευνήστε την Ελλάδα: Κρήτη (Α' Τόμος) Χανιά - Ρέθυμνο Ελεύθερος Τύπος – Ελληνομουσείον (συλλογή λευκωμάτων για την Τέχνη) ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ (03/5) Ελευθεροτυπία – Μέδουσα + Τσίου + Το κακό. Καθημερινή – Ο Σημαδεμένος (Αλ Πατσίνο) Πρώτο Θέμα – Το τέλος της Βίας (Βίγκο Μόρτνενσεν) (διαβάστε και το κόμικ) Πρώτο Θέμα – Ένα αυτοκίνητο Πρώτο Θέμα – CD με τραγούδια των Depeche Mode Real News – CD με τραγούδια της Μαρινέλλας Real News – DOA Real News – Ένα αυτοκίνητο – 100 PSP Βήμα – Miami Vice (Κόλιν Φάρελ, Τζέιμι Φοξ) (του Μάικλ Μαν-τα σέβη μας) Έθνος – Ένα αυτοκίνητο Έθνος – CD με τραγούδια της Μοσχολιού Έθνος – Space Cowboys (Κλιντ Ίστγουντ) Ελεύθερος Τύπος – About a Βoy (Χιου Γκραντ) Ελεύθερος Τύπος – Νέα σειρά με επεισόδια Λούκι Λουκ (4ο DVD) Ελεύθερος Τύπος – 20 σκούτερ
  11. Και σε μένα την V.20 έχει φορτωμένη!! :rolleyes: Ευχαριστώ πολύ :)
  12. Ελευθερός Τύπος • Κυριακή 03/5 Για ένα Αγόρι (2002) http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/8568/picm.jpg
  13. Το άγορασα και εγώ σήμερα από κωτσόβολο :happy:! Το είχε σε μπλέ και σε κόκκινο χρώμα.. Τελικά ενώ πήγαινα για το κόκκινο διαπίστωσα ότι το μπλέ μου άρεσε περισσότερο :happy::happy:!!
  14. ΜΗΝ σε φτιάχνει ΑΥΤΟ "Unrated Director's Edition" ..διότι είναι απλά μία φώτο που έβαλα για να δείξω ποια ταινία είναι ;)
  15. ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ • Κυριακή 03/5 Miami Vice (2006) http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/7337/picx.jpg
  16. Μεγειά ταξιδιώτη :rolleyes:.. Όταν μπορέσεις ανέβασε καμία φώτο (εξωτερική/ημέρα) να δούμε τι λέει η κάμερα.
  17. Περιοδικό "National Geographic", τεύχος Μαϊου http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/8127/picq.jpg
  18. Sport-oriented slider Motorola W7 leaks We've got a new leak for you - the sporty slider Motorola W7. It's a pretty weird looking device with its elongated D-pad and rather poor choice of colors. Rumor has it that it will have a QVGA screen and EDGE support. From the leaked photos, it's clear that it will have a 2 megapixel camera with neither flash, nor even a self-portrait mirror. There are two other keys on the front besides the soft keys and call keys. Presumably, they have some sports-related functionality but it's not clear what exactly right now. It will be nice if it's something in the spirit of Nokia Sports Tracker - an app that uses GPS to track your jogging, running or cycling workouts. Or at least put some goodies in the retail box - an armband for example. Anyway, no word on release date or pricing yet. We'll keep you posted about that and any changes in the color scheme that may come up. [πηγή: GSMarena] http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/2264/piciwb.jpg
  19. SkyHook CEO Lets Slip Xperia X2 The founder and CEO of Skyhook, Ted Morgan, looks to have made a faux pas of sorts by mentioning something he probably shouldn't have. In an interview with Giga-om Mr Morgan was commenting upon the effect free services were having on his comapny and in doing so made mention of a Sony Ericsson Xperia 2 device. Mr Morgan also dropped into the conversation that it would be Windows Mobile based. The details are scant and there was no mention of an announcement date, but given the context one can expect it to be not all that distant. Whilst it isn't surprising that there will be a forthcoming X2 device from Sony Ericsson the comments are still revealing in that they suggest the operating system to be used. If the comments prove correct it would appear that Sony Ericsson are entrenching themselves more firmly in the Windows Mobile camp. [πηγή: Mobile-Review]
  20. ΕΘΝΟΣ • Σάββατο 02/5 [DVD] Ο Μαγικός Κόσμος των Ζώων: Τα Μυρμήγκια και Οι Μέλλισες Εξερευνήστε την Ελλάδα: Κρήτη (Α΄ Τόμος) Χανιά - Ρέθυμνο http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/848/picv.jpg
  21. Review & Photos: PhoneArena.com http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/8012/picgje.jpg
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