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Περιοχές Συζητήσεων
Everything posted by CarpeNoctum
Epesan dyo eyrw. 73 eyrw apo to germano :p
Nai mono etsi giati me flip closed pane apo default sthn eswterikh
Απο το taskbar του explorer: Προβολή > Κωδικοποίηση (Σύνολο χαρακτήρων) > Επιλέγεις την Ελληνική(windows). Αν έχεις English version: View > Encoding ή Coding (Δε θυμάμαι) > Greek(Windows). Λογικά έτσι θα σου φτιάξει.
1. Oi fwtos kai ta videos pou trabas pane sthn eswtrerikh mnhmh (de gnwrizw kapoio programma pou na se afhnei na proepilegeis apo prin na ta baleis sthn ekswterikh, isws omws kai na yparxei). Apo kei kai pera afoy apothikeytoyn sthn eswterikh mnhmh, me enan file manager (yparxei kapoios aplos hdh mesa sto kinhto) kaneis ena move ta arxeia opou thes esy. 2. An ginei update tote nai xanontai ta panta apo to kinhto. Epistrefei sthn katastash pou htan otan to agorases apla me neo firmware. Bebaia apo prin mporeis na exeis parei ena backup me to pcsuite h na exeis kanei synchronize tis epafes, to hmerologio kai tis shmeiwseis me to outlook kai na ta epanafereis meta to update. 3. Nai mporeis na kaneis backup th memory stick. Mporeis malista na epilekseis na kaneis backup mono thn eswterikh mnhmh, h mono th memorystick h akoma kai tis dyo mazi sto idio backup arxeio. Kanontas backup mia memorystick mporeis na metafereis ta dedomena ths se mia allh. Elpizw na boithisa
arketa akribo tha symplirwna..
Damn you 're fast bill_viper!! :p
Des ayto to thread kai tha soy lythei h aporia: http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31109&perpage=20&pagenumber=1
kia milame panta gia memory stick msduo (oxi PRO).
Xronia polla kai apo mena sto kataplhktiko myphone.gr ! An kai opws eipe o MsK ta genethlia theloyn akoma mia mera den peirazei.. Tha ta ksanapoume!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYPHONE.GR!!!!!!
Na sai kala bill! Tha to skeftw poly gia na to agorasw. De me apasxoloun ta kalwdia mias kai thn douleia thn kanw outws h allws otan kathomai sto pc, opote de me enoxlei na to exw sto sync station.
Oi taxytthtes pou lene gia 723kbps-1Mbit isxyoyn h einai moufa? Mh skasw tsaba 50-60 eyrw gia na kerdisw apla mia aykshsh ths takshs toy 10% sth metafora. De leei etsi!
Erwthsh: Metaferontai pio grhgora ta data (px mp3) apo to pc sto kinhto mesw bluetooth h mesw toy sync station kai enos file manager? (An kai nomizw oti me to bluetooth einai pio grhgorh h metafora apla thelw thn apopsh sas h akoma kai thn empeiria sas giati skeftomai na agorasw ena bluetooth gia to pc gia na metaferw ta mp3 sto p900 giati me to sync station sa na mou fainetai na argei) Eyxaristw!!! Nikos
Diabazontas sto insomnia.gr eidhseis gia kinhta kai genikws oti exei sxesh me thn thlefwnia eblepa synexws ws phges to myphone opote kai eipa na to episkeftw.. kai apo tote fanatikos :)
wraios!!! :)
to exw kai gw ayto toprob kai den kserw apo ti einai.. to parathrusa shmera kai malista meta apo ena update to opoio den mou ananewse thn cda ekdosh toy kinhtoy.. (PRin kai meta to update eixa thn idia. Tha to ksanakanw mallon giati genika den paei kala to kinhto :)
Sony Ericsson P900: Απόψεις - Εντυπώσεις
CarpeNoctum replied to Global moderator's topic in Sony Ericsson
tha sou to steilw ayrio an den to exeis brei.. An thes bebaia kane kai ena post sto apps and games request kai an den sto steilei kaneis sto stelnw ayrio :) Oti thes edw eimaste Nikos -
Sony Ericsson P900: Απόψεις - Εντυπώσεις
CarpeNoctum replied to Global moderator's topic in Sony Ericsson
Na sou ta steilw se mail einai ligo dyskolo ews apithano ola ayta mazi.. Ayto pou mporeis na kaneis einai na deis EDW, EDW, EDW, KAI EDW kai oti den breis s ayta h akoma kai an thes ta !@#$^%!#$^ toys steile ena pm kai ta leme :) Filika Nikos -
Sony Ericsson P900: Απόψεις - Εντυπώσεις
CarpeNoctum replied to Global moderator's topic in Sony Ericsson
