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Everything posted by magda_k

  1. ante geia de les tipota..politika eimai oti oti na nai,,prwtagora ante kserw ti paizei alla kai pali...perimenw pantws kati apo ton weskers..pantws oti eipe tha to diavasw kala gt meta tha klaiw pali...:p
  2. nai kai gw gia aythn thn esagwgh lew...ax paidia mh lete gia prwtagora pw pw..de thelw prwtagora..den ton kserw..
  3. oute egw tha to anteksw an dw kati tetoio...oute tha grapsw..:X
  4. wxxxxx....exei ksanaginei ayto?na valoun idia kai sta epserina kai sta hmerisia?
  5. a kai ayth to idio leei??pw pw makariiiiiiiiii...einai to agaphmeno mou..eidika h metafrash tou mou aresei polu..esy weskers akoma tpt??
  6. e arxika den hthela kati me dioikhsh..alla kai pali apo mathhmatika den skampazw
  7. loipon egw hthela arxika agglikh filologia..meta fysikotherapeia(kai ayto gt mou exoun pei oti kanw polu kalo masaz) kai twra thelw kati sxetiko me th douleia ths mamas mou..kati me dioikhsh epixeirhsewn alla apo to 1 pedio den exei kamia sxolh pou einai akrivws gia dioikhsh yparxoun omws alles pou exoun kapoia sxesh
  8. pantws an sou pei kati na mou peis e...h estw an kati exeis sto mualo sou
  9. esy ti niwtheis oti tha pesei??vasika egw nomizw oti tha pesei politeia giati einai sxetika eykolo..kai o kathhghths mou sto frontisthrio oses fores exei provlepsei kati exei pesei..kai aytos leei gia ardiaio
  10. de nomizw na ta egrapsa kala gt den ta edwsa kai polu shmasia gt nomiza oti det ha mou dwsoun kai polu vathmo alla o theos vohthos..esy dld gia to gnwsto les hthika?egw pali gt nomizw oti tha pesei politeia??
  11. a nai??xaxa..entaksei tote afou exei ola ta alla...:p
  12. a dld exei otidhpoe mporei na thelei kaneis?apo magazia kai tetoia pws paei?kathe eidous magazi ennow
  13. pou eisai re dimitra??apanthse mou:worry: esy sthn patra spoudazeis?gt thelw na mathw an einai wraia san polh gt me endiaferei mia sxolh ekei an kai egw thelw thessaloniki paaaaaaraaaa polu alla dystyxws den exei antistixh sxolh sthn thess..perimenw apanthsh e..:D :D
  14. ela re dimitra...koita tha mporousa polu kala alla dystyxws oxi polu kala.ta ekana ola ektos apo thn teleytaia phgh apo thn opoia egrapsa mono oit elege sto parathema.alla an akouga ton weskers tha thn hksera..se enan orismo den mporousa na thymhthw pws htan ta akrivh logia kai ton egrapsa sto peripou ena se mia erwthsh pou elege gia tn kritikh politeia pou to hksera polu kala to sygkekrimeno kollhsa..axxxxxxxxxx
  15. pragmatika den kserw ti egrapsa..ta egrapsa ola ektos apo thn phgh thn teleytaia sthn opoia egrapsa mono oti elege sta parathemata..re sy vlakeia mou pou den to diavasa.akoma to skeftomai.oso gia paouer oulen ta hksera.genika to prwto kai to 2 kefalaio ta hksera neraki.alla ekana vlakeia kai sto krhtiko enw to hksera den to ekana mia epanalhpsh prin mpw kai epeidh hmoun me 3 wres ypno de to thymomoyn katholou kala.
  16. aa kai weskers?re sy thelw ksylo..thymasai pou mou eipes gia astikh apokatastash?den thn diavasa telika..pw pw otan to eida esena skefthka..lew ftouuuu..twra gia arxaia ti les na pesei?
  17. paidia kserei kaneis an sth sxolh ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΜΜΕ pairneis moria apo to eidiko mathhma pou dineis?kai genika an stis sxoles pou xreaizetai eidiko mathhma pairneis moria?:ninja: :ninja:
  18. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!e kati tetoio perimena na dw na pw thn alhtheia..pw pw mpravo..
  19. thetikh e??pwpw..fantazomai..poso evgales an epitrepetai?
  20. den apasxoloumai apo ton ypologisth apla to exw anoixto gia na vlepw new gia thn istoria..
  21. ayto de symvainei me olous gt egw gia paradeigma den mporw na thymhthw kati an den to kanw polles epanalhpseis
  22. ax twra me evales se skepseis...pragmatika den kserw ti na kanw..gt an den ksenyxthsw de tha prolavw na kanw ayta pou thelw..
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