Arxika soy eyxomai me to kalo na to pareis sta xeria soy. Pame parakatw twra. Oi "agaphmenes efarmoges" exoun na kanoyn me to ti thes na kaneis me to kinhto soy. Tha sou pw egw proswpika ti exw kai apo kei kai pera koita kai pouthena allou Advance Call Manager - Gia na apofeygeis tis klhseis apo enoxlhtikous Appforge Booster - Gia na trexeis perissoteres efarmoges Camcoder - Gia na trabas video FlashPlay - Gia na blepeis flash arxeia Handy Dates - Gia na mhn ksexaseis pote ksana genethlia Handy Expense - Gia na ksereis ti ginetai me ta eksoda sou Message Storer - Gia na elegxeis kalyera ta sms sou Mobipocket reader - gia na diabazeis ebooks My photos - Gia na blepeis presentation me tis photos soy Opera - No comments here... Pdf+ - Gia na anoigeis pdf arxeia Photo Editor - Gia na kaneis edit photos PhotoFusion - Gia na trabas photos qfileman - Gia na exeis access se ola ta arxeia toy kinhtoy Quicktimer - Xronometro quickoffice - gia na blepw kai epeksergazomai arxeia word kai excel SciCalc - Episthmoniko calculator ScreenCapture - Gia na trabas photos thn othoni toy kinhtoy sou Sman - Gia na kaneis kill ta apps pou trex oun sto background SlovoEd - Ellhnoaggliko kai aggloellhniko leksiko Smartmovie - Gia na blepeis avi (ole ole my favourite) Stopwatch - Antistrofh metrhsh S&W SMS Scheduler - gia na stelneis sms kai na ftanoun opote thes esy Taskman - oti kai to Sman Tracker - Apisteyto programma diaxeirishs toy kinhtoy Unreal Player - gia na paizeis ta mp3 sou san winamp worldmate - gia na ksereis ti wra einai se olo ton kosmo, na metatrepeis nomismata kai apostaseis kai to Legacy...ena apisteyto rpg!!! ( Den paizw poly paixnidia gi ayto den exw alla ektos apo ayta pou exei hdh mesa) kai telos.. enan file manager gia to pc !!! (Basikotato) Twra oson afora sth mpataria egw to phra, to afhsa na apofortistei teleiws kai to fortisa kleisto gia kana 12wro. Ayta :) Kalh diaskedash kai kalo kollima !! -
edited...lathos moy...!!!
Epeidh trwgomai...tha thn kanw thn erwthsh: "Ti to thes to i-mode se tetoio kinhto pou kaneis kanonika web-browsing an exeis gprs????????" Kai mh mou pei kaneis gia na plhrwnei to logariasmo ths DEH apo to boyno thn wra pou kanei anarixhsh giati tha moy sikwthei h trixa kagkelo! Otan akouw xrhstes Px00 na zhtane to imode sta kinhta toys aporw! Na pw oti eixame eswterikh camera gia video klhseis na pw paei sthn eyxh..Alla den exoume! Ti na to kanw to imode? Gia na exw mia lista me sites ta opoia tha prepei na plhrwnw otan episkeftomai gia na diabasw px to Down Town???? Oxi den tha parw! Protimw na parameinw me ton Opera moy kai to GPRS moy to opoio an den kanw lathos (kai an kanw as me dipaseysei kapoios) einai fthnotero apo to imode!!! Filika panta Nikos
Sony Ericsson P900: Απόψεις - Εντυπώσεις
CarpeNoctum replied to Global moderator's topic in Sony Ericsson
ta hidden den tha symboyleya na ta "skotwseis"!! Kane mia full apofortish th mpataria kai fortise th meta gia kana dekawro! Akoma kai oi mpataries lithioy xreiazontai pou kai pou kamia plhrh apofortish :) -
Sony Ericsson P900: Απόψεις - Εντυπώσεις
CarpeNoctum replied to Global moderator's topic in Sony Ericsson
ypothetw oti gia na exeis 150 programmata sto kinhto ekgatesthmena tha exeis kai kapoio taskman. To tracker den trwei mpataria.Opws den trwei kai to acm h to sms scheduler. Isws exeis communicorder anoixto sto background. Des gi ayto. Kai apla killare oti apps den xrhsimopoieis ekeinh th stigmh :) -
twin pack = paketo twn dyo :P anyway einai sony aytes oi kartes apla dinontai zeygari :)
Na sai kala file :) An katebw krhth tha frontisw na brethoyme gia to kerasma :p :p :) ;)
Oi plhrofories pou dinw einai apo edw: http://www.macmall.com/macmall/shop/detail.asp?dpno=962319&store=macmall&source=zwb11877&adcampaign=email,zwb11877 Sony's ultra-small and ultra-thin MSA-128A 128MB Memory Stick in a pack of two. Ideal for storing those memorable pictures. The 128 MB will save hundreds of your favorite still images and videos. What a breakthrough! Ideal for use in small A/V products such as the Sony Digital Handycam Camcorder and selected digital still cameras, the Memory Stick has up to 40 times the storage capacity of a floppy disc. Features: Memory Stick Digital Data Storage Ultra-Small, Thin Design 128 MB Storage Capacity Erasure Prevention Switch 10 Pin Connector for High Reliability. Opote opws blepeis apla plhrwneis dyo kai sou dinoun dyo. Einai dyo kartes sthn timh twn dyo. Ayto pou isws tha nomizes esy einai gia tis memory cards twn 128mb oi opoies exoun ena diakpoth panw kai ousiastika einai dyo 128ares se mia. Gia tis mnhmes pou sou lew yparxei ena sxetiko thread: http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34250 Nikos